42 research outputs found

    Efficient Schur Parametrization and Modeling of p-Stationary Second-Order Time-Series for LPC Transmission

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    Following the results presented in [1], we present an efficient approach to the Schur parametrization/modeling of a subclass of second-order time-series which we term p-stationary time-series, yielding a uniform hierarchy of algorithms suitable for efficient implementations and being a good starting point for nonlinear generalizations to higher-order non-Gaussian nearstationary time-series

    A Novel Partitioning Method for Accelerating the Block Cimmino Algorithm

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    We propose a novel block-row partitioning method in order to improve the convergence rate of the block Cimmino algorithm for solving general sparse linear systems of equations. The convergence rate of the block Cimmino algorithm depends on the orthogonality among the block rows obtained by the partitioning method. The proposed method takes numerical orthogonality among block rows into account by proposing a row inner-product graph model of the coefficient matrix. In the graph partitioning formulation defined on this graph model, the partitioning objective of minimizing the cutsize directly corresponds to minimizing the sum of inter-block inner products between block rows thus leading to an improvement in the eigenvalue spectrum of the iteration matrix. This in turn leads to a significant reduction in the number of iterations required for convergence. Extensive experiments conducted on a large set of matrices confirm the validity of the proposed method against a state-of-the-art method

    Vers des transformations d'applications à parallélisme de données en équations synchrones

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    Ce papier présente les premiers résultats d'une étude concernant la transformation d'applications à parallélisme de données en équations synchrones. Les applications considérées sont exprimées à l'aide du métamodèle GASPARD qui étend le langage ARRAY-OL, dédié aux applications de traitement de données intensives. Le principe général des transformations envisagées est exposé ainsi que les idées de mise en oeuvre. Les modèles synchrones résultants permettent d'aborder plusieurs questions liées à la validation formelle, par exemple, vérification de propriétés de synchronisabilité, de latence, etc, en utilisant les outils et techniques formels offerts par la technologie synchrone. Ils permettent ainsi l'accès à des fonctionnalités complémentaires avec celles de l'environnement associé à GASPARD, qui propose uneméthodologie de conception conjointe matériel/logiciel de systèmes intégrés sur puce. Les transformations suivront une approche d'Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM/MDE). Des perspectives sont mentionnées concernant l'introduction d'automates de contrôle au sein des modèles obtenus

    An embedded language framework for hardware compilation

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    Various languages have been proposed to describe synchronous hardware at an abstract, yet synthesisable level. We propose a uniform framework within which such languages can be developed, and combined together for simulation, synthesis, and verification. We do this by embedding the languages in Lava — a hardware description language (HDL), itself embedded in the functional programming language Haskell. The approach allows us to easily experiment with new formal languages and language features, and also provides easy access to formal verification tools aiding program verification.peer-reviewe

    Stepwise transformation of algorithms into array processor architectures by the decomp

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    A formal approach for the transformation of computation intensive digital signal processing algorithms into suitable array processor architectures is presented. It covers the complete design flow from algorithmic specifications in a high-level programming language to architecture descriptions in a hardware description language. The transformation itself is divided into manageable design steps and implemented in the CAD-tool DECOMP which allows the exploration of different architectures in a short time. With the presented approach data independent algorithms can be mapped onto array processor architectures. To allow this, a known mapping methodology for array processor design is extended to handle inhomogeneous dependence graphs with nonregular data dependences. The implementation of the formal approach in the DECOMP is an important step towards design automation for massively parallel systems

    A comparison of SW/HW implementations of stream cipher encoders

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    In this paper, a new method of stream encoding and decoding is presented. It is developed on the basis of a derangement generator. Stream cipher D has been compared with other stream ciphers – E0, W7 and Phelix. Encoding and decoding algorithms have been implemented in C++ and VHDL programming languages. FPGA synthesis data has been reported for Spartan 3E and Virtex 4 devices from Xilinx. The hardware solution has been tested on the Digilent Nexys 2 500K board. Subsequently, comparative studies have been conducted for software and hardware coders, taking into account average coding time and average throughput for 16 input data files of different sizes. Conclusions resulting from the research are derived

    Multi-stage languages in hardware design

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    As circuits increase in size and complexity, hardware description techniques have been trying to adopt features already well- established in software languages. In this paper, we investigate how different hardware description languages implement levels of abstraction over the hardware designs, and we examine how improvements have lead to features like parameterised circuits and generic descriptions, that enable users to efficiently model and reason about large regular-shaped structures and connection patterns. Nonetheless, the ability to include non-functional properties of circuits in the same description is still an open issue. Lately, proposed solutions are looking into meta-functional languages and multi-staging techniques. We examine how hardware description languages can benefit from the capabilities of meta-functional languages, which are able to reason about, and transform the circuit generators as data objects, thus providing a means to access both the functional and non-functional aspects of the generated circuits.peer-reviewe

    Time-varying biorthogonal filter banks: a state-space approach

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