11 research outputs found

    Multiple multimodal mobile devices: Lessons learned from engineering lifelog solutions

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    For lifelogging, or the recording of oneā€™s life history through digital means, to be successful, a range of separate multimodal mobile devices must be employed. These include smartphones such as the N95, the Microsoft SenseCam ā€“ a wearable passive photo capture device, or wearable biometric devices. Each collects a facet of the bigger picture, through, for example, personal digital photos, mobile messages and documents access history, but unfortunately, they operate independently and unaware of each other. This creates significant challenges for the practical application of these devices, the use and integration of their data and their operation by a user. In this chapter we discuss the software engineering challenges and their implications for individuals working on integration of data from multiple ubiquitous mobile devices drawing on our experiences working with such technology over the past several years for the development of integrated personal lifelogs. The chapter serves as an engineering guide to those considering working in the domain of lifelogging and more generally to those working with multiple multimodal devices and integration of their data

    Visual access to lifelog data in a virtual environment

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    Continuous image capture via a wearable camera is currently one of the most popular methods to establish a comprehensive record of the entirety of an indi- vidualā€™s life experience, referred to in the research community as a lifelog. These vast image corpora are further enriched by content analysis and combined with additional data such as biometrics to generate as extensive a record of a personā€™s life as possible. However, interfacing with such datasets remains an active area of research, and despite the advent of new technology and a plethora of com- peting mediums for processing digital information, there has been little focus on newly emerging platforms such as virtual reality. We hypothesise that the increase in immersion, accessible spatial dimensions, and more, could provide significant benefits in the lifelogging domain over more conventional media. In this work, we motivate virtual reality as a viable method of lifelog exploration by performing an in-depth analysis using a novel application prototype built for the HTC Vive. This research also includes the development of a governing design framework for lifelog applications which supported the development of our prototype but is also intended to support the development of future such lifelog systems

    Information access tasks and evaluation for personal lifelogs

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    Emerging personal lifelog (PL) collections contain permanent digital records of information associated with individualsā€™ daily lives. This can include materials such as emails received and sent, web content and other documents with which they have interacted, photographs, videos and music experienced passively or created, logs of phone calls and text messages, and also personal and contextual data such as location (e.g. via GPS sensors), persons and objects present (e.g. via Bluetooth) and physiological state (e.g. via biometric sensors). PLs can be collected by individuals over very extended periods, potentially running to many years. Such archives have many potential applications including helping individuals recover partial forgotten information, sharing experiences with friends or family, telling the story of oneā€™s life, clinical applications for the memory impaired, and fundamental psychological investigations of memory. The Centre for Digital Video Processing (CDVP) at Dublin City University is currently engaged in the collection and exploration of applications of large PLs. We are collecting rich archives of daily life including textual and visual materials, and contextual context data. An important part of this work is to consider how the effectiveness of our ideas can be measured in terms of metrics and experimental design. While these studies have considerable similarity with traditional evaluation activities in areas such as information retrieval and summarization, the characteristics of PLs mean that new challenges and questions emerge. We are currently exploring the issues through a series of pilot studies and questionnaires. Our initial results indicate that there are many research questions to be explored and that the relationships between personal memory, context and content for these tasks is complex and fascinating

    Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks

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    This open access book summarizes the first two decades of the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR). NTCIR is a series of evaluation forums run by a global team of researchers and hosted by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan. The book is unique in that it discusses not just what was done at NTCIR, but also how it was done and the impact it has achieved. For example, in some chapters the reader sees the early seeds of what eventually grew to be the search engines that provide access to content on the World Wide Web, todayā€™s smartphones that can tailor what they show to the needs of their owners, and the smart speakers that enrich our lives at home and on the move. We also get glimpses into how new search engines can be built for mathematical formulae, or for the digital record of a lived human life. Key to the success of the NTCIR endeavor was early recognition that information access research is an empirical discipline and that evaluation therefore lay at the core of the enterprise. Evaluation is thus at the heart of each chapter in this book. They show, for example, how the recognition that some documents are more important than others has shaped thinking about evaluation design. The thirty-three contributors to this volume speak for the many hundreds of researchers from dozens of countries around the world who together shaped NTCIR as organizers and participants. This book is suitable for researchers, practitioners, and studentsā€”anyone who wants to learn about past and present evaluation efforts in information retrieval, information access, and natural language processing, as well as those who want to participate in an evaluation task or even to design and organize one

    Temporal multimodal video and lifelog retrieval

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    The past decades have seen exponential growth of both consumption and production of data, with multimedia such as images and videos contributing significantly to said growth. The widespread proliferation of smartphones has provided everyday users with the ability to consume and produce such content easily. As the complexity and diversity of multimedia data has grown, so has the need for more complex retrieval models which address the information needs of users. Finding relevant multimedia content is central in many scenarios, from internet search engines and medical retrieval to querying one's personal multimedia archive, also called lifelog. Traditional retrieval models have often focused on queries targeting small units of retrieval, yet users usually remember temporal context and expect results to include this. However, there is little research into enabling these information needs in interactive multimedia retrieval. In this thesis, we aim to close this research gap by making several contributions to multimedia retrieval with a focus on two scenarios, namely video and lifelog retrieval. We provide a retrieval model for complex information needs with temporal components, including a data model for multimedia retrieval, a query model for complex information needs, and a modular and adaptable query execution model which includes novel algorithms for result fusion. The concepts and models are implemented in vitrivr, an open-source multimodal multimedia retrieval system, which covers all aspects from extraction to query formulation and browsing. vitrivr has proven its usefulness in evaluation campaigns and is now used in two large-scale interdisciplinary research projects. We show the feasibility and effectiveness of our contributions in two ways: firstly, through results from user-centric evaluations which pit different user-system combinations against one another. Secondly, we perform a system-centric evaluation by creating a new dataset for temporal information needs in video and lifelog retrieval with which we quantitatively evaluate our models. The results show significant benefits for systems that enable users to specify more complex information needs with temporal components. Participation in interactive retrieval evaluation campaigns over multiple years provides insight into possible future developments and challenges of such campaigns

    Visual object detection from lifelogs using visual non-lifelog data

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    Limited by the challenge of insufficient training data, research into lifelog analysis, especially visual lifelogging, has not progressed as fast as expected. To advance research on object detection on visual lifelogs, this thesis builds a deep learning model to enhance visual lifelogs by utilizing other sources of visual (non-lifelog) data which is more readily available. By theoretical analysis and empirical validation, the first step of the thesis identifies the close connection and relation between lifelog images and non-lifelog images. Following that, the second phase employs a domain-adversarial convolutional neural network to trans- fer knowledge from the domain of visual non-lifelog data to the domain of visual lifelogs. In the end, the third section of this work considers the task of visual object detection of lifelog, which could be easily extended to other related lifelog tasks. One intended outcome of the study, on a theoretical level of lifelog research, is to iden- tify the relationship between visual non-lifelog data and visual lifelog data from the perspective of computer vision. On a practical point of view, a second intended outcome of the research is to demonstrate how to apply domain adaptation to enhance learning on visual lifelogs by transferring knowledge from visual non-lifelogs. Specifically, the thesis utilizes variants of convolutional neural networks. Furthermore, a third intended outcome contributes to the release of the corresponding visual non-lifelog dataset which corresponds to an existing visual lifelog one. Finally, another output from this research is the suggestion that visual object detection from lifelogs could be seamlessly used in other tasks on visual lifelogging

    Digital life stories: Semi-automatic (auto)biographies within lifelog collections

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    Our life stories enable us to reflect upon and share our personal histories. Through emerging digital technologies the possibility of collecting life experiences digitally is increasingly feasible; consequently so is the potential to create a digital counterpart to our personal narratives. In this work, lifelogging tools are used to collect digital artifacts continuously and passively throughout our day. These include images, documents, emails and webpages accessed; texts messages and mobile activity. This range of data when brought together is known as a lifelog. Given the complexity, volume and multimodal nature of such collections, it is clear that there are significant challenges to be addressed in order to achieve coherent and meaningful digital narratives of our events from our life histories. This work investigates the construction of personal digital narratives from lifelog collections. It examines the underlying questions, issues and challenges relating to construction of personal digital narratives from lifelogs. Fundamentally, it addresses how to organize and transform data sampled from an individualā€™s day-to-day activities into a coherent narrative account. This enquiry is enabled by three 20-month long-term lifelogs collected by participants and produces a narrative system which enables the semi-automatic construction of digital stories from lifelog content. Inspired by probative studies conducted into current practices of curation, from which a set of fundamental requirements are established, this solution employs a 2-dimensional spatial framework for storytelling. It delivers integrated support for the structuring of lifelog content and its distillation into storyform through information retrieval approaches. We describe and contribute flexible algorithmic approaches to achieve both. Finally, this research inquiry yields qualitative and quantitative insights into such digital narratives and their generation, composition and construction. The opportunities for such personal narrative accounts to enable recollection, reminiscence and reflection with the collection owners are established and its benefit in sharing past personal experience experiences is outlined. Finally, in a novel investigation with motivated third parties we demonstrate the opportunities such narrative accounts may have beyond the scope of the collection owner in: personal, societal and cultural explorations, artistic endeavours and as a generational heirloom

    LifeLogging: personal big data

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    We have recently observed a convergence of technologies to foster the emergence of lifelogging as a mainstream activity. Computer storage has become significantly cheaper, and advancements in sensing technology allows for the efficient sensing of personal activities, locations and the environment. This is best seen in the growing popularity of the quantified self movement, in which life activities are tracked using wearable sensors in the hope of better understanding human performance in a variety of tasks. This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of lifelogging, to cover its research history, current technologies, and applications. Thus far, most of the lifelogging research has focused predominantly on visual lifelogging in order to capture life details of life activities, hence we maintain this focus in this review. However, we also reflect on the challenges lifelogging poses to an information retrieval scientist. This review is a suitable reference for those seeking a information retrieval scientistā€™s perspective on lifelogging and the quantified self

    Periodicity detection and its application in lifelog data

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    Wearable sensors are catching our attention not only in industry but also in the market. We can now acquire sensor data from different types of health tracking devices like smart watches, smart bands, lifelog cameras and most smart phones are capable of tracking and logging information using built-in sensors. As data is generated and collected from various sources constantly, researchers have focused on interpreting and understanding the semantics of this longitudinal multi-modal data. One challenge is the fusion of multi-modal data and achieving good performance on tasks such activity recognition, event detection and event segmentation. The classical approach to process the data generated by wearable sensors has three main parts: 1) Event segmentation 2) Event recognition 3) Event retrieval. Many papers have been published in each of the three fields. This thesis has focused on the longitudinal aspect of the data from wearable sensors, instead of concentrating on the data over a short period of time. The following aspects are several key research questions in the thesis. Does longitudinal sensor data have unique features than can distinguish the subject generating the data from other subjects ? In other words, from the longitudinal perspective, does the data from different subjects share more common structure/similarity/identical patterns so that it is difficult to identify a subject using the data. If this is the case, what are those common patterns ? If we are able to eliminate those similarities among all the data, does the data show more specific features that we can use to model the data series and predict the future values ? If there are repeating patterns in longitudinal data, we can use different methods to compute the periodicity of the recurring patterns and furthermore to identify and extract those patterns. Following that we could be able to compare local data over a short time period with more global patterns in order to show the regularity of the local data. Some case studies are included in the thesis to show the value of longitudinal lifelog data related to a correlation of health conditions and training performance

    Just-in-time information retrieval and summarization for personal assistance

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    With the rapid development of means for producing user-generated data opportunities for collecting such data over a time-line and utilizing it for various human-aid applications are more than ever. Wearable and mobile data capture devices as well as many online data channels such as search engines are all examples of means of user data collection. Such user data could be utilized to model user behavior, identify relevant information to a user and retrieve it in a timely fashion for personal assistance. User data can include recordings of one's conversations, images, biophysical data, health-related data captured by wearable devices, interactions with smartphones and computers, and more. In order to utilize such data for personal assistance, summaries of previously recorded events can be presented to a user in order to augment the user's memory, send notifications about important events to the user, predict the user's near-future information needs and retrieve relevant content even before the user asks. In this PhD dissertation, we design a personal assistant with a focus on two main aspects: The first aspect is that a personal assistant should be able to summarize user data and present it to a user. To achieve this goal, we build a Social Interactions Log Analysis System (SILAS) that summarizes a person's conversations into event snippets consisting of spoken topics paired with images and other modalities of data captured by the person's wearable devices. Furthermore, we design a novel discrete Dynamic Topic Model (dDTM) capable of tracking the evolution of the intermittent spoken topics over time. Additionally, we present the first neural Customizable Abstractive Topic-based Summarization (CATS) model that produces summaries of textual documents including meeting transcripts in the form of natural language. The second aspect that a personal assistant should be capable of, is proactively addressing the user's information needs. For this purpose, we propose a family of just-in-time information retrieval models such as an evolutionary model named Kalman combination of Recency and Establishment (K2RE) that can anticipate a user's near-future information needs. Such information needs can include information for preparing a future meeting or near-future search queries of a user