966 research outputs found

    Identification of Influential Social Networkers

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    Online social networking is deeply interleaved in today\u27s lifestyle. People come together and build communities to share thoughts, offer suggestions, exchange information, ideas, and opinions. Moreover, social networks often serve as platforms for information dissemination and product placement or promotion through viral marketing. The success rate in this type of marketing could be increased by targeting specific individuals, called \u27influential users\u27, having the largest possible reach within an online community. In this paper, we present a method aiming at identifying the influential users within an online social networking application. We introduce ProfileRank, a metric that uses popularity and activity characteristics of each user to rank them in terms of their influence. We then assess this algorithm\u27s added value in identifying influential users compared to other commonly used social network analysis metrics, such as the betweenness centrality and the well-known PageRank, by performing an experimental evaluation on a synthetic and a real-life dataset. We also integrate all three metrics in a unified metric and measure its performance

    How Can Gamified Applications Drive Engagement and Brand Attitude? The Case of Nike Run Club Application

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    This research aims to analyze the feasibility of gamified applications as a tool to promote engagement and brand attitude. To accomplish this, this research was developed using a quantitative methodology. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed and the model hypotheses were tested by a structural equation modeling (SEM). A questionnaire was applied to Portuguese consumers who use the “Nike Run Club” application, from which 203 valid responses were received. The results confirm the influence of social circles and their impact on the intention to interact with the brand. For theoretical contributions, this research contributes to the existing literature and academic knowledge in the areas of marketing and gamification, providing a suggestion for the TAM model to be used in this type of research. It also contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between gamification and marketing, demonstrating that the use of gamified applications as engagement tools can have a positive impact on the brand attitude. On the practical side, it contributes as a consultation tool for brands, application designers, and marketers when defining engagement strategies, allowing a better understanding of the factors that may or may not influence the public’s relationship with the brands and what dynamics they should use in the development of new Gamified marketing solutionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Who are we and how do we fit in? – Fostering international students’ positive identity and sense of belonging in British society.

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    This is an extended conference abstract for the Netnocon 2024 Conference.N/

    An exploration of creative managers' perspectives on digital creativity: the impact of viral campaigns on creative processes, appeals and creative teams in UK advertising agencies

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    This research aims to develop conceptual insight into the practice and impact of a specific digital phenomenon – “viral marketing” – on marketing communications agencies. Specifically, it explores the UK, one of the most important hubs in global advertising looking at agenciesr campaign design planning, the roles of creative teams and the management processes through three research objectives: - To explicate, classify and explore the changes in advertising campaign planning processes and roles which digital phenomena such as virals have introduced - To capture and codify the working models which creative managers employ and the messaging strategies considered and implemented in viral campaigns - To develop theoretical models for understanding virals, agency campaign management, creative roles and develop extant frameworks Prior Work: Research into virals has grown rapidly over the last ten years but it is dominated by computing studies of online diffusion. The creative perspective has received little attention. Those studies which do address this viewpoint are principally focussed on the final advert. The voice of the producers of such campaigns – creative managers – is largely absent from the literature with a single study of campaign measurement. The roles of core teams/functions within the agencies, the criteria for viral creative concept evaluation, the campaign processes and working models are experiencing unprecedented change. Viral campaigns offer a bridge between the “old” and “new” worlds; it possesses the characteristics of TV and the Web. It is important because such viral campaigns have challenged the established models of advertising management and planning. Methods: The study undertakes the first comprehensive evaluation of the exisiting research into viral marketing, locating gaps in the creative design and management. Qualitative methodology through semi-structured in-depth interviews with creative managers in a range of UK advertising agencies is used to represent their views and responses to viral phenomena as they conceived, designed and reflected on campaigns. Contribution to Knowledge: This is the first study of the pre-launch/pre-production phase of campaign development. It has clarified a plethora of terms, in so doing developing the SPEED framework to understand the biological metaphor underpinning the phenomena, and finally producing a more accurate and comprehensive definition of the phenomenon. The paradigm funnel evaluation of prior research has tested and extended formal tools to arrive at a state of the art. The current research primarily consists of studies utilising secondary datasets, mainly quantitative – this study explores questions not just of what but of why, producing deeper insight than available before. Theoretical contributions: In the final model of viral creative management and design is an overarching conceptual contribution which for the first time represents creative roles, agency management and creative considerations at both pre and post-launch campaign phases. The thesis also develops theoretical constructs in specific areas – definition from practitioners, construct of campaign zones in viral design, a model of critical factors which facilitate virals, comparative theory of conventional and viral campaigns, characteristics of viral agencies, model of digital brand/agency relationships, a role construct for digital creatives among the main theoretical developments. These led into the final theoretical model

    If I Can\u27t Predict My Future, Why Can AI? Exploring Human Interaction with Predictive Analytics

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    This research study seeks to understand how AI-based chatbots can potentially be leveraged as a tool in a PSYOP. This study is methodologically driven as it employs validated scales concerning suggestibility and human-computer interaction to assess how participants interact with a specific AI chatbot, Replika. Recent studies demonstrate the capability of GPT-based analytics to influence user’s moral judgements, and this paper is interested in exploring why. Results will help draw conclusions regarding human interaction with predictive analytics (in this case a free GPT-based chatbot, Replika) to understand if suggestibility (how easily influenced someone generally is) impacts the overall usability of AI chatbots. This project will help assess how much of a concern predictive AI chatbots should be considered as virtual AI influencers and other bot-based propaganda modalities emerge in the contemporary media environment. This study uses the CASA paradigm, medium theory, and Boyd’s theory of conflict to explore how factors that often drive human computer interaction— like anthropomorphic autonomy and suspension of disbelief— potentially relate to suggestibility or chatbot usability. Overall, this study is interested in specifically exploring if suggestion can predict usability in AI chatbots

    Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. Vol. 11, n. 2 (2020)

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    European Union communication redesign: Digital platforms role for an active civic participation

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    The world is nowadays going through a bewildering era. Long decades of political corruption have progressively led to distrust inside countless communities, and Donald Trump’s election is one of the first and most evident consequences of those symptoms. Similar situations have been replicated since, and what is more alarming is that people are accepting it as the new status quo. In Europe, the populist discourse has reemerged, fueled both by the consequences of the 2008 Economic Crisis and the current Refugee Crisis. Exploiting xenophobia, former extremist forces are currently dominating more prominent places than a decade ago. In this daunting scenario, the European Union, acting as a pacification agent, has the enormous responsibility to congregate diverse interests into a common outcome. Simultaneously, it must fight the installed distrust on the project, mobilizing citizens to act and help to decide their country’s faith. The challenge here is, through a communication strategy, regain popular support, especially among younger voters, as they represent the generation who will decide about EU’s future. In a first stage, this case will frame the problem by providing a comprehensive contextualization of the situation, by including relevant academic concepts inside the marketing field. Then, the pedagogical objectives and practical questions will be presented, and, in a final stage, a resolution proposal will be provided. Especially focused on the Portuguese situation, in the end, the objective is to have a clear idea of how can political institutions address their current communication challenges in order to better engage with citizens.Vivemos hoje numa era desconcertante. Longas décadas de corrupção levaram progressivamente à desconfiança de inúmeras comunidades face aos políticos. Resultado de uma opção extremista, a eleição de Donald Trump é uma das mais evidentes consequências desses sintomas. Desde então, situações semelhantes têm vindo a replicar-se e o mais alarmante é que as populações começam a aceitá-las como o novo status quo. Na Europa, o discurso populista ressurgiu, alimentado pelas consequências da crise económica de 2008 ou pela actual crise dos refugiados. Alimentando-se da xenofobia, as ex-forças extremistas dominam actualmente lugares mais importantes do que há uma década atrás. Neste cenário assustador, a União Europeia, enquanto agente mediador, tem a enorme responsabilidade de traduzir objectivos diversos num objectivo comum. Simultaneamente, precisa de combater a desconfiança instalada no projeto, mobilizando os cidadãos a agir e a decidir o destino do seu país. O desafio aqui reside na comunicação, e em como esta pode ajudar a recuperar o apoio popular, especialmente no eleitorado mais jovem, pois este representa a geração que decidirá o futuro da UE. Numa primeira fase, este caso enquadrará o problema, fornecendo uma contextualização abrangente da situação, incluindo conceitos académicos relevantes dentro do campo do marketing. De seguida, serão apresentados os objetivos pedagógicos e as questões práticas e, subsequentemente, será apresentada uma proposta de resolução. Especialmente focado na situação portuguesa, no final, o objetivo é ter uma ideia clara de como as instituições políticas podem enfrentar os seus actuais desafios de comunicação, a fim de melhor interagirem com os cidadãos

    How Chanel adapted its storytelling to the digital era within its masstige segment : a case study of the perfume Chanel number 5

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    The information and communication technologies - which became popular worldwide since the 1990s - have transformed the contemporary world; thus, altering interpersonal, labor and consumption relationships. Thanks to the connectivity and interaction between people, without limits of time and space, the collectivity was empowered. In this globalized world - with an endless supply of possibilities, experiences, information and products - it is crucial to offer users great content to stand out in the crowd. In this context, nothing is more effective than using storytelling to involve and engage consumers. Stories arouse interest and empathy for brands, as well as for the values they transmit; thus, strengthening emotional bonds with customers and consequently increasing the desire of purchasing their products. Luxury brands are aware of the relevance of engaging customers and creating emotional bonds. This research is a case study of the perfume Chanel Number 5, that consists of a one single phase; which is the qualitative content analysis of all advertising films the perfume, released from 1973 to 2020. This study investigated the evolution of the storytelling of Chanel - within its masstige segment - and how it has adapted to the digital age. Another objective was having a broader understanding of the use of storytelling in the advertisement of luxury and masstige brands, specially in the new digital context. The storytelling of Chanel Number 5 evolved over time and accompanied the technological changes that transformed the contemporary society; but, without ever losing its essential attributes, like glamour, luxury, allure and singularity.As tecnologias da informação e comunicação - que se popularizaram mundialmente desde a década de 1990 - transformaram o mundo contemporâneo, e alteraram as relações interpessoais, de trabalho e consumo. Graças à conectividade e interação entre as pessoas, sem limites de tempo e espaço, a coletividade foi potencializada. Neste mundo globalizado - com uma oferta infinita de possibilidades, experiências, informações e produtos - é fundamental oferecer aos usuários um ótimo conteúdo para se destacar na multidão. Nesse contexto, nada é mais eficaz do que contar histórias para envolver e engajar os consumidores. As histórias despertam interesse e empatia pelas marcas, bem como pelos valores que transmitem; fortalecendo assim os laços afetivos com os consumidores e, consequentemente, aumentando o desejo em adquirir seus produtos. As marcas de luxo estão cientes da importância de envolver os clientes e criar laços emocionais. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso do perfume Chanel Número 5, que consiste em uma única fase; qual seja uma análise qualitativa de conteúdo de todos os filmes publicitários do perfume, lançados de 1973 a 2020. Este estudo investigou a evolução da narrativa da Chanel - dentro do seu segmento masstige - e como ela se adaptou à era digital. Outro objetivo foi ter uma ampla compreensão do uso da narrativa na propaganda de marcas de luxo e masstige, especialmente no novo contexto digital. A narrativa do perfume Chanel Número 5 evoluiu ao longo do tempo e acompanhou as mudanças tecnológicas que transformaram a sociedade contemporânea; sem perder de vista seus atributos essenciais, como glamour, luxo, fascínio e singularidade