43 research outputs found

    Expressive Logics for Coinductive Predicates

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem says that two states of an image-finite transition system are bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same formulas in a certain modal logic. In this paper we study this type of result in a general context, moving from transition systems to coalgebras and from bisimilarity to coinductive predicates. We formulate when a logic fully characterises a coinductive predicate on coalgebras, by providing suitable notions of adequacy and expressivity, and give sufficient conditions on the semantics. The approach is illustrated with logics characterising similarity, divergence and a behavioural metric on automata

    Integrating Induction and Coinduction via Closure Operators and Proof Cycles

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    Logic programming: Laxness and Saturation

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    Functorial semantics as a unifying perspective on logic programming

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    Logic programming and its variations are widely used for formal reasoning in various areas of Computer Science, most notably Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we develop a systematic and unifying perspective for (ground) classical, probabilistic, weighted logic programs, based on categorical algebra. Our departure point is a formal distinction between the syntax and the semantics of programs, now regarded as separate categories. Then, we are able to characterise the various variants of logic program as different models for the same syntax category, i.e. structure-preserving functors in the spirit of Lawvere’s functorial semantics. As a first consequence of our approach, we showcase a series of semantic constructs for logic programming pictorially as certain string diagrams in the syntax category. Secondly, we describe the correspondence between probabilistic logic programs and Bayesian networks in terms of the associated models. Our analysis reveals that the correspondence can be phrased in purely syntactical terms, without resorting to the probabilistic domain of interpretation

    Functorial Semantics as a Unifying Perspective on Logic Programming

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    Logic programming and its variations are widely used for formal reasoning in various areas of Computer Science, most notably Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we develop a systematic and unifying perspective for (ground) classical, probabilistic, weighted logic programs, based on categorical algebra. Our departure point is a formal distinction between the syntax and the semantics of programs, now regarded as separate categories. Then, we are able to characterise the various variants of logic program as different models for the same syntax category, i.e. structure-preserving functors in the spirit of Lawvere’s functorial semantics. As a first consequence of our approach, we showcase a series of semantic constructs for logic programming pictorially as certain string diagrams in the syntax category. Secondly, we describe the correspondence between probabilistic logic programs and Bayesian networks in terms of the associated models. Our analysis reveals that the correspondence can be phrased in purely syntactical terms, without resorting to the probabilistic domain of interpretation

    Functorial semantics as a unifying perspective on logic programming

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    Logic programming and its variations are widely used for formal reasoning in various areas of Computer Science, most notably Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we develop a systematic and unifying perspective for (ground) classical, probabilistic, weighted logic programs, based on categorical algebra. Our departure point is a formal distinction between the syntax and the semantics of programs, now regarded as separate categories. Then, we are able to characterise the various variants of logic program as different models for the same syntax category, i.e. structure-preserving functors in the spirit of Lawvere’s functorial semantics. As a first consequence of our approach, we showcase a series of semantic constructs for logic programming pictorially as certain string diagrams in the syntax category. Secondly, we describe the correspondence between probabilistic logic programs and Bayesian networks in terms of the associated models. Our analysis reveals that the correspondence can be phrased in purely syntactical terms, without resorting to the probabilistic domain of interpretation

    A coalgebraic perspective on probabilistic logic programming

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    Probabilistic logic programming is increasingly important in artificial intelligence and related fields as a formalism to reason about uncertainty. It generalises logic programming with the possibility of annotating clauses with probabilities. This paper proposes a coalgebraic perspective on probabilistic logic programming. Programs are modelled as coalgebras for a certain functor F, and two semantics are given in terms of cofree coalgebras. First, the cofree F-coalgebra yields a semantics in terms of derivation trees. Second, by embedding F into another type G, as cofree G-coalgebra we obtain a “possible worlds” interpretation of programs, from which one may recover the usual distribution semantics of probabilistic logic programming

    Logic programming:Laxness and saturation

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    A propositional logic program P may be identified with a P f P f -coalgebra on the set of atomic propositions in the program. The corresponding C(P f P f )-coalgebra, where C(P f P f ) is the cofree comonad on P f P f , describes derivations by resolution. That correspondence has been developed to model first-order programs in two ways, with lax semantics and saturated semantics, based on locally ordered categories and right Kan extensions respectively. We unify the two approaches, exhibiting them as complementary rather than competing, reflecting the theorem-proving and proof-search aspects of logic programming. While maintaining that unity, we further refine lax semantics to give finitary models of logic programs with existential variables, and to develop a precise semantic relationship between variables in logic programming and worlds in local state

    A Coalgebraic Perspective on Probabilistic Logic Programming

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    Probabilistic logic programming is increasingly important in artificial intelligence and related fields as a formalism to reason about uncertainty. It generalises logic programming with the possibility of annotating clauses with probabilities. This paper proposes a coalgebraic perspective on probabilistic logic programming. Programs are modelled as coalgebras for a certain functor F, and two semantics are given in terms of cofree coalgebras. First, the cofree F-coalgebra yields a semantics in terms of derivation trees. Second, by embedding F into another type G, as cofree G-coalgebra we obtain a "possible worlds" interpretation of programs, from which one may recover the usual distribution semantics of probabilistic logic programming