9 research outputs found

    Table 1: Chloroplast genomes of the parasitic and non-parasitic plants used in the case study.

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    Whole genome alignments and comparative analysis are key methods in the quest of unraveling the dynamics of genome evolution. Interactive visualization and exploration of the generated alignments, annotations, and phylogenetic data are important steps in the interpretation of the initial results. Limitations of existing software inspired us to develop our new tool AliTV, which provides interactive visualization of whole genome alignments. AliTV reads multiple whole genome alignments or automatically generates alignments from the provided data. Optional feature annotations and phylo- genetic information are supported. The user-friendly, web-browser based and highly customizable interface allows rapid exploration and manipulation of the visualized data as well as the export of publication-ready high-quality figures. AliTV is freely available at https://github.com/AliTVTeam/AliTV

    Genome-wide analyses of Liberibacter species provides insights into evolution, phylogenetic relationships, and virulence factors.

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    'Candidatus Liberibacter' species are insect-transmitted, phloem-limited α-Proteobacteria in the order of Rhizobiales. The citrus industry is facing significant challenges due to huanglongbing, associated with infection from 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' (Las). In order to gain greater insight into 'Ca. Liberibacter' biology and genetic diversity, we have performed genome sequencing and comparative analyses of diverse 'Ca. Liberibacter' species, including those that can infect citrus. Our phylogenetic analysis differentiates 'Ca. Liberibacter' species and Rhizobiales in separate clades and suggests stepwise evolution from a common ancestor splitting first into nonpathogenic Liberibacter crescens followed by diversification of pathogenic 'Ca. Liberibacter' species. Further analysis of Las genomes from different geographical locations revealed diversity among isolates from the United States. Our phylogenetic study also indicates multiple Las introduction events in California and spread of the pathogen from Florida to Texas. Texan Las isolates were closely related, while Florida and Asian isolates exhibited the most genetic variation. We have identified conserved Sec translocon (SEC)-dependent effectors likely involved in bacterial survival and virulence of Las and analysed their expression in their plant host (citrus) and insect vector (Diaphorina citri). Individual SEC-dependent effectors exhibited differential expression patterns between host and vector, indicating that Las uses its effector repertoire to differentially modulate diverse organisms. Collectively, this work provides insights into the evolution of 'Ca. Liberibacter' species, the introduction of Las in the United States and identifies promising Las targets for disease management

    Comparative genomics of four strains of the edible brown alga, Cladosiphon okamuranus

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    BACKGROUND: The brown alga, Cladosiphon okamuranus (Okinawa mozuku), is one of the most important edible seaweeds, and it is cultivated for market primarily in Okinawa, Japan. Four strains, denominated S, K, O, and C, with distinctively different morphologies, have been cultivated commercially since the early 2000s. We previously reported a draft genome of the S-strain. To facilitate studies of seaweed biology for future aquaculture, we here decoded and analyzed genomes of the other three strains (K, O, and C). RESULTS: Here we improved the genome of the S-strain (ver. 2, 130 Mbp, 12,999 genes), and decoded the K-strain (135 Mbp, 12,511 genes), the O-strain (140 Mbp, 12,548 genes), and the C-strain (143 Mbp, 12,182 genes). Molecular phylogenies, using mitochondrial and nuclear genes, showed that the S-strain diverged first, followed by the K-strain, and most recently the C- and O-strains. Comparisons of genome architecture among the four strains document the frequent occurrence of inversions. In addition to gene acquisitions and losses, the S-, K-, O-, and C-strains possess 457, 344, 367, and 262 gene families unique to each strain, respectively. Comprehensive Blast searches showed that most genes have no sequence similarity to any entries in the non-redundant protein sequence database, although GO annotation suggested that they likely function in relation to molecular and biological processes and cellular components. CONCLUSIONS: Our study compares the genomes of four strains of C. okamuranus and examines their phylogenetic relationships. Due to global environmental changes, including temperature increases, acidification, and pollution, brown algal aquaculture is facing critical challenges. Genomic and phylogenetic information reported by the present research provides useful tools for isolation of novel strains

    Impact of Different Trace Elements on the Growth and Proteome of Two Strains of Granulicella, Class “Acidobacteriia”

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    Acidobacteria represents one of the most dominant bacterial groups across diverse ecosystems. However, insight into their ecology and physiology has been hampered by difficulties in cultivating members of this phylum. Previous cultivation efforts have suggested an important role of trace elements for the proliferation of Acidobacteria, however, the impact of these metals on their growth and metabolism is not known. In order to gain insight into this relationship, we evaluated the effect of trace element solution SL10 on the growth of two strains (5B5 and WH15) of Acidobacteria belonging to the genus Granulicella and studied the proteomic responses to manganese (Mn). Granulicella species had highest growth with the addition of Mn, as well as higher tolerance to this metal compared to seven other metal salts. Variations in tolerance to metal salt concentrations suggests that Granulicella sp. strains possess different mechanisms to deal with metal ion homeostasis and stress. Furthermore, Granulicella sp. 5B5 might be more adapted to survive in an environment with higher concentration of several metal ions when compared to Granulicella sp. WH15. The proteomic profiles of both strains indicated that Mn was more important in enhancing enzymatic activity than to protein expression regulation. In the genomic analyses, we did not find the most common transcriptional regulation of Mn homeostasis, but we found candidate transporters that could be potentially involved in Mn homeostasis for Granulicella species. The presence of such transporters might be involved in tolerance to higher Mn concentrations, improving the adaptability of bacteria to metal enriched environments, such as the decaying wood-rich Mn environment from which these two Granulicella strains were isolated

    AliTV—interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons

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    Whole genome alignments and comparative analysis are key methods in the quest of unraveling the dynamics of genome evolution. Interactive visualization and exploration of the generated alignments, annotations, and phylogenetic data are important steps in the interpretation of the initial results. Limitations of existing software inspired us to develop our new tool AliTV, which provides interactive visualization of whole genome alignments. AliTV reads multiple whole genome alignments or automatically generates alignments from the provided data. Optional feature annotations and phylo- genetic information are supported. The user-friendly, web-browser based and highly customizable interface allows rapid exploration and manipulation of the visualized data as well as the export of publication-ready high-quality figures. AliTV is freely available at https://github.com/AliTVTeam/AliTV

    AliTV -interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons

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    ABSTRACT Whole genome alignments and comparative analysis are key methods in the quest of unraveling the dynamics of genome evolution. Interactive visualization and exploration of the generated alignments, annotations, and phylogenetic data are important steps in the interpretation of the initial results. Limitations of existing software inspired us to develop our new tool AliTV, which provides interactive visualization of whole genome alignments. AliTV reads multiple whole genome alignments or automatically generates alignments from the provided data. Optional feature annotations and phylogenetic information are supported. The user-friendly, web-browser based and highly customizable interface allows rapid exploration and manipulation of the visualized data as well as the export of publication-ready high-quality figures. AliTV is freely available at https://github.com/AliTVTeam/AliTV

    Exploring the microbiome of the Mediterranean sponge Aplysina aerophoba by single-cell and metagenomics

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    Sponges (phylum Porifera) are evolutionary ancient, sessile filter-feeders that harbor a largely diverse microbial community within their internal mesohyl matrix. Throughout this thesis project, I aimed at exploring the adaptations of these symbionts to life within their sponge host by sequencing and analyzing the genomes of a variety of bacteria from the microbiome of the Mediterranean sponge Aplysina aerophoba. Employed methods were fluorescence-activated cell sorting with subsequent multiple displacement amplification and single-cell / ‘mini-metagenome’ sequencing, and metagenomic sequencing followed by differential coverage binning. These two main approaches both aimed at obtaining genome sequences of bacterial symbionts of A. aerophoba, that were then compared to each other and to references from other environments, to gain information on adaptations to the host sponge environment and on possible interactions with the host and within the microbial community. Cyanobacteria are frequent members of the sponge microbial community. My ‘mini-metagenome’ sequencing project delivered three draft genomes of “Candidatus Synechococcus spongiarum,” the cyanobacterial symbiont of A. aerophoba and many more sponges inhabiting the photic zone. The most complete of these genomes was compared to other clades of this symbiont and to closely related free-living cyanobacterial references in a collaborative project published in Burgsdorf I*, Slaby BM* et al. (2015; *shared first authorship). Although the four clades of “Ca. Synechococcus spongiarum” from the four sponge species A. aerophoba, Ircinia variabilis, Theonella swinhoei, and Carteriospongia foliascens were approximately 99% identical on the level of 16S rRNA gene sequences, they greatly differed on the genomic level. Not only the genome sizes were different from clade to clade, but also the gene content and a number of features including proteins containing the eukaryotic-type domains leucine-rich repeats or tetratricopeptide repeats. On the other hand, the four clades shared a number of features such as ankyrin repeat domain-containing proteins that seemed to be conserved also among other microbial phyla in different sponge hosts and from different geographic locations. A possible novel mechanism for host phagocytosis evasion and phage resistance by means of an altered O antigen of the lipopolysaccharide was identified. To test previous hypotheses on adaptations of sponge-associated bacteria on a broader spectrum of the microbiome of A. aerophoba while also taking a step forward in methodology, I developed a bioinformatic pipeline to combine metagenomic Illumina short-read sequencing data with PacBio long-read data. At the beginning of this project, no pipelines to combine short-read and long-read data for metagenomics were published, and at time of writing, there are still no projects published with a comparable aim of un-targeted assembly, binning and analysis of a metagenome. I tried a variety of assembly programs and settings on a simulated test dataset reflecting the properties of the real metagenomic data. The developed assembly pipeline improved not only the overall assembly statistics, but also the quality of the binned genomes, which was evaluated by comparison to the originally published genome assemblies. The microbiome of A. aerophoba was studied from various angles in the recent years, but only genomes of the candidate phylum Poribacteria and the cyanobacterial sequences from my above-described project have been published to date. By applying my newly developed assembly pipeline to a metagenomic dataset of A. aerophoba consisting of a PacBio long-read dataset and six Illumina short-read datasets optimized for subsequent differential coverage binning, I aimed at sequencing a larger number and greater diversity of symbionts. The results of this project are currently in review by The ISME Journal. The complementation of Illumina short-read with PacBio long-read sequencing data for binning of this highly complex metagenome greatly improved the overall assembly statistics and improved the quality of the binned genomes. Thirty-seven genomes from 13 bacterial phyla and candidate phyla were binned representing the most prominent members of the microbiome of A. aerophoba. A statistical comparison revealed an enrichment of genes involved in restriction modification and toxin-antitoxin systems in most symbiont genomes over selected reference genomes. Both are defense features against incoming foreign DNA, which may be important for sponge symbionts due to the sponge’s filtration and phagocytosis activity that exposes the symbionts to high levels of free DNA. Also host colonization and matrix utilization features were significantly enriched. Due to the diversity of the binned symbiont genomes, a within-symbionts genome comparison was possible, that revealed three guilds of symbionts characterized by i) nutritional specialization on the metabolization of carnitine, ii) specialization on sulfated polysaccharides, and iii) apparent nutritional generalism. Both carnitine and sulfated polysaccharides are abundant in the sponge extracellular matrix and therefore available to the sponge symbionts as substrates. In summary, the genomes of the diverse community of symbionts in A. aerophoba were united in their defense features, but specialized regarding their nutritional preferences

    AliTV-interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons

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