32 research outputs found

    UA2TPG: An untestability analyzer and test pattern generator for SEUs in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs

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    This paper presents UA2TPG, a static analysis tool for the untestability proof and automatic test pattern generation for SEUs in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGA systems. The tool is based on the model-checking verification technique. An accurate fault model for both logic components and routing structures is adopted. Experimental results show that many circuits have a significant number of untestable faults, and their detection enables more efficient test pattern generation and on-line testing. The tool is mainly intended to support on-line testing of critical components in FPGA fault-tolerant systems

    Application of Logic Synthesis Toward the Inference and Control of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    In the quest to understand cell behavior and cure genetic diseases such as cancer, the fundamental approach being taken is undergoing a gradual change. It is becoming more acceptable to view these diseases as an engineering problem, and systems engineering approaches are being deployed to tackle genetic diseases. In this light, we believe that logic synthesis techniques can play a very important role. Several techniques from the field of logic synthesis can be adapted to assist in the arguably huge effort of modeling cell behavior, inferring biological networks, and controlling genetic diseases. Genes interact with other genes in a Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) and can be modeled as a Boolean Network (BN) or equivalently as a Finite State Machine (FSM). As the expression of genes deter- mine cell behavior, important problems include (i) inferring the GRN from observed gene expression data from biological measurements, and (ii) using the inferred GRN to explain how genetic diseases occur and determine the ”best” therapy towards treatment of disease. We report results on the application of logic synthesis techniques that we have developed to address both these problems. In the first technique, we present Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) based approaches to infer the predictor (logical support) of each gene that regulates melanoma, using gene expression data from patients who are suffering from the disease. From the output of such a tool, biologists can construct targeted experiments to understand the logic functions that regulate a particular target gene. Our second technique builds upon the first, in which we use a logic synthesis technique; implemented using SAT, to determine gene regulating functions for predictors and gene expression data. This technique determines a BN (or family of BNs) to describe the GRN and is validated on a synthetic network and the p53 network. The first two techniques assume binary valued gene expression data. In the third technique, we utilize continuous (analog) expression data, and present an algorithm to infer and rank predictors using modified Zhegalkin polynomials. We demonstrate our method to rank predictors for genes in the mutated mammalian and melanoma networks. The final technique assumes that the GRN is known, and uses weighted partial Max-SAT (WPMS) towards cancer therapy. In this technique, the GRN is assumed to be known. Cancer is modeled using a stuck-at fault model, and ATPG techniques are used to characterize genes leading to cancer and select drugs to treat cancer. To steer the GRN state towards a desirable healthy state, the optimal selection of drugs is formulated using WPMS. Our techniques can be used to find a set of drugs with the least side-effects, and is demonstrated in the context of growth factor pathways for colon cancer

    Methodology to accelerate diagnostic coverage assessment: MADC

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2016.Os veículos da atualidade vêm integrando um número crescente de eletrônica embarcada, com o objetivo de permitir uma experiência mais segura aos motoristas. Logo, a garantia da segurança física é um requisito que precisa ser observada por completo durante o processo de desenvolvimento. O padrão ISO 26262 provê medidas para garantir que esses requisitos não sejam negligenciados. Injeção de falhas é fortemente recomendada quando da verificação do funcionamento dos mecanismos de segurança implementados, assim como sua capacidade de cobertura associada ao diagnóstico de falhas existentes. A análise exaustiva não é obrigatória, mas evidências de que o máximo esforço foi feito para acurar a cobertura de diagnóstico precisam ser apresentadas, principalmente durante a avalição dos níveis de segurança associados a arquitetura implementada em hardware. Estes níveis dão suporte às alegações de que o projeto obedece às métricas de segurança da integridade física exigida em aplicações automotivas. Os níveis de integridade variam de A à D, sendo este último o mais rigoroso. Essa Tese explora o estado-da-arte em soluções de verificação, e tem por objetivo construir uma metodologia que permita acelerar a verificação da cobertura de diagnóstico alcançado. Diferentemente de outras técnicas voltadas à aceleração de injeção de falhas, a metodologia proposta utiliza uma plataforma de hardware dedicada à verificação, com o intuito de maximizar o desempenho relativo a simulação de falhas. Muitos aspectos relativos a ISO 26262 são observados de forma que a presente contribuição possa ser apreciada no segmento automotivo. Por fim, uma arquitetura OpenRISC é utilizada para confirmar os resultados alcançados com essa solução proposta pertencente ao estado-da-arte.Abstract : Modern vehicles are integrating a growing number of electronics to provide a safer experience for the driver. Therefore, safety is a non-negotiable requirement that must be considered through the vehicle development process. The ISO 26262 standard provides guidance to ensure that such requirements are implemented. Fault injection is highly recommended for the functional verification of safety mechanisms or to evaluate their diagnostic coverage capability. An exhaustive analysis is not required, but evidence of best effort through the diagnostic coverage assessment needs to be provided when performing quantitative evaluation of hardware architectural metrics. These metrics support that the automotive safety integrity level ? ranging from A (lowest) to D (strictest) levels ? was obeyed. This thesis explores the most advanced verification solutions in order to build a methodology to accelerate the diagnostic coverage assessment. Different from similar techniques for fault injection acceleration, the proposed methodology does not require any modification of the design model to enable acceleration. Many functional safety requisites in the ISO 26262 are considered thus allowing the contribution presented to be a suitable solution for the automotive segment. An OpenRISC architecture is used to confirm the results achieved by this state-of-the-art solution

    Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking

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    We consider the problem of bounded model checking (BMC) for linear temporal logic (LTL). We present several efficient encodings that have size linear in the bound. Furthermore, we show how the encodings can be extended to LTL with past operators (PLTL). The generalised encoding is still of linear size, but cannot detect minimal length counterexamples. By using the virtual unrolling technique minimal length counterexamples can be captured, however, the size of the encoding is quadratic in the specification. We also extend virtual unrolling to Buchi automata, enabling them to accept minimal length counterexamples. Our BMC encodings can be made incremental in order to benefit from incremental SAT technology. With fairly small modifications the incremental encoding can be further enhanced with a termination check, allowing us to prove properties with BMC. Experiments clearly show that our new encodings improve performance of BMC considerably, particularly in the case of the incremental encoding, and that they are very competitive for finding bugs. An analysis of the liveness-to-safety transformation reveals many similarities to the BMC encodings in this paper. Using the liveness-to-safety translation with BDD-based invariant checking results in an efficient method to find shortest counterexamples that complements the BMC-based approach.Comment: Final version for Logical Methods in Computer Science CAV 2005 special issu

    Analysis and Test of the Effects of Single Event Upsets Affecting the Configuration Memory of SRAM-based FPGAs

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    SRAM-based FPGAs are increasingly relevant in a growing number of safety-critical application fields, ranging from automotive to aerospace. These application fields are characterized by a harsh radiation environment that can cause the occurrence of Single Event Upsets (SEUs) in digital devices. These faults have particularly adverse effects on SRAM-based FPGA systems because not only can they temporarily affect the behaviour of the system by changing the contents of flip-flops or memories, but they can also permanently change the functionality implemented by the system itself, by changing the content of the configuration memory. Designing safety-critical applications requires accurate methodologies to evaluate the system’s sensitivity to SEUs as early as possible during the design process. Moreover it is necessary to detect the occurrence of SEUs during the system life-time. To this purpose test patterns should be generated during the design process, and then applied to the inputs of the system during its operation. In this thesis we propose a set of software tools that could be used by designers of SRAM-based FPGA safety-critical applications to assess the sensitivity to SEUs of the system and to generate test patterns for in-service testing. The main feature of these tools is that they implement a model of SEUs affecting the configuration bits controlling the logic and routing resources of an FPGA device that has been demonstrated to be much more accurate than the classical stuck-at and open/short models, that are commonly used in the analysis of faults in digital devices. By keeping this accurate fault model into account, the proposed tools are more accurate than similar academic and commercial tools today available for the analysis of faults in digital circuits, that do not take into account the features of the FPGA technology.. In particular three tools have been designed and developed: (i) ASSESS: Accurate Simulator of SEuS affecting the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs, a simulator of SEUs affecting the configuration memory of an SRAM-based FPGA system for the early assessment of the sensitivity to SEUs; (ii) UA2TPG: Untestability Analyzer and Automatic Test Pattern Generator for SEUs Affecting the Configuration Memory of SRAM-based FPGAs, a static analysis tool for the identification of the untestable SEUs and for the automatic generation of test patterns for in-service testing of the 100% of the testable SEUs; and (iii) GABES: Genetic Algorithm Based Environment for SEU Testing in SRAM-FPGAs, a Genetic Algorithm-based Environment for the generation of an optimized set of test patterns for in-service testing of SEUs. The proposed tools have been applied to some circuits from the ITC’99 benchmark. The results obtained from these experiments have been compared with results obtained by similar experiments in which we considered the stuck-at fault model, instead of the more accurate model for SEUs. From the comparison of these experiments we have been able to verify that the proposed software tools are actually more accurate than similar tools today available. In particular the comparison between results obtained using ASSESS with those obtained by fault injection has shown that the proposed fault simulator has an average error of 0:1% and a maximum error of 0:5%, while using a stuck-at fault simulator the average error with respect of the fault injection experiment has been 15:1% with a maximum error of 56:2%. Similarly the comparison between the results obtained using UA2TPG for the accurate SEU model, with the results obtained for stuck-at faults has shown an average difference of untestability of 7:9% with a maximum of 37:4%. Finally the comparison between fault coverages obtained by test patterns generated for the accurate model of SEUs and the fault coverages obtained by test pattern designed for stuck-at faults, shows that the former detect the 100% of the testable faults, while the latter reach an average fault coverage of 78:9%, with a minimum of 54% and a maximum of 93:16%