16 research outputs found

    The smart face of organizations : should emotion play a role?

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    Los argumentos son parte de un proceso comunicativo con el cual se trata de incidir en la acción de otros. Gilbert (1994) identifica cuatro modos de argumentación: el modo lógico, el modo emocional, el modo visceral y el modo kisceral. Siguiendo la línea de investigación en psicología computacional marcada por Ortony, Clore y Collins (1988) y el modelo de resolución de conflictos usando negociaciones basadas en argumentos propuesto por Jung y Tambe (2001), este trabajo presenta un modelo lógico-formal para el estudio de un modo concreto de argumentos emocionales dentro del contexto de formación de consensos enmarcado en un proceso de negociación/coordinación. Se discuten sus implicaciones en los modelos cognitivos emocionales basados en el proceso de apreciación/evaluación de la emoción

    Detection of Sarcasm and Nastiness: New Resources for Spanish Language

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    The main goal of this work is to provide the cognitive computing community with valuable resources to analyze and simulate the intentionality and/or emotions embedded in the language employed in social media. Specifically, it is focused on the Spanish language and online dialogues, leading to the creation of SOFOCO (Spanish Online Forums Corpus). It is the first Spanish corpus consisting of dialogic debates extracted from social media and it is annotated by means of crowdsourcing in order to carry out automatic analysis of subjective language forms, like sarcasm or nastiness. Furthermore, the annotators were also asked about the context need when taking a decision. In this way, the users’ intentions and their behavior inside social networks can be better understood and more accurate text analysis is possible. An analysis of the annotation results is carried out and the reliability of the annotations is also explored. Additionally, sarcasm and nastiness detection results (around 0.76 F-Measure in both cases) are also reported. The obtained results show the presented corpus as a valuable resource that might be used in very diverse future work.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Government (TIN2014-54288-C4-4-R and TIN2017-85854-C4-3-R) by the European Unions’s H2020 program under grant 769872 and by the National Science Foundation of USA (NSF CISE R1 #1202668

    Emotion-involved human decision-making model

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    This study proposes a computational human decision-making model that handles emotion-induced behaviour. The proposed model can determine a rational or irrational action according to a probability distribution obtained by mixing an optimal policy of a partially observable Markov decision process and an evolved probability distribution by novel dynamics of emotions. Emotion dynamics with consecutive negative observations cause emotion-induced irrational behaviours. We clarify the conditions, via two theorems, that the proposed model computes rational and irrational actions in terms of some model parameters. A numerical example based on Japanese court records is used to confirm that the proposed model imitates the human decision-making process. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of preventive measures for avoiding the murder case scenario. This study shows that if the traits of a decision maker can be modelled, the proposed model can support human interactions to avoid an emotion-driven murder case scenario

    From Affect Theoretical Foundations to Computational Models of Intelligent Affective Agents

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    [EN] The links between emotions and rationality have been extensively studied and discussed. Several computational approaches have also been proposed to model these links. However, is it possible to build generic computational approaches and languages so that they can be "adapted " when a specific affective phenomenon is being modeled? Would these approaches be sufficiently and properly grounded? In this work, we want to provide the means for the development of these generic approaches and languages by making a horizontal analysis inspired by philosophical and psychological theories of the main affective phenomena that are traditionally studied. Unfortunately, not all the affective theories can be adapted to be used in computational models; therefore, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the most suitable theories. In this analysis, we identify and classify the main processes and concepts which can be used in a generic affective computational model, and we propose a theoretical framework that includes all these processes and concepts that a model of an affective agent with practical reasoning could use. Our generic theoretical framework supports incremental research whereby future proposals can improve previous ones. This framework also supports the evaluation of the coverage of current computational approaches according to the processes that are modeled and according to the integration of practical reasoning and affect-related issues. This framework is being used in the development of the GenIA(3) architecture.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government projects PID2020-113416RB-I00, GVA-CEICE project PROMETEO/2018/002, and TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215.Alfonso, B.; Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Vivancos, E.; Botti, V. (2021). From Affect Theoretical Foundations to Computational Models of Intelligent Affective Agents. Applied Sciences. 11(22):1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112210874S129112

    EEG-Based Empathic Safe Cobot

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    An empathic collaborative robot (cobot) was realized through the transmission of fear from a human agent to a robot agent. Such empathy was induced through an electroencephalographic (EEG) sensor worn by the human agent, thus realizing an empathic safe brain-computer interface (BCI). The empathic safe cobot reacts to the fear and in turn transmits it to the human agent, forming a social circle of empathy and safety. A first randomized, controlled experiment involved two groups of 50 healthy subjects (100 total subjects) to measure the EEG signal in the presence or absence of a frightening event. The second randomized, controlled experiment on two groups of 50 different healthy subjects (100 total subjects) exposed the subjects to comfortable and uncomfortable movements of a collaborative robot (cobot) while the subjects’ EEG signal was acquired. The result was that a spike in the subject’s EEG signal was observed in the presence of uncomfortable movement. The questionnaires were distributed to the subjects, and confirmed the results of the EEG signal measurement. In a controlled laboratory setting, all experiments were found to be statistically significant. In the first experiment, the peak EEG signal measured just after the activating event was greater than the resting EEG signal (p < 10−3). In the second experiment, the peak EEG signal measured just after the uncomfortable movement of the cobot was greater than the EEG signal measured under conditions of comfortable movement of the cobot (p < 10−3). In conclusion, within the isolated and constrained experimental environment, the results were satisfactory

    Developing an emotional-based application for human-agent societies

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00500-016-2289-5The purpose of this paper is to present an emotional-based application for human-agent societies. This kind of applications are those where virtual agents and humans coexist and interact transparently into a fully integrated environment. Specifically, the paper presents an application where humans are immersed into a system that extracts and analyzes the emotional states of a human group trying to maximize the welfare of those humans by playing the most appropriate music in every moment. This system can be used not only online, calculating the emotional reaction of people in a bar to a new song, but also in simulation, to predict the people s reaction to changes in music or in the bar layout.This work is partially supported by the MINECO/FEDER TIN2015-65515-C4-1-R and the FPI Grant AP2013-01276 awarded to Jaime-Andres Rincon.Rincón Arango, JA.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C. (2016). Developing an emotional-based application for human-agent societies. Soft Computing. 20(11):4217-4228. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-016-2289-5S421742282011Ali F, Amin M (2013) The influence of physical environment on emotions, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in chinese resort hotel industry. In: KMITL-AGBA conference Bangkok, pp 15–17Barella A, Ricci A, Boissier O, Carrascosa C (2012) MAM5: Multi-agent model for intelligent virtual environments. In: 10th European workshop on multi-agent systems (EUMAS 2012), pp 16–30Becker-Asano C, Wachsmuth I (2010) Affective computing with primary and secondary emotions in a virtual human. Auton Agents Multi-Agent Syst 20(1):32–49. doi: 10.1007/s10458-009-9094-9Billhardt H, Julián V, Corchado J, Fernández A (2014) An architecture proposal for human-agent societies. In: Highlights of practical applications of heterogeneous multi-agent systems. The PAAMS collection, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 430, Springer, pp 344–357, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07767-3_31Billhardt H, Julián V, Corchado JM, Fernández A (2015) Human-agent societies: challenges and issues. Int J Artif Intell 13(1):28–44Broekens J (2007) Emotion and reinforcement: Affective facial expressions facilitate robot learning. Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics) 4451 LNAI:113–132. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72348-6_6Canento F, Fred A, Silva H, Gamboa H, Lourenço A (2011) Multimodal biosignal sensor data handling for emotion recognition. In: Sensors, 2011 IEEE, pp 647–650Delac K, Grgic M, Grgic S (2005) Statistics in face recognition: analyzing probability distributions of PCA, ICA and LDA performance results. In: ISPA 2005 proceedings of the 4th international symposium on image and signal processing and analysis, 2005, pp 289–294. doi: 10.1109/ISPA.2005.195425Esparcia S, Sánchez-Anguix V, Aydogan R (2013) A negotiation approach for energy-aware room allocation systems. In: 1st Workshop on conflict resolution in decision making (COREDEMA 2013), Springer, vol 365, pp 280–291GOELEVEN E, De Raedt R, LEYMAN L, Verschuere B (2008) The karolinska directed emotional faces: a validation study. Cognit Emot 22(6):1094–1118Gouaïch A, Michel F, Guiraud Y (2005) MIC*: a deployment environment for autonomous agents. Springer, BerlinHale K, Stanney K (2002) Handbook of virtual environments: design, implementation, and applications. Human Factors and Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis, OxfordshireHan DM, Lim JH (2010) Smart home energy management system using IEEE 802.15. 4 and zigbee. Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 56(3):1403–1410. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5606276Holzapfel A, Stylianou Y (2007) A statistical approach to musical genre classification using non-negative matrix factorization. In: ICASSP 2007, IEEE international conference on, acoustics, speech and signal processing, 2007. IEEE, vol 2, pp 2–693Intille SS (2002) Designing a home of the future. 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Packt Publishing, BirminghamRincon J, Carrascosa C, Garcia E (2014a) Developing Intelligent Virtual Environments using MAM5 Meta-Model. In: International conference on practical applications of agents and multi-agent systems, Springer, pp 379–382Rincon J, Julian V, Carrascosa C (2015) Social emotional model. In: 13th International conference on practical applications of agents and multi-agent systems, LNAI, vol 9086, pp 199–210Rincon JA, Garcia E, Julian V, Carrascosa C (2014b) Developing adaptive agents situated in intelligent virtual environments. In: International conference on hybrid artificial intelligence systems, 8480 in LNCS, Springer, pp 98–109Sánchez-Anguix V, Julian V, Botti V, García-Fornes A (2013) Studying the impact of negotiation environments on negotiation teams’ performance. Inf Sci 219:17–40Sánchez-Anguix V, Aydogan R, Julian V, Jonker C (2014) Unanimously acceptable agreements for negotiation teams in unpredictable domains. 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    Human emotion simulation in a dynamic environment

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    The aim of this work is to contribute to the believability of the simulated emotions for virtual entities to allow them display human like features. Endowing virtual entities with such features requires an appropriate architecture and model. For that, a study of emotional models from different perspective is undertaken. The fields include Psychology, Organic Components, Attention study and Computing. Two contributions are provided to reach the aim. The first one is a computational emotional model based on Scherer’s theory (K. Scherer, 2001). This contribution allows to generate a series of modifications in the affective state from one event by contrast to the existing solutions where one emotion is mapped to one single event. Several theories are used to make the model concrete. The second contribution make use of attention theories to build a paradigm in the execution of tasks in parallel. An algorithm is proposed to assess the available resources and allocate them to tasks for their execution. The algorithm is based on the multiple resources theory by Wickens (Wickens, 2008). The two contributions are combined into one architecture to produce a dynamic emotional system that allows its components to work in parallel. The first contribution was evaluated using a questionnaire. The results showed that mapping one event into a series of modifications in the affective state can enhance the believability of the simulation. The results also showed that people who develop more variations in the affective state are more perceived to be feminine