2,766 research outputs found

    Assessment of Ore Grade Estimation Methods for Structurally Controlled Vein Deposits - A Review

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    Resource estimation techniques have upgraded over the past couple of years, thereby improving resource estimates. The classical method of estimation is less used in ore grade estimation than geostatistics (kriging) which proved to provide more accurate estimates by its ability to account for the geology of the deposit and assess error. Geostatistics has therefore been said to be superior over the classical methods of estimation. However, due to the complexity of using geostatistics in resource estimation, its time-consuming nature, the susceptibility to errors due to human interference, the difficulty in applying it to deposits with few data points and the difficulty in using it to estimate complicated deposits paved the way for the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be applied in ore grade estimation. AI techniques have been employed in diverse ore deposit types for the past two decades and have proven to provide comparable or better results than those estimated with kriging. This research aimed to review and compare the most commonly used kriging methods and AI techniques in ore grade estimation of complex structurally controlled vein deposits. The review showed that AI techniques outperformed kriging methods in ore grade estimation of vein deposits.   Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Geostatistics, Kriging, Mineral Resource, Grad

    3D Block Modeling and Reserve Estimation of a Garnet Deposit

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    The purpose of this project is to develop a three-dimensional block model for a garnet deposit in the Alder Gulch, Madison County, Montana. Garnets occur in pre-Cambrian metamorphic Red Wash gneiss and similar rocks in the vicinity. This project seeks to model the percentage of garnet in a deposit called the Section 25 deposit using the Surpac software. Data available for this work are drillhole, trench and grab sample data obtained from previous exploration of the deposit. The creation of the block model involves validating the data, creating composites of assayed garnet percentages and conducting basic statistics on composites using Surpac statistical tools. Variogram analysis will be conducted on composites to quantify the continuity of the garnet mineralization. A three-dimensional block model will be created and filled with estimates of garnet percentage using different methods of reserve estimation and the results compared

    Improving processing by adaption to conditional geostatistical simulation of block compositions

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    Exploitation of an ore deposit can be optimized by adapting the beneficiation processes to the properties of individual ore blocks. This can involve switching in and out certain treatment steps, or setting their controlling parameters. Optimizing this set of decisions requires the full conditional distribution of all relevant physical parameters and chemical attributes of the feed, including concentration of value elements and abundance of penalty elements. As a first step towards adaptive processing, the mapping of adaptive decisions is explored based on the composition, in value and penalty elements, of the selective mining units. Conditional distributions at block support are derived from cokriging and geostatistical simulation of log-ratios. A one-to-one log-ratio transformation is applied to the data, followed by modelling via classical multivariate geostatistical tools, and subsequent back-transforming of predictions and simulations. Back-transformed point-support simulations can then be averaged to obtain block averages that are fed into the process chain model. The approach is illustrated with a \u27toy\u27 example where a four-component system (a value element, two penalty elements, and some liberable material) is beneficiated through a chain of technical processes. The results show that a gain function based on full distributions outperforms the more traditional approach of using unbiased estimates

    Integration of Geochemical and Geophysical Data for Downhole Rock Mass Characterisation

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    Exploration for mineral deposits is more challenging today as the target depth for new discoveries is increasing. New measuring and sensing technologies that enable real-time data acquisition are being developed to overcome these challenges. This study investigates how a joint, real-time analysis of these data-streams can add knowledge about the characteristics of a mineral deposit and complement an effective exploration strategy in the future

    Near real-time classification of iron ore lithology by applying fuzzy inference systems to petrophysical downhole data

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    Fluctuating commodity prices have repeatedly put the mining industry under pressure to increase productiveness and efficiency of their operations. Current procedures often rely heavily on manual analysis and interpretation although new technologies and analytical procedures are available to automate workflows. Grade control is one such issue where the laboratory assay turn-around times cannot beat the shovel. We propose that for iron ore deposits in the Pilbara geophysical downhole logging may provide the necessary and sufficient information about rock formation properties, circumventing any need for real-time elemental analysis entirely. This study provides an example where petrophysical downhole data is automatically classified using a neuro-adaptive learning algorithm to differentiate between different rock types of iron ore deposits and for grade estimation. We exploit a rarely used ability in a spectral gamma-gamma density tool to gather both density and iron content with a single geophysical measurement. This inaccurate data is then put into a neural fuzzy inference system to classify the rock into different grades and waste lithologies, with success rates nearly equal to those from laboratory geochemistry. The steps outlined in this study may be used to produce a workflow for current logging tools and future logging-while-drilling technologies for real-time iron ore grade estimation and lithological classification

    Practice based competency development: a study of resource geologists and the JORC code system

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    The mining industry is a major contributor to the Australian economy. The value of mining and exploration shares traded on the Australian Stock Exchange are contingent on the estimates of mineral deposits, which are disclosed publically in accordance with a reporting code maintained by the Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (the JORC Code). Expert resource geologists, known as Competent Persons, provide classified estimates of mineral endowment that underpin these public statements. The JORC Code requirements for qualifying as Competent Persons are membership of an approved professional association and a minimum of five years’ relevant experience. This research set out to address a primarily practical issue: How do the mining industry, mining companies and individuals cooperate to develop resource geologists with sufficient competency to provide expert recommendations for public reporting of mineral resources? A corollary to this is ‘Are the current standards sufficient to identify the competency expectations placed on Competent Persons?’ It is challenging to place the subsequent research in any one discipline as the study draws on multiple theories across multiple domains to facilitate a relevant description of the practicebased competency development. To properly understand the the practice of resource geologists operating in a sub-sector within the JORC Code system, the research needed to explore and consolidate diverse theories such as theories on social structures, workplace learning theories and statistical reasoning education theories. In addition, as a mixed methods study, the research draws on a wide range of tools from qualitative iterative coding and theming techniques to the more rigorous statistical tools of t-tests, paired t-tests, ANOVA and the philosophically different Rasch Analysis method. This study reflects a broad curiosity in diverse concepts and theories that is combined with the researcher’s desire to provide a meaningful practical contribution to the mining industry. The practical outcome of this research is a revised set of criteria to meet Competent Persons status under the JORC Code that is supported by a competency development model. These models are generalised to reflect a revised competency model, based on the dual expectations of practice exposure and reasoning ability, and an associated competency development model, which synthesises contributions of workplace learning experiences. The contributions to the theory include a revised theory of workplace learning networks emerging from the practice context of transient professional workers. These networks are enduring, transient and egocentric and operate beyond organisational confines

    Determination of an Ultimate Pit Limit Utilising Fractal Modelling to Optimise NPV

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    The speed and complexity of globalisation and reduction of natural resources on the one hand, and interests of large multinational corporations on the other, necessitates proper management of mineral resources and consumption. The need for scientific research and application of new methodologies and approaches to maximise Net Present Value (NPV) within mining operations is essential. In some cases, drill core logging in the field may result in an inadequate level of information and subsequent poor diagnosis of geological phenomenon which may undermine the delineation or separation of mineralised zones. This is because the interpretation of individual loggers is subjective. However, modelling based on logging data is absolutely essential to determine the architecture of an orebody including ore distribution and geomechanical features. For instance, ore grades, density and RQD values are not included in conventional geological models whilst variations in a mineral deposit are an obvious and salient feature. Given the problems mentioned above, a series of new mathematical methods have been developed, based on fractal modelling, which provide a more objective approach. These have been established and tested in a case study of the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, central Iran. Recognition of different types of mineralised zone in an ore deposit is important for mine planning. As a result, it is felt that the most important outcome of this thesis is the development of an innovative approach to the delineation of major mineralised (supergene and hypogene) zones from ‘barren’ host rock. This is based on subsurface data and the utilisation of the Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal model, proposed by Afzal et al. (2011), to optimise a Cu-Mo block model for better determination of an ultimate pit limit. Drawing on this, new approaches, referred to Density–Volume (D–V) and RQD-Volume (RQD-V) fractal modelling, have been developed and used to delineate rock characteristics in terms of density and RQD within the Kahang deposit (Yasrebi et al., 2013b; Yasrebi et al., 2014). From the results of this modelling, the density and RQD populations of rock types from the studied deposit showed a relationship between density and rock quality based on RQD values, which can be used to predict final pit slope. Finally, the study introduces a Present Value-Volume (PV-V) fractal model in order to identify an accurate excavation orientation with respect to economic principals and ore grades of all determined voxels within the obtained ultimate pit limit in order to achieve an earlier pay-back period.Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, the global network IOM3Cornish Institute of EngineersWhittle Consulting (Business Optimisation for the Mining Industry

    Exploration and mining evaluation system and price prediction of uranium resources

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    Purpose. The paper introduces the development of the Uranium Resources Technical and Economic Evaluation Expert System (URTEEES) from the viewpoint of requirement analysis, system design, functional structure and application etc. Methods. The system is based on C/B/S mixed mode and applies ASP.NET technology with .Net Framework being selected as the development platform as well as the uranium resources database providing data support at the bottom layer. The paper also proves the efficiency of the system in the context of certain case studies. Findings. Since the system can performs the functions of scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, shareholder’s returns analysis, horizontal comparison of different projects, it can improve the ability of project senior decision-makers for rapid response to the rivals and meet the demand of pricing negotiations. Moreover, the system demonstrates its efficiency in the context of case studies as the system incorporates a number of advanced methods, e.g. the Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) Back Propagation (BP) QPSO-BP model which can improve the generalization ability of BP network to predict the uranium price. Originality. Technical and economic evaluation model can be set up by users independently according to the current stage of a project (mainly, these are exploration stage, development stage and production stage) as well as according to the selected mining method (e.g. underground mining, surface mining, or in-situ leaching mining). Then, the technical and economic evaluation parameters can be generated. By means of inputting the value of each parameter in a simple and convenient way, the evaluation results can be calculated directly and shown in the form of diagrams; moreover, feasibility evaluation report can be generated automatically, making the process of technical and economic evaluation accurate and efficient. Practical implications. URTEEES performs the functions of decision-making analysis, metal resources database management, data management, comprehensive query etc. The system is a good basis for further development of other expert systems.Мета. Розробка експертно-аналітичної системи техніко-економічного оцінювання запасів урану з точки зору аналізу вимог, системи проектування, функціональної структури і напрямів застосування. Методика. Проектна система повинна включати два основні блоки. Перший – існуючі дані щодо оцінки ресурсів урану для отримання відповідних параметрів, які можуть бути використані для створення моделей оцінки й забезпечення основи для їх порівняння при оцінці нового проекту. Другий – допоміжна інформація, така як закони і правила, культурна інформація, яка насправді є накопиченням даних проекту і досвіду. Пропонована система заснована на використанні комбінованого режиму C/B/S; при цьому система використовує технологію ASP.NET с Nеt Framework, обрану в якості платформи розробки, а також базу даних по запасах урану, що забезпечує інформаційну підтримку на нижньому рівні. Результати. Розроблена нова система URTEEES виконує функції імовірнісного аналізу, аналізу чутливості, аналізу прибутковості для акціонерів, а також горизонтальне порівняння різних проектів, отже, може поліпшити результативність прийняття рішень керівниками проекту для швидкого реагування на дії конкурентів, крім того, дана система відповідає вимогам процесу ціноутворення. Реалізація проектної системи показує високу ефективність, оскільки включає в себе безліч методів з поліпшеними характеристиками, наприклад, модель QPSO-BP, яка удосконалила узагальнюючі можливості нейронної мережі ВР з метою оптимізації та ефективного прогнозування ціни на уран. Наукова новизна. В системі розроблена модель техніко-економічного оцінювання в залежності від стадійності реалізації проекту (в основному, це стадія геологорозвідувальних робіт, стадія розробки родовища і стадія промислового видобутку), а також способу ведення гірничих робіт (наприклад, підземні гірничі роботи, відкриті гірничі роботи або ж роботи, пов’язані з підземним вилуговуванням), а результати оцінювання можна безпосередньо підрахувати і представити наочно у вигляді діаграм. Крім того, представляється можливим автоматично сформувати техніко-економічне обґрунтування, що дозволяє зробити процес техніко-економічного оцінювання точним і ефективним. Практична значимість. Система URTEEES дозволяє виконувати функції аналізу процесу прийняття рішень, управління базою даних запасів металів, управління даними, універсальної пошукової системи в гірничодобувній промисловості.Цель. Разработка экспертно-аналитической системы технико-экономического оценивания запасов урана с точки зрения анализа требований, системы проектирования, функциональной структуры и применения. Методика. Проектная система должна включать два основных блока. Первый – существующие данные об оценке ресурсов урана для получения соответствующих параметров, которые могут быть использованы для создания моделей оценки и обеспечения основы для их сравнения при оценке нового проекта. Второй – вспомогательная информация, такая как законы и правила, культурная информация, которая на самом деле является накоплением данных проекта и опыта. Предлагаемая система основана на использовании комбинированного режима C/B/S; при этом система использует технологию ASP.NET с Net Framework, выбранную в качестве платформы разработки, а также базу данных по запасам урана, что обеспечивает информационную поддержку на нижнем уровне. Результаты. Разработанная система выполняет функции вероятностного анализа, анализа чувствительности, анализа доходности для акционеров, а также горизонтальное сравнение различных проектов, следовательно, может улучшить результативность принятия решений руководителями проекта для быстрого реагирования на действия конкурентов; кроме того, данная система соответствует требованиям процесса ценообразования. Реализация проектной системы показывает высокую эффективность, поскольку включает в себя множество методов с улучшенными характеристиками, например, модель QPSO-BP, которая усовершенствовала обобщающие возможности нейронной сети BP с целью оптимизации и эффективного прогнозирования цены на уран. Научная новизна. В системе разработана модель технико-экономического оценивания в зависимости от стадийности реализации проекта (в основном, это стадия геологоразведочных работ, стадия разработки месторождения и стадия промышленной добычи), а также способа ведения горных работ (например, подземные горные работы, открытые горные работы или же работы, связанные с подземным выщелачиванием), а результаты оценивания можно непосредственно подсчитать и представить наглядно в виде диаграмм. Кроме того, представляется возможным автоматически сформировать технико-экономическое обоснование, что позволяет сделать процесс технико-экономического оценивания точным и эффективным. Практическая значимость. Система URTEEES позволяет выполнять функции анализа процесса принятия решений, управления базой данных запасов металлов, управления данными, универсальной поисковой системы в горнодобывающей промышленности.This research project is made possible through the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51374242, No.51404305 and No.51504286)