172 research outputs found

    An Aggregate MapReduce Data Block Placement Strategy for Wireless IoT Edge Nodes in Smart Grid

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    Big data analytics has simplified processing complexity of large dataset in a distributed environment. Many state-of-the-art platforms i.e. smart grid has adopted the processing structure of big data and manages a large volume of data through MapReduce paradigm at distribution ends. Thus, whenever a wireless IoT edge node bundles a sensor dataset into storage media, MapReduce agent performs analytics and generates output into the grid repository. This practice has efficiently reduced the consumption of resources in such a giant network and strengthens other components of the smart grid to perform data analytics through aggregate programming. However, it consumes an operational latency of accessing large dataset from a central repository. As we know that, smart grid processes I/O operations of multi-homing networks, therefore, it accesses large datasets for processing MapReduce jobs at wireless IoT edge nodes. As a result, aggregate MapReduce at wireless IoT edge node produces a network congestion and operational latency problem. To overcome this issue, we propose Wireless IoT Edge-enabled Block Replica Strategy (WIEBRS), that stores in-place, partition-based and multi-homing block replica to respective edge nodes. This reduces the delay latency of accessing datasets for aggregate MapReduce and increases the performance of the job in the smart grid. The simulation results show that WIEBRS effective decreases operational latency with an increment of aggregate MapReduce job performance in the smart grid

    IoT-enabled directed acyclic graph in spark cluster

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    Real-time data streaming fetches live sensory segments of the dataset in the heterogeneous distributed computing environment. This process assembles data chunks at a rapid encapsulation rate through a streaming technique that bundles sensor segments into multiple micro-batches and extracts into a repository, respectively. Recently, the acquisition process is enhanced with an additional feature of exchanging IoT devices’ dataset comprised of two components: (i) sensory data and (ii) metadata. The body of sensory data includes record information, and the metadata part consists of logs, heterogeneous events, and routing path tables to transmit micro-batch streams into the repository. Real-time acquisition procedure uses the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to extract live query outcomes from in-place micro-batches through MapReduce stages and returns a result set. However, few bottlenecks affect the performance during the execution process, such as (i) homogeneous micro-batches formation only, (ii) complexity of dataset diversification, (iii) heterogeneous data tuples processing, and (iv) linear DAG workflow only. As a result, it produces huge processing latency and the additional cost of extracting event-enabled IoT datasets. Thus, the Spark cluster that processes Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) in a fast-pace using Random access memory (RAM) defies expected robustness in processing IoT streams in the distributed computing environment. This paper presents an IoT-enabled Directed Acyclic Graph (I-DAG) technique that labels micro-batches at the stage of building a stream event and arranges stream elements with event labels. In the next step, heterogeneous stream events are processed through the I-DAG workflow, which has non-linear DAG operation for extracting queries’ results in a Spark cluster. The performance evaluation shows that I-DAG resolves homogeneous IoT-enabled stream event issues and provides an effective stream event heterogeneous solution for IoT-enabled datasets in spark clusters

    Modeling and simulation of data-driven applications in SDN-aware environments

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    PhD ThesisThe rising popularity of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is increasing as it promises to offer a window of opportunity and new features in terms of network performance, configuration, and management. As such, SDN is exploited by several emerging applications and environments, such as cloud computing, edge computing, IoT, and data- driven applications. Although SDN has demonstrated significant improvements in industry, still little research has explored the embracing of SDN in the area of cross-layer optimization in different SDN-aware environments. Each application and computing environment require different functionalities and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. For example, a typical MapReduce application would require data transmission at three different times while the data transmission of stream-based applications would be unknown due to uncertainty about the number of required tasks and dependencies among stream tasks. As such, the deployment of SDN with different applications are not identical, which require different deployment strategies and algorithms to meet different QoS requirements (e.g., high bandwidth, deadline). Further, each application and environment has unique architectures, which impose different form of complexity in terms of computing, storage, and network. Due to such complexities, finding optimal solutions for SDN-aware applications and environments become very challenging. Therefore, this thesis presents multilateral research towards optimization, modeling, and simulation of cross-layer optimization of SDN-aware applications and environments. Several tools and algorithms have been proposed, implemented, and evaluated, considering various environments and applications[1–4]. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: • Proposing and modeling a new holistic framework that simulates MapReduce ap- plications, big data management systems (BDMS), and SDN-aware networks in cloud-based environments. Theoretical and mathematical models of MapReduce in SDN-aware cloud datacenters are also proposedThe government of Saudi Arabia represented by Saudi Electronic University (SEU) and the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Burea

    The Internet of Things, fog and cloud continuum: Integration and challenges

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    The Internet of Things needs for computing power and storage are expected to remain on the rise in the next decade. Consequently, the amount of data generated by devices at the edge of the network will also grow. While cloud computing has been an established and effective way of acquiring computation and storage as a service to many applications, it may not be suitable to handle the myriad of data from IoT devices and fulfill largely heterogeneous application requirements. Fog computing has been developed to lie between IoT and the cloud, providing a hierarchy of computing power that can collect, aggregate, and process data from/to IoT devices. Combining fog and cloud may reduce data transfers and communication bottlenecks to the cloud and also contribute to reduced latencies, as fog computing resources exist closer to the edge. This paper examines this IoT-Fog-Cloud ecosystem and provides a literature review from different facets of it: how it can be organized, how management is being addressed, and how applications can benefit from it. Lastly, we present challenging issues yet to be addressed in IoT-Fog-Cloud infrastructures

    Big Data and Large-scale Data Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures

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    One of the significant shifts of the next-generation computing technologies will certainly be in the development of Big Data (BD) deployment architectures. Apache Hadoop, the BD landmark, evolved as a widely deployed BD operating system. Its new features include federation structure and many associated frameworks, which provide Hadoop 3.x with the maturity to serve different markets. This dissertation addresses two leading issues involved in exploiting BD and large-scale data analytics realm using the Hadoop platform. Namely, (i)Scalability that directly affects the system performance and overall throughput using portable Docker containers. (ii) Security that spread the adoption of data protection practices among practitioners using access controls. An Enhanced Mapreduce Environment (EME), OPportunistic and Elastic Resource Allocation (OPERA) scheduler, BD Federation Access Broker (BDFAB), and a Secure Intelligent Transportation System (SITS) of multi-tiers architecture for data streaming to the cloud computing are the main contribution of this thesis study

    Energy-efficient Transitional Near-* Computing

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    Studies have shown that communication networks, devices accessing the Internet, and data centers account for 4.6% of the worldwide electricity consumption. Although data centers, core network equipment, and mobile devices are getting more energy-efficient, the amount of data that is being processed, transferred, and stored is vastly increasing. Recent computer paradigms, such as fog and edge computing, try to improve this situation by processing data near the user, the network, the devices, and the data itself. In this thesis, these trends are summarized under the new term near-* or near-everything computing. Furthermore, a novel paradigm designed to increase the energy efficiency of near-* computing is proposed: transitional computing. It transfers multi-mechanism transitions, a recently developed paradigm for a highly adaptable future Internet, from the field of communication systems to computing systems. Moreover, three types of novel transitions are introduced to achieve gains in energy efficiency in near-* environments, spanning from private Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, Software-defined Wireless Networks (SDWNs) at the edge of the network, Disruption-Tolerant Information-Centric Networks (DTN-ICNs) involving mobile devices, sensors, edge devices as well as programmable components on a mobile System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Finally, the novel idea of transitional near-* computing for emergency response applications is presented to assist rescuers and affected persons during an emergency event or a disaster, although connections to cloud services and social networks might be disturbed by network outages, and network bandwidth and battery power of mobile devices might be limited

    A survey on cost-effective context-aware distribution of social data streams over energy-efficient data centres

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    Social media have emerged in the last decade as a viable and ubiquitous means of communication. The ease of user content generation within these platforms, e.g. check-in information, multimedia data, etc., along with the proliferation of Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled, always-connected capture devices lead to data streams of unprecedented amount and a radical change in information sharing. Social data streams raise a variety of practical challenges, including derivation of real-time meaningful insights from effectively gathered social information, as well as a paradigm shift for content distribution with the leverage of contextual data associated with user preferences, geographical characteristics and devices in general. In this article we present a comprehensive survey that outlines the state-of-the-art situation and organizes challenges concerning social media streams and the infrastructure of the data centres supporting the efficient access to data streams in terms of content distribution, data diffusion, data replication, energy efficiency and network infrastructure. We systematize the existing literature and proceed to identify and analyse the main research points and industrial efforts in the area as far as modelling, simulation and performance evaluation are concerned
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