191 research outputs found

    Industrial Revolution and Environmental Sustainability: An Analytical Interpretation of Research Constituents in Industry 4.0

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    Purpose – Environmental sustainability is quickly becoming one of the most critical issues in industry development. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review through which the author can provide various research areas to work on for future researchers and provide insight into industry 4.0 and environmental sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – This study accomplishes this by performing a backward analysis using text mining on the Scopus database. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was used to analyze the corpus of 4,364 articles published between 2013 and 2023. The authors generated 10 clusters using keywords in the industrial revolution and environmental sustainability domain, highlighting ten research avenues for further exploration. Findings – In this study, three research questions discuss the role of environmental sustainability with industry 4.0. The author predicted 10 clusters treated as recent trends on which more insight is required from future researchers. The authors provided year-wise analysis, top authors, top countries, top sources, and network analysis related to the topic. Finally, the study provided industrialization's effect on environmental sustainability and the future aspect of automation. Originality/value – This research is the first-ever study in which a natural language processing technique is implemented to predict future research areas based on the keywords-document relationship

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Leveraging eXtented Reality & Human-Computer Interaction for User Experi- ence in 360◦ Video

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    EXtended Reality systems have resurged as a medium for work and entertainment. While 360o video has been characterized as less immersive than computer-generated VR, its realism, ease of use and affordability mean it is in widespread commercial use. Based on the prevalence and potential of the 360o video format, this research is focused on improving and augmenting the user experience of watching 360o video. By leveraging knowledge from Extented Reality (XR) systems and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), this research addresses two issues affecting user experience in 360o video: Attention Guidance and Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS). This research work relies on the construction of multiple artifacts to answer the de- fined research questions: (1) IVRUX, a tool for analysis of immersive VR narrative expe- riences; (2) Cue Control, a tool for creation of spatial audio soundtracks for 360o video, as well as enabling the collection and analysis of captured metrics emerging from the user experience; and (3) VIMS mitigation pipeline, a linear sequence of modules (including optical flow and visual SLAM among others) that control parameters for visual modi- fications such as a restricted Field of View (FoV). These artifacts are accompanied by evaluation studies targeting the defined research questions. Through Cue Control, this research shows that non-diegetic music can be spatialized to act as orientation for users. A partial spatialization of music was deemed ineffective when used for orientation. Addi- tionally, our results also demonstrate that diegetic sounds are used for notification rather than orientation. Through VIMS mitigation pipeline, this research shows that dynamic restricted FoV is statistically significant in mitigating VIMS, while mantaining desired levels of Presence. Both Cue Control and the VIMS mitigation pipeline emerged from a Research through Design (RtD) approach, where the IVRUX artifact is the product of de- sign knowledge and gave direction to research. The research presented in this thesis is of interest to practitioners and researchers working on 360o video and helps delineate future directions in making 360o video a rich design space for interaction and narrative.Sistemas de Realidade EXtendida ressurgiram como um meio de comunicação para o tra- balho e entretenimento. Enquanto que o vídeo 360o tem sido caracterizado como sendo menos imersivo que a Realidade Virtual gerada por computador, o seu realismo, facili- dade de uso e acessibilidade significa que tem uso comercial generalizado. Baseado na prevalência e potencial do formato de vídeo 360o, esta pesquisa está focada em melhorar e aumentar a experiência de utilizador ao ver vídeos 360o. Impulsionado por conhecimento de sistemas de Realidade eXtendida (XR) e Interacção Humano-Computador (HCI), esta pesquisa aborda dois problemas que afetam a experiência de utilizador em vídeo 360o: Orientação de Atenção e Enjoo de Movimento Induzido Visualmente (VIMS). Este trabalho de pesquisa é apoiado na construção de múltiplos artefactos para res- ponder as perguntas de pesquisa definidas: (1) IVRUX, uma ferramenta para análise de experiências narrativas imersivas em VR; (2) Cue Control, uma ferramenta para a criação de bandas sonoras de áudio espacial, enquanto permite a recolha e análise de métricas capturadas emergentes da experiencia de utilizador; e (3) canal para a mitigação de VIMS, uma sequência linear de módulos (incluindo fluxo ótico e SLAM visual entre outros) que controla parâmetros para modificações visuais como o campo de visão restringido. Estes artefactos estão acompanhados por estudos de avaliação direcionados para às perguntas de pesquisa definidas. Através do Cue Control, esta pesquisa mostra que música não- diegética pode ser espacializada para servir como orientação para os utilizadores. Uma espacialização parcial da música foi considerada ineficaz quando usada para a orientação. Adicionalmente, os nossos resultados demonstram que sons diegéticos são usados para notificação em vez de orientação. Através do canal para a mitigação de VIMS, esta pesquisa mostra que o campo de visão restrito e dinâmico é estatisticamente significante ao mitigar VIMS, enquanto mantem níveis desejados de Presença. Ambos Cue Control e o canal para a mitigação de VIMS emergiram de uma abordagem de Pesquisa através do Design (RtD), onde o artefacto IVRUX é o produto de conhecimento de design e deu direcção à pesquisa. A pesquisa apresentada nesta tese é de interesse para profissionais e investigadores tra- balhando em vídeo 360o e ajuda a delinear futuras direções em tornar o vídeo 360o um espaço de design rico para a interação e narrativa

    Proceedings of the 9th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) international conference 2021 (ASCAAD 2021): architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges.

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    The ASCAAD 2021 conference theme is Architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges. The theme addresses the gradual shift in computational design from prototypical morphogenetic-centered associations in the architectural discourse. This imminent shift of focus is increasingly stirring a debate in the architectural community and is provoking a much needed critical questioning of the role of computation in architecture as a sole embodiment and enactment of technical dimensions, into one that rather deliberately pursues and embraces the humanities as an ultimate aspiration


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Divergence in Architectural Research

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    ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2020: Divergence in Architectural Research, March 5-6, 2020, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.The essays in this volume have come together under the theme “Divergence in Architectural Research” and present a snapshot of Ph.D. research being conducted in over thirty architectural research institutions, representing fourteen countries around the world. These essays also provide a window into the presentations and discussions that took place March 5-6, 2020, during the ConCave Ph.D. Symposium “Divergence in Architectural Research,” under the auspices of the School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta, Georgia. On a preliminary reading, the essays respond to the call of divergence by doing just that; they present the great diversity of research topics, methodologies, and practices currently found under the umbrella of “architectural research.” They inform inquiry within architectural programs and across disciplinary concentrations, and also point to the ways that the academy, research methodologies, and the design profession are evolving and encroaching upon one another, with the unspoken hope of encouraging new relationships, reconfiguring previous assumptions about the discipline, and interweaving research and practice

    Bridging the Gap

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    The concept of resilience has arisen as a “new way of thinking”, becoming a response to both the causes and effects of ongoing global challenges. As it strongly stresses cities’ transformative potential, resilience’s final purpose is to prevent and manage unforeseen events and improve communities’ environmental and social quality. Although the resilience theory has been investigated in depth, several methodological challenges remain, mainly related to the concept’s practical sphere. As a matter of fact, resilience is commonly criticised for being too ambiguous and empty of meaning. At the same time, turning resilience into practice is not easy to do. This will arguably be one of the most impactful global issues for future research on resilience. The Special Issue “Bridging the Gap: The Measure of Urban Resilience” falls under this heading, and it seeks to synthesise state-of-the-art knowledge of theories and practices on measuring resilience. The Special Issue collected 11 papers that address the following questions: “What are the theoretical perspectives of measuring urban resilience? What are the existing methods for measuring urban resilience? What are the main features that a technique for measuring urban resilience needs to have? What is the role of measuring urban resilience in operationalising cities’ ability to adapt, recover and benefit from shocks?