19,919 research outputs found

    Main Character’s Personality Conflict in Aladdin Movie

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    Abstrak: Dalam jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konfilk kepribadian karakter utama yang direpresentasikan melalui id, ego, dan superego dominan yang terdapat dalam karakter Aladdin dalam film Aladdin. Dalam makalah ini digunakan teori psikologi Sigmund Freud yang menyatakan bahwa ada tiga struktur yang dapat membentuk watak seseorang. Tiga struktur tersebut yaitu id, ego, dan superego. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menjelaskan id, ego, dan superego dalam karakter Aladdin. Penulis memperoleh data dari menonton film Aladdin yang dirilis pada tahun 1992, kemudian mencatat dan memberi tanda dimana karakter Aladdin menunjukkan sisi id, ego, dan superegonya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah id Aladdin terdapat disaat Aladdin bermimpi ingin menjadikan hidupnya lebih baik dan watak Aladdin yang tegar meskipun dihina oleh orang sekitar. Dalam penelitian ini penulis berharap agar penelitian ini berguna dan membantu untuk siapapun yang membaca, khususnya dalam karya sastra. Kata Kunci: Id, Ego, Superego, Teori Sigmund Freud, Watak. Abstract: In this journal aims to find the main character’s personality conflict reflected from id, ego, and superego dominant that contained in Aladdin's character in film Aladdin. In this paper, the writer will use psychological theory of Sigmund Freud that states that there are three striking features that can shape a person's character. The three structures are id, ego, and superego. The author uses descriptive methods to explain the id, ego, and superego in the Aladdin character. The author obtained data from watching Aladdin which was released in 1992, then recorded and gave a sign where the character of Aladdin showed the id, ego, and superhero side. The results of this study are that Aladdin was present when Aladdin dreamed he wanted to make his life better and his character was strong despite being insulted by people around him. In this study the authors hope that this research is useful and helpful for anyone who reads, especially in literary works. Keywords: Id, Ego, Superego, Sigmund Freud's theory, Character


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    Attitude have to do with evaluating things, people’s characters, and their feelings. Attitude can be identified not only from the dialogues used by people in their daily life interaction, but also from the characters’ dialogues in a movie. This research takes attitude and its language functions in Aladdin as the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie. This research focuses on; 1) What attitudes are revealed from Aladdin, the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie? 2) What language functions of Aladdin’s attitude in Aladdin 2019 movie? This research use qualitative method. There are two types of data, they are audio visual and document; Aladdin 2019 movie and its movie script. Technique of collecting data in this research use the audio visual documentation study technique and the researcher conducted mixed stages from some of the theories of analyzing data. To analyze data, researcher uses Appraisal System theory by J.R Martin, David Rose, and P.R.R White. The result of this research shows; 1) Aladdin as the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie revealed three types of attitudes; affect, judgment, and appreciation with 2) Aladdin’s attitude revealed five language functions from seven language functions by M.A.K Halliday; representational function, interactional function, personal function, heuristic function and regulatory function. Though, all types of attitude revealed in the movie, yet the most salient attitude Aladdin shown is positive appreciation, and the language used in his expressions has representational function.Keywords: Appraisal System, Attitude, Affect, Judgment, Appreciation, Aladdin

    Aladdin's attitude in Aladdin 2019 movie

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    Attitude have to do with evaluating things, people’s characters, and their feelings. Attitude can be identified not only from the dialogues used by people in their daily life interaction, but also from the characters’ dialogues in a movie. This research takes attitude and its language functions in Aladdin as the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie. This research focuses on what attitudes are revealed from Aladdin, the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie and what language functions of Aladdin’s attitude in Aladdin 2019 movie. This research use qualitative method. There are two sources of data, they are audio visual and document; Aladdin 2019 movie and its movie script. Technique of collecting data in this research use the audio visual documentation study technique and the researcher conducted mixed stages from some of the theories of analyzing data. To analyze data, researcher uses Appraisal System theory by J.R Martin, David Rose, and P.R.R White (2005 & 2007). The result of this research shows Aladdin as the main character in Aladdin 2019 movie revealed three types of attitudes; affect, judgment, and appreciation with positive appreciation as dominant. Aladdin’s attitude revealed five language functions from seven language functions by M.A.K Halliday (1973); representational function, interactional function, personal function, heuristic function and regulatory function. Though, all types of attitude revealed in the movie, yet the most salient attitude of Aladdin showed is positive appreciation, and the language used in his expressions has representational function

    The Analysis Of Character Building Values Found In Aladdin 2019 Movie

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    Learning media is a means of communication in conveying information, to facilitate the learning process, and improve the quality of education. movies can be used as learning media. Movies present various kinds of stories that contain values in life such as social values, educational values, and cultural values. One of the movies to choose from is Aladdin 2019 movie. Aladdin 2019 is a movie adaptation from the original animation version 1992. The Aladdin 2019 movie was directed by Guy Richie, written by John August and Guy Richie. The objective of this study is to find out the character building values in the Aladdin 2019 movie and describe the character building values represented in the movie. This study used the formulation of Kemendiknas (2010) and theory from Peterson and Seligman (2004), and perception theory by Mcelmeel (2002). The researchers used descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study used the subtitle in the Aladdin 2019 movie. The researchers have found 9 character building values in the Aladdin 2019 movie include ,social care, responsible, creative, independent, patriotism, appreciation, communicative/friendly, love of peace, and reading interest. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that love of peace is the most dominant character building value in the Aladdin 2019 movie

    Nulling interferometry: performance comparison between Antarctica and other ground-based sites

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    Detecting the presence of circumstellar dust around nearby solar-type main sequence stars is an important pre-requisite for the design of future life-finding space missions such as ESA's Darwin or NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF). The high Antarctic plateau may provide appropriate conditions to perform such a survey from the ground. We investigate the performance of a nulling interferometer optimised for the detection of exozodiacal discs at Dome C, on the high Antarctic plateau, and compare it to the expected performance of similar instruments at temperate sites. Based on the currently available measurements of the turbulence characteristics at Dome C, we adapt the GENIEsim software (Absil et al. 2006, A&A 448) to simulate the performance of a nulling interferometer on the high Antarctic plateau. To feed a realistic instrumental configuration into the simulator, we propose a conceptual design for ALADDIN, the Antarctic L-band Astrophysics Discovery Demonstrator for Interferometric Nulling. We assume that this instrument can be placed above the 30-m high boundary layer, where most of the atmospheric turbulence originates. We show that an optimised nulling interferometer operating on a pair of 1-m class telescopes located 30 m above the ground could achieve a better sensitivity than a similar instrument working with two 8-m class telescopes at a temperate site such as Cerro Paranal. The detection of circumstellar discs about 20 times as dense as our local zodiacal cloud seems within reach for typical Darwin/TPF targets in a integration time of a few hours. Moreover, the exceptional turbulence conditions significantly relax the requirements on real-time control loops, which has favourable consequences on the feasibility of the nulling instrument.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Intelligent Agents for Disaster Management

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    ALADDIN [1] is a multi-disciplinary project that is developing novel techniques, architectures, and mechanisms for multi-agent systems in uncertain and dynamic environments. The application focus of the project is disaster management. Research within a number of themes is being pursued and this is considering different aspects of the interaction between autonomous agents and the decentralised system architectures that support those interactions. The aim of the research is to contribute to building more robust multi-agent systems for future applications in disaster management and other similar domains


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    Sistem patriarki merupakan salah satu musuh feminis yang hingga kini masih mendominasi masyarakat sosial di dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dominasi patriarki terhadap tokoh utama perempuan dalam film Aladdin karya Guy Ritchie menggunakan teori Feminisme Liberal oleh John Stuart Mill. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan feminisme serta analisa menyeluruh dari film Aladdin. Dari kajian ini telah ditemukan beberapa hal yang mengindikasikan adanya sistem patriarki yang mendominasi budaya sosial dan sangat berpengaruh kepada tokoh utama perempuan dalam film Aladdin yakni terjadi diskriminasi seperti dilarang pergi keluar istana, tidak diperbolehkan menjadi pemimpin, harus menikah dengan pangeran pilihan, dan tidak diberikan kebebasan bersuara

    Aladdin Lamp

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