920 research outputs found

    Visual Debugging of Object-Oriented Systems with the Unified Modeling Language

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    The Department of Defense (DoD) is developing a Joint Battlespace Infosphere, linking a large number of data sources and user applications. Debugging and analysis tools are required to aid in this process. Debugging of large object-oriented systems is a difficult cognitive process that requires understanding of both the overall and detailed behavior of the application. In addition, many such applications linked through a distributed system add to this complexity. Standard debuggers do not utilize visualization techniques, focusing mainly on information extracted directly from the source code. To overcome this deficiency, this research designs and implements a methodology that enables developers to analyze, troubleshoot and evaluate object-oriented systems using visualization techniques. It uses the standard UML class diagram coupled with visualization features such as focus+context, animation, graph layout, color encoding and filtering techniques to organize and present information in a manner that facilitates greater program and system comprehension. Multiple levels of abstraction, from low-level details such as source code and variable information to high-level structural detail in the form of a UML class diagram are accessible along with views of the program s control flow. The methods applied provide a considerable improvement (up to 1110%) in the number of classes that can be displayed in a set display area while still preserving user context and the semantics of UML, thus maintaining system understanding. Usability tests validated the application in terms of three criteria software visualization, debugging, and general system usability

    Adding debugging support to the Prometheus methodology

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    This paper describes a debugger which uses the design artifacts of the Prometheus agent-oriented software engineering methodology to alert the developer testing the system, that a specification has been violated. Detailed information is provided regarding the error which can help the developer in locating its source. Interaction protocols specified during design, are converted to executable Petri net representations. The system can then be monitored at run time to identify situations which do not conform to specified protocols. A process for monitoring aspects of plan selection is also described. The paper then describes the Prometheus Design Tool, developed to support the Prometheus methodology, and presents a vision of an integrated development environment providing full life cycle support for the development of agent systems. The initial part of the paper provides a detailed summary of the Prometheus methodology and the artifacts on which the debugger is based

    UML Assisted Visual Debugging for Distributed Systems

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    The DOD is developing a Joint Battlespace Infosphere, linking a large number of data sources and user applications. To assist in this process, debugging and analysis tools are required. Software debugging is an extremely difficult cognitive process requiring comprehension of the overall application behavior, along with detailed understanding of specific application components. This is further complicated with distributed systems by the addition of other programs, their large size and synchronization issues. Typical debuggers provide inadequate support for this process, focusing primarily on the details accessible through source code. To overcome this deficiency, this research links the dynamic program execution state to a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram that is reverse-engineered from data accessed within the Java Platform Debug Architecture. This research uses focus + context, graph layout, and color encoding techniques to enhance the standard UML diagram. These techniques organize and present objects and events in a manner that facilitates analysis of system behavior. High-level abstractions commonly used in system design support debugging while maintaining access to low-level details with an interactive display. The user is also able to monitor the control flow through highlighting of the relevant object and method in the display

    Advanced techniques for multi-variant execution

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