41 research outputs found

    Algorithmic ramifications of prefetching in memory hierarchy

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    External Memory models, most notable being the I-O Model [3], capture the effects of memory hierarchy and aid in algorithm design. More than a decade of architectural advancements have led to new features not captured in the I-O model - most notably the prefetching capability. We propose a relatively simple Prefetch model that incorporates data prefetching in the traditional I-O models and show how to design algorithms that can attain close to peak memory bandwidth. Unlike (the inverse of) memory latency, the memory bandwidth is much closer to the processing speed, thereby, intelligent use of prefetching can considerably mitigate the I-O bottleneck. For some fundamental problems, our algorithms attain running times approaching that of the idealized Random Access Machines under reasonable assumptions. Our work also explains the significantly superior performance of the I-O efficient algorithms in systems that support prefetching compared to ones that do not

    The Universe at Extreme Scale: Multi-Petaflop Sky Simulation on the BG/Q

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    Remarkable observational advances have established a compelling cross-validated model of the Universe. Yet, two key pillars of this model -- dark matter and dark energy -- remain mysterious. Sky surveys that map billions of galaxies to explore the `Dark Universe', demand a corresponding extreme-scale simulation capability; the HACC (Hybrid/Hardware Accelerated Cosmology Code) framework has been designed to deliver this level of performance now, and into the future. With its novel algorithmic structure, HACC allows flexible tuning across diverse architectures, including accelerated and multi-core systems. On the IBM BG/Q, HACC attains unprecedented scalable performance -- currently 13.94 PFlops at 69.2% of peak and 90% parallel efficiency on 1,572,864 cores with an equal number of MPI ranks, and a concurrency of 6.3 million. This level of performance was achieved at extreme problem sizes, including a benchmark run with more than 3.6 trillion particles, significantly larger than any cosmological simulation yet performed.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, final version of paper for talk presented at SC1

    Performance Improvements of Common Sparse Numerical Linear Algebra Computations

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    Manufacturers of computer hardware are able to continuously sustain an unprecedented pace of progress in computing speed of their products, partially due to increased clock rates but also because of ever more complicated chip designs. With new processor families appearing every few years, it is increasingly harder to achieve high performance rates in sparse matrix computations. This research proposes new methods for sparse matrix factorizations and applies in an iterative code generalizations of known concepts from related disciplines. The proposed solutions and extensions are implemented in ways that tend to deliver efficiency while retaining ease of use of existing solutions. The implementations are thoroughly timed and analyzed using a commonly accepted set of test matrices. The tests were conducted on modern processors that seem to have gained an appreciable level of popularity and are fairly representative for a wider range of processor types that are available on the market now or in the near future. The new factorization technique formally introduced in the early chapters is later on proven to be quite competitive with state of the art software currently available. Although not totally superior in all cases (as probably no single approach could possibly be), the new factorization algorithm exhibits a few promising features. In addition, an all-embracing optimization effort is applied to an iterative algorithm that stands out for its robustness. This also gives satisfactory results on the tested computing platforms in terms of performance improvement. The same set of test matrices is used to enable an easy comparison between both investigated techniques, even though they are customarily treated separately in the literature. Possible extensions of the presented work are discussed. They range from easily conceivable merging with existing solutions to rather more evolved schemes dependent on hard to predict progress in theoretical and algorithmic research

    Design and optimisation of scientific programs in a categorical language

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the use of advanced computer languages for scientific computing, an examination of performance issues that arise from using such languages for such a task, and a step toward achieving portable performance from compilers by attacking these problems in a way that compensates for the complexity of and differences between modern computer architectures. The language employed is Aldor, a functional language from computer algebra, and the scientific computing area is a subset of the family of iterative linear equation solvers applied to sparse systems. The linear equation solvers that are considered have much common structure, and this is factored out and represented explicitly in the lan-guage as a framework, by means of categories and domains. The flexibility introduced by decomposing the algorithms and the objects they act on into separate modules has a strong performance impact due to its negative effect on temporal locality. This necessi-tates breaking the barriers between modules to perform cross-component optimisation. In this instance the task reduces to one of collective loop fusion and array contrac

    FPGA-based Query Acceleration for Non-relational Databases

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    Database management systems are an integral part of today’s everyday life. Trends like smart applications, the internet of things, and business and social networks require applications to deal efficiently with data in various data models close to the underlying domain. Therefore, non-relational database systems provide a wide variety of database models, like graphs and documents. However, current non-relational database systems face performance challenges due to the end of Dennard scaling and therefore performance scaling of CPUs. In the meanwhile, FPGAs have gained traction as accelerators for data management. Our goal is to tackle the performance challenges of non-relational database systems with FPGA acceleration and, at the same time, address design challenges of FPGA acceleration itself. Therefore, we split this thesis up into two main lines of work: graph processing and flexible data processing. Because of the lacking benchmark practices for graph processing accelerators, we propose GraphSim. GraphSim is able to reproduce runtimes of these accelerators based on a memory access model of the approach. Through this simulation environment, we extract three performance-critical accelerator properties: asynchronous graph processing, compressed graph data structure, and multi-channel memory. Since these accelerator properties have not been combined in one system, we propose GraphScale. GraphScale is the first scalable, asynchronous graph processing accelerator working on a compressed graph and outperforms all state-of-the-art graph processing accelerators. Focusing on accelerator flexibility, we propose PipeJSON as the first FPGA-based JSON parser for arbitrary JSON documents. PipeJSON is able to achieve parsing at line-speed, outperforming the fastest, vectorized parsers for CPUs. Lastly, we propose the subgraph query processing accelerator GraphMatch which outperforms state-of-the-art CPU systems for subgraph query processing and is able to flexibly switch queries during runtime in a matter of clock cycles


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    Sparse Matrices are very large matrices with very few nonzero elements and op- erations on sparse matrices are central to many numerical and graph algorithms. The fundamental bottleneck in these operations is the usage of specialized storage formats which only store the NonZero (NZ) elements and the indirect memory references re- quired to access those elements. This makes the operations very sensitive to memory latency and bandwidth. Unfortunately, microprocessor trends are not encouraging for sparse matrix operations: latency is increasing and bandwidth is becoming more scarce. This results in many important applications having very poor computation performance. This dissertation describes a new sparse matrix format called Variable Dual Com- pressed Blocks (VDCB) that divides a matrix into a number of smaller, variable-sized submatrices with a bitmap to indicate the presence of NZ values. When used in conjunction with customized memory subsystem, this converts the memory reference pattern from random look-ups to a serial access pattern. To quantify how detrimental the legacy sparse matrix storage formats are, the proposed system has been implemented on an FPGA device and two common sparse matrix operations, Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication (SMVM) and Sparse Matrix Matrix Multiplication (SMMM), were evaluated. These two operations represent a number of challenges for the memory and computation subsystems. Results demonstrate gains in bandwidth efficiency, significant impact on the performance of the SMVM and SMMM operations, and the scalability of the approach

    Efficient Execution of Sequential Instructions Streams by Physical Machines

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    Any computational model which relies on a physical system is likely to be subject to the fact that information density and speed have intrinsic, ultimate limits. The RAM model, and in particular the underlying assumption that memory accesses can be carried out in time independent from memory size itself, is not physically implementable. This work has developed in the field of limiting technology machines, in which it is somewhat provocatively assumed that technology has achieved the physical limits. The ultimate goal for this is to tackle the problem of the intrinsic latencies of physical systems by encouraging scalable organizations for processors and memories. An algorithmic study is presented, which depicts the implementation of high concurrency programs for SP and SPE, sequential machine models able to compute direct-flow programs in optimal time. Then, a novel pieplined, hierarchical memory organization is presented, with optimal latency and bandwidth for a physical system. In order to both take full advantage of the memory capabilities and exploit the available instruction level parallelism of the code to be executed, a novel processor model is developed. Particular care is put in devising an efficient information flow within the processor itself. Both designs are extremely scalable, as they are based on fixed capacity and fixed size nodes, which are connected as a multidimensional array. Performance analysis on the resulting machine design has led to the discovery that latencies internal to the processor can be the dominating source of complexity in instruction flow execution, which adds to the effects of processor-memory interaction. A characterization of instruction flows is then developed, which is based on the topology induced by instruction dependences

    Research conducted at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science

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    Research conducted at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science is summarized