22,937 research outputs found

    Determinants of IS continuance: the use of mobile computing services by field service staff in a South African mandatory setting

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    M.Com (Information Systems) by Research 8/31/2015 Research report submitted to the University of Witwatersrand in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce (Information Systems)Rugged mobile computing devices have enhanced durability and protection, thus allowing these devices to be used in the field as opposed to the office. These rugged mobile computing devices provide organisations with the ability to extend their information system services to their field staff, such as delivery persons, transport drivers and field technicians. Bhattacherjee's (2001) IS continuance model appears to fall short in explaining IS continuance in the context of field service staff who often perform repetitive tasks as part of their job as opposed to doing more complex tasks as performed by office bound knowledge workers. An IS continuance-based study in a South African organisation, where field service staff use rugged mobile devices, will improve our understanding of user behaviour towards technology within the body of IS knowledge. This study makes a contribution to theory by demonstrating that the core IS Continuance model by Bhattacherjee (2001), can be extended to include additional constructs to better predict IS continuance. This study proposes and tests an extension of Bhattacherjee’s (2001) IS continuance model, which explains the determinants of IS continuance intention in terms of affective and cognitive factors. The cognitive factors are task technology fit, perceived service availability, result demonstrability and the affective factor is the construct of familiarity. The study is carried out in a mandatory setting within the context of field technicians (working for a South African utility organisation) using application services on rugged mobile devices. To date, most IS continuance studies appear to have been carried out in a voluntary setting or an academic institution setting and very few of them have been conducted in organisations (mandatory settings). A structured questionnaire with closed questions was developed to capture field data from 144 participants on each of the study’s variables The hypotheses were tested using both parametric and non-parametric correlation and regression statistical analyses. The independent variables of perceived post-usage usefulness, familiarity and satisfaction explain approximately 51% of the variance in IS continuance intention. One of the key findings of the research is that perceived post usage usefulness loses its significance in the presence of Familiarity in predicting IS continuance intention. Thus, familiarity (affective factor) is the stronger predictor of IS continuance intention as opposed to the cognitive factors. In summary, this study showed that the affective factor is a stronger predictor of IS continuance intention than the cognitive factors, thus providing a richer understanding of IS continuance and a foundation for future research. Thus, in addition to methodological and contextual contributions, this study also contributes to theory

    Will mobile video become the killer application for 3G? - an empirical model for media convergence

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    Mobile carriers have continually rolled out 3G mobile video applications to increase their revenue and profits. The presumption is that video is superior to the already successful SMS, ringtones, and pictures, and can create greater value to users. However, recent market surveys revealed contradicting results. Motivated by this discrepancy, we propose in this paper a parsimonious model for user acceptance of mobile entertainment as digital convergence. Integrating research on Information Systems, Flow, and Media Psychology, we take a unique approach to user acceptance of digital convergence - platform migration. Our key proposition is that the interaction between media types and the platform-specific constraints is the key determinant of user evaluation. Particularly, users' involvement in the media is determined by both the entertaining time span on the original platform and the attentional constraint of the new platform. The mismatch between the two spans can result in lower level involvement, which in turn cause no or even negative user emotional responses. The model was tested with empirical data. We discuss the theoretical contributions, strategic and design implications, and future research directions derived from this theoretical framewor


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    Attracting new customers and retaining existing users are critical for the success of new information systems such as mobile data services (MDS). Thus, it is important to understand the formation process of behavior toward MDS at different stages. However, relative little attention has been paid to the differences in the determinants of behavior toward MDS between potential adopters and experienced users. This study examines the dynamics of customers\u27 decision processes in the MDS context. This study proposes an advanced theoretical framework from multidisciplinary perspectives. The proposed research model is empirically evaluated by using survey data collected from 120 potential adopters and 354 experienced users. This study investigates some significant differences in the influence of the determinants of behavioral intention toward MDS, depending on customers\u27 direct experience with MDS. The results of this study show that the adoption intention is solely determined by utilitarian value whereas continued usage intention is determined by utilitarian value as well as hedonic value

    Understanding the Adoption of Smart Community Services: Perceived Usefulness, Enjoyment, and Affective Community Commitment

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    Smart community is an emerging form of community that provides various convenient services (smart community services (SCS)) through smart community platform to community residents. However, in practice, residents have limited SCS acceptance, which deserves to be further investigated in the literature. This study investigates the SCS adoption of residents by integrating technological belief factors (perceived usefulness and enjoyment), and social influence factor (affective community commitment). A survey of 191 residents identifies perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and affective community commitment as important determinants of SCS adoption. Affective community commitment weakens the effect of perceived enjoyment yet strengthen the effect of perceived usefulness on SCS adoption. Our study fills the research gap on smart community as well as enriches the IT acceptance literature. This study also offers practical recommendations that can aid practitioners in conducting smart community programs

    Impact of the virtual assistant's interactive dimensions in the Portuguese young adults' customer experience expectations and patronage intentions, in the retail context

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    Throughout the times it has been witnessed a continuous evolution in the way people make business transactions, across sectors. This has been highly influenced by technological developments and the constant need for companies to adjust to their clients’ needs and expectations. The retail sector has been no exception, evolving alongside innovation, and adapting to new trends. One of its results is the emergence of conversational commerce, a new form of commerce that combines the trend of communicating via instant messages and the use of artificial intelligence, introducing virtual assistants to the retail context. The aim of this study is to better understand the potentialities virtual assistants have in the Portuguese retail context, amongst young adults. By identifying which of the dimensions of the interaction with a retailer virtual assistant - "Cognitive Perception, Affective Engagement, and Communication Quality" - have a significant impact on the expectation users create towards their customer experience and how this is determinant to their patronage intentions towards the retailer. A quantitative methodology was used to perform this investigation, with the development of an introductory chatbot and an online survey, completed by 385 individuals (Portuguese young adults, with ages ranging from 18 to 35, and that had access to the Facebook Messenger app). The Customer Experience Expectation was proven to have a significant impact on the respondent' patronage intentions towards the virtual assistant and the retailer. However, only the cognitive dimension of the virtual assistant was confirmed to significantly impact the expectations on the customer experienceAo longo dos tempos, tem-se vindo a testemunhar uma evolução na forma como o comĂ©rcio Ă© feito nos vĂĄrios setores de atividade. As empresas tĂȘm de se reinventar constantemente para satisfazer as necessidades e expectativas dos consumidores, que resultam dos avanços tecnolĂłgicos. O mesmo acontece no setor do Retalho, que tem vindo a inovar, acompanhando a tecnologia e as tendĂȘncias dos consumidores. Um exemplo disto Ă© o aparecimento da uma nova forma de comĂ©rcio, o comĂ©rcio conversacional. Este combina a tendĂȘncia de comunicação via mensagens instantĂąneas com o desenvolvimento da inteligĂȘncia artificial, introduzindo assistentes virtuais neste setor. O principal objetivo deste estudo prende-se com a investigação do impacto que a inclusĂŁo de um assistente virtual teria no setor do retalho interagindo com os jovens adultos portugueses. Para tal, procurou identificar-se quais as dimensĂ”es da interação com um assistente virtual - cognitiva, afetiva e comunicativa - que influenciariam as expectativas relativas Ă  experiĂȘncia de compra e consequentemente as intençÔes de uso e compra dos consumidores. Para a investigação foi utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa, com a criação de um "chatbot" informativo e de um questionĂĄrio "online", ao qual responderam 385 portugueses com idades desde os 18 atĂ© aos 35 anos, com acesso ao Facebook Messenger. Neste estudo foi provado que as expectativas dos consumidores em relação Ă  experiĂȘncia de compra influenciam as suas intençÔes de uso (assistente virtual) e compra (retalhista). No entanto, apenas a dimensĂŁo cognitiva mostrou ter um impacto significativo na criação de expectativas relativas Ă  experiĂȘncia de compra

    An examination of the decision-making process for utilization of mobile applications in the MICE industry

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    The present study proposed a theoretical framework to examine consumers\u27 decision-making processes for utilization of mobile applications in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) industry. This study combines empirical evidence with constructs that incorporated cognitive and attitudinal variables in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the habitual, motivational, and emotional variables in the Model of Goal-directed Behavior as related to mobile applications in the MICE industry. To investigate the conceptual model, data were collected using a web-based survey through Amazon Mechanical Turk. A total of 504 questionnaires were utilized for data analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was first employed to verify the underlying structure for a set of observed variables. Findings from the measurement model indicated this study\u27s variables included a satisfactory level of reliability and validity. When measures were validated, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the validity of the proposed model and the hypotheses. Findings from the present study revealed the proposed theoretical framework had a strong ability to anticipate intentions. Complex domains, including cognitive, attitudinal, motivational, habitual, and emotional processes, affected customers\u27 decision-making processes for utilization of mobile applications in the MICE industry. In particular, incorporated antecedent variables in the TAM (i.e., perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) played a vital role in MICE participants\u27 mobile applications adoption decision formation, and identified attitude and perceived behavioral controls that acted as mediators. Perceived behavioral control regarding MICE mobile application usage had positive effects on desire and intention; whereas, attitudes and positive anticipated emotion have positive effects only on desire. In addition, desire and habit had a positive relationship with consumers\u27 intentions to utilize MICE mobile applications. The findings of the current study provide significant insights for researchers and MICE organizations. From the theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the theoretical development of behavior formation regarding mobile technology acceptance in the MICE industry. In particular, this research represents an initial step in building a better understanding of consumer interactions and perceptions of mobile applications. From a practical point of view, outcomes from this study would be useful for decision-makers in preparation of strategic plans and implementation of effective tools to motivate consumers on system use and acceptance of mobile applications

    Examining the Role of Technology Anxiety and Health Anxiety on Elderly Users’ Continuance Intention for Mobile Health Services Use

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    Mobile health (mHealth) is considered to be an important means of releasing the aging population problem. The efficiency of mHealth service can be increased by incorporating more elderly users and guaranteeing their continued use. However, limited attention has been directed toward investigating elderly users’ continuance intention for mHealth service use. Drawing upon the trust theory, we investigated elderly users’ characteristics, i.e. health anxiety and technology anxiety, to explain continuance intention. Survey data were collected comprising 261 valid responses to validate the research model and hypotheses. The results revealed that both cognitive and affective trust enhance continuance intention of mHealth services use. Health anxiety strengthens the effect of cognitive trust, but weakens the effect of affective trust, on the continuance intention. Furthermore, technology anxiety strengthens the effect of affective trust, but not that of cognitive trust, on the continuance intention. The limitations of our study and the theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    What Drives M-Shoppers to Continue Using Mobile Devices to Buy?

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of this work is to offer a better understanding of consumer continued intentions to use mobile devices to shop. An integrated model is developed to identify the drivers that lead m-shoppers to repurchase. Specifically, navigation, safety and ubiquity are posited as stimuli guiding consumers’ affective (satisfaction) and cognitive (trust and convenience) reactions that will, in turn, increase repurchase intention. Results show the impact of ubiquity on m-convenience and safety m-experience on both affective and cognitive reactions. Finally, repurchase intention is explained directly by m-satisfaction and m-convenience and indirectly by m-trust. This article contributes to the fields of mobile marketing literature and practitioner management.Ministerior de Educación y ciencia (proyecto ECO2017-8217-R)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA001B10-1)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17

    Examining the Determinants of Mobile Location-based Services’ Continuance

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    The continuance of use is an important topic of IS research. However, in the past, many researchers have focused on adoption rather than IS continuance. Studying continuance is of equal importance, because if use does not persist, this may limit the revenues of the provider. This is particularly true for consumer-oriented services, which rely on advertising, or subscription-based revenue models. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of location-based services (LBS) continuance as a relevant case study for the examination of IS continuance generally. A research model is developed and empirically tested through a survey of a representative sample in Germany. The proposed model builds on and extends the Limayem et al. model of IS continuance. Our analysis highlights the importance of habit and emotion in LBS continuance. The results indicate that habit has a stronger predictive power than continuance intentions for LBS continuance and that emotions are an important driver for user satisfaction with LBS
