17 research outputs found

    Adaptive neighborhood search for nurse rostering

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    This paper presents an adaptive neighborhood search method (ANS) for solving the nurse rostering problem proposed for the First International Nurse Rostering Competition (INRC-2010). ANS uses jointly two distinct neighborhood moves and adaptively switches among three intensification and diversification search strategies according to the search history. Computational results assessed on the three sets of 60 competition instances show that ANS improves the best known results for 12 instances while matching the best bounds for 39 other instances. An analysis of some key elements of ANS sheds light on the understanding of the behavior of the proposed algorithm

    A novel population-based local search for nurse rostering problem

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    Population-based approaches regularly are better than single based (local search) approaches in exploring the search space. However, the drawback of population-based approaches is in exploiting the search space. Several hybrid approaches have proven their efficiency through different domains of optimization problems by incorporating and integrating the strength of population and local search approaches. Meanwhile, hybrid methods have a drawback of increasing the parameter tuning. Recently, population-based local search was proposed for a university course-timetabling problem with fewer parameters than existing approaches, the proposed approach proves its effectiveness. The proposed approach employs two operators to intensify and diversify the search space. The first operator is applied to a single solution, while the second is applied for all solutions. This paper aims to investigate the performance of population-based local search for the nurse rostering problem. The INRC2010 database with a dataset composed of 69 instances is used to test the performance of PB-LS. A comparison was made between the performance of PB-LS and other existing approaches in the literature. Results show good performances of proposed approach compared to other approaches, where population-based local search provided best results in 55 cases over 69 instances used in experiments

    The Second International Nurse Rostering Competition

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    This paper reports on the Second International Nurse Rostering Competition (INRC-II). Its contributions are (1) a new problem formulation which, differently from INRC-I, is a multi-stage procedure, (2) a competition environment that, as in INRC-I, will continue to serve as a growing testbed for search approaches to the INRC-II problem, and (3) final results of the competition. We discuss also the competition environment, which is an infrastructure including problem and instance definitions, testbeds, validation/simulation tools and rules. The hardness of the competition instances has been evaluated through the behaviour of our own solvers, and confirmed by the solvers of the participants. Finally, we discuss general issues about both nurse rostering problems and optimisation competitions in general.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A hybrid constraint integer programming approach to solve nurse scheduling problems

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    The Nurse Scheduling Problem can be simply defined as assigning a series of shift sequences (schedules) to several nurses over a planning horizon according to some constraints and preferences. The inherent benefits of having higher-quality and more flexible schedules are a reduction in outsourcing costs and an increase of job satisfaction in health organizations. In this paper, we present a novel systematic hybrid algorithm, which combines Integer Programming (IP) and Constraint Programming (CP) to efficiently solve highly-constrained Nurse Scheduling Problems. Our focus is to exploit the problem-specific information to improve the performance of the algorithm, and therefore obtain high-quality solutions as well as strong lower bounds. We test our algorithm based on some real-world benchmark instances. Very competitive results are reported compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms from the recent literature, showing that the proposed algorithm is able to solve a wide variety of real-world instances with different complex structures

    Revisi贸n de literatura sobre los modelos de optimizaci贸n en programaci贸n de turnos de enfermer铆a

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    Siendo la programaci贸n de turnos de enfermer铆a (NSP) un componente esencial en la calidad del servicio de salud y debido al gran n煤mero de investigaciones desarrolladas sobre NSP en la literatura, se desarrolla una revisi贸n de literatura sobre los art铆culos sobre NSP realizados desde 2003 hasta la fecha. A partir de este trabajo se logran identificar la tendencia y las necesidades propias de este problema, las cuales se caracterizan por (1) la necesidad de cerrar la brecha entre academia y pr谩ctica mediante el desarrollo de modelos objetivos de representaci贸n del problema y (2), desarrollar investigaci贸n sobre t茅cnicas de soluci贸n capaces de tratar modelos de gran complejidad, sin sacrificar el recurso computacional. Este art铆culo presenta una revisi贸n de literatura sobre los modelos de optimizaci贸n en la programaci贸n de turnos de enfermer铆a, publicados desde 2003 a la fecha.B Being the nurse shift scheduling an essential component of the quality of the health service and due to the big amount of research conducted regarding the Nurse Scheduling Problem (NSP), a literature review is carried out concerning articles on NSP published from 2003 up to now. As a result of this work, we were able to highlight the tendencies and own needs of this problem, which are characterized by: (1) the need to close the gap between academy and practice through the development of objective models that represent the problem and (2) research about solution techniques capable of processing models of great complexity, without sacrificing the computational resource. This article presents a literature review on optimization models in the NSP published since 2003

    A hybrid integer and constraint programming approach to solve nurse rostering problems

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    The Nurse Rostering Problem can be defined as assigning a series of shift sequences (schedules) to several nurses over a planning horizon according to some limitations and preferences. The inherent benefits of generating higher-quality schedules are a reduction in outsourcing costs and an increase in job satisfaction of employees. In this paper, we present a hybrid algorithm, which combines Integer Programming and Constraint Programming to efficiently solve the highly-constrained Nurse Rostering Problem. We exploit the strength of IP in obtaining lower-bounds and finding an optimal solution with the capability of CP in finding feasible solutions in a co-operative manner. To improve the performance of the algorithm, and therefore, to obtain high-quality solutions as well as strong lower-bounds for a relatively short time, we apply some innovative ways to extract useful information such as the computational difficulty of in- stances and constraints to adaptively set the search parameters. We test our algorithm using two different datasets consisting of various problem instances, and report competitive results benchmarked with the state-of-the-art algorithms from the recent literature as well as standard IP and CP solvers, showing that the proposed algorithm is able to solve a wide variety of instances effectively

    First-order Linear Programming in a Column Generation Based Heuristic Approach to the Nurse Rostering Problem

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    A heuristic method based on column generation is presented for the nurse rostering problem. The method differs significantly from an exact column generation approach or a branch and price algorithm because it performs an incomplete search which quickly produces good solutions but does not provide valid lower bounds. It is effective on large instances for which it has produced best known solutions on benchmark data instances. Several innovations were required to produce solutions for the largest instances within acceptable computation times. These include using a fast first-order linear programming solver based on the work of Chambolle and Pock to approximately solve the restricted master problem. A low-accuracy but fast, first-order linear programming method is shown to be an effective option for this master problem. The pricing problem is modelled as a resource constrained shortest path problem with a two-phase dynamic programming method. The model requires only two resources. This enables it to be solved efficiently. A commercial integer programming solver is also tested on the instances. The commercial solver was unable to produce solutions on the largest instances whereas the heuristic method was able to. It is also compared against the state-of-the-art, previously published methods on these instances. Analysis of the branching strategy developed is presented to provide further insights. All the source code for the algorithms presented has been made available on-line for reproducibility of results and to assist other researchers

    A hybrid integer programming and variable neighborhood search algorithm to solve Nurse Rostering Problems

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    The Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) is defined as assigning a number of nurses to different shifts during a specified planning period, considering some regulations and preferences. This is often very difficult to solve in practice particularly by applying a sole approach. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid algorithm combining the strengths of Integer Programming (IP) and Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) algorithms to design a hybrid method for solving the NRP. After generating the initial solution using a greedy heuristic, the solution is further improved by employing a Variable Neighbourhood Descent algorithm. Then IP, deeply embedded in the VNS algorithm, is employed within a ruin-and-recreate framework to assist the search process. Finally, IP is called again to further refine the solution during the remaining time. We utilize the strength of IP not only to diversify the search process, but also to intensify the search efforts. To identify the quality of the current solution, we use a new generic scoring scheme to mark the low-penalty parts of the solution. Based on the computational tests with 24 instances recently introduced in the literature, we obtain better results with our proposed algorithm, where the hybrid algorithm outperforms two state-of-the-art algorithms and Gurobi in most of the instances. Furthermore, we introduce 11 randomly generated instances to further evaluate the efficiency of the hybrid algorithm, and we make these computationally challenging instances publicly available to other researchers for benchmarking purposes