39 research outputs found

    Coverage Centrality Maximization in Undirected Networks

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    Centrality metrics are among the main tools in social network analysis. Being central for a user of a network leads to several benefits to the user: central users are highly influential and play key roles within the network. Therefore, the optimization problem of increasing the centrality of a network user recently received considerable attention. Given a network and a target user vv, the centrality maximization problem consists in creating kk new links incident to vv in such a way that the centrality of vv is maximized, according to some centrality metric. Most of the algorithms proposed in the literature are based on showing that a given centrality metric is monotone and submodular with respect to link addition. However, this property does not hold for several shortest-path based centrality metrics if the links are undirected. In this paper we study the centrality maximization problem in undirected networks for one of the most important shortest-path based centrality measures, the coverage centrality. We provide several hardness and approximation results. We first show that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor greater than 1−1/e1-1/e, unless P=NPP=NP, and, under the stronger gap-ETH hypothesis, the problem cannot be approximated within a factor better than 1/no(1)1/n^{o(1)}, where nn is the number of users. We then propose two greedy approximation algorithms, and show that, by suitably combining them, we can guarantee an approximation factor of Ω(1/n)\Omega(1/\sqrt{n}). We experimentally compare the solutions provided by our approximation algorithm with optimal solutions computed by means of an exact IP formulation. We show that our algorithm produces solutions that are very close to the optimum.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201

    Global Cardinality Constraints Make Approximating Some Max-2-CSPs Harder

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    Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, we show that existing approximation algorithms for some Boolean Max-2-CSPs with cardinality constraints are optimal. In particular, we prove that Max-Cut with cardinality constraints is UG-hard to approximate within ~~0.858, and that Max-2-Sat with cardinality constraints is UG-hard to approximate within ~~0.929. In both cases, the previous best hardness results were the same as the hardness of the corresponding unconstrained Max-2-CSP (~~0.878 for Max-Cut, and ~~0.940 for Max-2-Sat). The hardness for Max-2-Sat applies to monotone Max-2-Sat instances, meaning that we also obtain tight inapproximability for the Max-k-Vertex-Cover problem

    Fast and Deterministic Constant Factor Approximation Algorithms for LCS Imply New Circuit Lower Bounds

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    The Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) is one of the most basic similarity measures and it captures important applications in bioinformatics and text analysis. Following the SETH-based nearly-quadratic time lower bounds for LCS from recent years, it is a major open problem to understand the complexity of approximate LCS. In the last ITCS [AB17] drew an interesting connection between this problem and the area of circuit complexity: they proved that approximation algorithms for LCS in deterministic truly-subquadratic time imply new circuit lower bounds (E^NP does not have non-uniform linear-size Valiant Series Parallel circuits). In this work, we strengthen this connection between approximate LCS and circuit complexity by applying the Distributed PCP framework of [ARW17]. We obtain a reduction that holds against much larger approximation factors (super-constant versus 1+o(1)), yields a lower bound for a larger class of circuits (linear-size NC^1), and is also easier to analyze

    Inapproximability of Maximum Edge Biclique, Maximum Balanced Biclique and Minimum k-Cut from the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis

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    The Small Set Expansion Hypothesis (SSEH) is a conjecture which roughly states that it is NP-hard to distinguish between a graph with a small set of vertices whose expansion is almost zero and one in which all small sets of vertices have expansion almost one. In this work, we prove conditional inapproximability results for the following graph problems based on this hypothesis: - Maximum Edge Biclique (MEB): given a bipartite graph G, find a complete bipartite subgraph of G with maximum number of edges. We show that, assuming SSEH and that NP != BPP, no polynomial time algorithm gives n^{1 - epsilon}-approximation for MEB for every constant epsilon > 0. - Maximum Balanced Biclique (MBB): given a bipartite graph G, find a balanced complete bipartite subgraph of G with maximum number of vertices. Similar to MEB, we prove n^{1 - epsilon} ratio inapproximability for MBB for every epsilon > 0, assuming SSEH and that NP != BPP. - Minimum k-Cut: given a weighted graph G, find a set of edges with minimum total weight whose removal splits the graph into k components. We prove that this problem is NP-hard to approximate to within (2 - epsilon) factor of the optimum for every epsilon > 0, assuming SSEH. The ratios in our results are essentially tight since trivial algorithms give n-approximation to both MEB and MBB and 2-approximation algorithms are known for Minimum k-Cut [Saran and Vazirani, SIAM J. Comput., 1995]. Our first two results are proved by combining a technique developed by Raghavendra, Steurer and Tulsiani [Raghavendra et al., CCC, 2012] to avoid locality of gadget reductions with a generalization of Bansal and Khot\u27s long code test [Bansal and Khot, FOCS, 2009] whereas our last result is shown via an elementary reduction

    Balancing spreads of influence in a social network

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    The personalization of our news consumption on social media has a tendency to reinforce our pre-existing beliefs instead of balancing our opinions. To tackle this issue, Garimella et al. (NIPS’17) modeled the spread of these viewpoints, also called campaigns, using the independent cascade model introduced by Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos (KDD’03) and studied an optimization problem that aims to balance information exposure when two opposing campaigns propagate in a network. This paper investigates a natural generalization of this optimization problem in which μ different campaigns propagate in the network and we aim to maximize the expected number of nodes that are reached by at least ν or none of the campaigns, where μ ≥ ν ≥ 2. Following Garimella et al., despite this general setting, we also investigate a simplified one, in which campaigns propagate in a correlated manner. While for the simplified setting, we show that the problem can be approximated within a constant factor for any constant μ and ν, for the general setting, we give reductions leading to several approximation hardness results when ν ≥ 3. For instance, assuming the gap exponential time hypothesis to hold, we obtain that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of n−g(n) for any g(n) = o(1) where n is the number of nodes in the network. We complement our hardness results with an Ω(n−1/2)-approximation algorithm for the general setting when ν = 3 and μ is arbitrary