2,457 research outputs found

    A Covering Method for Detecting Genetic Associations between Rare Variants and Common Phenotypes

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    Genome wide association (GWA) studies, which test for association between common genetic markers and a disease phenotype, have shown varying degrees of success. While many factors could potentially confound GWA studies, we focus on the possibility that multiple, rare variants (RVs) may act in concert to influence disease etiology. Here, we describe an algorithm for RV analysis, RARECOVER. The algorithm combines a disparate collection of RVs with low effect and modest penetrance. Further, it does not require the rare variants be adjacent in location. Extensive simulations over a range of assumed penetrance and population attributable risk (PAR) values illustrate the power of our approach over other published methods, including the collapsing and weighted-collapsing strategies. To showcase the method, we apply RARECOVER to re-sequencing data from a cohort of 289 individuals at the extremes of Body Mass Index distribution (NCT00263042). Individual samples were re-sequenced at two genes, FAAH and MGLL, known to be involved in endocannabinoid metabolism (187Kbp for 148 obese and 150 controls). The RARECOVER analysis identifies exactly one significantly associated region in each gene, each about 5 Kbp in the upstream regulatory regions. The data suggests that the RVs help disrupt the expression of the two genes, leading to lowered metabolism of the corresponding cannabinoids. Overall, our results point to the power of including RVs in measuring genetic associations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant (IIS-0810905)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U19 AG023122-05)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 MH078151-03)Louis & Harold Price FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (N01 MH22005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U01-DA024417-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P50 MH081755-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 AG030474-02)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (N01 MH022005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 HL089655-02)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 MH080134-03)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54 CA143906-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (UL1 RR025774-03)Scripps Genomic Medicine ProgramNational Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (Grant Number T32 HG002295

    Computational methods for the analysis of next generation sequencing data

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    Recently, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has emerged as a powerful approach and dramatically transformed biomedical research in an unprecedented scale. NGS is expected to replace the traditional hybridization-based microarray technology because of its affordable cost and high digital resolution. Although NGS has significantly extended the ability to study the human genome and to better understand the biology of genomes, the new technology has required profound changes to the data analysis. There is a substantial need for computational methods that allow a convenient analysis of these overwhelmingly high-throughput data sets and address an increasing number of compelling biological questions which are now approachable by NGS technology. This dissertation focuses on the development of computational methods for NGS data analyses. First, two methods are developed and implemented for detecting variants in analysis of individual or pooled DNA sequencing data. SNVer formulates variant calling as a hypothesis testing problem and employs a binomial-binomial model to test the significance of observed allele frequency by taking account of sequencing error. SNVerGUI is a GUI-based desktop tool that is built upon the SNVer model to facilitate the main users of NGS data, such as biologists, geneticists and clinicians who often lack of the programming expertise. Second, collapsing singletons strategy is explored for associating rare variants in a DNA sequencing study. Specifically, a gene-based genome-wide scan based on singleton collapsing is performed to analyze a whole genome sequencing data set, suggesting that collapsing singletons may boost signals for association studies of rare variants in sequencing study. Third, two approaches are proposed to address the 3’UTR switching problem. PolyASeeker is a novel bioinformatics pipeline for identifying polyadenylation cleavage sites from RNA sequencing data, which helps to enhance the knowledge of alternative polyadenylation mechanisms and their roles in gene regulation. A change-point model based on a likelihood ratio test is also proposed to solve such problem in analysis of RNA sequencing data. To date, this is the first method for detecting 3’UTR switching without relying on any prior knowledge of polyadenylation cleavage sites

    Powerful rare variant association testing in a copula-based joint analysis of multiple phenotypes

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    In genetic association studies of rare variants, the low power of association tests is one of the main challenges. In this study, we propose a new single‐marker association test called C‐JAMP (Copula-based Joint Analysis of Multiple Phenotypes), which is based on a joint model of multiple phenotypes given genetic markers and other covariates. We evaluated its performance and compared its empirical type I error and power with existing univariate and multivariate single-marker and multi-marker rare-variant tests in extensive simulation studies. C-JAMP yielded unbiased genetic effect estimates and valid type I errors with an adjusted test statistic. When strongly dependent traits were jointly analyzed, C-JAMP had the highest power in all scenarios except when a high percentage of variants were causal with moderate/small effect sizes. When traits with weak or moderate dependence were analyzed, whether C-JAMP or competing approaches had higher power depended on the effect size. When C‐JAMP was applied with a misspecified copula function, it still achieved high power in some of the scenarios considered. In a real-data application, we analyzed sequencing data using C‐JAMP and performed the first genome-wide association studies of high-molecular-weight and medium-molecular-weight adiponectin plasma concentrations. C-JAMP identified 20 rare variants with p-values smaller than 10(−5), while all other tests resulted in the identification of fewer variants with higher p-values. In summary, the results indicate that C-JAMP is a powerful, flexible, and robust method for association studies, and we identified novel candidate markers for adiponectin. C‐JAMP is implemented as an R package and freely available from https://cran.r-project.org/package=CJAMP

    Integrating External Controls by Regression Calibration for Genome-Wide Association Study

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully revealed many disease-associated genetic variants. For a case-control study, the adequate power of an association test can be achieved with a large sample size, although genotyping large samples is expensive. A cost-effective strategy to boost power is to integrate external control samples with publicly available genotyped data. However, the naive integration of external controls may inflate the type I error rates if ignoring the systematic differences (batch effect) between studies, such as the differences in sequencing platforms, genotype-calling procedures, population stratification, and so forth. To account for the batch effect, we propose an approach by integrating External Controls into the Association Test by Regression Calibration (iECAT-RC) in case-control association studies. Extensive simulation studies show that iECAT-RC not only can control type I error rates but also can boost statistical power in all models. We also apply iECAT-RC to the UK Biobank data for M72 Fibroblastic disorders by considering genotype calling as the batch effect. Four SNPs associated with fibroblastic disorders have been detected by iECAT-RC and the other two comparison methods, iECAT-Score and Internal. However, our method has a higher probability of identifying these significant SNPs in the scenario of an unbalanced case-control association study

    A Hybrid Likelihood Model for Sequence-Based Disease Association Studies

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    In the past few years, case-control studies of common diseases have shifted their focus from single genes to whole exomes. New sequencing technologies now routinely detect hundreds of thousands of sequence variants in a single study, many of which are rare or even novel. The limitation of classical single-marker association analysis for rare variants has been a challenge in such studies. A new generation of statistical methods for case-control association studies has been developed to meet this challenge. A common approach to association analysis of rare variants is the burden-style collapsing methods to combine rare variant data within individuals across or within genes. Here, we propose a new hybrid likelihood model that combines a burden test with a test of the position distribution of variants. In extensive simulations and on empirical data from the Dallas Heart Study, the new model demonstrates consistently good power, in particular when applied to a gene set (e.g., multiple candidate genes with shared biological function or pathway), when rare variants cluster in key functional regions of a gene, and when protective variants are present. When applied to data from an ongoing sequencing study of bipolar disorder (191 cases, 107 controls), the model identifies seven gene sets with nominal p-values<0.05, of which one MAPK signaling pathway (KEGG) reaches trend-level significance after correcting for multiple testing. © 2013 Chen et al

    Computational and statistical approaches to analyzing variants identified by exome sequencing

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    New sequencing technology has enabled the identification of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the exome, and many computational and statistical approaches to identify disease-association signals have emerged.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-MH084676)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM078598)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Training grant T32-HL07604-25)Brigham and Women's Hospital (Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

    Sequence clustering for genetic mapping of binary traits

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    Sequence relatedness has potential application to fine-mapping genetic variants contributing to inherited traits. We investigate the utility of genealogical tree-based approaches to fine-map causal variants in three different projects. In the first project, through coalescent simulation, we compare the ability of several popular methods of association mapping to localize causal variants in a sub-region of a candidate genomic region. We consider four broad classes of association methods, which we describe as single-variant, pooled-variant, joint-modelling and tree-based, under an additive genetic-risk model. We also investigate whether differentiating case sequences based on their carrier status for a causal variant can improve fine-mapping. Our results lend support to the potential of tree-based methods for genetic fine-mapping of disease. In the second project, we develop an R package to dynamically cluster a set of single-nucleotide variant sequences. The resulting partition structures provide important insight into the sequence relatedness. In the third project, we investigate the ability of methods based on sequence relatedness to fine-map rare causal variants and compare it to genotypic association methods. Since the true gene genealogy is unknown in reality, we apply the methods developed in the second project to estimate the sequence relatedness. We also pursue the idea of reclassifying case sequences into their carrier status using the idea of genealogical nearest neighbours. We find that method based on sequence relatedness is competitive for fine-mapping rare causal variants. We propose some general recommendations for fine-mapping rare variants in case-control association studies