157 research outputs found

    On the hardness of the hidden subspaces problem with and without noise. Cryptanalysis of Aaronson-Christiano’s quantum money scheme

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    [ES] El boom de internet ha marcado el comienzo de la era digital y ésta ha traído consigo un desarrollo espectacular de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones, entre las que la criptografía es la reina. La criptografía de clave pública actual está basada principalmente en dos problemas que la comunidad criptográfica asume como difíciles: la factorización y el logaritmo discreto. Sin embargo, si se llegase a construir un computador cuántico lo suficientemente potente, esta dificultad no sería tal. Así pues, la computación cuántica pondría en un grave aprieto a la criptografía moderna y, puesto que la trayectoria reciente del campo sugiere que ésta podría convertirse en una realidad en un futuro no muy lejano, la comunidad criptográfica ha comenzado a explorar otras opciones para estar lista en caso de que se logre construir un computador cuántico eficiente. Esto ha dado un im- pulso a lo que se conoce como criptografía post-cuántica, aquella cuya dificultad no se vería afectada por este nuevo paradigma de computación y que está basada en los llamados problemas resistentes a la computación cuántica. La criptografía post-cuántica ha suscitado mucho interés recientemente y actualmente está en proceso de estandarización, por lo que en el momento de iniciar esta tesis resultaba relevante estudiar problemas supuestamente resistentes al computador cuántico. La parte central de esta tesis es el análisis de la dificultad del problema de los subespacios ocultos (HSP por sus siglas en inglés) y del problema de los subespacios ocultos con ruido (NHSP), dos problemas resistentes al computador cuántico según sus autores. Además de la relevancia que su supuesta resistencia a la computación cuántica les confiere, estos dos problemas son también importantes porque en su dificultad se sustenta la seguridad de las dos versiones del primer esquema de dinero cuántico de clave pública que cuenta con una prueba de seguridad. Este primer esquema es el de Aaronson-Christiano, que implementa dinero cuántico — un tipo de dinero que explota las leyes de la mecánica cuántica para crear dinero infalsificable — que cualquiera puede verificar. Los resultados obtenidos acerca de la dificultad del HSP y del NHSP tienen un impacto directo sobre la seguridad del esquema de Aaronson-Christiano, lo cual nos motivó a centrar esta tesis en estos dos problemas. El Capítulo 3 contiene nuestros resultados acerca del problema de los subespacios ocultos y está fundamentalmente basado en nuestro trabajo [Conde Pena et al.,2015]. Los autores del HSP lo definieron originalmente sobre el cuerpo binario, pero nosotros extendemos la definición a cualquier otro cuerpo finito de orden primo, siempre considerando que la instanciación es la que los autores proponen. Después de modelar el HSP con un sistema de ecuaciones con buenas propiedades, usamos técnicas de criptoanálisis algebraico para explorar el sistema en profundidad. Para el HSP sobre cualquier cuerpo que no sea el binario diseñamos un algoritmo que resuelve de manera eficiente instancias que satisfacen una cierta condición. Utilizando técnicas distintas, construimos un algoritmo heurístico, sustentado por argumentos teóricos, que resuelve eficientemente instancias del HSP sobre el cuerpo binario. Ambos algo-ritmos comprometen la dificultad del HSP siempre que las instancias del problema sean escogidas como Aaronson-Christiano proponen. Como consecuencia, nuestros algoritmos vulneran la seguridad de la versión del esquema sin ruido. El capítulo 4 contiene nuestros resultados acerca del problema de los subespacios ocultos con ruido y está fundamentalmente basado en nuestro trabajo [Conde Pena et al., 2018]. Al igual que con el HSP, extendemos la definición del NHSP a cualquier otro cuerpo de orden primo y consideramos instancias generadas como especifi- can Aaronson-Christiano. Mostramos que el NHSP se puede reducir al HSP sobre cualquier cuerpo primo que no sea el binario para ciertas instancias, mientras que el NHSP sobre el cuerpo binario se puede resolver con una probabilidad mayor de la asumida por los autores en la conjetura sobre la que la seguridad de su esquema con ruido se sustenta. Aunque nuestros resultados se obtienen desde un punto de vista puramente no cuántico, durante el desarrollo de esta tesis otro autor demostró que existe una reducción cuántica del NHSP al HSP también en el caso binario. Por tanto, la dificultad del NHSP y la seguridad del esquema de Aaronson-Christiano con ruido se han visto comprometidas por nuestros descubrimientos acerca del HSP

    Roadmap on optical security

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    Information security and authentication are important challenges facing society. Recent attacks by hackers on the databases of large commercial and financial companies have demonstrated that more research and development of advanced approaches are necessary to deny unauthorized access to critical data. Free space optical technology has been investigated by many researchers in information security, encryption, and authentication. The main motivation for using optics and photonics for information security is that optical waveforms possess many complex degrees of freedom such as amplitude, phase, polarization, large bandwidth, nonlinear transformations, quantum properties of photons, and multiplexing that can be combined in many ways to make information encryption more secure and more difficult to attack. This roadmap article presents an overview of the potential, recent advances, and challenges of optical security and encryption using free space optics. The roadmap on optical security is comprised of six categories that together include 16 short sections written by authors who have made relevant contributions in this field. The first category of this roadmap describes novel encryption approaches, including secure optical sensing which summarizes double random phase encryption applications and flaws [Yamaguchi], the digital holographic encryption in free space optical technique which describes encryption using multidimensional digital holography [Nomura], simultaneous encryption of multiple signals [Pérez-Cabré], asymmetric methods based on information truncation [Nishchal], and dynamic encryption of video sequences [Torroba]. Asymmetric and one-way cryptosystems are analyzed by Peng. The second category is on compression for encryption. In their respective contributions, Alfalou and Stern propose similar goals involving compressed data and compressive sensing encryption. The very important area of cryptanalysis is the topic of the third category with two sections: Sheridan reviews phase retrieval algorithms to perform different attacks, whereas Situ discusses nonlinear optical encryption techniques and the development of a rigorous optical information security theory. The fourth category with two contributions reports how encryption could be implemented at the nano- or micro-scale. Naruse discusses the use of nanostructures in security applications and Carnicer proposes encoding information in a tightly focused beam. In the fifth category, encryption based on ghost imaging using single-pixel detectors is also considered. In particular, the authors [Chen, Tajahuerce] emphasize the need for more specialized hardware and image processing algorithms. Finally, in the sixth category, Mosk and Javidi analyze in their corresponding papers how quantum imaging can benefit optical encryption systems. Sources that use few photons make encryption systems much more difficult to attack, providing a secure method for authentication.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Selected Topics in Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Ciphers

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    It is well established that a symmetric cipher may be described as a system of Boolean polynomials, and that the security of the cipher cannot be better than the difficulty of solving said system. Compressed Right-Hand Side (CRHS) Equations is but one way of describing a symmetric cipher in terms of Boolean polynomials. The first paper of this thesis provides a comprehensive treatment firstly of the relationship between Boolean functions in algebraic normal form, Binary Decision Diagrams and CRHS equations. Secondly, of how CRHS equations may be used to describe certain kinds of symmetric ciphers and how this model may be used to attempt a key-recovery attack. This technique is not left as a theoretical exercise, as the process have been implemented as an open-source project named CryptaPath. To ensure accessibility for researchers unfamiliar with algebraic cryptanalysis, CryptaPath can convert a reference implementation of the target cipher, as specified by a Rust trait, into the CRHS equations model automatically. CRHS equations are not limited to key-recovery attacks, and Paper II explores one such avenue of CRHS equations flexibility. Linear and differential cryptanalysis have long since established their position as two of the most important cryptanalytical attacks, and every new design since must show resistance to both. For some ciphers, like the AES, this resistance can be mathematically proven, but many others are left to heuristic arguments and computer aided proofs. This work is tedious, and most of the tools require good background knowledge of a tool/technique to transform a design to the right input format, with a notable exception in CryptaGraph. CryptaGraph is written in Rust and transforms a reference implementation into CryptaGraphs underlying data structure automatically. Paper II introduces a new way to use CRHS equations to model a symmetric cipher, this time in such a way that linear and differential trail searches are possible. In addition, a new set of operations allowing us to count the number of active S-boxes in a path is presented. Due to CRHS equations effective initial data compression, all possible trails are captured in the initial system description. As is the case with CRHS equations, the crux is the memory consumption. However, this approach also enables the graph of a CRHS equation to be pruned, allowing the memory consumption to be kept at manageable levels. Unfortunately, pruning nodes also means that we will lose valid, incomplete paths, meaning that the hulls found are probably incomplete. On the flip side, all paths, and their corresponding probabilities, found by the tool are guaranteed to be valid trails for the cipher. This theory is also implemented in an extension of CryptaPath, and the name is PathFinder. PathFinder is also able to automatically turn a reference implementation of a cipher into its CRHS equations-based model. As an additional bonus, PathFinder supports the reference implementation specifications specified by CryptaGraph, meaning that the same reference implementation can be used for both CryptaGraph and PathFinder. Paper III shifts focus onto symmetric ciphers designed to be used in conjunction with FHE schemes. Symmetric ciphers designed for this purpose are relatively new and have naturally had a strong focus on reducing the number of multiplications performed. A multiplication is considered expensive on the noise budget of the FHE scheme, while linear operations are viewed as cheap. These ciphers are all assuming that it is possible to find parameters in the various FHE schemes which allow these ciphers to work well in symbiosis with the FHE scheme. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, with the consequence that the decryption process becomes more costly than necessary. Paper III therefore proposes Fasta, a stream cipher which has its parameters and linear layer especially chosen to allow efficient implementation over the BGV scheme, particularly as implemented in the HElib library. The linear layers are drawn from a family of rotation-based linear transformations, as cyclic rotations are cheap to do in FHE schemes that allow packing of multiple plaintext elements in one FHE ciphertext. Fasta follows the same design philosophy as Rasta, and will never use the same linear layer twice under the same key. The result is a stream cipher tailor-made for fast evaluation in HElib. Fasta shows an improvement in throughput of a factor more than 7 when compared to the most efficient implementation of Rasta.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Quantum Lightning Never Strikes the Same State Twice

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    Public key quantum money can be seen as a version of the quantum no-cloning theorem that holds even when the quantum states can be verified by the adversary. In this work, investigate quantum lightning, a formalization of "collision-free quantum money" defined by Lutomirski et al. [ICS'10], where no-cloning holds even when the adversary herself generates the quantum state to be cloned. We then study quantum money and quantum lightning, showing the following results: - We demonstrate the usefulness of quantum lightning by showing several potential applications, such as generating random strings with a proof of entropy, to completely decentralized cryptocurrency without a block-chain, where transactions is instant and local. - We give win-win results for quantum money/lightning, showing that either signatures/hash functions/commitment schemes meet very strong recently proposed notions of security, or they yield quantum money or lightning. - We construct quantum lightning under the assumed multi-collision resistance of random degree-2 systems of polynomials. - We show that instantiating the quantum money scheme of Aaronson and Christiano [STOC'12] with indistinguishability obfuscation that is secure against quantum computers yields a secure quantum money schem

    Quantum cryptography: key distribution and beyond

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    Uniquely among the sciences, quantum cryptography has driven both foundational research as well as practical real-life applications. We review the progress of quantum cryptography in the last decade, covering quantum key distribution and other applications.Comment: It's a review on quantum cryptography and it is not restricted to QK

    Roadmap on optical security

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    Information security and authentication are important challenges facing our society. Recent attacks by hackers on the databases of large commercial and financial companies have demonstrated that more research and developments of advanced approaches are necessary to deny unauthorized access to critical data. Free space optical technology has been investigated by many researchers in information security, encryption, and authentication. The main motivation for using optics and photonics for information security is that optical waveforms possess many complex degrees of freedom such as amplitude, phase, polarization, large bandwidth, nonlinear transformations, quantum properties of photons, and multiplexing that can be combined in many ways to make the information encryption more secure and more difficult to attack. This roadmap article presents an overview of the potential, recent advances, and the challenges of optical security and encryption using free space optics. The roadmap on optical security is comprised of six categories that together include 16 short sections written by authors who have made relevant contributions in this field. The first category of this roadmap describes novel encryption approaches, including secure optical sensing which summarizes double random phase encryption applications and flaws [Yamaguchi], digital holographic encryption in free space optical technique which describes encryption using multidimensional digital holography [Nomura], simultaneous encryption of multiple signals [Pérez-Cabré], asymmetric methods based on information truncation [Nishchal], and dynamic encryption of video sequences [Torroba]. Asymmetric and one-way cryptosystems are analyzed by Peng. The second category is on compression for encryption. In their respective contributions, Alfalou and Stern propose similar goals involving compressed data and compressive sensing encryption. The very important area of cryptanalysis is the topic of the third category with two sections: Sheridan reviews phase retrieval algorithms to perform different attacks, whereas Situ discusses nonlinear optical encryption techniques and the development of a rigorous optical information security theory. The fourth category with two contributions reports how encryption could be implemented in the nano- or microscale. Naruse discusses the use of nanostructures in security applications and Carnicer proposes encoding information in a tightly focused beam. In the fifth category, encryption based on ghost imaging using single-pixel detectors is also considered. In particular, the authors [Chen, Tajahuerce] emphasize the need for more specialized hardware and image processing algorithms. Finally, in the sixth category, Mosk and Javidi analyze in their corresponding papers how quantum imaging can benefit optical encryption systems. Sources that use few photons make encryption systems much more difficult to attack, providing a secure method for authentication

    Quantum Money from Abelian Group Actions

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    We give a construction of public key quantum money, and even a strengthened version called quantum lightning, from abelian group actions, which can in turn be constructed from suitable isogenies over elliptic curves. We prove security in the generic group model for group actions under a plausible computational assumption, and develop a general toolkit for proving quantum security in this model. Along the way, we explore knowledge assumptions and algebraic group actions in the quantum setting, finding significant limitations of these assumptions/models compared to generic group actions

    An Alternative View of the Graph-Induced Multilinear Maps

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    In this paper, we view multilinear maps through the lens of ``homomorphic obfuscation . In specific, we show how to homomorphically obfuscate the kernel-test and affine subspace-test functionalities of high dimensional matrices. Namely, the evaluator is able to perform additions and multiplications over the obfuscated matrices, and test subspace memberships on the resulting code. The homomorphic operations are constrained by the prescribed data structure, e.g. a tree or a graph, where the matrices are stored. The security properties of all the constructions are based on the hardness of Learning with errors problem (LWE). The technical heart is to ``control the ``chain reactions\u27\u27 over a sequence of LWE instances. Viewing the homomorphic obfuscation scheme from a different angle, it coincides with the graph-induced multilinear maps proposed by Gentry, Gorbunov and Halevi (GGH15). Our proof technique recognizes several ``safe modes of GGH15 that are not known before, including a simple special case: if the graph is acyclic and the matrices are sampled independently from binary or error distributions, then the encodings of the matrices are pseudorandom