61 research outputs found

    A simple nonlinear companding transform for nonlinear compensation of direct-detection optical OFDM systems

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    In direct-detection OFDM systems, the nonlinear effects caused by optical modulation and fiber transmission can degrade the system performance severely. In this study, we propose a new nonlinear companding transform to improve the performance of direct detection optical OFDM transmission systems. The demonstration is realized by Monte-Carlo simulation of the intensity modulation and direct-detection DCO-OFDM optical transmission system at 40 Gbps over a 80 km of standard single mode fiber link. The influence of the companding parameters on the performance of system in different nonlinear transmission conditions has been investigated via simulation

    A simple nonlinear companding transform for nonlinear compensation of direct-detection optical OFDM systems

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    In direct-detection OFDM systems, the nonlinear effects caused by optical modulation and fiber transmission can degrade the system performance severely. In this study, we propose a new nonlinear companding transform to improve the performance of direct detection optical OFDM transmission systems. The demonstration is realized by Monte-Carlo simulation of the intensity modulation and direct-detection DCO-OFDM optical transmission system at 40 Gbps over a 80 km of standard single mode fiber link. The influence of the companding parameters on the performance of system in different nonlinear transmission conditions has been investigated via simulation

    Piecewise companding transform assisted optical-OFDM systems for indoor visible light communications

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    In visible light communications (VLCs) relying on intensity-modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), the conversion from electrical signals to optical signals and the limited dynamic range of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) constitute the fundamental impediments in the way of high-integrity communications, especially when orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is employed. In IM/DD VLCs, only real-valued positive signals are used for signal transmission. However, the Fourier transform of OFDM systems is operated in the complex domain. In order to meet the requirements of the IM/DD VLCs, the complex-to-real conversion is achieved at the cost of reducing the bandwidth efficiency. Moreover, OFDM signals experience a high peak-to-average power ratio; hence, typically clipping is used for confining the positive-valued signals within the LED's dynamic range. However, hard clipping leads to the loss of orthogonality for optical OFDM (O-OFDM) signals, generating inter-carrier interference. As a result, the performance of the clipping-based O-OFDM systems may be severely degraded. In this paper, the concept of piecewise companding transform (CT) is introduced into the O-OFDM system advocated, forming the CTO-OFDM arrangement. We first investigate the general principles and design criteria of the piecewise CTO-OFDM. Based on our studies, three types of piecewise companders, namely, the constant probability sub-distribution function, linear PsDF (LPsDF), and the non-LPsDF-based CT, are designed. Furthermore, we investigate the nonlinear effect of hard clipping and of our CT on O-OFDM systems in the context of different scenarios by both analytical and simulation techniques. Our investigations show that the CTO-OFDM constitutes a promising signaling scheme conceived for VLCs, which exhibits a high bandwidth efficiency, high flexibility, high reliability, as well as a high data-rate, despite experiencing nonlinear distortions

    Throughput and Link Design Choices for Communication over LED Optical Wireless Channels

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many advantages, VLC faces several technical challenges, such as the limited bandwidth and severe nonlinearity of opto-electronic devices, link blockage and user mobility. Therefore, significant efforts are needed from the global VLC community to develop VLC technology further. This Special Issue, “Visible Light Communication (VLC)”, provides an opportunity for global researchers to share their new ideas and cutting-edge techniques to address the above-mentioned challenges. The 16 papers published in this Special Issue represent the fascinating progress of VLC in various contexts, including general indoor and underwater scenarios, and the emerging application of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) techniques in VLC

    Performance Comparison of Single-Sideband Direct Detection Nyquist-Subcarrier Modulation and OFDM

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    Direct detection transceivers offer advantages, including low cost and complexity, in short- and medium-haul links. We carried out studies seeking to identify the signal formats which offer the highest information spectral densities and maximum transmission distances for direct detection links. The performance of two spectrally efficient optical signal formats, single-sideband (SSB) Nyquist pulse-shaped subcarrier modulation (SCM) and SSB orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), are compared by means of simulations. The comparison is performed for a range of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) net information spectral densities up to 2.0 b/s/Hz by varying the signal bandwidth, modulation cardinality, and WDM channel spacing. The signal formats' tolerance to signal-signal beating interference, resulting from square-law detection, is investigated, and the Nyquist-SCM format is found to suffer lower penalties from this nonlinearity at high information spectral densities. In 7 × 28 Gb/s WDM transmission at 2.0 b/s/Hz (with electronic predistortion and EDFA-only amplification), Nyquist-SCM signals can be transmitted over distances of up to 720 km of standard SMF in comparison to a maximum of 320 km with the OFDM signal format

    Analytical Characterization and Optimum Detection of Nonlinear Multicarrier Schemes

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    It is widely recognized that multicarrier systems such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are suitable for severely time-dispersive channels. However, it is also recognized that multicarrier signals have high envelope fluctuations which make them especially sensitive to nonlinear distortion effects. In fact, it is almost unavoidable to have nonlinear distortion effects in the transmission chain. For this reason, it is essential to have a theoretical, accurate characterization of nonlinearly distorted signals not only to evaluate the corresponding impact of these distortion effects on the system’s performance, but also to develop mechanisms to combat them. One of the goals of this thesis is to address these challenges and involves a theoretical characterization of nonlinearly distorted multicarrier signals in a simple, accurate way. The other goal of this thesis is to study the optimum detection of nonlinearly distorted, multicarrier signals. Conventionally, nonlinear distortion is seen as a noise term that degrades the system’s performance, leading even to irreducible error floors. Even receivers that try to estimate and cancel it have a poor performance, comparatively to the performance associated to a linear transmission, even with perfect cancellation of nonlinear distortion effects. It is shown that the nonlinear distortion should not be considered as a noise term, but instead as something that contains useful information for detection purposes. The adequate receiver to take advantage of this information is the optimum receiver, since it makes a block-by-block detection, allowing us to exploit the nonlinear distortion which is spread along the signal’s band. Although the optimum receiver for nonlinear multicarrier schemes is too complex, due to its necessity to compare the received signal with all possible transmitted sequences, it is important to study its potential performance gains. In this thesis, it is shown that the optimum receiver outperforms the conventional detection, presenting gains not only relatively to conventional receivers that deal with nonlinear multicarrier signals, but also relatively to conventional receivers that deal with linear, multicarrier signals. We also present sub-optimum receivers which are able to approach the performance gains associated to the optimum detection and that can even outperform the conventional linear, multicarrier schemes

    A novel unipolar transmission scheme for visible light communication

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    This paper proposes a novel unipolar transceiver for visible light communication (VLC) by using orthogonal waveforms. The main advantage of our proposed scheme over most of the existing unipolar schemes in the literature is that the polarity of the real-valued orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) sample determines the pulse shape of the continuous-time signal and thus, the unipolar conversion is performed directly in the analog instead of the digital domain. Therefore, our proposed scheme does not require any direct current (DC) biasing or clipping as it is the case with existing schemes in the literature. The bit error rate (BER) performance of our proposed scheme is analytically derived and its accuracy is verified by using Matlab simulations. Simulation results also substantiate the potential performance gains of our proposed scheme against the state-of-the-art OFDM-based systems in VLC; it indicates that the absence of DC shift and clipping in our scheme supports more reliable communication and outperforms the asymmetrically clipped optical-OFDM (ACO-OFDM), DC optical-OFDM (DCO-OFDM) and unipolar-OFDM (U-OFDM) schemes. For instance, our scheme outperforms ACO-OFDM by at least 3 dB (in terms of signal to noise ratio) at a target BER of 10 −4 , when considering the same spectral efficiency for both schemes

    Systèmes OFDM optiques à détection directe à complexité réduite pour les communications à haut débit

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    A possible approach to maximize the data rate per wavelength, is to employ the high spectral efficiency discrete multitone (DMT) modulation. The work presented in this thesis mainly focuses on optimizing the power consumption and cost of DMT, that are the major obstacles to its market development. Within this context, we have first developed novel techniques permitting to discard the use of Hermitian symmetry in DMT modulations, thus significantly reducing the power consumption and the system cost. We have next proposed an asymmetric linear companding algorithm permitting to reduce the optical power of conventional DCO-OFDM modulation with a moderate complexity. A new VCSEL behavioural model based on the use of the VCSEL quasi-static characteristic was also developed to accurately evaluate the VCSEL impact on DMT modulations. Finally, we have built an experimental system to experimentally validate our proposed techniques. Several simulations and measurement results are then provided.Une approche pour augmenter le débit par longueur d'onde, est d'utiliser la modulation DMT (Discrete Multitone) à haute efficacité spectrale. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se focalise principalement sur l'optimisation de la consommation en puissance et le coût de la DMT, qui présentent des obstacles majeurs à son industrialisation. Dans ce cadre, nous avons tout d'abord développé des nouvelles techniques permettant d'exclure la symétrie Hermitienne des modulations DMT, réduisant ainsi considérablement la consommation en puissance et le coût du système. Nous avons ensuite proposé un algorithme de compression linéaire asymétrique permettant de réduire la puissance optique de la modulation DMT avec une complexité modérée. Un nouveau modèle comportemental du VCSEL basé sur la caractéristique quasi-statique a été également développé. Nous avons enfin validé expérimentalement les techniques que nous avons proposées. Plusieurs résultats de simulations et de mesures sont ainsi présentés

    Hybrid Free-Space Optical and Visible Light Communication Link

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    V součastnosti bezdrátové optické komunikace (optical wireless communication, OWC) získávají širokou pozornost jako vhodný doplněk ke komunikačním přenosům v rádiovém pásmu. OWC nabízejí několik výhod včetně větší šířky přenosového pásma, neregulovaného frekvenčního pásma či odolnosti vůči elektromagnetickému rušení. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem OWC systémů pro připojení koncových uživatelů. Samotná realizace spojení může být provedena za pomoci různých variant bezdrátových technologií, například pomocí OWC, kombinací různých OWC technologií nebo hybridním rádio-optickým spojem. Za účelem propojení tzv. poslední míle je analyzován optický bezvláknový spoj (free space optics, FSO). Tato práce se dále zabývá analýzou přenosových vlastností celo-optického více skokového spoje s důrazem na vliv atmosférických podmínek. V dnešní době mnoho uživatelů tráví čas ve vnitřních prostorech kanceláří či doma, kde komunikace ve viditelném spektru (visible light communication, VLC) poskytuje lepší přenosové parametry pokrytí než úzce směrové FSO. V rámci této práce byla odvozena a experimentálně ověřena závislost pro bitovou chybovost přesměrovaného (relaying) spoje ve VLC. Pro propojení poskytovatele datavých služeb s koncovým uživatelem může být výhodné zkombinovat více přenosových technologií. Proto je navržen a analyzovám systém pro překonání tzv. problému poslední míle a posledního metru kombinující hybridní FSO a VLC technologie.The field of optical wireless communications (OWC) has recently attracted significant attention as a complementary technology to radio frequency (RF). OWC systems offer several advantages including higher bandwidth, an unregulated spectrum, resistance to electromagnetic interference and a high order of reusability. The thesis focuses on the deployment and analyses of end-user interconnections using the OWC systems. Interconnection can be established by many wireless technologies, for instance, by a single OWC technology, a combination of OWC technologies, or by hybrid OWC/RF links. In order to establish last mile outdoor interconnection, a free-space optical (FSO) has to be investigated. In this thesis, the performance of all-optical multi-hop scenarios is analyzed under atmospheric conditions. However, nowadays, many end users spend much time in indoor environments where visible light communication (VLC) technology can provide better transmission parameters and, significantly, better coverage. An analytical description of bit error rate for relaying VLC schemes is derived and experimentally verified. Nonetheless, for the last mile, interconnection of a provider and end users (joint outdoor and indoor connection) can be advantageous when combining multiple technologies. Therefore, a hybrid FSO/VLC system is proposed and analyzed for the interconnection of the last mile and last meter bottleneck