37,395 research outputs found

    Symmetric Determinantal Representation of Formulas and Weakly Skew Circuits

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    We deploy algebraic complexity theoretic techniques for constructing symmetric determinantal representations of for00504925mulas and weakly skew circuits. Our representations produce matrices of much smaller dimensions than those given in the convex geometry literature when applied to polynomials having a concise representation (as a sum of monomials, or more generally as an arithmetic formula or a weakly skew circuit). These representations are valid in any field of characteristic different from 2. In characteristic 2 we are led to an almost complete solution to a question of B\"urgisser on the VNP-completeness of the partial permanent. In particular, we show that the partial permanent cannot be VNP-complete in a finite field of characteristic 2 unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses.Comment: To appear in the AMS Contemporary Mathematics volume on Randomization, Relaxation, and Complexity in Polynomial Equation Solving, edited by Gurvits, Pebay, Rojas and Thompso

    Of McKay Correspondence, Non-linear Sigma-model and Conformal Field Theory

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    The ubiquitous ADE classification has induced many proposals of often mysterious correspondences both in mathematics and physics. The mathematics side includes quiver theory and the McKay Correspondence which relates finite group representation theory to Lie algebras as well as crepant resolutions of Gorenstein singularities. On the physics side, we have the graph-theoretic classification of the modular invariants of WZW models, as well as the relation between the string theory nonlinear σ\sigma-models and Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds. We here propose a unification scheme which naturally incorporates all these correspondences of the ADE type in two complex dimensions. An intricate web of inter-relations is constructed, providing a possible guideline to establish new directions of research or alternate pathways to the standing problems in higher dimensions.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections, comments on toric geometry and references adde

    Domain and range for angelic and demonic compositions

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    We give finite axiomatizations for the varieties generated by representable domain--range algebras when the semigroup operation is interpreted as angelic or demonic composition, respectively

    Modelling Software Evolution using Algebraic Graph Rewriting

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    We show how evolution requests can be formalized using algebraic graph rewriting. In particular, we present a way to convert the UML class diagrams to colored graphs. Since changes in software may effect the relation between the methods of classes, our colored graph representation also employs the relations in UML interaction diagrams. Then, we provide a set of algebraic graph rewrite rules that formalizes the changes that may be caused by an evolution request, using the pushout construction in the category of marked colored graphs

    Modular Theory, Non-Commutative Geometry and Quantum Gravity

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    This paper contains the first written exposition of some ideas (announced in a previous survey) on an approach to quantum gravity based on Tomita-Takesaki modular theory and A. Connes non-commutative geometry aiming at the reconstruction of spectral geometries from an operational formalism of states and categories of observables in a covariant theory. Care has been taken to provide a coverage of the relevant background on modular theory, its applications in non-commutative geometry and physics and to the detailed discussion of the main foundational issues raised by the proposal.Comment: Special Issue "Noncommutative Spaces and Fields

    Ten virtues of structured graphs

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    This paper extends the invited talk by the first author about the virtues of structured graphs. The motivation behind the talk and this paper relies on our experience on the development of ADR, a formal approach for the design of styleconformant, reconfigurable software systems. ADR is based on hierarchical graphs with interfaces and it has been conceived in the attempt of reconciling software architectures and process calculi by means of graphical methods. We have tried to write an ADR agnostic paper where we raise some drawbacks of flat, unstructured graphs for the design and analysis of software systems and we argue that hierarchical, structured graphs can alleviate such drawbacks