382 research outputs found

    Wind Turbine Rotors with Active Vibration Control

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    The Probability of Choosing Primitive Sets

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    We generalize a theorem of Nymann that the density of points in Z^d that are visible from the origin is 1/zeta(d), where zeta(a) is the Riemann zeta function 1/1^a + 1/2^a + 1/3^a + ... A subset S of Z^d is called primitive if it is a Z-basis for the lattice composed of the integer points in the R-span of S, or, equivalently, if S can be completed to a Z-basis of Z^d. We prove that if m points in Z^d are chosen uniformly and independently at random from a large box, then as the size of the box goes to infinity, the probability that the points form a primitive set approaches 1/[\zeta(d)\zeta(d-1)...zeta(d-m+1)].Comment: 11 page

    Accumulation of replicons in Tetrahymena

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    Relational Contracting and Allocation of Decision Rights in the Agri-Food Industry: Producer Contracts and Food Safety

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    We apply a formal theoretical model of adaptation to two empirical settings within the agri-food industry: specialized pig production and food safety in Denmark. The objective is to allocate decision rights ex ante so that actual decisions taken ex post will optimize the profit accruing to the two parties in a contractual or integrative relation. Two applications are presented in this paper: First an actual partnership between two pork producers in Denmark. Based on detailed budgets we develop detailed schedules for the “reneging temptations” of the two partners- These are the temptations to renege on the contract during the evolution of the partnership. Using a model developed by Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (2006) we calculate equilibria using the Folk theorem in order to determine which is the best allocation of decision rights. We find that the existing allocation of decision rights in the case we examine is efficient in the sense that it results into a second best allocation. Using the same modelling approach we present a second application on salmonella control related to end-feeding, that is, salmonella contamination of pork due to filled bellies of pigs fed for the last 12 hours before delivery. Based on appropriate assumptions, the parties should give the decision right (whether to end-feed or not) to the slaughterhouse in order to reach the firstbest solution which, given the assumptions, is feasibleTheory of the firm, Adaptation theory, Contracts, Decision Rights, Pig production, Food safety, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization, D21, L2, Q1,

    NĂĄr det ikke er naturlig for de, sĂĄ fĂĄr de kanskje ikke rom for det heller.

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    Mennesker diagnostisert med autismespekterforstyrrelser (ASF) har hatt en gradvis økning de siste årene (Martinsen et al., 2016). På bakgrunn av utfordringer med sosial kommunikasjon og sosiale ferdigheter, er det en risiko for at barn med ASF havner utenfor det sosiale fellesskapet i barnehagen (Germani et al., 2017, Löfdal, 2014; Ruud, 2012; Sjursen, 2021, s. 121). Samtidig har behovet for spesialpedagogisk hjelp i barnehagen har hatt en liten økning (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2023). Til tross for at tidligere forskning viser at barn med autismespekterforstyrrelser ofte uteblir fra sosiale samspill i barnehagen (Jahr et al., 2007), kan en gjennom tilrettelegging øke barnas mulighet til å være i lek og samspill med jevnaldrende (Tetzchner & Grindheim, 2013, Koegel et al., 2012). På bakgrunn av dette ønsket derfor studien å undersøke spesialpedagogers erfaringer og synspunkter med følgende problemstilling: «Hvordan tilrettelegger spesialpedagoger for sosial deltakelse i barnehagen for barn med autismespekterforstyrrelser?» Studien er basert på semistrukturerte intervjuer hvor spesialpedagogers erfaringer og opplevelser med å tilrettelegge for barn med ASF i barnehagen ble innhentet. Gjennom tematisk analyse ble deltakernes svar kategorisert i tre hovedtema som bidrar til å svare på den aktuelle problemstillingen (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Det empiriske materialet ble deretter drøftet i lys av relevant teori og tidligere forskning, og studiens begrensninger og bidrag ble drøftet avslutningsvis. Funnene i studien viser til relevansen av å bli kjent med hvert enkelt barn, da alle barn med autismespekterforstyrrelser har ulike utfordringer og behov som vil kreve ulike former for tilrettelegging. Videre tyder funnene på at tilrettelegging skjer på flere nivåer og at det er flere faktorer som påvirker barns med ASFs mulighet for sosial deltakelse. Både mer individfokuserte tilnærminger som strukturering av barnets hverdag og lek som tar utgangspunkt i barnets interesse- og mestringsfelt blir belyst. Videre blir mer systemfokusert arbeid fremhevet gjennom samarbeid med barnehagepersonalet og foresatte. Funnene tyder videre på at tilpasning av det allmenpedagogiske tilbudet, personalets holdninger og ressurser, samt den fysiske organiseringen er med på å påvirke tilretteleggingen og barnets muligheter for sosial deltakelse

    Nätverksdemokrati -vad bör, är, kan den vara

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    The main objective of the essay is to define the meaning of the term governance network on the basis of democratic values ? both normative and imperial - with the aim to analyse the prospects to develop an effective and democratic governance. Democratic values as well as civil participation, enlightenment, responsibility and approachability are discussed, but also more effectivness orientated values. It is clear from the presentation how normative and democracy models put different values in focus, with the consequence that other values are played down or pushed aside. Compared to imperial research in partnership ? by definition a type of network arrangement - and with a starting point in democracy and efficiency, the networks are discussed as political formation. In what sense can the actual existing network arrangements meet and fulfil the defined political values? As no straight forward answer exists, there is an ongoing conflict between the political demand for slowness and the effectiveness demand for flexibility and mobility

    A Flexible Privacy-preserving Framework for Singular Value Decomposition under Internet of Things Environment

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    The singular value decomposition (SVD) is a widely used matrix factorization tool which underlies plenty of useful applications, e.g. recommendation system, abnormal detection and data compression. Under the environment of emerging Internet of Things (IoT), there would be an increasing demand for data analysis to better human's lives and create new economic growth points. Moreover, due to the large scope of IoT, most of the data analysis work should be done in the network edge, i.e. handled by fog computing. However, the devices which provide fog computing may not be trustable while the data privacy is often the significant concern of the IoT application users. Thus, when performing SVD for data analysis purpose, the privacy of user data should be preserved. Based on the above reasons, in this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving fog computing framework for SVD computation. The security and performance analysis shows the practicability of the proposed framework. Furthermore, since different applications may utilize the result of SVD operation in different ways, three applications with different objectives are introduced to show how the framework could flexibly achieve the purposes of different applications, which indicates the flexibility of the design.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure
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