915,100 research outputs found

    European Union Acts project MIDAS: objectives and progress to date

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    Introduction to the ACTS program: Advanced Communications and Technology and Services, known simply as ACTS, is one of the specific programmes of the "Fourth Framework Programme of European Community activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration (1994-1998)". It provides the main focus of the European Unions research effort to accelerate deployment of advanced communications infrastructures and services, and is complemented by extensive European research in the areas of information technology and telematics. The stated objectives of ACTS are to "develop advanced communication systems and services for economic development and social cohesion within Europe, taking account of the rapid evolution of technologies, the changing regulatory situation and opportunities for development of advanced transeuropean networks and services". Within ACTS, the emphasis of the work has shifted from the exploration of fundamental concepts and detailed system engineering, as it had been in earlier programs such as RACE (Research and development in Advanced Communication technologies for Europe), to issues relating to implementation of advanced systems and generic services, and applications which demonstrate the potential use of advanced communications in Europe. A key feature of the ACTS program is that the research be undertaken in the context of real-world trials. Work within the program is divided into six technical areas: Interactive digital multimedia services, photonic technologies, high speed networking, mobility and personal communication networks, intelligence in networks and services and quality, safety and security of communication systems and services. The total EU budget for the ACTS program is approximately 670 MECU, covering around 160 projects, with over 1000 individual organisations participating within the program, thereby illustrating the scale of the activities. MIDAS is one of five projects in the technical area of photonic technologies concerned with high speed transmission, the others being ESTHER, UPGRADE, HIGHWAY and SPEED, each concerned with various aspects or approaches to the development of 40 GBit/s transmission systems within the European arena. A full list of project descriptions and objectives, as well as those of the ACTS program as a whole, are to be found in Ref [1]. The MIDAS consortium consists of the following organisations: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), CSELT (Italy), Thomson LCR (France), United Monolithic Semiconductor (France), Telia (Sweden), Kings College London (UK), University of Athens (Greece), ORC University of Southampton (UK). The project started in September 1995 and is currently scheduled to finish in September 1998

    From Vehicular Networks to IoT for Smart Roads: How a Communication Engineer Can Help Solve Transportation Problems (Invited Talk)

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    Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is an important development that applies advanced sensing, communication, big data analysis and control technologies to ground transportation in order to improve safety, mobility and efficiency. This talk will begin with a brief introduction to our work in vehicular networks, which started more than ten years ago. As we delve deeper into vehicular networks and interact more frequently with transportation stakeholders, we realize that ITS is a truly cross-disciplinary area, in order for vehicular networks to achieve its desired impact, we need to think beyond the traditional communication domain, and start to ponder the deeper-level questions of what fundamental changes can be brought by advanced sensing and communication techniques to transportation and how the applications of advanced sensing and communication techniques can help solve crucial transportation problems. To this end, we will introduce our more recent work of developing advanced IoT technology to transform our roads into smart roads, which in the shorter term, make our roads safer and more efficient while providing the fine-grained real-time traffic information for traffic management; in the longer term, provide the much-needed road infrastructure support for the future booming CAV revolution

    Magnetic Modelling of Synchronous Reluctance and Internal Permanent Magnet Motors Using Radial Basis Function Networks

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    The general trend toward more intelligent energy-aware ac drives is driving the development of new motor topologies and advanced model-based control techniques. Among the candidates, pure reluctance and anisotropic permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity, despite their complex structure. The availability of accurate mathematical models that describe these motors is essential to the design of any model-based advanced control. This paper focuses on the relations between currents and flux linkages, which are obtained through innovative radial basis function neural networks. These special drive-oriented neural networks take as inputs the motor voltages and currents, returning as output the motor flux linkages, inclusive of any nonlinearity and cross-coupling effect. The theoretical foundations of the radial basis function networks, the design hints, and a commented series of experimental results on a real laboratory prototype are included in this paper. The simple structure of the neural network fits for implementation on standard drives. The online training and tracking will be the next steps in field programmable gate array based control systems

    Institutions, Networks and Entrepreneurship Development in Russia: An Exploration

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    In this paper we explore the ways in which institutions and networks influence entrepreneurial development in Russia. By utilizing new Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data collected in 2001, we investigate the effects of the weak institutional environment in Russia in terms of three dimensions: on the rate of productive entrepreneurial activity measured in terms of start-ups and existing business owners; on the characteristics of business owners; and on business financing. In addition, the analysis explores the effectiveness of Russia’s informal networks for circumventing the weak institutional environment for business development. Our results indicate that Russia’s business owners share many of the same characteristics as business owners in advanced western countries, though education is not associated with entrepreneurial activity. However, the main differences are in the sources of financing and the fact that relatively few individuals engage in productive entrepreneurial activity. Our results support the notion of the limited effectiveness of Russia’s networks for supporting entrepreneurial activity in its weak institutional environment.Entrepreneurship, Institutions, Networks, Russia

    Completing the Connection: Achieving Universal Service Through Municipal Wi-Fi

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    The federal universal service scheme is designed to ensure that everyone has affordable access to advanced telecommunications and information services. Despite the development of cost-effective technologies that drastically reduce the cost of telephone services vis-à-vis the Internet and Wi-Fi networks, federal regulations generally prevent municipalities or private companies from providing wireless Internet access with universal service funds. Federal regulations have replaced technology costs, lack of business incentives, and consumer affordability as the primary barrier to universal service. Competitive neutrality, the pro-competitive and technology-neutral approach to universal service funding, must be fully embraced in order to empower local communities with the choice of technologies that best suits their residents in providing universal and affordable access to advanced telecommunications and information services

    A component-based middleware framework for configurable and reconfigurable Grid computing

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    Significant progress has been made in the design and development of Grid middleware which, in its present form, is founded on Web services technologies. However, we argue that present-day Grid middleware is severely limited in supporting projected next-generation applications which will involve pervasive and heterogeneous networked infrastructures, and advanced services such as collaborative distributed visualization. In this paper we discuss a new Grid middleware framework that features (i) support for advanced network services based on the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks, (ii) an architectural framework for constructing bespoke Grid middleware platforms in terms of 'middleware domains' such as extensible interaction types and resource discovery. We believe that such features will become increasingly essential with the emergence of next-generation e-Science applications. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Using Neural Networks for Aerodynamic Parameter Modeling

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    Neural networks are being developed at McDonnell Douglas Corporation to provide an onboard model of an aircraft\u27s aerodynamics to support advanced flight control systems. These flight control systems, constructed using neural networks and advanced controllers, have the potential to reduce flight control development costs and to improve inflight performance. Neural networks are useful in this situation because they can compactly represent the data and operate in real-tim

    Intelligent manipulation technique for multi-branch robotic systems

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    New analytical development in kinematics planning is reported. The INtelligent KInematics Planner (INKIP) consists of the kinematics spline theory and the adaptive logic annealing process. Also, a novel framework of robot learning mechanism is introduced. The FUzzy LOgic Self Organized Neural Networks (FULOSONN) integrates fuzzy logic in commands, control, searching, and reasoning, the embedded expert system for nominal robotics knowledge implementation, and the self organized neural networks for the dynamic knowledge evolutionary process. Progress on the mechanical construction of SRA Advanced Robotic System (SRAARS) and the real time robot vision system is also reported. A decision was made to incorporate the Local Area Network (LAN) technology in the overall communication system

    Perturbation analysis analyzed—mathematical modeling of intact and perturbed gene regulatory circuits for animal development

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    Gene regulatory networks for animal development are the underlying mechanisms controlling cell fate specification and differentiation. The architecture of gene regulatory circuits determines their information processing properties and their developmental function. It is a major task to derive realistic network models from exceedingly advanced high throughput experimental data. Here we use mathematical modeling to study the dynamics of gene regulatory circuits to advance the ability to infer regulatory connections and logic function from experimental data. This study is guided by experimental methodologies that are commonly used to study gene regulatory networks that control cell fate specification. We study the effect of a perturbation of an input on the level of its downstream genes and compare between the cis-regulatory execution of OR and AND logics. Circuits that initiate gene activation and circuits that lock on the expression of genes are analyzed. The model improves our ability to analyze experimental data and construct from it the network topology. The model also illuminates information processing properties of gene regulatory circuits for animal development