3,387 research outputs found

    Amino acid empirical contact energy definitions for fold recognition in the space of contact maps

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    BACKGROUND: Contradicting evidence has been presented in the literature concerning the effectiveness of empirical contact energies for fold recognition. Empirical contact energies are calculated on the basis of information available from selected protein structures, with respect to a defined reference state, according to the quasi-chemical approximation. Protein-solvent interactions are estimated from residue solvent accessibility. RESULTS: In the approach presented here, contact energies are derived from the potential of mean force theory, several definitions of contact are examined and their performance in fold recognition is evaluated on sets of decoy structures. The best definition of contact is tested, on a more realistic scenario, on all predictions including sidechains accepted in the CASP4 experiment. In 30 out of 35 cases the native structure is correctly recognized and best predictions are usually found among the 10 lowest energy predictions. CONCLUSION: The definition of contact based on van der Waals radii of alpha carbon and side chain heavy atoms is seen to perform better than other definitions involving only alpha carbons, only beta carbons, all heavy atoms or only backbone atoms. An important prerequisite for the applicability of the approach is that the protein structure under study should not exhibit anomalous solvent accessibility, compared to soluble proteins whose structure is deposited in the Protein Data Bank. The combined evaluation of a solvent accessibility parameter and contact energy allows for an effective gross screening of predictive models

    CLP-based protein fragment assembly

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    The paper investigates a novel approach, based on Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), to predict the 3D conformation of a protein via fragments assembly. The fragments are extracted by a preprocessor-also developed for this work- from a database of known protein structures that clusters and classifies the fragments according to similarity and frequency. The problem of assembling fragments into a complete conformation is mapped to a constraint solving problem and solved using CLP. The constraint-based model uses a medium discretization degree Ca-side chain centroid protein model that offers efficiency and a good approximation for space filling. The approach adapts existing energy models to the protein representation used and applies a large neighboring search strategy. The results shows the feasibility and efficiency of the method. The declarative nature of the solution allows to include future extensions, e.g., different size fragments for better accuracy.Comment: special issue dedicated to ICLP 201

    Knowledge-based potentials in protein fold recognition

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    An accurate potential function is essential for protein folding problem and structure prediction. Two different types of potential energy functions are currently in use. The first type is based on the law of physics and second type is referred to as statistical potentials or knowledge based potentials.  In the latter type, the energy function is extracted from statistical analysis of experimental data of known protein structures. By increasing the amount of three dimensional protein structures, this approach is growing rapidly.There are various forms of knowledge based potentials depending on how statistics are calculated and how proteins are modeled. In this review, we explain how the knowledge based potentials are extracted by using known protein structures and briefly compare many of the potentials in theory

    Comparative Analysis of Inter residue Contact Energy Potentials with Surrounding Hydrophobicity Model

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    During the process of protein folding, the regular secondary structures are formed through backbone hydrogen bonding and the side chain interact each other as well as the surrounding medium to create the more complex tertiary structure. Covalent interactions between cysteine groups, non-covalent electrostatic interactions between polar groups and van-der waals interactions between non-polar groups are commonly observed in tertiary structures. To explore the role of various forces contributing to protein stability, models based on inter-residue interactions are an attractive choice. Hence, in the present work, inter residue contact energy statistical potentials are derived and related with the surrounding hydrophobicity model. Also, the statistical potentials derived by various leading research groups are also compared with the classical surrounding hydrophobicity model. Our analysis revealed the importance of hydrophobicity as a dominant force in the protein folding process

    Effective Inter-Residue Contact Definitions for Accurate Protein Fold Recognition.

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    Background Effective encoding of residue contact information is crucial for protein structure prediction since it has a unique role to capture long-range residue interactions compared to other commonly used scoring terms. The residue contact information can be incorporated in structure prediction in several different ways: It can be incorporated as statistical potentials or it can be also used as constraints in ab initio structure prediction. To seek the most effective definition of residue contacts for template-based protein structure prediction, we evaluated 45 different contact definitions, varying bases of contacts and distance cutoffs, in terms of their ability to identify proteins of the same fold. Results We found that overall the residue contact pattern can distinguish protein folds best when contacts are defined for residue pairs whose Cβ atoms are at 7.0 Å or closer to each other. Lower fold recognition accuracy was observed when inaccurate threading alignments were used to identify common residue contacts between protein pairs. In the case of threading, alignment accuracy strongly influences the fraction of common contacts identified among proteins of the same fold, which eventually affects the fold recognition accuracy. The largest deterioration of the fold recognition was observed for β-class proteins when the threading methods were used because the average alignment accuracy was worst for this fold class. When results of fold recognition were examined for individual proteins, we found that the effective contact definition depends on the fold of the proteins. A larger distance cutoff is often advantageous for capturing spatial arrangement of the secondary structures which are not physically in contact. For capturing contacts between neighboring β strands, considering the distance between Cα atoms is better than the Cβ−based distance because the side-chain of interacting residues on β strands sometimes point to opposite directions. Conclusion Residue contacts defined by Cβ−Cβ distance of 7.0 Å work best overall among tested to identify proteins of the same fold. We also found that effective contact definitions differ from fold to fold, suggesting that using different residue contact definition specific for each template will lead to improvement of the performance of threading

    Improving the resolution of interaction maps: A middleground between high-resolution complexes and genome-wide interactomes

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    Protein-protein interactions are ubiquitous in Biology and therefore central to understand living organisms. In recent years, large-scale studies have been undertaken to describe, at least partially, protein-protein interaction maps or interactomes for a number of relevant organisms including human. Although the analysis of interaction networks is proving useful, current interactomes provide a blurry and granular picture of the molecular machinery, i.e. unless the structure of the protein complex is known the molecular details of the interaction are missing and sometime is even not possible to know if the interaction between the proteins is direct, i.e. physical interaction or part of functional, not necessary, direct association. Unfortunately, the determination of the structure of protein complexes cannot keep pace with the discovery of new protein-protein interactions resulting in a large, and increasing, gap between the number of complexes that are thought to exist and the number for which 3D structures are available. The aim of the thesis was to tackle this problem by implementing computational approaches to derive structural models of protein complexes and thus reduce this existing gap. Over the course of the thesis, a novel modelling algorithm to predict the structure of protein complexes, V-D2OCK, was implemented. This new algorithm combines structure-based prediction of protein binding sites by means of a novel algorithm developed over the course of the thesis: VORFFIP and M-VORFFIP, data-driven docking and energy minimization. This algorithm was used to improve the coverage and structural content of the human interactome compiled from different sources of interactomic data to ensure the most comprehensive interactome. Finally, the human interactome and structural models were compiled in a database, V-D2OCK DB, that offers an easy and user-friendly access to the human interactome including a bespoken graphical molecular viewer to facilitate the analysis of the structural models of protein complexes. Furthermore, new organisms, in addition to human, were included providing a useful resource for the study of all known interactomes
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