37 research outputs found


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    This work presents the development, implementation, and evaluation of a Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis (MDD) system, with application to pronunciation evaluation of Mandarin-accented English speech. A comprehensive detection and diagnosis of errors in the Electromagnetic Articulography corpus of Mandarin-Accented English (EMA-MAE) was performed by using the expert phonetic transcripts and an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. Articulatory features derived from the parallel kinematic data available in the EMA-MAE corpus were used to identify the most significant articulatory error patterns seen in L2 speakers during common mispronunciations. Using both acoustic and articulatory information, an ASR based Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis (MDD) system was built and evaluated across different feature combinations and Deep Neural Network (DNN) architectures. The MDD system captured mispronunciation errors with a detection accuracy of 82.4%, a diagnostic accuracy of 75.8% and a false rejection rate of 17.2%. The results demonstrate the advantage of using articulatory features in revealing the significant contributors of mispronunciation as well as improving the performance of MDD systems

    Recent development of the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)

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    A statistical parametric approach to speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) has grown in popularity over the last few years. In this approach, spectrum, excitation, and duration of speech are simultaneously modeled by context-dependent HMMs, and speech waveforms are generate from the HMMs themselves. Since December 2002, we have publicly released an open-source software toolkit named “HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)” to provide a research and development toolkit for statistical parametric speech synthesis. This paper describes recent developments of HTS in detail, as well as future release plans

    Apraxia World: Deploying a Mobile Game and Automatic Speech Recognition for Independent Child Speech Therapy

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    Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. The therapy game, called Apraxia World, delivers customizable, repetition-based speech therapy while children play through platformer-style levels using typical on-screen tablet controls; children complete in-game speech exercises to collect assets required to progress through the levels. Additionally, Apraxia World provides pronunciation feedback according to an automated pronunciation evaluation system running locally on the tablet. Apraxia World offers two advantages over current commercial and research speech therapy games; first, the game provides extended gameplay to support long therapy treatments; second, it affords some therapy practice independence via automatic pronunciation evaluation, allowing caregivers to lightly supervise instead of directly administer the practice. Pilot testing indicated that children enjoyed the game-based therapy much more than traditional practice and that the exercises did not interfere with gameplay. During a longitudinal study, children made clinically-significant pronunciation improvements while playing Apraxia World at home. Furthermore, children remained engaged in the game-based therapy over the two-month testing period and some even wanted to continue playing post-study. The second part of the dissertation explores word- and phoneme-level pronunciation verification for child speech therapy applications. Word-level pronunciation verification is accomplished using a child-specific template-matching framework, where an utterance is compared against correctly and incorrectly pronounced examples of the word. This framework identified mispronounced words better than both a standard automated baseline and co-located caregivers. Phoneme-level mispronunciation detection is investigated using a technique from the second-language learning literature: training phoneme-specific classifiers with phonetic posterior features. This method also outperformed the standard baseline, but more significantly, identified mispronunciations better than student clinicians

    Automatic Screening of Childhood Speech Sound Disorders and Detection of Associated Pronunciation Errors

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    Speech disorders in children can affect their fluency and intelligibility. Delay in their diagnosis and treatment increases the risk of social impairment and learning disabilities. With the significant shortage of Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs), there is an increasing interest in Computer-Aided Speech Therapy tools with automatic detection and diagnosis capability. However, the scarcity and unreliable annotation of disordered child speech corpora along with the high acoustic variations in the child speech data has impeded the development of reliable automatic detection and diagnosis of childhood speech sound disorders. Therefore, this thesis investigates two types of detection systems that can be achieved with minimum dependency on annotated mispronounced speech data. First, a novel approach that adopts paralinguistic features which represent the prosodic, spectral, and voice quality characteristics of the speech was proposed to perform segment- and subject-level classification of Typically Developing (TD) and Speech Sound Disordered (SSD) child speech using a binary Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. As paralinguistic features are both language- and content-independent, they can be extracted from an unannotated speech signal. Second, a novel Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis (MDD) approach was introduced to detect the pronunciation errors made due to SSDs and provide low-level diagnostic information that can be used in constructing formative feedback and a detailed diagnostic report. Unlike existing MDD methods where detection and diagnosis are performed at the phoneme level, the proposed method achieved MDD at the speech attribute level, namely the manners and places of articulations. The speech attribute features describe the involved articulators and their interactions when making a speech sound allowing a low-level description of the pronunciation error to be provided. Two novel methods to model speech attributes are further proposed in this thesis, a frame-based (phoneme-alignment) method leveraging the Multi-Task Learning (MTL) criterion and training a separate model for each attribute, and an alignment-free jointly-learnt method based on the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) sequence to sequence criterion. The proposed techniques have been evaluated using standard and publicly accessible adult and child speech corpora, while the MDD method has been validated using L2 speech corpora

    Dealing with linguistic mismatches for automatic speech recognition

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    Recent breakthroughs in automatic speech recognition (ASR) have resulted in a word error rate (WER) on par with human transcribers on the English Switchboard benchmark. However, dealing with linguistic mismatches between the training and testing data is still a significant challenge that remains unsolved. Under the monolingual environment, it is well-known that the performance of ASR systems degrades significantly when presented with the speech from speakers with different accents, dialects, and speaking styles than those encountered during system training. Under the multi-lingual environment, ASR systems trained on a source language achieve even worse performance when tested on another target language because of mismatches in terms of the number of phonemes, lexical ambiguity, and power of phonotactic constraints provided by phone-level n-grams. In order to address the issues of linguistic mismatches for current ASR systems, my dissertation investigates both knowledge-gnostic and knowledge-agnostic solutions. In the first part, classic theories relevant to acoustics and articulatory phonetics that present capability of being transferred across a dialect continuum from local dialects to another standardized language are re-visited. Experiments demonstrate the potentials that acoustic correlates in the vicinity of landmarks could help to build a bridge for dealing with mismatches across difference local or global varieties in a dialect continuum. In the second part, we design an end-to-end acoustic modeling approach based on connectionist temporal classification loss and propose to link the training of acoustics and accent altogether in a manner similar to the learning process in human speech perception. This joint model not only performed well on ASR with multiple accents but also boosted accuracies of accent identification task in comparison to separately-trained models

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Self-supervised end-to-end ASR for low resource L2 Swedish

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 ISCA.Unlike traditional (hybrid) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), end-to-end ASR systems simplify the training procedure by directly mapping acoustic features to sequences of graphemes or characters, thereby eliminating the need for specialized acoustic, language, or pronunciation models. However, one drawback of end-to-end ASR systems is that they require more training data than conventional ASR systems to achieve similar word error rate (WER). This makes it difficult to develop ASR systems for tasks where transcribed target data is limited such as developing ASR for Second Language (L2) speakers of Swedish. Nonetheless, recent advancements in selfsupervised acoustic learning, manifested in wav2vec models [1, 2, 3], leverage the available untranscribed speech data to provide compact acoustic representation that can achieve low WER when incorporated in end-to-end systems. To this end, we experiment with several monolingual and cross-lingual selfsupervised acoustic models to develop end-to-end ASR system for L2 Swedish. Even though our test is very small, it indicates that these systems are competitive in performance with traditional ASR pipeline. Our best model seems to reduce the WER by 7% relative to our traditional ASR baseline trained on the same target data.Peer reviewe