75 research outputs found


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    The work in this thesis is concerned with the development of a novel and practical collision avoidance system for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Synergistically, advanced stochastic motion planning methods, dynamics quantisation approaches, multivariable tracking controller designs, sonar data processing and workspace representation, are combined to enhance significantly the survivability of modern AUVs. The recent proliferation of autonomous AUV deployments for various missions such as seafloor surveying, scientific data gathering and mine hunting has demanded a substantial increase in vehicle autonomy. One matching requirement of such missions is to allow all the AUV to navigate safely in a dynamic and unstructured environment. Therefore, it is vital that a robust and effective collision avoidance system should be forthcoming in order to preserve the structural integrity of the vehicle whilst simultaneously increasing its autonomy. This thesis not only provides a holistic framework but also an arsenal of computational techniques in the design of a collision avoidance system for AUVs. The design of an obstacle avoidance system is first addressed. The core paradigm is the application of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm and the newly developed version for use as a motion planning tool. Later, this technique is merged with the Manoeuvre Automaton (MA) representation to address the inherent disadvantages of the RRT. A novel multi-node version which can also address time varying final state is suggested. Clearly, the reference trajectory generated by the aforementioned embedded planner must be tracked. Hence, the feasibility of employing the linear quadratic regulator (LQG) and the nonlinear kinematic based state-dependent Ricatti equation (SDRE) controller as trajectory trackers are explored. The obstacle detection module, which comprises of sonar processing and workspace representation submodules, is developed and tested on actual sonar data acquired in a sea-trial via a prototype forward looking sonar (AT500). The sonar processing techniques applied are fundamentally derived from the image processing perspective. Likewise, a novel occupancy grid using nonlinear function is proposed for the workspace representation of the AUV. Results are presented that demonstrate the ability of an AUV to navigate a complex environment. To the author's knowledge, it is the first time the above newly developed methodologies have been applied to an A UV collision avoidance system, and, therefore, it is considered that the work constitutes a contribution of knowledge in this area of work.J&S MARINE LT

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 293)

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    This bibliography lists 476 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July, 1992. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 286)

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    This bibliography lists 845 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in Dec. 1992. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Unlocking the Potential of 5G and Beyond Networks to Support Massive Access of Ground and Air Devices

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordFlying devices, e.g., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and High Altitude Platforms (HAP) are showing great potentials to revolutionise human society with unprecedented efficiency and convenience. 5G and beyond (5GB) networks have been considered as an important infrastructure for supporting flying devices to accomplish mission-critical applications. However, most of the existing research on 5GB networks mainly focuses on technology evolution to support ground devices, paying insufficient attention to the emerging large-scale deployment of flying devices. To fill the gap, this study aims to identify the differences when 5GB networks are used to provide massive access services for the ground devices and their counterpart flying in the air and analyse in which aspects that 5GB should be enhanced to serve flying devices. In detail, a holistic 5GB architecture is presented to support both ground and flying devices. Then, the unique features of flying devices are analysed with a focus on the challenges they bring to 5GB systems. Facing these challenges, we thoroughly investigate the advantages and disadvantages of 5GB key technologies. Furthermore, a case study is presented to demonstrate that flying devices not only create new issues for 5GB design, but also bring new opportunities for 5GB to enhance their service capabilities.European Union Horizon 2020National Natural Science Foundation of Chin

    Modular Underwater Robots - Modeling and Docking Control

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    Optical Imaging and Image Restoration Techniques for Deep Ocean Mapping: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Visual systems are receiving increasing attention in underwater applications. While the photogrammetric and computer vision literature so far has largely targeted shallow water applications, recently also deep sea mapping research has come into focus. The majority of the seafloor, and of Earth’s surface, is located in the deep ocean below 200 m depth, and is still largely uncharted. Here, on top of general image quality degradation caused by water absorption and scattering, additional artificial illumination of the survey areas is mandatory that otherwise reside in permanent darkness as no sunlight reaches so deep. This creates unintended non-uniform lighting patterns in the images and non-isotropic scattering effects close to the camera. If not compensated properly, such effects dominate seafloor mosaics and can obscure the actual seafloor structures. Moreover, cameras must be protected from the high water pressure, e.g. by housings with thick glass ports, which can lead to refractive distortions in images. Additionally, no satellite navigation is available to support localization. All these issues render deep sea visual mapping a challenging task and most of the developed methods and strategies cannot be directly transferred to the seafloor in several kilometers depth. In this survey we provide a state of the art review of deep ocean mapping, starting from existing systems and challenges, discussing shallow and deep water models and corresponding solutions. Finally, we identify open issues for future lines of research

    Diseño Optimizado, Modelado Dinámico - Cinemático y Fabricación de un AUV, Integrando Herramientas CAE para su Validación

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    [ES] La robótica submarina ha sido uno de los campos de investigación que más interés ha despertado en las últimas décadas y con esto ha logrado una evolución de dicho campo. Avances de la robótica submarina han sido implementados en áreas diferentes a la investigación, dentro de los beneficiados está el sector comercial y el sector militar, así como la academia. Por otra parte, avances tecnológicos de diferentes áreas se incorporan a la robótica submarina, principalmente en los sistemas electrónicos los que más estimulan el desarrollo de todo lo relacionado con los vehículos submarinos, por lo tanto, se generan progresos en sistemas de control además del diseño mecánico y estructural. Esta tesis se centró en el diseño y construcción de un vehículo autónomo submarino para el proyecto DIVISAMOS. A partir del análisis del estado actual de la robótica submarina, el diseño planteado recoge todos los aspectos favorables de los vehículos existentes, de esta forma se tienen características que optimizan el vehículo, otorgándole versatilidad y eficiencia de funcionamiento. En el proceso investigativo se dirigieron esfuerzos, principalmente a la integración de métodos de diseño mecánico que optimizaron las características del vehículo que se construyó, presentando así un vehículo híbrido con desplazamientos eficientes y con posibilidad de desarrollar misiones que requieran hoovering. Cabe destacar que los métodos de diseño presentados en esta tesis, permiten incorporar sistemas de sensores para desarrollo de misiones de monitoreo, Localización y Mapeo Simultáneos (SLAM, por sus siglas en inglés) batimetría de ambientes submarinos con generación de datos georreferenciados, de alta resolución y su proyección cartográfica. Con todo esto se puede asegurar que se construyó un vehículo de altas prestaciones. Con el análisis de los resultados obtenidos con la implementación de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD, por sus siglas en inglés), se logró que el vehículo tenga bajo consumo de energía ya que se han estudiado a fondo aspectos de la forma hidrodinámica del casco, del vehículo para reducir la fuerza de arrastre. Dentro de los resultados a desatacar en este aspecto se presenta un modelo que incorpora el cálculo en tiempo real, de las fuerzas debidas al arrastre generado por las corrientes de agua que interactúan con el casco del vehículo, reduciendo con esto el alto costo computacional de los análisis CFD y enriqueciendo el modelado dinámico. El modelo dinámico y cinemático de un vehículo autónomo submarino (AUV, por sus siglas en inglés), reviste un mayor grado de complejidad debido a que al sumergirse, depende de la navegación inercial que funciona basada en las mediciones de los instrumentos y los sistemas de referencia para determinar su posición. Las matrices de transformación son un método eficaz, usado para el modelado matemático de brazos robot, en esta tesis se plateó un modelo matemático hibrido, que utiliza matrices de transformación para plantear la cinemática del AUV, éste modelo tiene la particularidad de permitir agregar elementos al modelo inicial, continuando con la misma formulación resultando de gran utilidad para casos en los que el AUV realiza misiones en las que manipulan objetos y debido a esto se incorpora un brazo robot.[CA] La robòtica submarina ha sigut un dels camps d'investigació que més interés ha despertat en les últimes dècades, açò ha aconseguit una evolució del dit camp. Avanços de la robòtica submarina han sigut implementats en àrees diferents de la investigació, dins dels beneficiats està el sector comercial i el sector militar així com l'acadèmia. D'altra banda, avanços tecnològics de diferents àrees s'incorporen a la robòtica submarina, principalment són els sistemes electrònics els que més estimulen el desenrotllament de tot allò que s'ha relacionat amb els vehicles submarins, per tant es generen progressos en sistemes de control a més del disseny mecànic i estructural. Esta tesi es va centrar en el disseny i construcció d'un vehicle autònom submarí per al projecte DIVISAMOS. A partir de l'anàlisi de l'estat actual de la robòtica submarina, el disseny plantejat arreplega tots els aspectes favorables dels vehicles existents, d'esta manera es tenen característiques que optimitzen el vehicle atorgant-li versatilitat i eficiència de funcionament. En el procés investigativo es van dirigir esforços principalment a la integració de mètodes de disseny mecànic que van optimitzar les característiques del vehicle que es va construir, presentant així un vehicle híbrid amb desplaçaments eficients i possibilitat de desenrotllar missions que requerisquen hoovering. Cal destacar que els mètodes de disseny presentats en esta tesi permeten incorporar sistemes de sensors per a desenrotllament de missions de monitoreo, SLAM, batimetria d'ambients submarins amb generació de dades geo-referenciats d'alta resolució i la seua projecció cartogràfica. Amb tot açò es pot assegurar que es va construir un vehicle d'altes prestacions. Amb l'anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts amb la implementació de Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD, per les seues sigles en anglés) es va aconseguir que el vehicle tinga baix consum d'energia ja que s'han estudiat a fons aspectes de la forma hidrodinàmica del casc del vehicle per a reduir la força d'arrossegament. Dins dels resultats a descordar en este aspecte es presenta un model que incorpora el càlcul en temps real de les forces degudes a l'arrossegament generat pels corrents d'aigua que interactuen amb el casc del vehicle, reduint amb açò l'alt cost computacional de les anàlisis CFD i enriquint el modelatge dinàmic El model dinàmic i cinemático d'un Vehicle Autònom Submarí (AUV, per les seues sigles en anglés) revist un major grau de complexitat pel fet que al submergir-se depén de la navegació inercial que funciona basada en els mesuraments dels instruments i els sistemes de referència per a determinar la seua posició. Les matrius de transformació són un mètode eficaç usat per al modelatge matemàtic de braços robot, en esta tesi es va platejar un model matemàtic híbrid que utilitza matrius de transformació per a plantejar la cinemàtica del' AUV, este model té la particularitat de permetre agregar elements al model inicial continuant amb la mateixa formulació, resultant gran utilitat per a casos en què l'AUV realitza missions en què manipulen objectes i a causa d'açò incorpora un braç robot.[EN] Underwater robotics has been one of the fields of research that has awakened most in recent decades, this has achieved an evolution of this field. Advances in underwater robotics have been implemented in areas other than research, within the benefits are the commercial sector and the military sector as well as the academy. Underwater robotics has been one of the fields of research that has awakened most in recent decades, this has achieved an evolution of this field. Advances in underwater robotics have been implemented in areas other than research, within the benefits is the commercial sector and the military sector as well as the academy. The development of everything related to underwater vehicles, therefore progress is made in control systems in addition to the mechanical and structural design. This thesis focused on the design and construction of an underwater autonomous vehicle for the DIVISAMOS project. From the analysis of the current state of underwater robotics, the proposed design includes all the favorable aspects of the existing vehicles, in this way it has characteristics that optimize the vehicle, giving it versatility and efficiency of operation. In the research process, it was mainly aimed at the integration of mechanical design methods that optimize the characteristics of the vehicle that was built, thus presenting a hybrid truck with efficient displacements and the possibility of development. It should be noted that the design methods presented in this test incorporate sensor systems for the development of monitoring missions, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), the bathymetry of submarine environments with high-resolution georeferenced data generation and its cartographic projection. With all this you can ensure that a high-performance vehicle was built. With the analysis of the results obtained with the implementation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was achieved that the vehicle has low power consumption and that has been thoroughly studied aspects of the hydrodynamic shape of the vehicle's hull to reduce the drag force. Within the results of this aspect a model is presented that incorporates the calculation in real time of the forces for the analysis of the drag generated by the water currents that interact with the hull of the vehicle, reducing with this the high computational cost of the CFD analysis and enriching dynamic modeling. The dynamic and kinematic model of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) revises a greater degree of complexity that depends on the inertial navigation that works in the measurements of the instruments and the reference to determine its position. Transformation matrices are an effective method used for the mathematical modeling of robot arms. In this thesis a hybrid mathematical model was used that uses transformation matrices to propose the kinematics of the AUV, this model has the peculiarity of allowing the aggregation of elements to the initial model continuing with the same formulation, resulting in a great utility for cases in which the AUV performs missions in which objects are manipulated and due to this incorporates an arm robot.También agradezco al ministerio de educación pues gracias a los recursos destinados al proyecto DIVISAMOS todo este proyecto fue posible.Aguirre Gómez, FA. (2020). Diseño Optimizado, Modelado Dinámico - Cinemático y Fabricación de un AUV, Integrando Herramientas CAE para su Validación [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/144260TESI

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 272)

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    This bibliography lists 719 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1991. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Aeronautical Engineering: a Continuing Bibliography with Indexes (Supplement 243)

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    This bibliography lists 423 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August 1989. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics