305 research outputs found

    A Scalable Hybrid MAC Protocol for Massive M2M Networks

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    In Machine to Machine (M2M) networks, a robust Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is crucial to enable numerous machine-type devices to concurrently access the channel. Most literatures focus on developing simplex (reservation or contention based)MAC protocols which cannot provide a scalable solution for M2M networks with large number of devices. In this paper, a frame-based Hybrid MAC scheme, which consists of a contention period and a transmission period, is proposed for M2M networks. In the proposed scheme, the devices firstly contend the transmission opportunities during the contention period, only the successful devices will be assigned a time slot for transmission during the transmission period. To balance the tradeoff between the contention and transmission period in each frame, an optimization problem is formulated to maximize the system throughput by finding the optimal contending probability during contention period and optimal number of devices that can transmit during transmission period. A practical hybrid MAC protocol is designed to implement the proposed scheme. The analytical and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Hybrid MAC protocol

    Characterization of Coded Random Access with Compressive Sensing based Multi-User Detection

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    The emergence of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication requires new Medium Access Control (MAC) schemes and physical (PHY) layer concepts to support a massive number of access requests. The concept of coded random access, introduced recently, greatly outperforms other random access methods and is inherently capable to take advantage of the capture effect from the PHY layer. Furthermore, at the PHY layer, compressive sensing based multi-user detection (CS-MUD) is a novel technique that exploits sparsity in multi-user detection to achieve a joint activity and data detection. In this paper, we combine coded random access with CS-MUD on the PHY layer and show very promising results for the resulting protocol.Comment: Submitted to Globecom 201

    On the Reliability of LTE Random Access: Performance Bounds for Machine-to-Machine Burst Resolution Time

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    Random Access Channel (RACH) has been identified as one of the major bottlenecks for accommodating massive number of machine-to-machine (M2M) users in LTE networks, especially for the case of burst arrival of connection requests. As a consequence, the burst resolution problem has sparked a large number of works in the area, analyzing and optimizing the average performance of RACH. However, the understanding of what are the probabilistic performance limits of RACH is still missing. To address this limitation, in the paper, we investigate the reliability of RACH with access class barring (ACB). We model RACH as a queuing system, and apply stochastic network calculus to derive probabilistic performance bounds for burst resolution time, i.e., the worst case time it takes to connect a burst of M2M devices to the base station. We illustrate the accuracy of the proposed methodology and its potential applications in performance assessment and system dimensioning.Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 201

    Exploiting Capture Effect in Frameless ALOHA for Massive Wireless Random Access

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    The analogies between successive interference cancellation (SIC) in slotted ALOHA framework and iterative belief-propagation erasure-decoding, established recently, enabled the application of the erasure-coding theory and tools to design random access schemes. This approach leads to throughput substantially higher than the one offered by the traditional slotted ALOHA. In the simplest setting, SIC progresses when a successful decoding occurs for a single user transmission. In this paper we consider a more general setting of a channel with capture and explore how such physical model affects the design of the coded random access protocol. Specifically, we assess the impact of capture effect in Rayleigh fading scenario on the design of SIC-enabled slotted ALOHA schemes. We provide analytical treatment of frameless ALOHA, which is a special case of SIC-enabled ALOHA scheme. We demonstrate both through analytical and simulation results that the capture effect can be very beneficial in terms of achieved throughput.Comment: Accepted for presentation at IEEE WCNC'14 Track 2 (MAC and Cross-Layer Design

    Towards zero-power wireless machine-to-machine networks

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    This thesis aims at contributing to overcome two of the main challenges for the deployment of M2M networks in data collection scenarios for the Internet of Things: the management of massive numbers of end-devices that attempt to get access to the channel; and the need to extend the network lifetime. In order to solve these challenges, two complementary strategies are considered. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the design, analysis and performance evaluation of MAC protocols that can handle abrupt transitions in the traffic load and minimize the energy consumption devoted to communications. And secondly, the use of energy harvesting (EH) is considered in order to provide the network with unlimited lifetime. To this end, the second part of the thesis focuses on the design and analysis of EH-aware MAC protocols. While the Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) protocol has been traditionally adopted in star topology networks for data collection, results show that FSA-based protocols lack of scalability and present synchronization problems as the network density increases. Indeed, the frame length of FSA must be adjusted to the number of contenders, which may be complex to attain in dense networks with large and dynamic number of end-devices. In order to overcome these issues, a tree splitting-based random access protocol, referred to as Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA), is proposed in the first part of this thesis. In LP-CTA, the frame length can be very short and fixed, which facilitates synchronization and provides better network scalability than FSA. While LP-CTA uses data slots for contention, it is possible to use short access requests in minislots, where collisions are resolved using tree splitting, and avoid the contention in data. Since these minislots can be much shorter than the duration of a data packet, the performance can be improved. The Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) protocol proposed in this thesis is based on this idea. LP-DQ combines tree splitting with the logic of two distributed queues that manage the contention resolution and the collision-free data transmission. Results show that LP-DQ outperforms LP-CTA and FSA in terms of delay and energy efficiency, and it relaxes the need to know the size of the network and adapts smoothly to any change in the number of end-devices. The approach of LP-DQ is convenient when the messages transmitted by each end-device fit in one single slot, however, if the end-devices generate long messages that have to be fragmented, it is better to add a reservation mechanism in order to boost the performance. In this sense, the LPR-DQ protocol is proposed as an extension of LP-DQ where the concept of reservation is integrated to allow the end-devices reserve as many collision-free slots as needed. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the integration of the MAC layer with the use of energy harvesting. The variability and fluctuations of the harvested energy is considered for the design of EH-aware MAC protocols and three performance metrics are proposed: the probability of delivery, the data delivery ratio and the time efficiency. Previous works on data collection networks with EH focus on DFSA. In this thesis, the EH-CTA protocol is proposed as an adaptation of LP-CTA that takes the energy harvesting process into account. Results show that EH-CTA outperforms DFSA if the energy threshold for an end-device to become active is properly configured. In addition, while DFSA needs to adapt the frame length dynamically, EH-CTA uses a fixed frame length, thus facilitating scalability and synchronization. Finally, the EH-RDFSA and EH-DQ protocols are proposed for scenarios where data must be fragmented. EH-RDFSA is a combination of RFSA and DFSA, and EH-DQ is an extension of LPR-DQ.Esta tesis contribuye a resolver dos de los retos para el despliegue de redes M2M en escenarios de recolección de datos para el Internet de las Cosas: la gestión del acceso al canal de un número masivo de dispositivos; y la necesidad de extender la vida de la red. Para resolverlos se consideran dos estrategias complementarias. En primer lugar, se centra en el diseño, el análisis y la evaluación de protocolos MAC que pueden manejar transiciones abruptas de tráfico y reducen el consumo de energía. Y en segundo lugar, se considera el uso de mecanismos de captura de energía (Energy Harvesters, EH) para ofrecer un tiempo de vida ilimitado de la red. Con este fin, la segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el diseño y el análisis de protocolos MAC de tipo "EH-aware". Mientras que Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) ha sido tradicionalmente adoptado en aplicaciones de recolección de datos, los resultados muestran que FSA presenta problemas de escalabilidad y sincronización cuando aumenta la densidad de la red. De hecho, la longitud de trama de FSA se debe ajustar según sea el número de dispositivos, lo cual puede ser difícil de estimar en redes con un número elevado y dinámico de dispositivos. Para superar estos problemas, en esta tesis se propone un protocolo de acceso aleatorio basado en "tree-splitting" denominado Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA). En LP-CTA, la longitud de trama puede ser corta y constante, lo cual facilita la sincronización y proporciona mejor escalabilidad. Mientras que LP-CTA utiliza paquetes de datos para la contienda, es posible utilizar solicitudes de acceso en mini-slots, donde las colisiones se resuelven utilizando "tree-splitting", y evitar la contención en los datos. Dado que estos mini-slots pueden ser mucho más cortos que la duración de un slot de datos, el rendimiento de LP-CTA puede ser mejorado. El protocolo Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) propuesto en esta tesis se basa en esta idea. LP-DQ combina "tree-splitting" con la lógica de dos colas distribuidas que gestionan la resolución de la contienda en la solicitud de acceso y la transmisión de datos libre de colisiones. Los resultados demuestran que LP-DQ mejora LP-CTA y FSA en términos de retardo y eficiencia energética, LP-DQ no requiere conocer el tamaño de la red y se adapta sin problemas a cualquier cambio en el número de dispositivos. LP-DQ es conveniente cuando los mensajes transmitidos por cada dispositivo caben en un único slot de datos, sin embargo, si los dispositivos generan mensajes largos que requieren fragmentación, es mejor añadir un mecanismo de reserva para aumentar el rendimiento. En este sentido, el protocolo LPR-DQ se propone como una extensión de LP-DQ que incluye un mecanismo de reserva para permitir que cada dispositivo reserve el número de slots de datos según sea el número de fragmentos por mensaje. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada a la integración de la capa MAC con el uso de "Energy Harvesters". La variabilidad y las fluctuaciones de la energía capturada se consideran para el diseño de protocolos MAC de tipo "EH-aware" y se proponen tres métricas de rendimiento: la probabilidad de entrega, el "Data Delivery Ratio" y la eficiencia temporal. Los trabajos previos en redes de recolección de datos con EH se centran principalmente en DFSA. En esta tesis, el protocolo EH-CTA se propone como una adaptación de LP-CTA que tiene en cuenta el proceso de captura de energía. Los resultados muestran que EH-CTA supera DFSA si el umbral de energía para que un dispositivo se active está configurado correctamente. Además, mientras que en DFSA se necesita adaptar la longitud de trama de forma dinámica, EH-CTA utiliza una longitud de trama fija, facilitando así la escalabilidad y la sincronización. Por último, se proponen los protocolos EH-RDFSA y EH-DQ para escenarios en los que los datos deben ser fragmentados. EH-RDFSA es una combinación de RFSA y DFSA, y EH-DQ es una extensión de LPR-DQ.Aquesta tesi contribueix a resoldre dos dels reptes per al desplegament de xarxes M2M en escenaris de recol·lecció de dades per a l'Internet de les Coses: la gestió de l'accés al canal d'un nombre massiu de dispositius; i la necessitat d'extendre la vida de la xarxa. Per resoldre'ls es consideren dues estratègies complementàries. En primer lloc, es centra en el disseny, l'anàlisi i l'avaluació de protocols MAC que poden manegar transicions abruptes de trànsit i redueixen el consum d'energia. I en segon lloc, es considera l'ús de mecanismes de captura d'energia (Energy Harvesters, EH) per a oferir un temps de vida il·limitat de la xarxa. Amb aquesta finalitat, la segona part de la tesi es centra en el disseny i l'anàlisi de protocols MAC de tipus "EH-aware".Mentre que Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) ha estat tradicionalment adoptat en aplicacions de recol·lecció de dades, els resultats mostren que FSA presenta problemes d'escalabilitat i sincronització quan augmenta la densitat de la xarxa. De fet, la longitud de trama de FSA s'ha d'ajustar segons sigui el nombre de dispositius, la qual cosa pot ser difícil d'estimar en xarxes amb un nombre elevat i dinàmic de dispositius. Per superar aquests problemes, en aquesta tesi es proposa un protocol d'accés aleatori basat en "tree-splitting" denominat Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA). En LP-CTA, la longitud de trama pot ser curta i constant, la qual cosa facilita la sincronització i proporciona millor escalabilitat.Mentre que LP-CTA utilitza paquets de dades per a la contenció, és possible utilitzar sol·licituds d'accés a mini-slots, on les col·lisions es resolen utilitzant "tree-splitting", i evitar la contenció a les dades. Atès que aquests mini-slots poden ser molt més curts que la durada d'un slot de dades, el rendiment de LP-CTA pot ser millorat. El protocol Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) proposat en aquesta tesi es basa en aquesta idea. LP-DQ combina "tree-splitting" amb la lògica de dues cues distribuïdes que gestionen la resolució de la contenció en la sol·licitud d'accés i la transmissió de dades lliure de col·lisions. Els resultats demostren que LP-DQ millora LP-CTA i FSA en termes de retard i eficiència energètica, LP-DQ no requereix conèixer la mida de la xarxa i s'adapta sense problemes a qualsevol canvi en el nombre de dispositius.LP-DQ és convenient quan els missatges transmesos per cada dispositiu caben en un únic slot de dades, però, si els dispositius generen missatges llargs que requereixen fragmentació, és millor afegir un mecanisme de reserva per augmentar el rendiment. En aquest sentit, el protocol LPR-DQ es proposa com una extensió de LP-DQ que inclou un mecanisme de reserva per a permetre que cada dispositiu reservi el nombre de slots de dades segons sigui el nombre de fragments per missatge.La segona part de la tesi està dedicada a la integració de la capa MAC amb l'ús de "Energy Harvesters". La variabilitat i les fluctuacions de l'energia capturada es consideren per al disseny de protocols MAC de tipus "EH-aware" i es proposen tres mètriques de rendiment: la probabilitat d'entrega, el "Data Delivery Ratio" i l'eficiència temporal.Els treballs previs en xarxes de recol·lecció de dades amb EH se centren principalment en DFSA. En aquesta tesi, el protocol EH-CTA es proposa com una adaptació de LP-CTA que té en compte el procés de captura d'energia. Els resultats mostren que EH-CTA supera DFSA si el llindar d'energia perquè un dispositiu s'activi s'ajusta correctament. A més, mentre que a DFSA es necessita adaptar la longitud de trama de forma dinàmica, EH-CTA utilitza una longitud de trama fixa, facilitant així l'escalabilitat i la sincronització. Finalment, es proposen els protocols EH-RDFSA i EH-DQ per a escenaris en els quals les dades han de ser fragmentades. EH-RDFSA és una combinació de RFSA i DFSA, i EH-DQ és una extensió de LPR-DQ.Postprint (published version

    Performance evaluation of framed slotted ALOHA with reservation packets and succesive interference cancelation for M2M networks

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    [EN] Random access protocols like ALOHA have been considered for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in future networks for their simplicity of operation. This paper evaluates the performance of a Frame Slotted-ALOHA protocol that uses reservation and data packets (FSA-RDP), in a scenario where a controller collects data packets transmitted by a finite number of M2M devices. In FSA-RDP, frames of variable duration are divided in two parts, the reservation and data subframes. During the reservation subframe, active devices send short reservation packets to the controller. The controller assigns reserved slots in the data subframe to those devices that succeeded with the reservation. At devices, the FIFO service discipline and two queue management schemes, tail drop and push-out, have been considered. When the queue size is of one packet, we develop a discrete-time Markov chain to evaluate the protocol performance, including the cumulative distribution function of the delay of data packets that are successfully transmitted. Analytical results are validated by extensive simulations. The simulation model is also used to evaluate the system performance when larger queues are used. In addition, we study the impact that implementing Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) at the controller has on the system performance. We also evaluate the performance of implementing SIC at the controller together with Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA) to send the reservation packets. Numerical results show that the protocol efficiency of FSA-RDP is between one and two orders of magnitude larger than the efficiency of conventional Frame Slotted ALOHA, when a perfect channel is assumed. In more realistic channel environments, the use of SIC brings an important performance boost.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain through projects TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R and TEC2015-71932-REDT. The authors would like to thank the support received from the Institute ITACA (Instituto Universitario de Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicaciones) at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. C. Portillo acknowledges the funding received from the European Union under the program Erasmus Mundus Partnerships, project EuroinkaNet, GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER -2014 -0870/001/001, and the support received from SEP-SES (DSA/103.5/15/6629).Casares-Giner, V.; Martínez Bauset, J.; Portillo, C. (2019). Performance evaluation of framed slotted ALOHA with reservation packets and succesive interference cancelation for M2M networks. Computer Networks. 155:15-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2019.02.021S153015