804 research outputs found

    Event-triggering architectures for adaptive control of uncertain dynamical systems

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    In this dissertation, new approaches are presented for the design and implementation of networked adaptive control systems to reduce the wireless network utilization while guaranteeing system stability in the presence of system uncertainties. Specifically, the design and analysis of state feedback adaptive control systems over wireless networks using event-triggering control theory is first presented. The state feedback adaptive control results are then generalized to the output feedback case for dynamical systems with unmeasurable state vectors. This event-triggering approach is then adopted for large-scale uncertain dynamical systems. In particular, decentralized and distributed adaptive control methodologies are proposed with reduced wireless network utilization with stability guarantees. In addition, for systems in the absence of uncertainties, a new observer-free output feedback cooperative control architecture is developed. Specifically, the proposed architecture is predicated on a nonminimal state-space realization that generates an expanded set of states only using the filtered input and filtered output and their derivatives for each vehicle, without the need for designing an observer for each vehicle. Building on the results of this new observer-free output feedback cooperative control architecture, an event-triggering methodology is next proposed for the output feedback cooperative control to schedule the exchanged output measurements information between the agents in order to reduce wireless network utilization. Finally, the output feedback cooperative control architecture is generalized to adaptive control for handling exogenous disturbances in the follower vehicles. For each methodology, the closed-loop system stability properties are rigorously analyzed, the effect of the user-defined event-triggering thresholds and the controller design parameters on the overall system performance are characterized, and Zeno behavior is shown not to occur with the proposed algorithms --Abstract, page iv

    Output consensus of multi-agent systems with delayed and sampled-data

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    This paper considers the output consensus problem of high-order leader-following multi- agent systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics, in which the delayed and sampled outputs of the system are the only available data. The unknown nonlinear dynamics are assumed to satisfy the Lipschitz condition and the interconnected topologies are assumed to be undirected and connected. A distributed observer-based output feedback controller is proposed for the system to reach output consensus. Both of the bounds of the allowable delay and sampling period are also obtained. Sta- bility analysis shows that the considered systems are globally exponentially stable under the output feedback controller. Finally, a simulation example is given to validate our theoretical results.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61273183, 61374028, and 61304162).http://www.ietdl.orgIET-CTAhb2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Distributed Cooperative Regulation for Multiagent Systems and Its Applications to Power Systems: A Survey

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    Cooperative regulation of multiagent systems has become an active research area in the past decade. This paper reviews some recent progress in distributed coordination control for leader-following multiagent systems and its applications in power system and mainly focuses on the cooperative tracking control in terms of consensus tracking control and containment tracking control. Next, methods on how to rank the network nodes are summarized for undirected/directed network, based on which one can determine which follower should be connected to leaders such that partial followers can perceive leaders’ information. Furthermore, we present a survey of the most relevant scientific studies investigating the regulation and optimization problems in power systems based on distributed strategies. Finally, some potential applications in the frequency tracking regulation of smart grids are discussed at the end of the paper

    The role of evolutionary game theory in spatial and non-spatial models of the survival of cooperation in cancer: a review

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    Evolutionary game theory (EGT) is a branch of mathematics which considers populations of individuals interacting with each other to receive pay-offs. An individual’s pay-off is dependent on the strategy of its opponent(s) as well as on its own, and the higher its pay-off, the higher its reproductive fitness. Its offspring generally inherit its interaction strategy, subject to random mutation. Over time, the composition of the population shifts as different strategies spread or are driven extinct. In the last 25 years there has been a flood of interest in applying EGT to cancer modelling, with the aim of explaining how cancerous mutations spread through healthy tissue and how intercellular cooperation persists in tumour-cell populations. This review traces this body of work from theoretical analyses of well-mixed infinite populations through to more realistic spatial models of the development of cooperation between epithelial cells. We also consider work in which EGT has been used to make experimental predictions about the evolution of cancer, and discuss work that remains to be done before EGT can make large-scale contributions to clinical treatment and patient outcomes

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    This work presents a real-time dynamic pricing framework for future electricity markets. Deduced by first-principles analysis of physical, economic, and communication constraints within the power system, the proposed feedback control mechanism ensures both closed-loop system stability and economic efficiency at any given time. The resulting price signals are able to incentivize competitive market participants to eliminate spatio-temporal shortages in power supply quickly and purposively

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    Technologisch herausfordernde Transformationsprozesse wie die Energiewende können durch passende Anreizsysteme entscheidend beschleunigt werden. Ziel solcher Anreize ist es hierbei, ein Umfeld idealerweise so zu schaffen, dass das Zusammenspiel aller aus Sicht der beteiligten Wettbewerber individuell optimalen Einzelhandlungen auch global optimal im Sinne eines übergeordneten Großziels ist. Die vorliegende Dissertation schafft einen regelungstechnischen Zugang zur Frage optimaler Anreizsysteme für heutige und zukünftige Stromnetze im Zieldreieck aus Systemstabilität, ökonomischer Effizienz und Netzdienlichkeit. Entscheidende Neuheit des entwickelten Ansatzes ist die Einführung zeitlich wie örtlich differenzierter Echtzeit-Preissignale, die sich aus der Lösung statischer und dynamischer Optimierungsprobleme ergeben. Der Miteinbezug lokal verfügbarer Messinformationen, die konsequente Mitmodellierung des unterlagerten physikalischen Netzes inklusive resistiver Verluste und die durchgängig zeitkontinuierliche Formulierung aller Teilsysteme ebnen den Weg von einer reinen Anreiz-Steuerung hin zu einer echten Anreiz-Regelung. Besonderes Augenmerk der Arbeit liegt in einer durch das allgemeine Unbundling-Gebot bedingten rigorosen Trennung zwischen Markt- und Netzakteuren. Nach umfangreicher Analyse des hierbei entstehenden geschlossenen Regelkreises erfolgt die beispielhafte Anwendung der Regelungsarchitektur für den Aufbau eines neuartigen Echtzeit-Engpassmanagementsystems. Weitere praktische Vorteile des entwickelten Ansatzes im Vergleich zu bestehenden Konzepten werden anhand zweier Fallstudien deutlich. Die port-basierte Systemmodellierung, der Verzicht auf zentralisierte Regeleingriffe und nicht zuletzt die Möglichkeit zur automatischen, dezentralen Selbstregulation aller Preise über das Gesamtnetz hinweg stellen schließlich die problemlose Erweiterbarkeit um zusätzliche optionale Anreizkomponenten sicher

    Integrated models, frameworks and decision support tools to guide management and planning in Northern Australia. Final report

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    [Extract] There is a lot of interest in developing northern Australia while also caring for the unique Australian landscape (Commonwealth of Australia 2015). However, trying to decide how to develop and protect at the same time can be a challenge. There are many modelling tools available to inform these decisions, including integrated models, frameworks, and decision support tools, but there are so many different kinds that it’s difficult to determine which might be best suited to inform different decisions. To support planning and development decisions across northern Australia, this project aimed to create resources to help end-users (practitioners) to assess: 1. the availability and suitability of particular modelling tools; and 2. the feasibility of using, developing, and maintaining different types of modelling tools

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    This work presents a real-time dynamic pricing framework for future electricity markets. Deduced by first-principles analysis of physical, economic, and communication constraints within the power system, the proposed feedback control mechanism ensures both closed-loop system stability and economic efficiency at any given time. The resulting price signals are able to incentivize competitive market participants to eliminate spatio-temporal shortages in power supply quickly and purposively