43 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationCurrently, all over the world, a lot of money is being pumped into the healthcare domain to facilitate development of rapid, point-of-care disease diagnostic platforms, which are relatively cheap with enhanced ease-of-use capabilities that can be deployed in low-resource settings which have higher prevalence of disease infected cases. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) represent one class of biomarkers that has been less explored but possesses immense potential from a disease diagnostic standpoint. Tuberculosis (TB) has been a cause of significant health concern affecting a large population of people in Africa and Asia and recently, researchers have identified four specific TB VOCs from the breath of infected patients, through GC-MS analysis techniques. Rapid, accurate diagnosis is critical for timely initiation of treatment and, ultimately, control of the disease. Lack of access to appropriate diagnostic tools is caused, in part, by shortcomings as currently available diagnostics are often ill-adapted to resource-limited settings or specific patient needs, or may be priced out of reach. Although many countries still rely on basic tools such as smear microscopy, new diagnostics are changing the TB diagnostics landscape. Some groups have previously attempted to develop breath-based TB detection techniques utilizing evanescent wave technology and colorimetry-based pattern detection techniques, but no sensors exist for detection of the four methyl ester-based VOCs. In the research presented in this dissertation, we have attempted to develop a low-cost, metal functionalized titania nanotubular array-based sensor platform for electrochemical detection of the four major TB volatile organic biomarkers (VOBs). TiO2 or titania nanotubes is an easy-to-synthesize, robust, wide bandgap (~3.2 eV) semiconductor material with excellent vectorial charge transport properties. In addition, the nanotubular morphology presents a large surface-area-to-volume ratio with sufficient metal bound active sites which facilitates efficient binding with the VOBs of interest. Titania nanotubes with an optimized morphology and stoichiometry and functionalized with cobalt through the incipient wetting impregnation, and an in-situ lattice functionalization method for electrochemical detection of the four TB VOBs and their subsequent integration into a sensor hardware, has been investigated. The potential light assisted, plasmonic-based sensing capabilities of gold nanoparticle functionalized TiO2 nanotubes have been illustrated as well. In the end, a similar but slightly tweaked sensing platform has been tested for the detection of nonpulmonary colorectal cancer as well, extending the detection capabilities of the fabricated sensor substrate and leaving room for further research for screening of other life-threatening diseases. Improved access to better TB screening and diagnostics may present potential opportunities that may include efforts to accelerate market entry and/or scale-up of the innovative sensing platform that addresses unmet needs

    Electronic nose for analysis of volatile organic compounds in air and exhaled breath.

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    Exhaled breath is a complex mixture containing numerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at trace levels (ppb to ppt) including hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters and other non-volatile compounds. Different patterns of VOCs have been correlated with various diseases. The concentration levels of VOCs in exhaled breath depend on an individual subject’s health status. Therefore, breath analysis has great potential for clinical diagnostics, monitoring therapeutic progress and drug metabolic products. Even though up to 3000 compounds may be detected in breath, the matrix of exhaled breath is less complex than that of blood or other body fluids. Breath analysis can be performed on people irrespective of age, gender, lifestyle, or other confounding factors. Breath gas concentration can be related to VOC concentrations in blood via mathematical modeling; for example, as in blood alcohol testing. Since exhaled breath samples are easy to collect and online instruments are commercially available, VOC analysis in exhaled breath appears to be a promising tool for noninvasive detection and monitoring of diseases. Breath analysis has been very successful in identifying cancer, diabetes and other diseases by using a chemiresistor sensor array to detect biomarkers. The objective of this research project is to develop sensor arrays ― or so-called electronic nose ― for analysis of VOCs in air and exhaled breath. In this dissertation, we have investigated both commercial and synthesized thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as sensing materials for analysis of VOCs in air and exhaled breath. The advantages of these sensors include very high sensitivity, selectivity for detection of target analytes and operation at ambient temperature. The synthesis and material characterization of new thiols and AuNPs for increasing sensitivity and selectivity have been studied. Selected commercial thiols and in-house synthesized new functional thiols have been used to modify AuNP-based sensors for detection of VOCs in air and exhaled breath. The interdigitated electrodes (IDE) used for the sensors were fabricated by microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microfabrication technologies. The sensor arrays were characterized by measuring the resistance difference from vacuum and different spiked analyte concentrations in air and breath samples. Air samples and breath samples were collected using Tedlar bags, and analyzed using the thiol functionalized AuNP sensors. The analysis of air samples provides a reference for analysis of exhaled breath samples. The sensors have demonstrated a low detection limit of 0.1 ppbv of acetone and ethanol in dry air and exhaled breath. The concentrations of acetone in air and exhaled breath were determined by a silicon microreactor approach. The measurements of acetone by the microreactor approach were correlated with the sensor signals. The intellectual thrust of this research is the rational design of an electronic nose for analysis of VOCs in exhaled breath, which offers a new frontier in medical diagnostics because of its non-invasive and inexpensive characteristics

    The 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry

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    The 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry was held on 1–15 July 2021. The scope of this online conference was to gather experts that are well-known worldwide who are currently working in chemical sensor technologies and to provide an online forum for the presention and discussion of new results. Throughout this event, topics of interest included, but were not limited to, the following: electrochemical devices and sensors; optical chemical sensors; mass-sensitive sensors; materials for chemical sensing; nano- and micro-technologies for sensing; chemical assays and validation; chemical sensor applications; analytical methods; gas sensors and apparatuses; electronic noses; electronic tongues; microfluidic devices; lab-on-a-chip; single-molecule sensing; nanosensors; and medico-diagnostic testing

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMonitoring and remediation of environmental contaminants (biological and chemical) form the crux of global water resource management. There is an extant need to develop point-of-use, low-power, low-cost tools that can address this problem effectively with min­ imal environmental impact. Nanotechnology and microfluidics have made enormous ad­ vances during the past decade in the area of biosensing and environmental remediation. The "marriage" of these two technologies can effectively address some of the above-mentioned needs [1]. In this dissertation, nanomaterials were used in conjunction with microfluidic techniques to detect and degrade biological and chemical pollutants. In the first project, a point-of-use sensor was developed for detection of trichloroethylene (TCE) from water. A self-organizing nanotubular titanium dioxide (TNA) synthesized by electrochemical anodization and functionalized with photocatalytically deposited platinum (Pt/TNA) was applied to the detection. The morphology and crystallinity of the Pt/TNA sensor was characterized using field emission scanning electron microscope, energy dis­ persive x-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The sensor could detect TCE in the concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 ppm. The room-temperature operation capability of the sensor makes it less power intensive and can potentially be incorporated into a field-based sensor. In the second part, TNA synthesized on a foil was incorporated into a flow-based microfluidic format and applied to degradation of a model pollutant, methylene blue. The system was demonstrated to have enhanced photocatalytic performance at higher flow rates (50-200 ^L/min) over the same microfluidic format with TiO2 nanoparticulate (commercial P25) catalyst. The microfluidic format with TNA catalyst was able to achieve 82% fractional conversion of 18 mM methylene blue in comparison to 55% in the case of the TiO2 nanoparticulate layer at a flow rate of 200 L/min. The microfluidic device was fabricated using non-cleanroom-based methods, making it suitable for economical large-scale manufacture. A computational model of the microfluidic format was developed in COMSOL Multiphysics® finite element software to evaluate the effect of diffusion coefficient and rate constant on the photocatalytic performance. To further enhance the photocatalytic performance of the microfluidic device, TNA synthesized on a mesh was used as the catalyst. The new system was shown to have enhanced photocatalytic performance in comparison to TNA on a foil. The device was then employed in the inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 at different flow rates and light intensities (100, 50, 20, 10 mW/cm2). In the second project, a protocol for ultra-sensitive indirect electrochemical detection of E. coli O157:H7 was reported. The protocol uses antibody functionalized primary (magnetic) beads for capture and polyguanine (polyG) oligonucleotide functionalized sec­ ondary (polystyrene) beads as an electrochemical tag. The method was able to detect concentrations of E. coli O157:H7 down to 3 CFU/100 mL (S/N=3). We also demonstrate the use of the protocol for detection of E. coli O157:H7 seeded in wastewater effluent samples

    Estudo teórico da correção de Hubbard e do efeito de dopantes mono e disubstitucionais, na adsorção em superfícies de anatase do dióxido de titânio

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2020.No presente estudo foram avaliados aspectos metodológicos e físico-químicos da adsorção das moléculas orgânicas BTEX, piridina e o fármaco paracetamol (acetominofeno) nas superfícies (101) e (001) TiO2 anatase com e sem dopantes. Primeiramente foram avaliados os efeitos das correções de Hubbard e de van der Waals, juntas e separadamente, no processo de adsorção da superfície (101) TiO2 da anatase com a molécula de benzeno. Os cálculos periódicos de ondas planas foram realizados com o funcional PBE e PAW como função básica. Os métodos utilizados para a descrição deste sistema foram GGA, GGA+U, GGA+U+vdW. A energia de adsorção da superfície (101) com a molécula de benzeno, obtida através do método GGA+U+vdW-D3 (U = 7,4 eV) foi de -64,23 kJ/mol, muito próximo a valores da literatura de -54,15 kJ/mol, enquanto que no método GGA foi de -10,09 kJ/mol. Numa segunda etapa, para aplicação do método GGA+U, o parâmetro de interação elétron-elétron de Coulomb local (U), foi determinado para os átomos que contém elétrons em orbitais do tipo d. No caso deste trabalho, os átomos de Ti e V. O descritor usado para determinação do valor de U foi o gap experimental dos bulk s V2O5 e TiO2 rutilo e anatase. O valor de U selecionado para o átomo de vanádio foi de U = 2,8 eV e para o átomo de titânio, o valor de U foi de U = 7,4 eV. A aplicação destes valores não promove alterações significativas na geometria dos bulk s utilizados no refinamento deste parâmetro. Utilizando a malha de pontos k 3x3x1 e uma energia de corte de Ec = 300 eV, a energia da superfície (101) TiO2 anatase sem dopantes apresentou o valor de 0,53 J/m2 pelo método GGA, 1,04 J/m2 para o método GGA+U+vdW-D3. Já a superfície (001) apresentou uma energia de superfície de 3,84 J/m2 pelo método GGA e 5,38 J/m2 para o método GGA+U+vdW-D3. Através da energia da supercélula, foi possível determinar a melhor posição do dopante substitucional nas três formas de dopagem avaliadas neste trabalho. A dopagem com vanádio promoveu uma diminuição da estabilidade na superfície (101), de acordo com a análise da variação da energia cíclica, enquanto que na superfície (001) promoveu um aumento na estabilidade. Foram observadas na estrutura eletrônica, as diferentes contribuições na BC e na BV, promovidas pelas dopagens de V e N avaliadas neste trabalho. A superfície (001) apresenta, uma maior energia de adsorção em relação a superfície (101), sendo caracterizada pela sua alta reatividade, enquanto a superfície (101) é caracterizada pela sua maior estabilidade. As adsorções realizadas com as moléculas tolueno, etilbenzeno, isômeros de xileno, piridina e paracetamol apresentaram as mesmas tendências de resultados observadas para a molécula de benzeno, em todos os métodos utilizados.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior ( CAPES)In the present study, it was evaluated and chemical physics aspects related to adsorption of organic molecules BTEX, pyridine and the paracetamol drug (acetominophen) by TiO2 anatase surfaces (101) and (001) with and without doping. First, the effects of Hubbard and van der Waals corrections, together and separately, on the adsorption process of the anatase surface (101) TiO2 with the benzene molecule were evaluated. Periodic wave calculations were performed with the functional PBE and PAW as the basic function. The methods used to describe this system were GGA, GGA+U, GGA+U+vdW. The adsorption energy of the surface (101) with the benzene molecule obtained by the GGA+U+vdW-D3 (U = 7,4 eV) method was -64,23 kJ/mol, very close to the literature values of -54,15 kJ/mol, whereas in the GGA method it was -10,09 kJ/mol. In a second step, for application of the GGA+U method, the local Coulomb electron-electron interaction parameter (U) was determined for atoms containing electrons in d orbitals. In the case of this work, the atoms of Ti and V. The descriptor used to determine the value of U was the experimental gap of the rutile and anatase bulks V2O5 and TiO2. The U value selected for the vanadium atom was U = 2,8 eV and for the titanium atom the U value was U = 7,4 eV. The application of these values does not promote significant changes in the geometry of the bulks used in the refinement of this parameter. Using the 3x3x1 k-point mesh and a cutting energy of Ec = 300 eV, the surface energy (101) TiO2 anatase without doping was 0,53 J/m2 by the GGA method, 1,04 J/m2 for the GGA+U+vdW- D3 method. The surface (001) presented a surface energy of 3,84 J/m2 by the GGA method and 5,38 J/m2 by the GGA+U+vdW-D3 method. Through the supercell energy, it was possible to determine the best position of the substitutional doping in the three forms of doping evaluated in this work. Vanadium doping promoted a decrease in stability on surface (101), according to thermodynamic cycle analysis, while on surface (001) promoted an increase of stability. It was observed in the electronic structure, the different contributions in BC and BV, promoted by the doping of V and N evaluated in this work. The surface (001) has a higher adsorption energy in relation to the surface (101), being characterized by its high reactivity, while the surface (101) is characterized by its higher stability. The adsorption performed with toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene isomers, pyridine and paracetamol showed the same results trend observed for benzene molecule in all the methods used in this study

    Metal Nanomaterials: Immune Effects and Implications of Physicochemical Properties on Sensitization, Elicitation, and Augmentation of Allergic Disease

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    Many allergenic metals are being manufactured in nanoparticulate forms. Although the decreased size profile of metal nanomaterials has been consistently associated with more pronounced lung toxicity compared to larger materials, it is unclear if metal-induced immunotoxic effects exhibit a similar size-dependency. The central hypothesis of these studies was that metal nanoparticles cause more pronounced immunomodulatory effects on allergic processes than larger forms of respective metals. Moreover, it was anticipated that, similar to their inflammatory potential in airways, the magnitude of these responses would correlate best with the dose metric of surface area. The first set of studies utilized fine and ultrafine NiO particles to evaluate respiratory toxicity and augmentation of asthmatic responses with respect to different dose metrics. While the degree of pulmonary inflammation caused by NiO was exclusively associated with the administered surface area, NiO-induced augmentation of OVA allergy appeared dependent on multiple parameters, including particle size and dose mass. The second set of studies employed gold in bulk and nanoparticulate (AuNP) forms to study allergic sensitization. AuNP exposure did not cause dermal sensitization or notable respiratory immune effects, however, established contact sensitivity to gold conferred notable immune reactivity upon pulmonary AuNP exposure. Subsequent immune responses were directionally-polarized in a surface area-dependent manner, but alterations in several immune markers appeared more closely related to dose mass or particle size. Collectively, these findings suggest that, unlike their inflammatory potential in the airways, allergic effects caused by metal nanomaterials may involve various physico-chemical properties, and subsequently, implicate multiple dose metrics

    Flame Combustion Synthesis of Nano-materials for Catalysts and Sensors

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    Synthesis of functional nanomaterial thin films using a scalable flame combustion technique called Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (RSDT) was explored. Nanomaterials were used as sensing film for local gas monitoring and human breath analysis for medical diagnosis (different phases of WO3) and catalysts for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction (Pt supported on ceria). Areas of application include: handheld portable devices for immediate breath composition monitoring, medical diagnosis, and environment monitoring (workplace, residence and automobile). Two case studies will be explained in detail: (1) acetone sensing in human breath for blood glucose monitoring and (2) NO2 sensing for air quality monitoring. A study of the RSDT synthesis technique and control of crystal structure, porosity, and nanoparticle size will be demonstrated. The detailed study of acetone and NO2 sensing mechanism will be explained in detail, including sensor performance and stability testing

    The Fifteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2013: Programme and the Book of Abstracts

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    The First Conference on materials science and engineering, including physics, physical chemistry, condensed matter chemistry, and technology in general, was held in September 1995, in Herceg Novi. An initiative to establish Yugoslav Materials Research Society was born at the conference and, similar to other MR societies in the world, the programme was made and objectives determined. The Yugoslav Materials Research Society (Yu-MRS), a nongovernment and non-profit scientific association, was founded in 1997 to promote multidisciplinary goal-oriented research in materials science and engineering. The main task and objective of the Society has been to encourage creativity in materials research and engineering to reach a harmonic coordination between achievements in this field in our country and analogous activities in the world with an aim to include our country into global international projects. Until 2003, Conferences were held every second year and then they grew into Annual Conferences that were traditionally held in Herceg Novi in September of every year. In 2007 Yu-MRS formed two new MRS: MRS-Serbia (official successor of Yu-MRS) and MRS-Montenegro (in founding). In 2008, MRS – Serbia became a member of FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies)