1,302 research outputs found

    More than Seals and Sea Otters: OPA Causation and Moratorium Damages

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    Following the 2010 BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Federal Government issued a drilling and permitting moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted in significant economic losses for many businesses that serve the oil and gas industry. The Oil Pollution Act should have covered these economic damages; however, the Eastern District of Louisiana held otherwise. This article details how the Oil Pollution Act should have been applied to those who suffered economic loss as a result of the oil spill following the six month moratorium in the Gulf

    Baseline survey of the school scenario in some states in the context of RTE: study of educational quality, school management, and teachers Andhra Pradesh, Delhi and west Bengal

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    With the passing of the Right to Education (RTE) bill in the Parliament in August, 2009 and its coming into effect as law from April 2010, the Indian state has finally committed itself to making the provision of quality education to all its children a fundamental right. However, numerous contradictions are evident in the existing schooling scenario in the country, some of which are expected to have immediate consequences on how the Right to Education Act will actually be realised / implemented across the country

    Methodological and musicological investigation of the System & Contrast model for musical form description

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    The semiotic description of music structure aims at representing the high-level organization of music pieces in a concise, generic and reproducible way as a low-rate stream of arbitrary symbols from a limited alphabet, which results into a sequence of " semiotic units ". In this context, the purpose of the System & Contrast model is to address the internal organization of the semiotic units. In this report, the System & Contrast model is approached from different angles in relation to varied disciplines : cognitive psychology, music analysis and information theory. After establishing a number of links between the System & Contrast model and other approaches of music structure, the model is illustrated on studio-based popular music pieces, as well as on music from the classical Viennese period

    Vol. 18, no. 1: Full Issue

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    More than the sum of its parts – pattern mining, neural networks, and how they complement each other

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    In this thesis we explore pattern mining and deep learning. Often seen as orthogonal, we show that these fields complement each other and propose to combine them to gain from each other’s strengths. We, first, show how to efficiently discover succinct and non-redundant sets of patterns that provide insight into data beyond conjunctive statements. We leverage the interpretability of such patterns to unveil how and which information flows through neural networks, as well as what characterizes their decisions. Conversely, we show how to combine continuous optimization with pattern discovery, proposing a neural network that directly encodes discrete patterns, which allows us to apply pattern mining at a scale orders of magnitude larger than previously possible. Large neural networks are, however, exceedingly expensive to train for which ‘lottery tickets’ – small, well-trainable sub-networks in randomly initialized neural networks – offer a remedy. We identify theoretical limitations of strong tickets and overcome them by equipping these tickets with the property of universal approximation. To analyze whether limitations in ticket sparsity are algorithmic or fundamental, we propose a framework to plant and hide lottery tickets. With novel ticket benchmarks we then conclude that the limitation is likely algorithmic, encouraging further developments for which our framework offers means to measure progress.In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit Mustersuche und Deep Learning. Oft als gegensĂ€tzlich betrachtet, verbinden wir diese Felder, um von den StĂ€rken beider zu profitieren. Wir zeigen erst, wie man effizient prĂ€gnante Mengen von Mustern entdeckt, die Einsichten ĂŒber konjunktive Aussagen hinaus geben. Wir nutzen dann die Interpretierbarkeit solcher Muster, um zu verstehen wie und welche Information durch neuronale Netze fließen und was ihre Entscheidungen charakterisiert. Umgekehrt verbinden wir kontinuierliche Optimierung mit Mustererkennung durch ein neuronales Netz welches diskrete Muster direkt abbildet, was Mustersuche in einigen GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen höher erlaubt als bisher möglich. Das Training großer neuronaler Netze ist jedoch extrem teuer, fĂŒr das ’Lotterietickets’ – kleine, gut trainierbare Subnetzwerke in zufĂ€llig initialisierten neuronalen Netzen – eine Lösung bieten. Wir zeigen theoretische EinschrĂ€nkungen von starken Tickets und wie man diese ĂŒberwindet, indem man die Tickets mit der Eigenschaft der universalen Approximierung ausstattet. Um zu beantworten, ob EinschrĂ€nkungen in TicketgrĂ¶ĂŸe algorithmischer oder fundamentaler Natur sind, entwickeln wir ein Rahmenwerk zum Einbetten und Verstecken von Tickets, die als ModellfĂ€lle dienen. Basierend auf unseren Ergebnissen schließen wir, dass die EinschrĂ€nkungen algorithmische Ursachen haben, was weitere Entwicklungen begĂŒnstigt, fĂŒr die unser Rahmenwerk Fortschrittsevaluierungen ermöglicht

    The politics of Norplant: feminism, civil rights, and social policy in the 1990s

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    In December 1990, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Norplant, the first subdermal implantable contraceptive device ever manufactured. Norplant consisted of six thin, silicone rubber rods that were surgically inserted under the skin of a woman’s arm, slowly releasing hormones to prevent pregnancies for up to five years. Many people in the United States celebrated its approval, including some feminists and doctors. They believed new contraceptive research would afford women greater reproductive control and additional freedoms. But feminists in Bangladesh, Brazil, and Egypt had been claiming that the drug’s testing trials were unethical, and that Norplant was unsafe. They warned U.S. activists about these dangers and within months, their predictions came to fruition. Judges, lawmakers, and community leaders pressured poor and minority women to use Norplant and many claimed they experienced terrible side effects from the drug. After U.S. women’s health activists mobilized on patients’ behalf, class action lawyers took notice and filed 200 lawsuits against Norplant’s manufacturer on behalf of fifty thousand women. Just twelve years after its FDA approval, Norplant was removed from the American market. This dissertation investigates the many historical constructions that defined Norplant from its development in the 1960s to its downfall

    University Authors, 2018

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    From domestic to global? Recent trends in environmental liability from a multilevel and comparative law perspective

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    The law of environmental liability has already been the object of several comparative endeavours. This article seeks to bring a different perspective to the debate, by examining selected developments in the field through the lens of the emerging global environmental law scholarship. It brings the comparative method of analysis into a multi-level context with a view to identifying the emergence of common legal responses to the problem of liability and reparation for environmental harm across different jurisdictions and regulatory levels. The analysis will focus on a ‘novel’ set of environmental liability regimes, which specifically address damage to the environment and to natural resources, as distinct from more traditional categories of damage to property and other individual rights arising as a consequence of environmental pollution. These include: the United States Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, and the Oil Pollution Act, which constitute a pioneering attempt to envisage a public law-oriented system of liability and restoration for damage to natural resources; the European Union Environmental Liability Directive; and selected, recent international treaty developments. The article argues that, while adopted within different legal orders and regulatory contexts, these environmental liability regimes share common features, which correspond to the ontological aspects of environmental damage and ultimately reflect a common understanding of the environment as a global public good
