82 research outputs found

    System for Parallel Processing of URL Requests

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    Práce pojednává o naprogramování vícevláknové aplikace, jejímž cílem je zpracovávat požadavky pro volání URL. Aplikace byla naprogramována v ANSI normě jazyka C. Běží jakožto samostatný démon, který musí v maximální možné míře umožňovat dohledání požadavků, které se nepovedlo zpracovat. K volání URL využívá knihovnu libCURL a nainstalování na stanici balíku autotools.The work treats of programming multithreaded application, focused on processing the demands for URL calling. The application was programmed in the ANSI norm of the language C. It runs as independent daemon, which must faciliate, in maximum possible scale, searching for demands, which weren't successfully processed. For URL calling it uses the library libCURL and installing in station of package autotools.

    UCC Minutes February 25, 2010

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    Actions Memo February 2011

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    A Graphical User-Interface for Propulsion System Analysis

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    NASA LeRC uses a series of computer codes to calculate installed propulsion system performance and weight. The need to evaluate more advanced engine concepts with a greater degree of accuracy has resulted in an increase in complexity of this analysis system. Therefore, a graphical user interface was developed to allow the analyst to more quickly and easily apply these codes. The development of this interface and the rationale for the approach taken are described. The interface consists of a method of pictorially representing and editing the propulsion system configuration, forms for entering numerical data, on-line help and documentation, post processing of data, and a menu system to control execution

    Doctor of Arts in Training and Learning Technology

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    Modelo de integração de aplicações distribuídas e não colaborantes

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    Este artigo descreve um modelo, para o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas, que permite a divisão de uma aplicação em diversos módulos de processamento. Serão igualmente apresentadas, as potencialidades deste modelo para integrar aplicações autónomas e não colaborantes. Apesar da generalidade do sistema proposto a sua aplicabilidade será discutida no âmbito de um projecto de um Sistema de Gestão de Redes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Designed System for Providing Solutions to Basic Engineering Problems

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    Engineering and the manner in which engineers think is largely visual and functional, and yet engineers are typically provided with a lot of other basic engineering problems to be solved and applied to complex ones. This paper present a designed software for providing solutions to some basic engineering problems. C++ programming language was used in writing the codes. The paper explains the activities involved in C++program development and touched areas such as the general concept of programming, programming languages, compilation and interpretation, storage and execution, functional lines to which computer programs maybe categorized. Several engineering problems and their various real-world applications were considered to accomplish the aim of the work. The problem requirements were properly understood, and the program adequately developed using the Dev-C++ software. The program was coded in a modular fashion, and constructed in a manner that can be fairly understood. Algorithms and flow charts for the basic engineering problems considered were obtained and using formula translation, solutions to such issues were dynamically programmed using the Dev C++ software. The results from the developed software when compared with other methods such as numerical and approximate analytical solutions were observed to be the same. The developed software is however, more user friendly and can be implemented at A Level Higher Institutions, as well as have many other real-world applications. Keywords: Design, Software, Basic Engineering, Programming, C++ Program. DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/11-5-02 Publication date:September 30th 202