10 research outputs found

    Распределение мобильных компонентов системы управления информационно-телекоммуникационной системой

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    Expedience of the use of agent technologies in functioning management systems of large-scale information-telecommunication systems is shown. The management system agents optimal assignment mathematical model is offered.Показана целесообразность применения агентских технологий в системах управления функционированием крупномасштабных информационно-телекоммуникационных систем. Предложена математическая модель оптимального распределения агентов системы управления

    Programming Service Oriented Agents

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    This paper introduces a programming language for service-oriented agents. JADL++ combines the ease of use of scripting-languages with a state-of-the-art service oriented approach which allows the seamless integration of web-services. Furthermore, the language includes OWL-based ontologies for semantic descriptions of data and services, thus allowing agents to make intelligent decisions about service calls

    Intelligent network-based early warning systems

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    Abstract. In this paper we present an approach for an agent-based early warning system (A-EWS) for critical infrastructures. In our approach we combine existing security infrastructures, e.g. firewalls or intrusion detection systems, with new detection approaches to create a global view and to determine the current threat state

    The Next Wave of Nomadic Computing: A Research Agenda for Information Systems Research

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    A nomadic information environment is a heterogeneous assemblage of interconnected technological and organizational elements, which enables physical and social mobility of computing and communication services between organizational actors both within and across organizational borders. We analyze such environments based on their prevalent features of mobility, digital convergence, and mass scale. We describe essential features of each in more detail and characterize their mutual interdependencies. We build a framework, which identifies research issues in nomadic information environments at the individual, the team, the organizational, and inter-organizational levels, comprising both service and infrastructure development. We assess the opportunities and challenges for research into each area at the level of design, use and adoption, and impacts. We conclude by discussing challenges posed by nomadic information environments for information systems field to our research skills and methods. These deal with the need to invent novel research methods and shift research focus, the necessity to question the divide between the technical and the social, and the need to better integrate developmental and behavioral (empirical) research modes

    The management concept of a company's IT infrastructure

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    Предложена концепция управления корпоративной ИТ-инфраструктурой, ориентированная на создание единой универсальной среды интегрированного управления разнообразными ИТ, распределенными приложениями, ресурсами и сетевым оборудованием корпоративной информационно-телекоммуникационной системы. Разработана функциональная структура системы управления ИТ-инфраструктурой, а также функциональные схемы подсистем мониторинга, анализа, оптимизации и планирования.Offered the management concept of a company's IT infrastructure, focused on the creation of a single universal environ of integrated management of various IT, allocated applications, resources, and networking equipment of corporate information and telecommunication system. Developed a functional structure of the IT management system infrastructure, as well as functional diagrams of monitoring subsystem, analysis, optimization, and planning

    A Cooperative AIS Framework for Intrusion Detection

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    An agent-based framework for secure and privacy-preserving personalized information services

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    Los proveedores de servicios ubicuos de próxima generación se enfrentan a una competencia cada vez mayor. En Para atraer y satisfacer a los clientes, estos servicios deben ofrecer un valor añadido, p. por entregando información personalizada de una manera fluida y multimodal. Personalizado Sin embargo, los servicios generan requisitos adicionales relacionados con la privacidad y la seguridad, que deben abordarse para que los servicios sean ampliamente aceptados. La habilidad diseñar, implementar y desplegar servicios de información personalizados de forma segura, La forma respetuosa con la privacidad y, al mismo tiempo, altamente eficiente se está convirtiendo en un éxito clave factor para los proveedores de servicios. Sin embargo, las arquitecturas actuales de desarrollo de servicios por lo general no cubren todos los aspectos relevantes del proceso de desarrollo del servicio, lo que resulta en una sobrecarga de desarrollo innecesaria por parte del proveedor de servicios. Presentamos un Framework de Serviceware basado en agentes que ayuda a los proveedores de servicios a desarrollar servicios de información personalizados, mejorando así la aceptación de los usuarios y reduciendo el tiempo de comercialización de las aplicaciones resultantes. Describimos la utilización de diferentes módulos del marco, que ofrecen funcionalidad para contexto consciente servicios en general, centrándose en el módulo de personalización, incluida la privacidad tecnologías de mejora. Además, presentamos el Smart Event Assistant, un aplicación prototípica para la planificación personalizada, fluida y ubicua de actividades de entretenimiento, que hemos implementado en base a este Serviceware Estructura.Providers of next-generation ubiquitous services are facing increasing competition. In order to attract and satisfy customers, these services must offer added value e.g. by delivering personalized information in a seamless and multi-modal way. Personalized services, however, bring about additional requirements related to privacy and security, which have to be addressed if the services are to become widely accepted. The ability to design, implement and deploy personalized information services in a secure, privacy-friendly and at the same time highly efficient way is becoming a key success factor for service providers. Nevertheless, current service development architectures usually fail to cover all relevant aspects of the service development process, resulting in an unnecessary development overhead on the side of the service provider. We introduce an agent-based Serviceware Framework assisting service providers in developing personalized information services, thus improving user acceptance and reducing the time-to-market of the resulting applications. We describe the utilization of different modules of the framework, which offer functionality for context-aware services at large, focusing on the module for personalization including privacy enhancing technologies. In addition, we present the Smart Event Assistant, a prototypical application for personalized, seamless and ubiquitous planning of entertainment activities, which we have implemented based on this Serviceware Framework

    Computational dynamic support model for social support assignments around stressed individuals among graduate students

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    Configuring the best resources for optimal overall performance is one of the challenging topics in Computer Science domains. Within the domain of intelligent social support assignment applications to help individuals with stress, it requires important aspects of configuring a possible set of input and parameters to obtain optimal solutions from both computational support provider and recipient models. However, the existing configuration algorithms are often randomized and static. Thus, their results can vary significantly between multiple runs. In the context of social support perspectives, the assigned support may not sufficient or cause a burden to the providers. Hence, this study aims to develop the dynamic configuration algorithm to provide an optimal support assignment based on information generated from both social support recipient and provision computational models. The computational models that simulate support providers and recipients behaviours were developed to generate several simulated patterns. These models explain the dynamics of support seeking and provision behaviours and were evaluated using equilibria analysis and automatic logical verification approaches for 14 selected empirical cases. Later, the dynamic configuration algorithm was designed to utilize possible support assignments based on support provision requirements. The algorithm complexity analysis was used to measure the execution time in the worst case. Finally, a prototype was developed and validated with 30 graduate students. This study allows to explore computational analysis in explicit comprehension of how seeking and giving support process can be obtained at different case conditions. Also, the study explicitly shows the psychological stress of support recipient can be reduced after the dynamic configuration algorithm process assigned selected social support providers from social support network members. Furthermore, this study provides an alternative method for software engineers in intelligent stress management systems to integrate social support-based concepts as one of the mechanisms in addressing the support of an individual with cognitive related stress

    A theoretical and practical approach to a persuasive agent model for change behaviour in oral care and hygiene

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    There is an increased use of the persuasive agent in behaviour change interventions due to the agent‘s features of sociable, reactive, autonomy, and proactive. However, many interventions have been unsuccessful, particularly in the domain of oral care. The psychological reactance has been identified as one of the major reasons for these unsuccessful behaviour change interventions. This study proposes a formal persuasive agent model that leads to psychological reactance reduction in order to achieve an improved behaviour change intervention in oral care and hygiene. Agent-based simulation methodology is adopted for the development of the proposed model. Evaluation of the model was conducted in two phases that include verification and validation. The verification process involves simulation trace and stability analysis. On the other hand, the validation was carried out using user-centred approach by developing an agent-based application based on belief-desire-intention architecture. This study contributes an agent model which is made up of interrelated cognitive and behavioural factors. Furthermore, the simulation traces provide some insights on the interactions among the identified factors in order to comprehend their roles in behaviour change intervention. The simulation result showed that as time increases, the psychological reactance decreases towards zero. Similarly, the model validation result showed that the percentage of respondents‘ who experienced psychological reactance towards behaviour change in oral care and hygiene was reduced from 100 percent to 3 percent. The contribution made in this thesis would enable agent application and behaviour change intervention designers to make scientific reasoning and predictions. Likewise, it provides a guideline for software designers on the development of agent-based applications that may not have psychological reactance