3,984 research outputs found


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    Nanomagnetic devices have been projected as an alternative to transistor-based switching devices due to their non-volatility and potentially superior energy-efficiency. The energy efficiency is enhanced by the use of straintronics which involves the application of a voltage to a piezoelectric layer to generate a strain which is ultimately transferred to an elastically coupled magnetostrictive nanomaget, causing magnetization rotation. The low energy dissipation and non-volatility characteristics make straintronic nanomagnets very attractive for both Boolean and non-Boolean computing applications. There was relatively little research on straintronic switching in devices built with real nanomagnets that invariably have defects and imperfections, or their adaptation to non-Boolean computing, both of which have been studied in this work. Detailed studies of the effects of nanomagnet material fabrication defects and surface roughness variation (found in real nanomagnets) on the switching process and ultimately device performance of those switches have been performed theoretically. The results of these studies place the viability of straintronics logic (Boolean) and/or memory in question. With a view to analog computing and signal processing, analog spin wave based device operation has been evaluated in the presence of defects and it was found that defects impact their performance, which can be a major concern for the spin wave based device community. Additionally, the design challenge for low barrier nanomagnet which is the building block of binary stochastic neurons based probabilistic computing device in case of real nanomagnets has also been investigated. This study also cast some doubt on the efficacy of probabilistic computing devices. Fortunately, there are some non-Boolean applications based on the collective action of array of nanomagnets which are very forgiving of material defects. One example is image processing using dipole coupled nanomagnets which is studied here and it showed promising result for noise correction and edge enhancement of corrupted pixels in an image. Moreover, a single magneto tunnel junction based microwave oscillator was proposed for the first time and theoretical simulations showed that it is capable of better performance compared to traditional microwave oscillators. The experimental part of this work dealt with spin wave modes excited by surface acoustic waves, studied with time resolved magneto optic Kerr effect (TR-MOKE). New hybrid spin wave modes were observed for the first time. An experiment was carried out to emulate simulated annealing in a system of dipole coupled magnetostrictive nanomagnets where strain served as the simulated annealing agent. This was a promising outcome and it is the first demonstration of the hardware variant of simulated annealing of a many body system based on magnetostrictive nanomagnets. Finally, a giant spin Hall effect actuated surface acoustic wave antenna was demonstrated experimentally. This is the first observation of photon to phonon conversion using spin-orbit torque and although the observed conversion efficiency was poor (1%), it opened the pathway for a new acoustic radiator. These studies complement past work done in the area of straintronics

    Chaos in a ring circuit

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    A ring-shaped logic circuit is proposed here as a robust design for a True Random Number Generator (TRNG). Most existing TRNGs rely on physical noise as a source of randomness, where the underlying idealized deterministic system is simply oscillatory. The design proposed here is based on chaotic dynamics and therefore intrinsically displays random behavior, even in the ideal noise-free situation. The paper presents several mathematical models for the circuit having different levels of detail. They take the form of differential equations using steep sigmoid terms for the transfer functions of logic gates. A large part of the analysis is concerned with the hard step-function limit, leading to a model known in mathematical biology as a Glass network. In this framework, an underlying discrete structure (a state space diagram) is used to describe the likely structure of the global attractor for this system. The latter takes the form of intertwined periodic paths, along which trajectories alternate unpredictably. It is also invariant under the action of the cyclic group. A combination of analytical results and numerical investigations confirms the occurrence of symmetric chaos in this system, which when implemented in (noisy) hardware, should therefore serve as a robust TRNG

    Computational complexity of the landscape I

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    We study the computational complexity of the physical problem of finding vacua of string theory which agree with data, such as the cosmological constant, and show that such problems are typically NP hard. In particular, we prove that in the Bousso-Polchinski model, the problem is NP complete. We discuss the issues this raises and the possibility that, even if we were to find compelling evidence that some vacuum of string theory describes our universe, we might never be able to find that vacuum explicitly. In a companion paper, we apply this point of view to the question of how early cosmology might select a vacuum.Comment: JHEP3 Latex, 53 pp, 2 .eps figure

    Advanced reduction techniques for model checking

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    Techniques for solving Boolean equation systems

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    Boolean equation systems are ordered sequences of Boolean equations decorated with least and greatest fixpoint operators. Boolean equation systems provide a useful framework for formal verification because various specification and verification problems, for instance, μ-calculus model checking can be represented as the problem of solving Boolean equation systems. The general problem of solving a Boolean equation system is a computationally hard task, and no polynomial time solution technique for the problem has been discovered so far. In this thesis, techniques for finding solutions to Boolean equation systems are studied and new methods for solving such systems are devised. The thesis presents a general framework that allows for dividing Boolean equation systems into individual blocks and solving these blocks in isolation with special techniques. Three special techniques are presented, namely: (i) new specialized algorithms for disjunctive and conjunctive form Boolean equation systems, (ii) a new encoding of a general form Boolean equation system into answer set programming, and (iii) new encodings of a general form Boolean equation systems into satisfiability problems. The approaches (ii) and (iii) are motivated by the recent success of answer set programming solvers and satisfiability solvers in formal verification. First, the thesis presents especially fast solution algorithms for disjunctive and conjunctive classes of Boolean equation systems. These special algorithms are useful because many practically relevant model checking problems can be represented as Boolean equation systems that are disjunctive or conjunctive. The new algorithms have been implemented and the performance of the algorithms has been compared experimentally on communication protocol verification examples. Second, the thesis gives a translation of the problem of solving a general form Boolean equation system into the problem of finding a stable model of a logic program. The translation allows to use implementations of answer set programming solvers to solve Boolean equation systems. Experimental tests have been performed using the presented approach and these experiments indicate the usefulness of answer set programming in this problem domain. Third, the thesis presents reductions from the problem of solving general form Boolean equation systems to the satisfiability problems of difference logic and propositional logic. The reductions allow to use implementations of satisfiability solvers to solve Boolean equation systems. The presented reductions have been implemented and it is shown via experiments that the new approach leads to practically efficient methods to solve general Boolean equation systems.Boolen yhtälöryhmät ovat kiintopisteoperaattoreilla varustettuja Boolen yhtälöitä. Boolen yhtälöryhmät luovat hyödyllisen viitekehyksen tietokoneavusteiselle verifioinnille, sillä monet määrittely- ja verifiointiongelmat voidaan kuvata tällaisten kiintopisteyhtälöiden avulla. Työssä kehitetään uusia menetelmiä Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Työssä esitetään yleinen viitekehys Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen, joka yksinkertaistaa ratkaisun laskemista jakamalla yhtälöryhmät yksinkertaisempiin aliongelmiin. Työssä esitetään kolme uutta mentelmää Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Konjunktiivisten ja disjunktiivisten Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen kehitetään uusia algoritmeja, sekä esitetään näiden toteutukset ja suorituskykyjä koskevia koetuloksia. Työssä kehitetään käännös Boolen yhtälöryhmän ratkaisemisesta logiikkaohjelman stabiilin mallin löytämiseen sekä menetelmän toimivuutta koskevia koetuloksia. Käännös mahdollistaa logiikkaohjelmointiympäristöjen toteutusten käytön Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Koetulokset osoittavat rajoitepohjaisen logiikkaohjelmointiympäristön tehokkuuden Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemisessa. Työssä kehitetään myös käännökset Boolen yhtälöryhmän ratkaisemisesta differenssilogiikan sekä lauselogiikan toteutuvuusongelmiin. Käännökset mahdollistavat toteutuvuustarkastimien käytön Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Koetulokset osoittavat esitettyjen menetelmien tehokkuuden Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemisessa.reviewe

    Grid generation for the solution of partial differential equations

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    A general survey of grid generators is presented with a concern for understanding why grids are necessary, how they are applied, and how they are generated. After an examination of the need for meshes, the overall applications setting is established with a categorization of the various connectivity patterns. This is split between structured grids and unstructured meshes. Altogether, the categorization establishes the foundation upon which grid generation techniques are developed. The two primary categories are algebraic techniques and partial differential equation techniques. These are each split into basic parts, and accordingly are individually examined in some detail. In the process, the interrelations between the various parts are accented. From the established background in the primary techniques, consideration is shifted to the topic of interactive grid generation and then to adaptive meshes. The setting for adaptivity is established with a suitable means to monitor severe solution behavior. Adaptive grids are considered first and are followed by adaptive triangular meshes. Then the consideration shifts to the temporal coupling between grid generators and PDE-solvers. To conclude, a reflection upon the discussion, herein, is given