315 research outputs found

    Computer-Aided Conceptual Design Through TRIZ-based Manipulation of Topological Optimizations

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityIn a recent project the authors proposed the adoption of Optimization Systems [1] as a bridging element between Computer-Aided Innovation (CAI) and PLM to identify geometrical contradictions [2], a particular case of the TRIZ physical contradiction [3]. A further development of the research has revealed that the solutions obtained from several topological optimizations can be considered as elementary customized modeling features for a specific design task. The topology overcoming the arising geometrical contradiction can be obtained through a manipulation of the density distributions constituting the conflicting pair. Already two strategies of density combination have been identified as capable to solve geometrical contradictions.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Multi-objective optimization for the geometry of trapezoidal corrugated morphing skins

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    Morphing concepts have great importance for the design of future aircraft as they provide the opportunity for the aircraft to adapt their shape in flight so as to always match the optimal configuration. This enables the aircraft to have a better performance, such as reducing fuel consumption, toxic emissions and noise pollution or increasing the maneuverability of the aircraft. However the requirements of morphing aircraft are conflicting from the structural perspective. For instance the design of a morphing skin is a key issue since it must be stiff to withstand the aerodynamic loads, but flexible to enable the large shape changes. Corrugated sheets have remarkable anisotropic characteristics. As a candidate skin for a morphing wing, they are stiff to withstand the aerodynamic loads and flexible to enable the morphing deformations. This work presents novel insights into the multi-objective optimization of a trapezoidal corrugated core with elastomer coating. The geometric parameters of the coated composite corrugated panels are optimized to minimize the in-plane stiffness and the weight of the skin and to maximize the flexural out-of-plane stiffness of the skin. These objective functions were calculated by use of an equivalent finite element code. The gradient-based aggregate method is selected to solve the optimization problem and is validated by comparing to the GA multi-objective optimization technique. The trend of the optimized objectives and parameters are discussed in detail; for example the optimum corrugation often has the maximum corrugation height. The obtained results provide important insights into the design of morphing corrugated skins

    Airfoil Optimization using Design-by-Morphing

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    We present Design-by-Morphing (DbM), a novel design methodology applicable to creating a search space for topology optimization of 2D airfoils. Most design techniques impose geometric constraints and sometimes designers' bias on the design space itself, thus restricting the novelty of the designs created, and only allowing for small local changes. We show that DbM methodology does not impose any such restrictions on the design space and allows for extrapolation from the search space, thus granting truly radical and large search space with a few design parameters. In comparison to other shape design methodologies, we apply DbM to create a search space for 2D airfoils. We optimize this airfoil shape design space for maximizing the lift-over-drag ratio, CLDmaxCLD_{max}, and stall angle tolerance, Δα\Delta \alpha. Using a bi-objective genetic algorithm to optimize the DbM space, it is found that we create a Pareto-front of radical airfoils exhibiting remarkable properties for both objectives

    Conceptual multidisciplinary design via a multi-objective multi-fidelity optimisation method.

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    Air travel demand and the associated fuel emissions are expected to keep increasing in the following decades, forcing the aerospace industry to find ways to revolutionise the design process to achieve step-like performance improvements and emission reduction goals. A promising approach towards that goal is multidisciplinary design. To maximise the benefits, interdisciplinary synergies have to be investigated early in the design process. Efficient multidisciplinary optimisation tools are required to reliably identify a set of promising design directions to support engineering decision making towards the new generation of aircraft. To support these needs, a novel optimisation methodology is proposed aiming in exploiting multidisciplinary trends in the conceptual stage, exploring the design space and providing a pareto set of optimum configurations in the minimum cost possible. This is achieved by a combination of the expected improvement surrogate based optimisation plan, a novel Kriging modification to allow the use of multi-fidelity tools and a multi-objective sub-optimisation process infill formulation implemented within an multidisciplinary design optimisation architecture. A series of analytical test cases were initially used to develop the methodology and examine its performance under a set of criteria like global optimality, computational efficiency and dimensionality scaling. These were followed by two industrially relevant aerodynamic design cases, the RAE2822 transonic airfoil and the GARTEUR high lift configuration, investigating the effect of the constraint handling methods and the low fidelity tool. The cost reductions and exploration characteristics achieved by the method were quantified in realistic unconstrained, constrained and multi-objective problems. Finally, an aerostructural optimisation study of the NASA Common Research Model was used as a representative of a complex multidisciplinary design problem. The results demonstrate the framework’s capabilities in industrial problems, showing improved results and design space exploration but with lower costs than similarly oriented methods. The effect of the multidisciplinary architecture was also examined

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach

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    [ES] Aquesta tesi presenta els resultats de la feina de recerca dut a terme sobre el modelatge i el disseny de controladors per a micro-aeronaus no tripulades mitjançant tècniques d'optimització multi-objectiu. Dos principals camps d'estudi estan presents al llarg d'ella. D'una banda, l'estudi de com modelar i controlar plataformes aèries de petita envergadura. I, de l'altra, l'estudi sobre l'ús de tècniques heurístiques d'optimització multi-objectiu per aplicar en el procés de parametrització de models i controladors en micro-aeronaus no tripulades. S'obtenen com a resultat principal una sèrie d'eines que permeten prescindir d'experiments en túnels de vent o de sensòrica d'alt cost, passant directament a la utilització de dades de vol experimental a la identificació paramètrica de models dinàmics. A més, es demostra com la utilització d'eines d'optimització multi-objectiu en diferents fases de desenvolupament de controladors ajuda a augmentar el coneixement sobre la plataforma a controlar i augmenta la fiabilitat i robustesa dels controladors desenvolupats, disminuint el risc de passar de les fases prèvies de el disseny a la validació en vol real.[CA] Esta tesis presenta los resultados del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo sobre el modelado y el diseño de controladores para micro-aeronaves no tripuladas mediante técnicas de optimización multi-objetivo. Dos principales campos de estudio están presentes a lo largo de ella. Por un lado, el estudio de cómo modelar y controlar plataformas aéreas de pequeña envergadura. Y, por otro, el estudio sobre el empleo de técnicas heurísticas de optimización multi-objetivo para aplicar en el proceso de parametrización de modelos y controladores en micro-aeronaves no tripuladas. Se obtienen como resultado principal una serie de herramientas que permiten prescindir de experimentos en túneles de viento o de sensórica de alto coste, pasando directamente a la utilización de datos de vuelo experimental en la identificación paramétrica de modelos dinámicos. Además, se demuestra como la utilización de herramientas de optimización multi-objetivo en diferentes fases del desarrollo de controladores ayuda a aumentar el conocimiento sobre la plataforma a controlar y aumenta la fiabilidad y robustez de los controladores desarrollados, disminuyendo el riesgo de pasar de las fases previas del diseño a la validación en vuelo real.[EN] This thesis presents the results of the research work carried out on the modelling and design of controllers for micro-unmanned aerial vehicles by means of multi-objective optimization techniques. Two main fields of study are present throughout it. On one hand, the study of how to model and control small aerial platforms. And, on the other, the study on the use of heuristic multi-objective optimization techniques to apply in the process of models and controllers parameterization in micro-unmanned aerial vehicles. The main result is a series of tools that make it possible manage without wind tunnel experiments or high-cost air-data sensors, going directly to the use of experimental flight data in the parametric identification of dynamic models. In addition, a demonstration is given on how the use of multi-objective optimization tools in different phases of controller development helps to increase knowledge about the platform to be controlled and increases the reliability and robustness of the controllers developed, reducing the risk of hoping from the initial design phases to validation in real flight.Velasco Carrau, J. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156034TESI

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    A review of modelling and analysis of morphing wings

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    Morphing wings have a large potential to improve the overall aircraft performances, in a way like natural flyers do. By adapting or optimising dynamically the shape to various flight conditions, there are yet many unexplored opportunities beyond current proof-of-concept demonstrations. This review discusses the most prominent examples of morphing concepts with applications to two and three-dimensional wing models. Methods and tools commonly deployed for the design and analysis of these concepts are discussed, ranging from structural to aerodynamic analyses, and from control to optimisation aspects. Throughout the review process, it became apparent that the adoption of morphing concepts for routine use on aerial vehicles is still scarce, and some reasons holding back their integration for industrial use are given. Finally, promising concepts for future use are identified