37 research outputs found

    3-D Beamspace ML Based Bearing Estimator Incorporating Frequency Diversity and Interference Cancellation

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    The problem of low-angle radar tracking utilizing an array of antennas is considered. In the low-angle environment, echoes return from a low flying target via a specular path as well as a direct path. The problem is compounded by the fact that the two signals arrive within a beamwidth of each other and are usually fully correlated, or coherent. In addition, the SNR at each antenna element is typically low and only a small number of data samples, or snapshots, is available for processing due to the rapid movement of the target. Theoretical studies indicates that the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method is the only reliable estimation procedure in this type of scenario. However, the classical ML estimator involves a multi-dimensional search over a multi-modal surface and is consequently computationally burdensome. In order to facilitate real time processing, we here propose the idea of beamspace domain processing in which the element space snapshot vectors are first operated on by a reduced Butler matrix composed of three orthogonal beamforming weight vectors facilitating a simple, closed-form Beamspace Domain ML (BDML) estimator for the direct and specular path angles. The computational simplicity of the method arises from the fact that the respective beams associated with the three columns of the reduced Butler matrix have all but three nulls in common. The performance of the BDML estimator is enhanced by incorporating the estimation of the complex reflection coefficient and the bisector angle, respectively, for the symmetric and nonsymmetric multipath cases. To minimize the probability of track breaking, the use of frequency diversity is incorporated. The concept of coherent signal subspace processing is invoked as a means for retaining the computational simplicity of single frequency operation. With proper selection of the auxiliary frequencies, it is shown that perfect focusing may be achieved without iterating. In order to combat the effects of strong interfering sources, a novel scheme is presented for adaptively forming the three beams which retains the feature of common nulls

    Tracking and control in multi-function radar

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    The phased array multi-function radar is an effective solution to the requirement for simultaneous surveillance and multiple target tracking. However, since it is performing the jobs usually undertaken by several dedicated radars its radar time and energy resources are limited. For this reason, and also due to the large cost of active phased array antennas, it is important for the strategies adopted in the control of the radar to be efficient. This thesis investigates and develops efficient strategies for multi-function radar control and tracking. Particularly the research has focused on the use of rotating array antennas and simultaneous multiple receive beam processing. The findings of the research challenge the traditional view that three or four fixed (static) array faces is the best antenna configuration for a multi-function radar system. By developing novel methods for the comparison of systems utilising different antenna configurations it is shown that a rotating array multi-function radar performs the surveillance function with a greater efficiency in its use of radar time than a static array system. Also, a rotating array system benefits from the ability to distribute the radar resources over the angular coverage in a way that is impossible with a static array system. A novel strategy is presented to achieve this, which allows the rotating array system to better support the realistic situation of a high concentration of radar tasks in a narrow angular sector. It is shown that the use of broadened transmit beams coupled with simultaneous multiple narrow receive beams can eliminate the compromise on radar beamwidth between the surveillance and tracking functions that is associated with multi-function radars. This technique would allow construction of multi-function radar systems with narrow beamwidths, giving improved tracking performance, without extending search frame times excessively. Efficient tracking strategies for both static array and rotating array multi-function radars are developed. They are applied through computer simulation to demonstrate tracking of highly manoeuvrable targets with a narrow beam multi-function radar. Track robustness is attained through the use of multiple beam track updating strategies at little cost in terms of radar time

    3D conformal antennas for radar applications

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    Embedded below the radome of a missile, existing RF-seekers use a mechanical rotating antenna to steer the radiating beam in the direction of a target. Latest research is looking at replacing the mechanical antenna components of the RF seeker with a novel 3D conformal antenna array that can steer the beam electronically. 3D antennas may oer signicant advantages, such as faster beamsteering and better coverage but, at the same time, introduce new challenges resulting from a much more complex radiation pattern than that of 2D antennas. Thanks to the mechanical system removal, the new RF-seeker has a wider available space for the design of a new 3D conformal antenna. To take best benets of this space, dierent array shapes are studied, hence the impact of the position, orientation and conformation of the elements is assessed on the antenna performance in terms of directivity, ellipticity and polarisation. To facilitate this study of 3D conformal arrays, a Matlab program has been developed to compute the polarisation pattern of a given array in all directions. One of the task of the RF-seeker consists in estimating the position of a given target to correct the missile trajectory accordingly. Thus, the impact of the array shape on the error between the measured direction of arrival of the target echo and its true value is addressed. The Cramer-Rao lower bound is used to evaluate the theoretical minimum error. The model assumes that each element receives independently and allows therefore to analyse the potential of active 3D conformal arrays. Finally, the phase monopulse estimator is studied for 3D conformal arrays whose quadrants do not have the same characteristics. A new estimator more adapted to non-identical quadrants is also proposed

    Digital Signal Processor Based Real-Time Phased Array Radar Backend System and Optimization Algorithms

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    This dissertation presents an implementation of multifunctional large-scale phased array radar based on the scalable DSP platform. The challenge of building large-scale phased array radar backend is how to address the compute-intensive operations and high data throughput requirement in both front-end and backend in real-time. In most of the applications, FPGA or VLSI hardware are typically used to solve those difficulties. However, with the help of the fast development of IC industry, using a parallel set of high-performing programmable chips can be an alternative. We present a hybrid high-performance backend system by using DSP as the core computing device and MTCA as the system frame. Thus, the mapping techniques for the front and backend signal processing algorithm based on DSP are discussed in depth. Beside high-efficiency computing device, the system architecture would be a major factor influencing the reliability and performance of the backend system. The reliability requires the system must incorporate the redundancy both in hardware and software. In this dissertation, we propose a parallel modular system based on MTCA chassis, which can be reliable, scalable, and fault-tolerant. Finally, we present an example of high performance phased array radar backend, in which there is the number of 220 DSPs, achieving 7000 GFLOPS calculation from 768 channels. This example shows the potential of using the combination of DSP and MTCA as the computing platform for the future multi-functional large-scale phased array radar

    Workshop on Microwave Power Transmission and Reception. Workshop Paper Summaries

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    Microwave systems performance and phase control are discussed. Component design and reliability are highlighted. The power amplifiers, radiating elements, rectennas, and solid state configurations are described. The proper sizing of microwave transmission systems is also discussed

    Generalized DOA and Source Number Estimation Techniques for Acoustics and Radar

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    The purpose of this thesis is to emphasize the lacking areas in the field of direction of arrival estimation and to propose building blocks for continued solution development in the area. A review of current methods are discussed and their pitfalls are emphasized. DOA estimators are compared to each other for usage on a conformal microphone array which receives impulsive, wideband signals. Further, many DOA estimators rely on the number of source signals prior to DOA estimation. Though techniques exist to achieve this, they lack robustness to estimate for certain signal types, particularly in the case where multiple radar targets exist in the same range bin. A deep neural network approach is proposed and evaluated for this particular case. The studies detailed in this thesis are specific to acoustic and radar applications for DOA estimation

    Técnicas de simplificación de redes de alimentación para el diseño de agrupaciones de antenas y cálculo dosimétrico de SAR en animales pequeños mediante FDTD

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    En esta tesis se presentas dos líneas de investigación distintas, aunque ambas relacionadas estrechamente con el electromagnetismo. Así, en la primera de ellas se hace un estudio profundo de diferentes técnicas que permiten simplificar las redes de alimentación de las agrupaciones de antenas, mientras que en la segunda se presentan distintos sistemas de dosimetría de SAR sobre animales pequeños en los que se utilizan técnicas de FDTD. Las agrupaciones de antenas presentan grandes ventajas como puede ser la capacidad de generar patrones de radiación de altas prestaciones. Además suelen ser antenas compactas, de tamaño reducido y con prestaciones superiores comparativamente a otro tipo de antenas. El inconveniente o desventaja de este tipo de agrupaciones reside en el coste y complejidad de las redes de alimentación necesarias para su funcionamiento. Con esta motivación en esta tesis se desarrollan técnicas que minimicen estas desventajas. Tras una breve introducción, presentada en una de las partes del capítulo 1, de los conceptos básicos de las agrupaciones de antenas, en el segundo capítulo se presenta un estudio minucioso de las ventajas de utilizar la técnica de subarrays para agrupaciones lineales y planas. En el tercer capítulo, se describen dos métodos que hacen posible sintetizar diagramas suma y diferencia compartiendo parte de las excitaciones de los elementos que forman el array. Además uno de los métodos combina la técnica de subarrays para minimizar en mayor medida la complejidad de la red de alimentación. En el cuarto capítulo se presenta una técnica que permite obtener diagramas footprint mediante el uso de elementos dispuestos en anillos concéntricos. En el quinto capítulo se realiza un análisis de tolerancia sobre antenas de haz perfilado. Finalmente, en el sexto capítulo se presentan varias técnicas basadas en la utilización de elementos parásitos para obtener diagramas de radiación de altas prestaciones. Además, se muestran resultados experimentales mediante un prototipo construido con una de las técnicas propuestas. Por otra parte, en los últimos años el uso de tecnologías de comunicación inalámbricas se ha extendido de forma generalizada en nuestro entorno (telefonía móvil, Bluetooth, 3G, ...). Este hecho, hace que exista una preocupación creciente de la población sobre el posible daño de los campos electromagnéticos a los que estamos expuestos de forma cotidiana. Esta ha sido la motivación en esta segunda línea de investigación que se presenta en esta tesis. Así, tras una breve introducción en el capítulo 1 sobre conceptos básicos en los cálculos dosimétricos de SAR, en el séptimo capítulo se presentan 3 sistemas de dosimetría diferentes para obtener valores de SAR sobre animales pequeños. En el primero de los sistemas se utiliza una radiación GSM a 900 MHz en una caja metálica de onda viajera sobre ratas epilépticas. En el segundo, se realiza un estudio a 2,45 GHz en una cámara GTEM en el que se observa la expresión de la proteína HSP-90 en los animales radiados. Finalmente, en el tercer sistema se utilizan dos frecuencias simultáneamente, 900 MHz y 2,45 GHz, sobre los animales. Se pretende observar los efectos de radiaciones eléctricas simultaneas como a las que estamos sometidos cotidianamente. En todos los sistemas presentados se utilizan técnicas de FDTD para obtener los valores de SAR sobre los animales. Finalmente, en el capítulo 8 se enumeran las conclusiones que se derivan de este trabajo

    Ground moving target tracking with space-time adaptive radar

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    Ground moving target tracking by airborne radar provides situational awareness of vehicle movements in the supervised region. Vehicles are detected by applying space time adaptive processing to the received multi channel radar data. The detections are then fed to a tracking algorithm that processes them to tracks. In literature, radar signal processing and ground target tracking are treated as two separate topics and results are not validated by experimental data. The first objective of this thesis is to provide a closer link between these fields. The second objective is to show that tracking performance can be improved by providing additional data from the radar signal processing to the tracking step. The third objective is to validate the algorithm and the performance improvement using experimental data. As a result this thesis presents a unified treatment of ground moving target tracking from radar raw data to established tracks. A complete reference algorithm for ground moving target tracking based on the Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter is presented. In particular, Jacobians of the observation process are derived. They are presented in such a form that immediate implementation in a programming language is possible. In the course of this thesis a measurement campaign with the experimental radar PAMIR of Fraunhofer FHR was conducted. The experiment included two GPS equipped reference vehicles and a multitude of targets of opportunity. Tracking results obtained with this experimental data and the reference tracking algorithm of this thesis are shown. The thesis also enhances the reference target tracking algorithm by a parameter that characterizes the variance of the direction of arrival measurement of the target signal. This parameter is determined adaptively depending on the estimated signal strength and the clutter background. The major contribution with regard to this enhancement is a thorough experimental validation: Firstly, a comparison between GPS based measurements and radar based measurements of the direction of arrival shows that this variance captures the distribution of measurement errors excellently. Secondly, tracking results are compared to the GPS tracks of the ground truth vehicles. It is found that the enhanced algorithm yields superior track quality with respect to both track accuracy and track continuity.Bodenzielverfolgung mit luftgestütztem Radar liefert das Lagebild von Fahrzeug­bewegungen innerhalb des beobachteten Gebiets. Fahrzeuge werden durch die Anwendung von Raum-Zeit adaptiver Signalverarbeitung (STAP) entdeckt. Die Entdeckungen werden dann von einem Zielverfolgungsalgorithmus zu Zielspuren verarbeitet. In der Literatur werden Radarsignalverarbeitung und Zielverfolgung als zwei getrennte Forschungsfelder behandelt und die Bodenzielverfolgung wird nicht anhand von Realdaten validiert. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine engere Verbindung zwischen beiden Feldern herzustellen. Das zweite Ziel ist zu zeigen, dass die Qualität der Zielverfolgung durch das Verwenden zusätzlicher, durch die Radarsignalverarbeitung gewonnene Information verbessert werden kann. Das dritte Ziel ist, die Funktionalität der Zielverfolgung und die Verbesserung der Leistung durch experimentelle Realdaten zu belegen. Somit stellt diese Arbeit eine Gesamtbehandlung der Bodenzielverfolgung von den Radar-Rohdaten bis zu Zielspuren dar. Es wird ein vollständiger, auf dem Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter basierender Referenzalgorithmus für die Bodenzielverfolgung entwickelt. Insbesondere werden Jacobimatrizen der Beobachtungsfunktion hergeleitet. Sie werden in der Arbeit so dargestellt, dass sie direkt in einer Programmiersprache implementiert werden können. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde ein Zielverfolgungs-Experiment mit dem Experimentalsystem PAMIR des Fraunhofer FHR durchgeführt. In dem Experiment wurden neben einer Vielzahl von Gelegenheitszielen zwei mit GPS-Geräten ausgerüstete Fahrzeuge von dem Radar beobachtet. Auf Basis dieses Experiments und des Referenzalgorithmus werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Arbeit den Referenzalgorithmus um einen Parameter, der die Varianz der Richtungsschätzung des Zielsignals charakterisiert. Dieser Parameter wird adaptiv anhand der geschätzten Signalstärke und der Stärke störender Bodenrückstreuungen festgelegt. Der wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit in Bezug auf diese Erweiterung ist eine gründliche experimentelle Validierung. Erstens zeigt der Vergleich von GPS- und Radar-basierten Richtungsschätzungen, dass dieser Parameter die Verteilung des Messfehlers exzellent beschreibt. Zweitens werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse mit den GPS-Spuren verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der erweiterte Algorithmus sowohl in Bezug auf die Spurgenauigkeit als auch in Bezug auf die Spurkontinuität die Zielverfolgung verbessert

    Satellite communication antenna technology : summer school, 1982, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven: lectures

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