22 research outputs found

    Paschke Dilations

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    In 1973 Paschke defined a factorization for completely positive maps between C*-algebras. In this paper we show that for normal maps between von Neumann algebras, this factorization has a universal property, and coincides with Stinespring's dilation for normal maps into B(H).Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2016, arXiv:1701.0024

    Classical Control, Quantum Circuits and Linear Logic in Enriched Category Theory

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    We describe categorical models of a circuit-based (quantum) functional programming language. We show that enriched categories play a crucial role. Following earlier work on QWire by Paykin et al., we consider both a simple first-order linear language for circuits, and a more powerful host language, such that the circuit language is embedded inside the host language. Our categorical semantics for the host language is standard, and involves cartesian closed categories and monads. We interpret the circuit language not in an ordinary category, but in a category that is enriched in the host category. We show that this structure is also related to linear/non-linear models. As an extended example, we recall an earlier result that the category of W*-algebras is dcpo-enriched, and we use this model to extend the circuit language with some recursive types

    Scoped effects as parameterized algebraic theories

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    Notions of computation can be modelled by monads. Algebraic effects offer a characterization of monads in terms of algebraic operations and equational axioms, where operations are basic programming features, such as reading or updating the state, and axioms specify observably equivalent expressions. However, many useful programming features depend on additional mechanisms such as delimited scopes or dynamically allocated resources. Such mechanisms can be supported via extensions to algebraic effects including scoped effects and parameterized algebraic theories. We present a fresh perspective on scoped effects by translation into a variation of parameterized algebraic theories. The translation enables a new approach to equational reasoning for scoped effects and gives rise to an alternative characterization of monads in terms of generators and equations involving both scoped and algebraic operations. We demonstrate the power of our fresh perspective by way of equational characterizations of several known models of scoped effects

    Strongly Normalising Cyclic Data Computation by Iteration Categories of Second-Order Algebraic Theories

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    Cyclic data structures, such as cyclic lists, in functional programming are tricky to handle because of their cyclicity. This paper presents an investigation of categorical, algebraic, and computational foundations of cyclic datatypes. Our framework of cyclic datatypes is based on second-order algebraic theories of Fiore et al., which give a uniform setting for syntax, types, and computation rules for describing and reasoning about cyclic datatypes. We extract the ``fold\u27\u27 computation rules from the categorical semantics based on iteration categories of Bloom and Esik. Thereby, the rules are correct by construction. Finally, we prove strong normalisation using the General Schema criterion for second-order computation rules. Rather than the fixed point law, we particularly choose Bekic law for computation, which is a key to obtaining strong normalisation

    Cyclic Datatypes modulo Bisimulation based on Second-Order Algebraic Theories

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    Cyclic data structures, such as cyclic lists, in functional programming are tricky to handle because of their cyclicity. This paper presents an investigation of categorical, algebraic, and computational foundations of cyclic datatypes. Our framework of cyclic datatypes is based on second-order algebraic theories of Fiore et al., which give a uniform setting for syntax, types, and computation rules for describing and reasoning about cyclic datatypes. We extract the "fold" computation rules from the categorical semantics based on iteration categories of Bloom and Esik. Thereby, the rules are correct by construction. We prove strong normalisation using the General Schema criterion for second-order computation rules. Rather than the fixed point law, we particularly choose Bekic law for computation, which is a key to obtaining strong normalisation. We also prove the property of "Church-Rosser modulo bisimulation" for the computation rules. Combining these results, we have a remarkable decidability result of the equational theory of cyclic data and fold.Comment: 38 page

    Concrete Categorical Model of a Quantum Circuit Description Language with Measurement

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    In this paper, we introduce dynamic lifting to a quantum circuit-description language, following the Proto-Quipper language approach. Dynamic lifting allows programs to transfer the result of measuring quantum data - qubits - into classical data - booleans -. We propose a type system and an operational semantics for the language and we state safety properties. Next, we introduce a concrete categorical semantics for the proposed language, basing our approach on a recent model from Rios&Selinger for Proto-Quipper-M. Our approach is to construct on top of a concrete category of circuits with measurements a Kleisli category, capturing as a side effect the action of retrieving classical content out of a quantum memory. We then show a soundness result for this semantics

    Q# as a Quantum Algorithmic Language

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    Q# is a standalone domain-specific programming language from Microsoft for writing and running quantum programs. Like most industrial languages, it was designed without a formal specification, which can naturally lead to ambiguity in its interpretation. We aim to provide a formal language definition for Q#, placing the language on a solid mathematical foundation and enabling further evolution of its design and type system. This paper presents λ\lambda-Q#, an idealized version of Q# that illustrates how we may view Q# as a quantum Algol (algorithmic language). We show the safety properties enforced by λ\lambda-Q#'s type system and present its equational semantics based on a fully complete algebraic theory by Staton.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2022, arXiv:2311.0837