168 research outputs found

    Thermal Cameras and Applications:A Survey

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    Contrast Enhanced Low-light Visible and Infrared Image Fusion

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    Multi-modal image fusion objective is to combine complementary information obtained from multiple modalities into a single representation with increased reliability and interpretation. The images obtained from low-light visible cameras containing fine details of the scene and infrared cameras with high contrast details are the two modalities considered for fusion. In this paper, the low-light images with low target contrast are enhanced by using the phenomenon of stochastic resonance prior to fusion. Entropy is used as a measure to tune iteratively the coefficients using bistable system parameters. The combined advantage of multi scale decomposition approach and principal component analysis is utilized for the fusion of enhanced low-light visible and infrared images. Experimental results were carried out on different image datasets and analysis of the proposed methods were discussed.

    Principal Component Analysis based Image Fusion Routine with Application to Stamping Split Detection

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    This dissertation presents a novel thermal and visible image fusion system with application in online automotive stamping split detection. The thermal vision system scans temperature maps of high reflective steel panels to locate abnormal temperature readings indicative of high local wrinkling pressure that causes metal splitting. The visible vision system offsets the blurring effect of thermal vision system caused by heat diffusion across the surface through conduction and heat losses to the surroundings through convection. The fusion of thermal and visible images combines two separate physical channels and provides more informative result image than the original ones. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is employed for image fusion to transform original image to its eigenspace. By retaining the principal components with influencing eigenvalues, PCA keeps the key features in the original image and reduces noise level. Then a pixel level image fusion algorithm is developed to fuse images from the thermal and visible channels, enhance the result image from low level and increase the signal to noise ratio. Finally, an automatic split detection algorithm is designed and implemented to perform online objective automotive stamping split detection. The integrated PCA based image fusion system for stamping split detection is developed and tested on an automotive press line. It is also assessed by online thermal and visible acquisitions and illustrates performance and success. Different splits with variant shape, size and amount are detected under actual operating conditions

    Real-Time Full Color Multiband Night Vision

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    Infrared Image Super-Resolution: Systematic Review, and Future Trends

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    Image Super-Resolution (SR) is essential for a wide range of computer vision and image processing tasks. Investigating infrared (IR) image (or thermal images) super-resolution is a continuing concern within the development of deep learning. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of IR image super-resolution, including its applications, hardware imaging system dilemmas, and taxonomy of image processing methodologies. In addition, the datasets and evaluation metrics in IR image super-resolution tasks are also discussed. Furthermore, the deficiencies in current technologies and possible promising directions for the community to explore are highlighted. To cope with the rapid development in this field, we intend to regularly update the relevant excellent work at \url{https://github.com/yongsongH/Infrared_Image_SR_SurveyComment: Submitted to IEEE TNNL

    Cognitive Image Fusion and Assessment

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    Adaptive detection and tracking using multimodal information

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    This thesis describes work on fusing data from multiple sources of information, and focuses on two main areas: adaptive detection and adaptive object tracking in automated vision scenarios. The work on adaptive object detection explores a new paradigm in dynamic parameter selection, by selecting thresholds for object detection to maximise agreement between pairs of sources. Object tracking, a complementary technique to object detection, is also explored in a multi-source context and an efficient framework for robust tracking, termed the Spatiogram Bank tracker, is proposed as a means to overcome the difficulties of traditional histogram tracking. As well as performing theoretical analysis of the proposed methods, specific example applications are given for both the detection and the tracking aspects, using thermal infrared and visible spectrum video data, as well as other multi-modal information sources

    Face recognition by means of advanced contributions in machine learning

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    Face recognition (FR) has been extensively studied, due to both scientific fundamental challenges and current and potential applications where human identification is needed. FR systems have the benefits of their non intrusiveness, low cost of equipments and no useragreement requirements when doing acquisition, among the most important ones. Nevertheless, despite the progress made in last years and the different solutions proposed, FR performance is not yet satisfactory when more demanding conditions are required (different viewpoints, blocked effects, illumination changes, strong lighting states, etc). Particularly, the effect of such non-controlled lighting conditions on face images leads to one of the strongest distortions in facial appearance. This dissertation addresses the problem of FR when dealing with less constrained illumination situations. In order to approach the problem, a new multi-session and multi-spectral face database has been acquired in visible, Near-infrared (NIR) and Thermal infrared (TIR) spectra, under different lighting conditions. A theoretical analysis using information theory to demonstrate the complementarities between different spectral bands have been firstly carried out. The optimal exploitation of the information provided by the set of multispectral images has been subsequently addressed by using multimodal matching score fusion techniques that efficiently synthesize complementary meaningful information among different spectra. Due to peculiarities in thermal images, a specific face segmentation algorithm has been required and developed. In the final proposed system, the Discrete Cosine Transform as dimensionality reduction tool and a fractional distance for matching were used, so that the cost in processing time and memory was significantly reduced. Prior to this classification task, a selection of the relevant frequency bands is proposed in order to optimize the overall system, based on identifying and maximizing independence relations by means of discriminability criteria. The system has been extensively evaluated on the multispectral face database specifically performed for our purpose. On this regard, a new visualization procedure has been suggested in order to combine different bands for establishing valid comparisons and giving statistical information about the significance of the results. This experimental framework has more easily enabled the improvement of robustness against training and testing illumination mismatch. Additionally, focusing problem in thermal spectrum has been also addressed, firstly, for the more general case of the thermal images (or thermograms), and then for the case of facialthermograms from both theoretical and practical point of view. In order to analyze the quality of such facial thermograms degraded by blurring, an appropriate algorithm has been successfully developed. Experimental results strongly support the proposed multispectral facial image fusion, achieving very high performance in several conditions. These results represent a new advance in providing a robust matching across changes in illumination, further inspiring highly accurate FR approaches in practical scenarios.El reconeixement facial (FR) ha estat àmpliament estudiat, degut tant als reptes fonamentals científics que suposa com a les aplicacions actuals i futures on requereix la identificació de les persones. Els sistemes de reconeixement facial tenen els avantatges de ser no intrusius,presentar un baix cost dels equips d’adquisició i no la no necessitat d’autorització per part de l’individu a l’hora de realitzar l'adquisició, entre les més importants. De totes maneres i malgrat els avenços aconseguits en els darrers anys i les diferents solucions proposades, el rendiment del FR encara no resulta satisfactori quan es requereixen condicions més exigents (diferents punts de vista, efectes de bloqueig, canvis en la il·luminació, condicions de llum extremes, etc.). Concretament, l'efecte d'aquestes variacions no controlades en les condicions d'il·luminació sobre les imatges facials condueix a una de les distorsions més accentuades sobre l'aparença facial. Aquesta tesi aborda el problema del FR en condicions d'il·luminació menys restringides. Per tal d'abordar el problema, hem adquirit una nova base de dades de cara multisessió i multiespectral en l'espectre infraroig visible, infraroig proper (NIR) i tèrmic (TIR), sota diferents condicions d'il·luminació. En primer lloc s'ha dut a terme una anàlisi teòrica utilitzant la teoria de la informació per demostrar la complementarietat entre les diferents bandes espectrals objecte d’estudi. L'òptim aprofitament de la informació proporcionada pel conjunt d'imatges multiespectrals s'ha abordat posteriorment mitjançant l'ús de tècniques de fusió de puntuació multimodals, capaces de sintetitzar de manera eficient el conjunt d’informació significativa complementària entre els diferents espectres. A causa de les característiques particulars de les imatges tèrmiques, s’ha requerit del desenvolupament d’un algorisme específic per la segmentació de les mateixes. En el sistema proposat final, s’ha utilitzat com a eina de reducció de la dimensionalitat de les imatges, la Transformada del Cosinus Discreta i una distància fraccional per realitzar les tasques de classificació de manera que el cost en temps de processament i de memòria es va reduir de forma significa. Prèviament a aquesta tasca de classificació, es proposa una selecció de les bandes de freqüències més rellevants, basat en la identificació i la maximització de les relacions d'independència per mitjà de criteris discriminabilitat, per tal d'optimitzar el conjunt del sistema. El sistema ha estat àmpliament avaluat sobre la base de dades de cara multiespectral, desenvolupada pel nostre propòsit. En aquest sentit s'ha suggerit l’ús d’un nou procediment de visualització per combinar diferents bandes per poder establir comparacions vàlides i donar informació estadística sobre el significat dels resultats. Aquest marc experimental ha permès més fàcilment la millora de la robustesa quan les condicions d’il·luminació eren diferents entre els processos d’entrament i test. De forma complementària, s’ha tractat la problemàtica de l’enfocament de les imatges en l'espectre tèrmic, en primer lloc, pel cas general de les imatges tèrmiques (o termogrames) i posteriorment pel cas concret dels termogrames facials, des dels punt de vista tant teòric com pràctic. En aquest sentit i per tal d'analitzar la qualitat d’aquests termogrames facials degradats per efectes de desenfocament, s'ha desenvolupat un últim algorisme. Els resultats experimentals recolzen fermament que la fusió d'imatges facials multiespectrals proposada assoleix un rendiment molt alt en diverses condicions d’il·luminació. Aquests resultats representen un nou avenç en l’aportació de solucions robustes quan es contemplen canvis en la il·luminació, i esperen poder inspirar a futures implementacions de sistemes de reconeixement facial precisos en escenaris no controlats.Postprint (published version

    Polarization-dependent wavelength-selective structures for multispectral polarimetric infrared imaging

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-181).The need for compact, rugged, low-cost multispectral-polarimetric filtering technology exists in both the civilian and defense communities. Such technology can be used for object detection, object recognition, and image contrast enhancement. Mosaicked multispectral-polarimetric filter technology, using CMOS-type metallo-dielectric grating structures, is presented as a potential solution in which the spectral filtering and polarization filtering functions are performed in a single component. In this work, single-layer and double-layer metallic-grating structures, embedded in uniform dielectric are investigated. Spectral tunability using only transverse grating properties in a two-layer metallic-grating structure is demonstrated. Additionally, one-layer and two-layer slotted-grid rectangular-aperture two-dimensional metallic gratings for infrared imaging are also studied. To complement the simulations, thirty-nine separate infrared optical polarization and spectral filters were fabricated in silicon using the AMI 0.5pm / MOSIS foundry service, and they were characterized using polarized FTIR analysis. Polarized transmission spectra from these CMOS-based filters compare favorably with simulation results for four of the most promising filter types. An external-cavity-coupled single-layer metallic-grating structure, compatible with CMOS microbolometer detector technology is also offered as an application example.by David R. Dunmeyer.Ph.D