1,689 research outputs found

    Teaching BIM: a comparison between actual and future perspectives

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    Building Information Modeling BIM in AEC education is a promising teaching strategy. The aim of the European project BENEDICT is to analyze teaching approaches to Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the construction industry. The goal of this research is therefore to perform an exhaustive analysis on the methods of transmission of BIM awareness and education in some American universities with the aim of comparing them with the BENEDICT approach developed in Italian, Estonian and Finnish Universities. Therefore, a teaching plan that aims to standardize and unify relevant teaching programs, tools and methods is developed, tackling existing skill gaps and mismatches between academia and industry

    Construction informatics in Turkey: strategic role of ICT and future research directions

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    Construction Informatics deals with subjects ranging from strategic management of ICTs to interoperability and information integration in the construction industry. Studies on defining research directions for Construction Informatics have a history over 20 years. The recent studies in the area highlight the priority themes for Construction Informatics research as interoperability, collaboration support, intelligent sites and knowledge sharing. In parallel, today it is widely accepted in the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) industry that ICT is becoming a strategic asset for any organisation to deliver business improvement and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. However, traditionally the AEC industry has approached investing in ICT with a lack of strategic focus and low level of priority to the business. This paper presents a recent study from Turkey that is focused on two themes. The first theme investigates the strategic role of ICT implementations from an industrial perspective, and explores if organisations within the AEC industry view ICT as a strategic resource for their business practice. The second theme investigates the ‘perspective of academia’ in terms of future research directions of Construction Informatics. The results of the industrial study indicates that ICT is seen as a value-adding resource, but a shift towards the recognition of the importance of ICT in terms of value adding in winning work and achieving strategic competitive advantage is observed. On the other hand, ICT Training is found to be the theme of highest priority from the academia point of view

    Construction informatics in Turkey: strategic role of ICT and future research directions

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    Construction Informatics deals with subjects ranging from strategic management of ICTs to interoperability and information integration in the construction industry. Studies on defining research directions for Construction Informatics have a history over 20 years. The recent studies in the area highlight the priority themes for Construction Informatics research as interoperability, collaboration support, intelligent sites and knowledge sharing. In parallel, today it is widely accepted in the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) industry that ICT is becoming a strategic asset for any organisation to deliver business improvement and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. However, traditionally the AEC industry has approached investing in ICT with a lack of strategic focus and low level of priority to the business. This paper presents a recent study from Turkey that is focused on two themes. The first theme investigates the strategic role of ICT implementations from an industrial perspective, and explores if organisations within the AEC industry view ICT as a strategic resource for their business practice. The second theme investigates the ‘perspective of academia’ in terms of future research directions of Construction Informatics. The results of the industrial study indicates that ICT is seen as a value-adding resource, but a shift towards the recognition of the importance of ICT in terms of value adding in winning work and achieving strategic competitive advantage is observed. On the other hand, ICT Training is found to be the theme of highest priority from the academia point of view

    Digitally integrated practices: a new paradigm in the teaching of digital media in architecture

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    With the advent of the 21st century, the 25-year-old promise of multi-parametric modeling has re-emerged reincarnated as Building Information Modeling (BIM). Promoted by a trend toward Integrated Practices (IP), BIM can provide instrumentation for the design, representation, documentation of the projects, and the exchange of information among designers and other stakeholders. A growing number of disciplines in the design and construction industry are embracing the use of BIM and consequently the academia is addressing related training needs. This paper presents the accumulative experience of the authors over the last decade at Texas A&M University regarding digital media integration and our current plans for addressing future demands and opportunities. As a matter of introduction, the paper makes reference to early implementations of multi-parametric modeling in electronic design studios, early use of the Internet for the implementation of collaborative virtual design studios, and their evolution towards virtual multidisciplinary studios and fabrication studios that make use of BIM software. At the core, the paper explains how BIM can be a pedagogical tool for multidisciplinary integration and curricular articulation. The paper makes evident that BIM is more than a phenomena happening in the profession and something the academia must simply provide training for. The paper ends by drawing conclusions that outline how we can produce the design briefings of projects especially directed toward offering multidisciplinary learning opportunities in studios instrumented by means of BIM software. Key words: building information modeling, multiparametric modeling, integrated practices, digital media education.Con el advenimiento del siglo XXI, la promesa sostenida por 25 años de modelación paramétrico ha vuelto a emerger encarnada en el Modelamiento de Información Constructiva (BIM por sus siglas en ingles), estimulada por la tendencia hacia una Practica Integrada (IP). BIM puede otorgar instrumentos para el diseño, representación y documentación de los proyectos, y el intercambio de información entre diseñadores y mandantes. Un número creciente de disciplinas del diseño y la industria de la construcción están abordando el uso de BIM y la universidad esta identificando necesidades consecuentes de formación en el tema. Este trabajo presenta la experiencia acumulada de los autores en la ultima década en Texas A&M University sobre integración de medios digitales y planes actuales para dirigir demandas y oportunidades futuras. Como introducción, el escrito menciona las primeras implementaciones de modelamiento multi-paramétrico en talleres de diseño digital, primeros usos de Internet para taller de diseño colaborativos, y su evolución hacia talleres virtuales multidisciplinarios y talleres de fabricación que usan software BIM. En lo principal, el texto explica como BIM puede ser una herramienta pedagógica para la integración multidisciplinaria y articulación curricular. El trabajo muestra que BIM es mas que un fenómeno profesional y algo que la universidad debe preparar. EL texto concluye como podemos producir propuestas de diseño y proyectos dirigidos hacia oportunidades de aprendizaje multidisciplinario en talleres apoyados por software BIM. Palabras-clave: modelación de información constructiva, modelación paramétrica, prácticas integradas, enseñanza de medios digitales

    Proceedings of the 9th International congress of architectural technology: digitally integrated cities: closing the chasm between social and physical.

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    Challenges are emerging within the construction industry, causing diversification of roles, workflows and educational transformations. This has resulted in unifying and integrating the built environment on city, country, and global levels due to the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing and big data analytics. Architectural Technology is at the centre of the construction industry where the relationship between these factors creates many interfaces. Academics and Professionals associated with Architectural technology are best positioned to enhance the design, delivery and performance of integrated buildings within cities at large. This congress will be a vehicle to disseminate research, education and practice related to this theme investigating both social as well as physical, technical, operational and strategic effects on Digitally integrated Cities

    Proceedings of the 9th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) international conference 2021 (ASCAAD 2021): architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges.

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    The ASCAAD 2021 conference theme is Architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges. The theme addresses the gradual shift in computational design from prototypical morphogenetic-centered associations in the architectural discourse. This imminent shift of focus is increasingly stirring a debate in the architectural community and is provoking a much needed critical questioning of the role of computation in architecture as a sole embodiment and enactment of technical dimensions, into one that rather deliberately pursues and embraces the humanities as an ultimate aspiration
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