776 research outputs found

    Adaptive Electricity Scheduling in Microgrids

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    Microgrid (MG) is a promising component for future smart grid (SG) deployment. The balance of supply and demand of electric energy is one of the most important requirements of MG management. In this paper, we present a novel framework for smart energy management based on the concept of quality-of-service in electricity (QoSE). Specifically, the resident electricity demand is classified into basic usage and quality usage. The basic usage is always guaranteed by the MG, while the quality usage is controlled based on the MG state. The microgrid control center (MGCC) aims to minimize the MG operation cost and maintain the outage probability of quality usage, i.e., QoSE, below a target value, by scheduling electricity among renewable energy resources, energy storage systems, and macrogrid. The problem is formulated as a constrained stochastic programming problem. The Lyapunov optimization technique is then applied to derive an adaptive electricity scheduling algorithm by introducing the QoSE virtual queues and energy storage virtual queues. The proposed algorithm is an online algorithm since it does not require any statistics and future knowledge of the electricity supply, demand and price processes. We derive several "hard" performance bounds for the proposed algorithm, and evaluate its performance with trace-driven simulations. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed electricity scheduling algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, extended technical repor

    A Review of Energy Management of Renewable Multisources in Industrial Microgrids

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    This review aims to consolidate recent advancements in power control within microgrids and multi-microgrids. It specifically focuses on analyzing the comparative benefits of various architectures concerning energy sharing and demand cost management. The paper provides a comprehensive technical analysis of different architectures found in existing literature, which are designed for energy management and demand cost optimization. In summary, this review paper provides a thorough examination of power control in microgrids and multi-microgrids and compares different architectural approaches for energy management and demand cost optimization

    Microgrid Energy Management with Flexibility Constraints: A Data-Driven Solution Method

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    Microgrid energy management is a challenging and important problem in modern power systems. Several deterministic and stochastic models have been proposed in the literature for the microgrid energy management problem. However, more accurate models are required to enhance flexibility of the microgrids when accounting for renewable energy and load uncertainties. This thesis proposes key contributions to solve the energy management problem for smart building (or small-scale microgrid). In Chapter 3, a deterministic energy management model is presented taking into account system flexibility requirements. Energy storage systems are deployed to enhance the grid flexibility and ramping capability. The objective function of the formulated optimization is to minimize the operation cost. Combined heat and power (CHP) units, which interconnect heat and electricity, are modeled. Thus, electricity and thermal generation and load constraints are formulated. To account for uncertainties of load and renewable energy resources (e.g., solar generation), a stochastic energy management model is proposed in Chapter 4. A data-driven chance-constrained optimization is based method is formulated. The proposed model is nonparametric that imposes no assumption on probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the random variables (i.e., load and renewable generation). Adaptive kernel density estimation is deployed to estimate a nonparametric PDF for each random variable. Confidence levels (risk levels) of the chance constraints are modified according to estimation errors. Several cases are simulated to analyze the deterministic and stochastic optimization models. The simulation results show that the proposed data-driven chance-constrained optimization with the flexibility constraints enhance reliability, resiliency, and economics of the microgrid energy systems. Note that these flexibility constraints avoid propagating solar and load fluctuations to the distribution feeder. That is smart building (microgrid) is capable of capturing fluctuations locally

    A Review on Optimization of Microgrid for Rural Electrification

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    Microgrids are a good technique for applying clean and renewable energy by 2030. Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for the improvement of energy operations. Since the majority of people in rural areas lack access to power, rural electrification is extremely difficult. Currently, more than two billion people lack access to energy, which affects their living conditions. A billion people throughout the globe still do not have access to power, making economic progress impossible. Many individuals live in remote, rural areas that are not connected to the national grid. Optimization techniques by offering an analytical framework may play a crucial part in this advancement. Achieve a wide range of economic, social, and environmental goals that are bound by budget, resources, local population statistics, and other considerations. This paper has been divided into basically two subsections. In section one, we begin by compiling. It gives an overview of the microgrid concept and its properties and presents important reviews of the literature on common microgrids and their remote operation localization of electricity in section second we compile various optimization methods of a microgrid. After that, we compile combining intelligent optimization algorithms with adaptive techniques Each issue type is discussed in detail, with a categorization system based on the problem's goal, suggested solution approach, components, size, and area. Finally, we identify upcoming research issues for microgrid improvement

    Probabilistic Optimization Techniques in Smart Power System

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    Uncertainties are the most significant challenges in the smart power system, necessitating the use of precise techniques to deal with them properly. Such problems could be effectively solved using a probabilistic optimization strategy. It is further divided into stochastic, robust, distributionally robust, and chance-constrained optimizations. The topics of probabilistic optimization in smart power systems are covered in this review paper. In order to account for uncertainty in optimization processes, stochastic optimization is essential. Robust optimization is the most advanced approach to optimize a system under uncertainty, in which a deterministic, set-based uncertainty model is used instead of a stochastic one. The computational complexity of stochastic programming and the conservativeness of robust optimization are both reduced by distributionally robust optimization.Chance constrained algorithms help in solving the constraints optimization problems, where finite probability get violated. This review paper discusses microgrid and home energy management, demand-side management, unit commitment, microgrid integration, and economic dispatch as examples of applications of these techniques in smart power systems. Probabilistic mathematical models of different scenarios, for which deterministic approaches have been used in the literature, are also presented. Future research directions in a variety of smart power system domains are also presented.publishedVersio

    Komponentenbasierte dynamische Modellierung von Energiesystemen und Energiemanagement-Strategien fĂŒr ein intelligentes Stromnetz im Heimbereich

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    The motivation of this work is to present an energy cost reduction concept in a home area power network (HAPN) with intelligent generation and flexible load demands. This study endeavors to address the energy management system (EMS) and layout-design challenges faced by HAPN through a systematic design approach. The growing demand for electricity has become a significant burden on traditional power networks, prompting power engineers to seek ways to improve their efficiency. One such solution is to integrate dispersed generation sources, such as photovoltaic (PV) and storage systems, with an appropriate control mechanism at the distribution level. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in the installation of PV-Battery systems, due to their potential to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs. This research proposes an optimal economic power dispatch strategy using Model Predictive Control (MPC) to enhance the overall performance of HAPN. A hybrid AC/DC microgrid concept is proposed to address the control choices made by the appliance scheduling and hybrid switching approaches based on a linear programming optimization framework. The suggested optimization criteria improve consumer satisfaction, minimize grid disconnections, and lower overall energy costs by deploying inexpensive clean energy generation and control. Various examples from actual case study demonstrate the use of the established EMS and design methodology.Die Motivation dieser Arbeit besteht darin, ein Konzept zur Senkung der Energiekosten in einem Heimnetzwerk (HAPN) mit intelligenter Erzeugung und exiblen Lastanforderungen vorzustellen. Im Rahmen dieser Forschungsarbeit wird ein Entwurf fĂŒr ein HAPN entwickelt, indem das Energiemanagementsystem (EMS) und der Entwurf des Layouts auf der Grundlage des Systemmodells und der betrieblichen Anforderungen gelöst werden. Die steigende Nachfrage nach ElektrizitĂ€t ist fĂŒr traditionelle Stromnetze kostspielig und infrastrukturintensiv. Daher konzentrieren sich Energietechniker darauf, die Effizienz der derzeitigen Netze zu erhöhen. Dies kann durch die Integration verteilter Erzeugungsanlagen (z. B. Photovoltaik (PV), Speicher) mit einem geeigneten Kontrollmechanismus fĂŒr das Energiemanagement auf der Verteilungsseite erreicht werden. DarĂŒber hinaus hat das Interesse an der Installation von PV-Batterie-basierten Systemen aufgrund der Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen und der Senkung der Energiekosten erheblich zugenommen. Es wird eine optimale wirtschaftliche Strategie fĂŒr den Energieeinsatz unter Verwendung einer modellprĂ€diktiven Steuerung (MPC) entwickelt. Es wird zudem ein hybrides AC/DC-Microgrid-Konzept vorgeschlagen, um die Steuerungsentscheidungen, die von den AnsĂ€tzen der GerĂ€teplanung und der hybriden Umschaltung getroffen werden, auf der Grundlage eines linearen Programmierungsoptimierungsrahmens zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Die vorgeschlagenen Optimierungskriterien verbessern die Zufriedenheit der Verbraucher, minimieren Netzabschaltungen und senken die Gesamtenergiekosten durch den Einsatz von kostengĂŒnstiger und sauberer Energieerzeugung. Verschiedene Beispiele aus einer Fallstudie demonstrieren den Einsatz des entwickelten EMS und der Entwurfsmethodik

    What Is Energy Internet? Concepts, Technologies, and Future Directions

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    Software framework for the development of context-aware reconfigurable systems

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    In this project we propose a new software framework for the development of context-aware and secure controlling software of distributed reconfigurable systems. Context-awareness is a key feature allowing the adaptation of systems behaviour according to the changing environment. We introduce a new definition of the term “context” for reconfigurable systems then we define a new context modelling and reasoning approach. Afterwards, we define a meta-model of context-aware reconfigurable applications that paves the way to the proposed framework. The proposed framework has a three-layer architecture: reconfiguration, context control, and services layer, where each layer has its well-defined role. We define also a new secure conversation protocol between distributed trustless parts based on the blockchain technology as well as the elliptic curve cryptography. To get better correctness and deployment guarantees of applications models in early development stages, we propose a new UML profile called GR-UML to add new semantics allowing the modelling of probabilistic scenarios running under memory and energy constraints, then we propose a methodology using transformations between the GR-UML, the GR-TNCES Petri nets formalism, and the IEC 61499 function blocks. A software tool implementing the methodology concepts is developed. To show the suitability of the mentioned contributions two case studies (baggage handling system and microgrids) are considered.In diesem Projekt schlagen wir ein Framework fĂŒr die Entwicklung von kontextbewussten, sicheren Anwendungen von verteilten rekonfigurierbaren Systemen vor. Kontextbewusstheit ist eine SchlĂŒsseleigenschaft, die die Anpassung des Systemverhaltens an die sich Ă€ndernde Umgebung ermöglicht. Wir fĂŒhren eine Definition des Begriffs ``Kontext" fĂŒr rekonfigurierbare Systeme ein und definieren dann einen Kontextmodellierungs- und Reasoning-Ansatz. Danach definieren wir ein Metamodell fĂŒr kontextbewusste rekonfigurierbare Anwendungen, das den Weg zum vorgeschlagenen Framework ebnet. Das Framework hat eine dreischichtige Architektur: Rekonfigurations-, Kontextkontroll- und Dienste-Schicht, wobei jede Schicht ihre wohldefinierte Rolle hat. Wir definieren auch ein sicheres Konversationsprotokoll zwischen verteilten Teilen, das auf der Blockchain-Technologie sowie der elliptischen Kurven-Kryptographie basiert. Um bessere Korrektheits- und Einsatzgarantien fĂŒr Anwendungsmodelle zu erhalten, schlagen wir ein UML-Profil namens GR-UML vor, um Semantik umzufassen, die die Modellierung probabilistischer Szenarien unter Speicher- und EnergiebeschrĂ€nkungen ermöglicht. Dann schlagen wir eine Methodik vor, die Transformationen zwischen GR-UML, dem GR-TNCES-Petrinetz-Formalismus und den IEC 61499-Funktionsblöcken verwendet. Es wird ein Software entwickelt, das die Konzepte der Methodik implementiert. Um die Eignung der genannten BeitrĂ€ge zu zeigen, werden zwei Fallstudien betrachtet
