11,636 research outputs found

    Fast Automatic Verification of Large-Scale Systems with Lookup Tables

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    Modern safety-critical systems are difficult to formally verify, largely due to their large scale. In particular, the widespread use of lookup tables in embedded systems across diverse industries, such as aeronautics and automotive systems, create a critical obstacle to the scalability of formal verification. This paper presents a novel approach for the formal verification of large-scale systems with lookup tables. We use a learning-based technique to automatically learn abstractions of the lookup tables and use the abstractions to then prove the desired property. If the verification fails, we propose a falsification heuristic to search for a violation of the specification. In contrast with previous work on lookup table verification, our technique is completely automatic, making it ideal for deployment in a production environment. To our knowledge, our approach is the only technique that can automatically verify large-scale systems lookup with tables. We illustrate the effectiveness of our technique on a benchmark which cannot be handled by the commercial tool SLDV, and we demonstrate the performance improvement provided by our technique

    Study on needs for a magnetic suspension system operating with a transonic wind tunnel

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    The U.S. aeronautical industry was surveyed to determine if current and future transonic testing requirements are sufficient to justify continued development work on magnetic suspension and balance systems (MSBS) by NASA. The effort involved preparation of a brief technical description of magnetic suspension and balance systems, design of a survey form asking specific questions about the role of the MSBS in satisfying future testing requirements, selecting nine major aeronautics companies to which the description and survey forms were sent, and visiting the companies and discussing the survey to obtain greater insight to their response to the survey. Evaluation and documentation of the survey responses and recommendations which evolved from the study are presented

    Rotorcraft flight-propulsion control integration: An eclectic design concept

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    The NASA Ames and Lewis Research Centers, in conjunction with the Army Research and Technology Laboratories, have initiated and partially completed a joint research program focused on improving the performance, maneuverability, and operating characteristics of rotorcraft by integrating the flight and propulsion controls. The background of the program, its supporting programs, its goals and objectives, and an approach to accomplish them are discussed. Results of the modern control governor design of the General Electric T700 engine and the Rotorcraft Integrated Flight-Propulsion Control Study, which were key elements of the program, are also presented

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 120

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    This bibliography contains abstracts for 297 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1980

    Overview of sensors suitable for active flow control methods

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    Hlavným cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce bolo vytvorenie prehľadu vyvíjaných a už aplikovaných senzorov pre účely aktívneho riadenia prúdov. Senzory musia splňovať niektoré podmienky, preto výber senzorov bol naviazaný na reálnych výsledkoch testovacích programov, popis ktorých tvorí prvú časť tejto bakalárskej práce. Opis technológie a princíp fungovania senzorov je popísaný v druhej časti tejto práce.The main purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create the overview of the sensors developed for the future active flow control applications and overview the sensors already used in the active flow control applications. The sensors have to fulfil several requirements, so selection for the overview was based on the real flight test programs results, which were described in the first part of the thesis. The sensors technology description and operation principles were included in the second part of the thesis

    Aeronautical engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 80

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    This bibliography lists 277 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1977

    Cryogenic wind tunnels for high Reynolds number testing

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    A compilation of lectures presented at various Universities over a span of several years is discussed. A central theme of these lectures has been to present the research facility in terms of the service it provides to, and its potential effect on, the entire community, rather than just the research community. This theme is preserved in this paper which deals with the cryogenic transonic wind tunnels at Langley Research Center. Transonic aerodynamics is a focus both because of its crucial role in determining the success of aeronautical systems and because cryogenic wind tunnels are especially applicable to the transonics problem. The paper also provides historical perspective and technical background for cryogenic tunnels, culminating in a brief review of cryogenic wind tunnel projects around the world. An appendix is included to provide up to date information on testing techniques that have been developed for the cryogenic tunnels at Langley Research Center. In order to be as inclusive and as current as possible, the appendix is less formal than the main body of the paper. It is anticipated that this paper will be of particular value to the technical layman who is inquisitive as to the value of, and need for, cryogneic tunnels