367 research outputs found

    Effective denoising and adaptive equalization of indoor optical wireless channel with artificial light using the discrete wavelet transform and artificial neural network

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    Indoor diffuse optical wireless (OW) communication systems performance is limited due to a number of effects; interference from natural and artificial light sources and multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI). Artificial light interference (ALI) is a periodic signal with a spectrum profile extending up to the MHz range. It is the dominant source of performance degradation at low data rates, which can be removed using a high-pass filter (HPF). On the other hand, ISI is more severe at high data rates and an equalizing filter is incorporated at the receiver to compensate for the ISI. This paper provides the simulation results for a discrete wavelet transform (DWT)—artificial neural network (ANN)-based receiver architecture for on-and-off keying (OOK) non-return-to-zero (NRZ) scheme for a diffuse indoor OW link in the presence of ALI and ISI. ANN is adopted for classification acting as an efficient equalizer compared to the traditional equalizers. The ALI is effectively reduced by proper selection of the DWT coefficients resulting in improved receiver performance compared to the digital HPF. The simulated bit error rate (BER) performance of proposed DWT-ANN receiver structure for a diffuse indoor OW link operating at a data range of 10-200 Mbps is presented and discussed. The results are compared with performance of a diffuse link with an HPF-equalizer, ALI with/without filtering, and a line-of-sight (LOS) without filtering. We show that the DWT-ANN display a lower power requirement when compared to the receiver with an HPF-equalizer over a full range of delay spread in presence of ALI. However, as expected compared to the ideal LOS link the power penalty is higher reaching to 6 dB at 200 Mbps data rate

    Non-linear adaptive equalization based on a multi-layer perceptron architecture.

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    Adaptive Channel Equalization using Radial Basis Function Networks and MLP

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    One of the major practical problems in digital communication systems is channel distortion which causes errors due to intersymbol interference. Since the source signal is in general broadband, the various frequency components experience different steady state amplitude and phase changes as they pass through the channel, causing distortion in the received message. This distortion translates into errors in the received sequence. Our problem as communication engineers is to restore the transmitted sequence or, equivalently, to identify the inverse of the channel, given the observed sequence at the channel output. This task is accomplished by adaptive equalizers. Typically, adaptive equalizers used in digital communications require an initial training period, during which a known data sequence is transmitted. A replica of this sequence is made available at the receiver in proper synchronism with the transmitter, thereby making it possible for adjustments to be made to the equalizer coefficients in accordance with the adaptive filtering algorithm employed in the equalizer design. When the training is completed, the equalizer is switched to its decision directed mode. Decision feedback equalizers are used extensively in practical communication systems. They are more powerful than linear equalizers especially for severe inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels without as much noise enhancement as the linear equalizers. This thesis addresses the problem of adaptive channel equalization in environments where the interfering noise exhibits Gaussian behavior. In this thesis, radial basis function (RBF) network is used to implement DFE. Advantages and problems of this system are discussed and its results are then compared with DFE using multi layer perceptron net (MLP).Results indicate that the implemented system outperforms both the least-mean square(LMS) algorithm and MLP, given the same signal-to-noise ratio as it offers minimum mean square error. The learning rate of the implemented system is also faster than both LMS and the multilayered case

    Wireless Channel Equalization in Digital Communication Systems

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    Our modern society has transformed to an information-demanding system, seeking voice, video, and data in quantities that could not be imagined even a decade ago. The mobility of communicators has added more challenges. One of the new challenges is to conceive highly reliable and fast communication system unaffected by the problems caused in the multipath fading wireless channels. Our quest is to remove one of the obstacles in the way of achieving ultimately fast and reliable wireless digital communication, namely Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), the intensity of which makes the channel noise inconsequential. The theoretical background for wireless channels modeling and adaptive signal processing are covered in first two chapters of dissertation. The approach of this thesis is not based on one methodology but several algorithms and configurations that are proposed and examined to fight the ISI problem. There are two main categories of channel equalization techniques, supervised (training) and blind unsupervised (blind) modes. We have studied the application of a new and specially modified neural network requiring very short training period for the proper channel equalization in supervised mode. The promising performance in the graphs for this network is presented in chapter 4. For blind modes two distinctive methodologies are presented and studied. Chapter 3 covers the concept of multiple cooperative algorithms for the cases of two and three cooperative algorithms. The select absolutely larger equalized signal and majority vote methods have been used in 2-and 3-algoirithm systems respectively. Many of the demonstrated results are encouraging for further research. Chapter 5 involves the application of general concept of simulated annealing in blind mode equalization. A limited strategy of constant annealing noise is experimented for testing the simple algorithms used in multiple systems. Convergence to local stationary points of the cost function in parameter space is clearly demonstrated and that justifies the use of additional noise. The capability of the adding the random noise to release the algorithm from the local traps is established in several cases

    Artificial neural networks for location estimation and co-cannel interference suppression in cellular networks

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    This thesis reports on the application of artificial neural networks to two important problems encountered in cellular communications, namely, location estimation and co-channel interference suppression. The prediction of a mobile location using propagation path loss (signal strength) is a very difficult and complex task. Several techniques have been proposed recently mostly based on linearized, geometrical and maximum likelihood methods. An alternative approach based on artificial neural networks is proposed in this thesis which offers the advantages of increased flexibility to adapt to different environments and high speed parallel processing. Location estimation provides users of cellular telephones with information about their location. Some of the existing location estimation techniques such as those used in GPS satellite navigation systems require non-standard features, either from the cellular phone or the cellular network. However, it is possible to use the existing GSM technology for location estimation by taking advantage of the signals transmitted between the phone and the network. This thesis proposes the application of neural networks to predict the location coordinates from signal strength data. New multi-layered perceptron and radial basis function based neural networks are employed for the prediction of mobile locations using signal strength measurements in a simulated COST-231 metropolitan environment. In addition, initial preliminary results using limited available real signal-strength measurements in a metropolitan environment are also reported comparing the performance of the neural predictors with a conventional linear technique. The results indicate that the neural predictors can be trained to provide a near perfect mapping using signal strength measurements from two or more base stations. The second application of neural networks addressed in this thesis, is concerned with adaptive equalization, which is known to be an important technique for combating distortion and Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) in digital communication channels. However, many communication systems are also impaired by what is known as co-channel interference (CCI). Many digital communications systems such as digital cellular radio (DCR) and dual polarized micro-wave radio, for example, employ frequency re-usage and often exhibit performance limitation due to co-channel interference. The degradation in performance due to CCI is more severe than due to ISI. Therefore, simple and effective interference suppression techniques are required to mitigate the interference for a high-quality signal reception. The current work briefly reviews the application of neural network based non-linear adaptive equalizers to the problem of combating co-channel interference, without a priori knowledge of the channel or co-channel orders. A realistic co-channel system is used as a case study to demonstrate the superior equalization capability of the functional-link neural network based Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) compared to other conventional linear and neural network based non-linear adaptive equalizers.This project was funded by Solectron (Scotland) Ltd

    Coherent Optical OFDM Modem Employing Artificial Neural Networks for Dispersion and Nonlinearity Compensation in a Long-Haul Transmission System

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    In order to satisfy the ever increasing demand for the bandwidth requirement in broadband services the optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) scheme is being considered as a promising technique for future high-capacity optical networks. The aim of this thesis is to investigate, theoretically, the feasibility of implementing the coherent optical OFDM (CO-OOFDM) technique in long haul transmission networks. For CO-OOFDM and Fast-OFDM systems a set of modulation formats dependent analogue to digital converter (ADC) clipping ratio and the quantization bit have been identified, moreover, CO-OOFDM is more resilient to the chromatic dispersion (CD) when compared to the bandwidth efficient Fast-OFDM scheme. For CO-OOFDM systems numerical simulations are undertaken to investigate the effect of the number of sub-carriers, the cyclic prefix (CP), and ADC associated parameters such as the sampling speed, the clipping ratio, and the quantisation bit on the system performance over single mode fibre (SMF) links for data rates up to 80 Gb/s. The use of a large number of sub-carriers is more effective in combating the fibre CD compared to employing a long CP. Moreover, in the presence of fibre non-linearities identifying the optimum number of sub-carriers is a crucial factor in determining the modem performance. For a range of signal data rates up to 40 Gb/s, a set of data rate and transmission distance-dependent optimum ADC parameters are identified in this work. These parameters give rise to a negligible clipping and quantisation noise, moreover, ADC sampling speed can increase the dispersion tolerance while transmitting over SMF links. In addition, simulation results show that the use of adaptive modulation schemes improves the spectrum usage efficiency, thus resulting in higher tolerance to the CD when compared to the case where identical modulation formats are adopted across all sub-carriers. For a given transmission distance utilizing an artificial neural networks (ANN) equalizer improves the system bit error rate (BER) performance by a factor of 50% and 70%, respectively when considering SMF firstly CD and secondly nonlinear effects with CD. Moreover, for a fixed BER of 10-3 utilizing ANN increases the transmission distance by 1.87 times and 2 times, respectively while considering SMF CD and nonlinear effects. The proposed ANN equalizer performs more efficiently in combating SMF non-linearities than the previously published Kerr nonlinearity electrical compensation technique by a factor of 7

    Neural receiver for CPM signals

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    Application of wavelets and artificial neural network for indoor optical wireless communication systems

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    Abstract This study investigates the use of error control code, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and artificial neural network (ANN) to improve the link performance of an indoor optical wireless communication in a physical channel. The key constraints that barricade the realization of unlimited bandwidth in optical wavelengths are the eye-safety issue, the ambient light interference and the multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI). Eye-safety limits the maximum average transmitted optical power. The rational solution is to use power efficient modulation techniques. Further reduction in transmitted power can be achieved using error control coding. A mathematical analysis of retransmission scheme is investigated for variable length modulation techniques and verified using computer simulations. Though the retransmission scheme is simple to implement, the shortfall in terms of reduced throughput will limit higher code gain. Due to practical limitation, the block code cannot be applied to the variable length modulation techniques and hence the convolutional code is the only possible option. The upper bound for slot error probability of the convolutional coded dual header pulse interval modulation (DH-PIM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) schemes are calculated and verified using simulations. The power penalty due to fluorescent light interference (FL I) is very high in indoor optical channel making the optical link practically infeasible. A denoising method based on a DWT to remove the FLI from the received signal is devised. The received signal is first decomposed into different DWT levels; the FLI is then removed from the signal before reconstructing the signal. A significant reduction in the power penalty is observed using DWT. Comparative study of DWT based denoising scheme with that of the high pass filter (HPF) show that DWT not only can match the best performance obtain using a HPF, but also offers a reduced complexity and design simplicity. The high power penalty due to multipath induced ISI makes a diffuse optical link practically infeasible at higher data rates. An ANN based linear and DF architectures are investigated to compensation the ISI. Unlike the unequalized cases, the equalized schemes don‘t show infinite power penalty and a significant performance improvement is observed for all modulation schemes. The comparative studies substantiate that ANN based equalizers match the performance of the traditional equalizers for all channel conditions with a reduced training data sequence. The study of the combined effect of the FLI and ISI shows that DWT-ANN based receiver perform equally well in the present of both interference. Adaptive decoding of error control code can offer flexibility of selecting the best possible encoder in a given environment. A suboptimal ?soft‘ sliding block convolutional decoder based on the ANN and a 1/2 rate convolutional code with a constraint length is investigated. Results show that the ANN decoder can match the performance of optimal Viterbi decoder for hard decision decoding but with slightly inferior performance compared to soft decision decoding. This provides a foundation for further investigation of the ANN decoder for convolutional code with higher constraint length values. Finally, the proposed DWT-ANN receiver is practically realized in digital signal processing (DSP) board. The output from the DSP board is compared with the computer simulations and found that the difference is marginal. However, the difference in results doesn‘t affect the overall error probability and identical error probability is obtained for DSP output and computer simulations

    Artificial Neural Network Based Channel Equalization

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    The field of digital data communications has experienced an explosive growth in the last three decade with the growth of internet technologies, high speed and efficient data transmission over communication channel has gained significant importance. The rate of data transmissions over a communication system is limited due to the effects of linear and nonlinear distortion. Linear distortions occure in from of inter-symbol interference (ISI), co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Nonlinear distortions are caused due to the subsystems like amplifiers, modulator and demodulator along with nature of the medium. Some times burst noise occurs in communication system. Different equalization techniques are used to mitigate these effects. Adaptive channel equalizers are used in digital communication systems. The equalizer located at the receiver removes the effects of ISI, CCI, burst noise interference and attempts to recover the transmitted symbols. It has been seen that linear equalizers show poor performance, where as nonlinear equalizer provide superior performance. Artificial neural network based multi layer perceptron (MLP) based equalizers have been used for equalization in the last two decade. The equalizer is a feed-forward network consists of one or more hidden nodes between its input and output layers and is trained by popular error based back propagation (BP) algorithm. However this algorithm suffers from slow convergence rate, depending on the size of network. It has been seen that an optimal equalizer based on maximum a-posterior probability (MAP) criterion can be implemented using Radial basis function (RBF) network. In a RBF equalizer, centres are fixed using K-mean clustering and weights are trained using LMS algorithm. RBF equalizer can mitigate ISI interference effectively providing minimum BER plot. But when the input order is increased the number of centre of the network increases and makes the network more complicated. A RBF network, to mitigate the effects of CCI is very complex with large number of centres. To overcome computational complexity issues, a single neuron based chebyshev neural network (ChNN) and functional link ANN (FLANN) have been proposed. These neural networks are single layer network in which the original input pattern is expanded to a higher dimensional space using nonlinear functions and have capability to provide arbitrarily complex decision regions. More recently, a rank based statistics approach known as Wilcoxon learning method has been proposed for signal processing application. The Wilcoxon learning algorithm has been applied to neural networks like Wilcoxon Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (WMLPNN), Wilcoxon Generalized Radial Basis Function Network (WGRBF). The Wilcoxon approach provides promising methodology for many machine learning problems. This motivated us to introduce these networks in the field of channel equalization application. In this thesis we have used WMLPNN and WGRBF network to mitigate ISI, CCI and burst noise interference. It is observed that the equalizers trained with Wilcoxon learning algorithm offers improved performance in terms of convergence characteristic and bit error rate performance in comparison to gradient based training for MLP and RBF. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out to validate the proposed technique. The performance of Wilcoxon networks is better then linear equalizers trained with LMS and RLS algorithm and RBF equalizer in the case of burst noise and CCI mitigations

    Architecture systolique pour un algorithme basé sur les réseaux de neurones pour l'égalisation de canaux

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