84 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Smartphone Addiction and Internet Addiction and Self-Esteem and Loneliness

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    DergiPark: 545391trakyasobedİnternetve akıllı telefon bağımlılığı gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte psikoloji alandizininde sıklıkla incelenen konuların başında gelmiştir. Sürekli internet veakıllı telefon başındaki bireyler toplumdan uzaklaşmakta ve yalnızlaşmaktadır.Bu durum bireylerin kendilerine olan saygılarında da azalmaya neden olmaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı akıllı telefon ve internet bağımlılığı ile benlik saygısıve yalnızlık arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Yapılan çalışmada ilişkiseltarama modeli tercih edilmiştir. Bu amaçla yürütülen çalışmaya 137’si kadın ve93’ü erkek olmak üzere 230 kişi katılmıştır. Katılımcılara içeriğinde;demografik veri formu, akıllı telefon bağımlılığı ölçeği, Young İnternetBağımlılığı Testi Kısa Formu, Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği ve UCLA YalnızlıkÖlçeği’nin bulunduğu anket formu uygulanmıştır. Yapılan korelasyon analizlerisonucunda akıllı telefon bağımlılığı ile benlik saygısı ölçeği toplam puanlararasında negatif, orta düzeyde ve anlamlı; telefon bağımlılığı ile yalnızlıkölçeği toplam puanları arasında pozitif ve düşük düzeyde anlamlı bir korelasyonkatsayısı elde edilmiştir. İnternet bağımlılığı ile benlik saygısı ölçeğitoplam puanlar arasında negatif, orta düzeyde ve anlamlı bir korelasyonkatsayısı; internet bağımlılığı ile yalnızlık ölçeği toplam puanlar arasında pozitif,orta düzeyde anlamlı bir korelasyon katsayısı hesaplanmıştır. İnternetin kişiiçin önemi, benlik saygısı ve yalıtılmışlık akıllı telefon bağımlılığınıyordamaktadır. İnternetin kişi için önemi, benlik saygısı, yaş ve yalıtılmışlıkinternet bağımlılığını yordamaktadır.Internetand smart phone addiction has been one of the most frequently studied topics inthe psychology field index along with the developing technology. Individualswho constantly interest internet and smart phone move away from society andbecome lonely. This leads to a decrease in the respect of individuals forthemselves. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between smartphone and Internet addiction and self-esteem and loneliness. In this study,relational screening model was preferred. For this purpose, 230 people, 137 ofwhom were female and 93 of them were male, participated in the study.Demographic data, Smart Phone Addiction Scale, Young Internet Addiction TestShort Form, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale were appliedto the participants. The results of the correlation analysis, positive, low andsignificant correlation coefficient between smart phone addiction and self-esteemscale total scores, and negative, moderate and significant correlationcoefficient between smart phone addiction loneliness subscale total scores wasfound. Between internet addiction and self-esteem scale total scores positive,moderate and significant correlation coefficient; between internet addictionand loneliness scale total scores positive, moderate and significantcorrelation coefficient was calculated. The importance of the internet for theperson, self-esteem and the isolation have been found to be predictive factorsfor smart phone addiction. The importance of the internet for the person,self-esteem, age and the isolation have been found to be predictive factors forinternet addiction

    Understanding Problematic Smartphone Use and Its Characteristics: A Perspective on Behavioral Addiction

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    The problematic use of smartphones has extensively drawn social attention because of the harmful and disturbing outcomes. However, there has been little comprehensive research concerning the mechanism of problematic behavior in the use of smartphone, particularly for behavioral addiction. Given the specific characteristics of smartphones (e.g., high mobility, instant connection, and ubiquitous access), it is highlighted that smartphone addiction is a behavior that differentiates from traditional addiction behavior. However, in the previous research, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and the underlying mechanism of smartphone addiction. Motivated to systematically theorize this issue, we primarily define addiction in the smartphone context and comprehend the characteristics of smartphone addiction, followed by developing the measures for smartphone addiction. On this conceptual foundation, future empirical research should be able to explain, predict, and test addiction behavior in the use of smartphone

    How does Nomophobia Exert Impact on Life Satisfaction? Exploring the Mediating Effect of Psychological Wellbeing and Academic Performance

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    Several studies have highlighted the adverse consequences of information system (IS) overuse. To expand the knowledge on this heated topic, this paper aims among the first to explore the association between nomophobia, a manifestation of smartphone excessive use, and life satisfaction mediated by psychological wellbeing, as well as academic performance. On the other hand, this paper also targets the reverse procedure, namely if life satisfaction mediated by both psychological wellbeing and academic performance prompts nomophobia. To empirically test the established model, a big-scale systematic random sampling over 10 thousand responses is plan to implement. The survey questionnaire collected demographic information and actual grade-point average (GPAs), as well as responses to scales including the nomophobia, psychological wellbeing (consisted of perceived stress, depression, and loneliness), and life satisfaction

    Identity processing styles and cell phone addiction: The mediating role of religious coping

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of religious coping in the relationship between identity processing styles and cell phone addiction.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Materials & Methods: This descriptive and correlational study encompassed all students in Zahedan University in 2016 as its research population. From this population, 384 were selected using simple random sampling by Krejcie Morgan Table. Questionnaires of  Identity processing styles, religious coping and addiction to cell phones were used for data collection. For data analysis, SPSS 19 was used for descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient and LISREL 8.50 software was used for structural equation modeling (path analysis). In this study, all relevant ethical issues were considered.Results: Results showed that there is a positive significant correlation between cell phone addiction with diffuse-avoidant style (p≤0/01) and negative religious coping (p≤0/05). The relationship between negative religious coping with informational and normative styles is negative and with diffuse-avoidant style is positively meaningful (p≤0/01). Path analysis supported the mediating role of negative religious coping in the relationship between normative and diffuse-avoidant identity processing styles with cell phone addiction.Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that negative religious coping has restricted mediating role in the relationship between identity processing styles and cellphone addiction.Keywords: Cell phone addiction, Identity processing styles, Religious copingFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Askarizadeh Gh, Poormirzaei M ,Hajmohammadi R. Identity processing styles and cell phone addiction: The mediating role of religious coping. J Res Relig Health.2017;3(1):18- 29

    Smartphone dependence classification using tensor factorization

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    Excessive smartphone use causes personal and social problems. To address this issue, we sought to derive usage patterns that were directly correlated with smartphone dependence based on usage data. This study attempted to classify smartphone dependence using a data-driven prediction algorithm. We developed a mobile application to collect smartphone usage data. A total of 41,683 logs of 48 smartphone users were collected from March 8, 2015, to January 8, 2016. The participants were classified into the control group (SUC) or the addiction group (SUD) using the Korean Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale for Adults (S-Scale) and a face-to-face offline interview by a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist (SUC = 23 and SUD = 25). We derived usage patterns using tensor factorization and found the following six optimal usage patterns: 1) social networking services (SNS) during daytime, 2) web surfing, 3) SNS at night, 4) mobile shopping, 5) entertainment, and 6) gaming at night. The membership vectors of the six patterns obtained a significantly better prediction performance than the raw data. For all patterns, the usage times of the SUD were much longer than those of the SUC. From our findings, we concluded that usage patterns and membership vectors were effective tools to assess and predict smartphone dependence and could provide an intervention guideline to predict and treat smartphone dependence based on usage data.112Ysciescopu

    Smartphone Addiction and Health Issues among Young Adults in India: A Cross Sectional Study

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    Purpose: Since smartphone usage across the world has increased in the recent years, the present study aims to explore smartphone addiction in young college going adults and common factors associated with it. Method: 306 female college students volunteered to be part of this study. Demographic information including smartphone usage and sleeping hours per day were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) was used to evaluate level of addiction to smartphone. Results and discussion: SAS score of participants was 137.64, which shows higher rate of addiction to smartphone. 27.1% of the participants complained of pain and other health related symptoms, 66.3% reported awareness of symptoms occurring due to mobile overuse, 34.6% reported changes in sleeping pattern and 43.5% in sleeping hours. Conclusion: A higher rate of addiction to smartphone is associated with negative effects on health, social life and might present difficulties to performance in education

    Personality and dissociative experiences in smartphone users

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    The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU), dissociative experiences and some characteristics of personality. The sample consisted of 400 Italian college students aged between 20 and 24 (M = 21.59, SD = 1.43). The materials included: a questionnaire on the use of smartphones, the Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-SV), the Dissociative Experience Scale (DES), and the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI). Results showed that the college students in our sample used their smartphones mainly for messaging (50%), calling (42.5%), accessing the internet (38%), connecting via social networks (33.5%), taking photos (26.5%), gaming (8.5%) and using applications (.5%). According to the results of the SAS-SV, 70% of our sample showed PSU, without gender differences. Regarding the correlation with personality factors, intensive use of smartphones corresponds to lower emotional stability and the extraversion or 'energy' factor is predictive near the significance cut-off (p = .06), while among the dissociative experiences, passive influence and dissociative amnesia are the best predictors of smartphone addiction. The other variables are less significant (p = .07). The results underline the importance of detecting the PSU predictors in college students, in order to prevent psychopathological consequences

    Problematic mobile phone use in adolescence:a cross-sectional study

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    Aim: In recent years, mobile phone use has become increasingly common among Italian youth, while a growing scientific literature has been identifying the occurrence of a problematic mobile phone use which seems to share some features of other conditions often referred to as behavioural addictions. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of problematic mobile phone use in a population of Italian adolescents and its association with other behavioural addictions. Subjects and methods: The Mobile Addiction Test (MAT) was administered to 2,790 high school students from Barletta, an Italian town, together with the South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA), the Compulsive Buying Scale (CBS), the Internet Addiction Test (IAT), the Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI), the Work Addiction Risk Test (WART). Results: MAT scores fitted a Gaussian distribution model. Scores ≥ 17 was found as a cut-off value over which identifying problematic mobile phone users. Overall prevalence of problematic mobile phone use was 6.3%; this condition was associated with other behavioural addictions like compulsive buying. Conclusion: Problematic mobile phone use in adolescence should become a public health issue, and it could be a cause of health problems and social costs. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Problematic mobile phone use of Swiss adolescents : is it linked with mental health or behaviour?

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    To investigate the associations between problematic mobile phone use and mental health and behavioural problems in 412 Swiss adolescents owning a mobile phone while controlling for amount of mobile phone use.; Problematic mobile phone use was determined by the MPPUS-10 (Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale) and related to health and behavioural problems by means of multivariable regression modelling.; MPPUS-10 was 4.7 (95 % CI 1.8, 7.6) units higher in girls than in boys, increased significantly with age and was significantly decreased with increasing educational level of the parents. Furthermore, problematic mobile phone use was associated with impaired psychological well-being, impaired parent and school relationships and more behavioural problems but was not related to peer support and social acceptance.; Our study indicates that problematic mobile phone use is associated with external factors such as worse home and school environment and internal factors such as impaired mental health and behavioural problems of the adolescents and thus problematic mobile phone use should be addressed, in particular when dealing with adolescents showing behavioural or emotional problems

    Adaptación española del "Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale" para población adolescente

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    El uso problemático del teléfono móvil es un fenómeno emergente en nuestra sociedad, que parece afectar especialmente a la población adolescente. El conocimiento acerca del uso problemático de esta tecnología resulta necesario, dado que puede desarrollarse un patrón comportamental con características adictivas. Apenas existen escalas que midan el posible uso problemático del móvil y ninguna adaptada exclusivamente a población adolescente española. La escala más utilizada internacionalmente es la Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS). El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar el MPPUS a la población adolescente española. Se administró la versión española del cuestionario a una muestra de 1132 de 12 a 18 años. La fiabilidad y la validez factorial eran comparables a las obtenidas en población adulta, por lo que la medida del uso problemático del móvil en los adolescentes españoles es unidimensional. Se detectó una prevalencia del 14.8% de usuarios problemáticos