247 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Embeddability of Two Partitions

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    We study the simultaneous embeddability of a pair of partitions of the same underlying set into disjoint blocks. Each element of the set is mapped to a point in the plane and each block of either of the two partitions is mapped to a region that contains exactly those points that belong to the elements in the block and that is bounded by a simple closed curve. We establish three main classes of simultaneous embeddability (weak, strong, and full embeddability) that differ by increasingly strict well-formedness conditions on how different block regions are allowed to intersect. We show that these simultaneous embeddability classes are closely related to different planarity concepts of hypergraphs. For each embeddability class we give a full characterization. We show that (i) every pair of partitions has a weak simultaneous embedding, (ii) it is NP-complete to decide the existence of a strong simultaneous embedding, and (iii) the existence of a full simultaneous embedding can be tested in linear time.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at GD 201

    Logical limit laws for minor-closed classes of graphs

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    Let G\mathcal G be an addable, minor-closed class of graphs. We prove that the zero-one law holds in monadic second-order logic (MSO) for the random graph drawn uniformly at random from all {\em connected} graphs in G\mathcal G on nn vertices, and the convergence law in MSO holds if we draw uniformly at random from all graphs in G\mathcal G on nn vertices. We also prove analogues of these results for the class of graphs embeddable on a fixed surface, provided we restrict attention to first order logic (FO). Moreover, the limiting probability that a given FO sentence is satisfied is independent of the surface SS. We also prove that the closure of the set of limiting probabilities is always the finite union of at least two disjoint intervals, and that it is the same for FO and MSO. For the classes of forests and planar graphs we are able to determine the closure of the set of limiting probabilities precisely. For planar graphs it consists of exactly 108 intervals, each of length ≈5⋅10−6\approx 5\cdot 10^{-6}. Finally, we analyse examples of non-addable classes where the behaviour is quite different. For instance, the zero-one law does not hold for the random caterpillar on nn vertices, even in FO.Comment: minor changes; accepted for publication by JCT

    Gaps in the Saturation Spectrum of Trees

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    A graph G is H-saturated if H is not a subgraph of G but the addition of any edge from the complement of G to G results in a copy of H. The minimum number of edges (the size) of an H-saturated graph on n vertices is denoted sat(n, H), while the maximum size is the well studied extremal number, ex(n, H). The saturation spectrum for a graph H is the set of sizes of H-saturated graphs between sat(n, H) and ex(n, H). In this paper we show that paths, trees with a vertex adjacent to many leaves, and brooms have a gap in the saturation spectrum

    Digraph Coloring Games and Game-Perfectness

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    In this thesis the game chromatic number of a digraph is introduced as a game-theoretic variant of the dichromatic number. This notion generalizes the well-known game chromatic number of a graph. An extended model also takes into account relaxed colorings and asymmetric move sequences. Game-perfectness is defined as a game-theoretic variant of perfectness of a graph, and is generalized to digraphs. We examine upper and lower bounds for the game chromatic number of several classes of digraphs. In the last part of the thesis, we characterize game-perfect digraphs with small clique number, and prove general results concerning game-perfectness. Some results are verified with the help of a computer program that is discussed in the appendix

    Tree-Verifiable Graph Grammars

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    Hyperedge-Replacement grammars (HR) have been introduced by Courcelle in order to extend the notion of context-free sets from words and trees to graphs of bounded tree-width. While for words and trees the syntactic restrictions that guarantee that the associated languages of words resp. trees are regular - and hence, MSO-definable - are known, the situation is far more complicated for graphs. Here, Courcelle proposed the notion of regular graph grammars, a syntactic restriction of HR grammars that guarantees the definability of the associated languages of graphs in Counting Monadic Second Order Logic (CMSO). However, these grammars are not complete in the sense that not every CMSO-definable set of graphs of bounded tree-width can be generated by a regular graph grammar. In this paper, we introduce a new syntactic restriction of HR grammars, called tree-verifiable graph grammars, and a new notion of bounded tree-width, called embeddable bounded tree-width, where the later restricts the trees of a tree-decomposition to be a subgraph of the analyzed graph. The main property of tree-verifiable graph grammars is that their associated languages are CMSO-definable and that the have bounded embeddable tree-width. We show further that they strictly generalize the regular graph grammars of Courcelle. Finally, we establish a completeness result, showing that every language of graphs that is CMSO-definable and of bounded embeddable tree-width can be generated by a tree-verifiable graph grammar

    On graph classes with minor-universal elements

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    A graph UU is universal for a graph class C∋U\mathcal{C}\ni U, if every G∈CG\in \mathcal{C} is a minor of UU. We prove the existence or absence of universal graphs in several natural graph classes, including graphs component-wise embeddable into a surface, and graphs forbidding K5K_5, or K3,3K_{3,3}, or K∞K_\infty as a minor. We prove the existence of uncountably many minor-closed classes of countable graphs that (do and) do not have a universal element. Some of our results and questions may be of interest to the finite graph theorist. In particular, one of our side-results is that every K5K_5-minor-free graph is a minor of a K5K_5-minor-free graph of maximum degree 22

    Subgraph densities in a surface

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    Given a fixed graph HH that embeds in a surface Σ\Sigma, what is the maximum number of copies of HH in an nn-vertex graph GG that embeds in Σ\Sigma? We show that the answer is Θ(nf(H))\Theta(n^{f(H)}), where f(H)f(H) is a graph invariant called the `flap-number' of HH, which is independent of Σ\Sigma. This simultaneously answers two open problems posed by Eppstein (1993). When HH is a complete graph we give more precise answers.Comment: v4: referee's comments implemented. v3: proof of the main theorem fully rewritten, fixes a serious error in the previous version found by Kevin Hendre

    Applications of cut polyhedra

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