17 research outputs found

    Everybody's got to be somewhere

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    The key to any nameless representation of syntax is how it indicates the variables we choose to use and thus, implicitly, those we discard. Standard de Bruijn representations delay discarding maximally till the leaves of terms where one is chosen from the variables in scope at the expense of the rest. Consequently, introducing new but unused variables requires term traversal. This paper introduces a nameless 'co-de-Bruijn' representation which makes the opposite canonical choice, delaying discarding minimally, as near as possible to the root. It is literate Agda: dependent types make it a practical joy to express and be driven by strong intrinsic invariants which ensure that scope is aggressively whittled down to just the support of each subterm, in which every remaining variable occurs somewhere. The construction is generic, delivering a universe of syntaxes with higher-order metavariables, for which the appropriate notion of substitution is hereditary. The implementation of simultaneous substitution exploits tight scope control to avoid busywork and shift terms without traversal. Surprisingly, it is also intrinsically terminating, by structural recursion alone

    Defunctionalization with Dependent Types

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    The defunctionalization translation that eliminates higher-order functions from programs forms a key part of many compilers. However, defunctionalization for dependently-typed languages has not been formally studied. We present the first formally-specified defunctionalization translation for a dependently-typed language and establish key metatheoretical properties such as soundness and type preservation. The translation is suitable for incorporation into type-preserving compilers for dependently-typed language

    Trocq: Proof Transfer for Free, With or Without Univalence

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    Libraries of formalized mathematics use a possibly broad range of different representations for a same mathematical concept. Yet light to major manual input from users remains most often required for obtaining the corresponding variants of theorems, when such obvious replacements are typically left implicit on paper. This article presents Trocq, a new proof transfer framework for dependent type theory. Trocq is based on a novel formulation of type equivalence, used to generalize the univalent parametricity translation. This framework takes care of avoiding dependency on the axiom of univalence when possible, and may be used with more relations than just equivalences. We have implemented a corresponding plugin for the Coq proof assistant, in the CoqElpi meta-language. We use this plugin on a gallery of representative examples of proof transfer issues in interactive theorem proving, and illustrate how Trocq covers the spectrum of several existing tools, used in program verification as well as in formalized mathematics in the broad sense

    Формализация минималистского синтаксиса в языке Agda

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    The paper presents a toolset for the formalization of syntactic theories in the framework of Noam Chomsky’s Minimalist Program in generative linguistics. It comprises a set of formal instruments in Agda language, allowing to define derivation trees, syntactic objects and principal notions of minimalist theory—the operation Merge, features, copies, chains, c-command, etc. At the same time, the formalism omits the operation Agree and phase theory.В статье представлен инструментарий для формализации синтаксических теорий в рамках минималистской программы Н. Хомского (Minimalist Program) в генеративной лингвистике. Он представляет собой набор формальных конструкций в языке Agda, позволяющих определить деревья вывода, синтаксические объекты и основные понятия минималистской теории — операцию соединения (Merge), признаки, копии, цепи, c-командование и др. В то же время, в формализме опущены операция согласования (Agree) и теория фаз

    Non-Deterministic Abstract Machines

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    We present a generic design of abstract machines for non-deterministic programming languages, such as process calculi or concurrent lambda calculi, that provides a simple way to implement them. Such a machine traverses a term in the search for a redex, making non-deterministic choices when several paths are possible and backtracking when it reaches a dead end, i.e., an irreducible subterm. The search is guaranteed to terminate thanks to term annotations the machine introduces along the way. We show how to automatically derive a non-deterministic abstract machine from a zipper semantics - a form of structural operational semantics in which the decomposition process of a term into a context and a redex is made explicit. The derivation method ensures the soundness and completeness of the machines w.r.t. the zipper semantics

    Machines abstraites non déterministes

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    We present a generic design of abstract machines for nondeterministic programming languages, such as process calculi or concurrent lambda calculi, that provides a simple way to implement them. Such a machine traverses a term in the search for a redex, making non-deterministic choices when several paths are possible and backtracking when it reaches a dead end, i.e., an irreducible subterm. The search is guaranteed to terminate thanks to term annotations the machine introduces along the way. We show how to automatically derive a non-deterministic abstract machine from a zipper semantics-a form of structural operational semantics in which the decomposition process of a term into a context and a redex is made explicit. The derivation method ensures the soundness and completeness of the machines w.r.t. the zipper semantics.Nous proposons une présentation uniforme des machines abstraites pour les langages non déterministes, tels que les calculs de processus ou les lambda-calculs concurrents, qui permet de les implémenter facilement. Une telle machine traverse le terme à la recherche d’un redex, en faisant des choix arbitraires lorsque plusieurs chemins sont possibles, et en retournant en arrière lorsqu’elle atteint un cul-de-sac, c’est-à-dire un terme irreductible. Nous garantissons la terminaison de la recherche grâce aux annotations que la machine ajoute encours de route. Nous montrons comment dériver automatiquement une machine non déterministe depuis une sémantique zipper—une forme de sémantique opérationnelle structurelle dans laquelle la décomposition d’un terme en un contexte et un redex apparaît explicitement. La méthode dedérivation garantit la correction et la complétude de la machine par rapport à la sémantique zipper

    Confluence in UnTyped Higher-Order Theories by means of Critical Pairs

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    User-defined higher-order rewrite rules are becoming a standard in proof assistants based on intuitionistic type theory. This raises the question of proving that they preserve the properties of beta-reductions for the corresponding type systems. We develop here techniques that reduce confluence proofs to the checking of various forms of critical pairs for higher-order rewrite rules extending beta-reduction on pure lambda-terms. The present paper concentrates on the case where rewrite rules are left-linear and critical pairs can be joined without using beta-rewrite steps. The other two cases will be addressed in forthcoming papers

    Automatic generation of proof terms in dependently typed programming languages

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    Dependent type theories are a kind of mathematical foundations investigated both for the formalisation of mathematics and for reasoning about programs. They are implemented as the kernel of many proof assistants and programming languages with proofs (Coq, Agda, Idris, Dedukti, Matita, etc). Dependent types allow to encode elegantly and constructively the universal and existential quantifications of higher-order logics and are therefore adapted for writing logical propositions and proofs. However, their usage is not limited to the area of pure logic. Indeed, some recent work has shown that they can also be powerful for driving the construction of programs. Using more precise types not only helps to gain confidence about the program built, but it can also help its construction, giving rise to a new style of programming called Type-Driven Development. However, one difficulty with reasoning and programming with dependent types is that proof obligations arise naturally once programs become even moderately sized. For example, implementing an adder for binary numbers indexed over their natural number equivalents naturally leads to proof obligations for equalities of expressions over natural numbers. The need for these equality proofs comes, in intensional type theories (like CIC and ML) from the fact that in a non-empty context, the propositional equality allows us to prove as equal (with the induction principles) terms that are not judgementally equal, which implies that the typechecker can't always obtain equality proofs by reduction. As far as possible, we would like to solve such proof obligations automatically, and we absolutely need it if we want dependent types to be used more broadly, and perhaps one day to become the standard in functional programming. In this thesis, we show one way to automate these proofs by reflection in the dependently typed programming language Idris. However, the method that we follow is independent from the language being used, and this work could be reproduced in any dependently-typed language. We present an original type-safe reflection mechanism, where reflected terms are indexed by the original Idris expression that they represent, and show how it allows us to easily construct and manipulate proofs. We build a hierarchy of correct-by-construction tactics for proving equivalences in semi-groups, monoids, commutative monoids, groups, commutative groups, semi-rings and rings. We also show how each tactic reuses those from simpler structures, thus avoiding duplication of code and proofs. Finally, and as a conclusion, we discuss the trust we can have in such machine-checked proofs

    Verified programming with explicit coercions

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    Type systems have proved to be a powerful means of specifying and proving important program invariants. In dependently typed programming languages types can depend on values and hence express arbitrarily complicated propositions and their machine checkable proofs. The type-based approach to program specification allows for the programmer to not only transcribe their intentions, but arranges for their direct involvement in the proving process, thus aiding the machine in its attempt to satisfy difficult obligations. In this thesis we develop a series of patterns for programming in a correct-by-construction style making use of constraints and coercions to prove properties within a dependently typed host. This allows for the development of a verified, kernel which can be built upon using the host system features. In particular this should allow for the development of “tactics” or semiautomated solvers invoked when coercing types all within a single language. The efficacy of this approach is given by the development of a system of expressions indexed by their, exposing a case analysis feature serving to generate value constraints. These constraints are directly reflected into the host allowing for their involvement in the type-checking process. A motivating use case of this design shows how a term’s semantic index information admits an exact, formalized cost analysis amenable to reasoning within the host. Finally we show how such a system is used to identify unreachable dead-code, trivially admitting the design and verification of an SSA style compiler with this optimization. We think such a design of explicitly proving the local correctness of type-transformations in the presence of accumulated constraints can form the basis of a flexible language in concert with a variety of trusted solver