322 research outputs found

    Decentralised control for complex systems - An invited survey

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    © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. With the advancement of science and technology, practical systems are becoming more complex. Decentralised control has been recognised as a practical, feasible and powerful tool for application to large scale interconnected systems. In this paper, past and recent results relating to decentralised control of complex large scale interconnected systems are reviewed. Decentralised control based on modern control approaches such as variable structure techniques, adaptive control and backstepping approaches are discussed. It is well known that system structure can be employed to reduce conservatism in the control design and decentralised control for interconnected systems with similar and symmetric structure is explored. Decentralised control of singular large scale systems is also reviewed in this paper

    Nonlinear Flight Control Design Using Backstepping Methodology

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    The subject of nonlinear flight control design using backstepping control methodology is investigated in the dissertation research presented here. Control design methods based on nonlinear models of the dynamic system provide higher utility and versatility because the design model more closely matches the physical system behavior. Obtaining requisite model fidelity is only half of the overall design process, however. Design of the nonlinear control loops can lessen the effects of nonlinearity, or even exploit nonlinearity, to achieve higher levels of closed-loop stability, performance, and robustness. The goal of the research is to improve control quality for a general class of strict-feedback dynamic systems and provide flight control architectures to augment the aircraft motion. The research is divided into two parts: theoretical control development for the strict-feedback form of nonlinear dynamic systems and application of the proposed theory for nonlinear flight dynamics. In the first part, the research is built on two components: transforming the nonlinear dynamic model to a canonical strict-feedback form and then applying backstepping control theory to the canonical model. The research considers a process to determine when this transformation is possible, and when it is possible, a systematic process to transfer the model is also considered when practical. When this is not the case, certain modeling assumptions are explored to facilitate the transformation. After achieving the canonical form, a systematic design procedure for formulating a backstepping control law is explored in the research. Starting with the simplest subsystem and ending with the full system, pseudo control concepts based on Lyapunov control functions are used to control each successive subsystem. Typically each pseudo control must be solved from a nonlinear algebraic equation. At the end of this process, the physical control input must be re-expressed in terms of the physical states by eliminating the pseudo control transformations. In the second part, the research focuses on nonlinear control design for flight dynamics of aircraft motion. Some assumptions on aerodynamics of the aircraft are addressed to transform full nonlinear flight dynamics into the canonical strict-feedback form. The assumptions are also analyzed, validated, and compared to show the advantages and disadvantages of the design models. With the achieved models, investigation focuses on formulating the backstepping control laws and provides an advanced control algorithm for nonlinear flight dynamics of the aircraft. Experimental and simulation studies are successfully implemented to validate the proposed control method. Advancement of nonlinear backstepping control theory and its application to nonlinear flight control are achieved in the dissertation research

    Estimator-based adaptive neural network control of leader-follower high-order nonlinear multiagent systems with actuator faults

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    The problem of distributed cooperative control for networked multiagent systems is investigated in this paper. Each agent is modeled as an uncertain nonlinear high-order system incorporating with model uncertainty, unknown external disturbance, and actuator fault. The communication network between followers can be an undirected or a directed graph, and only some of the follower agents can obtain the commands from the leader. To develop the distributed cooperative control algorithm, a prefilter is designed, which can derive the state-space representation to a newly constructed plant. Then, a set of distributed adaptive neural network controllers are designed by making certain modifications on traditional backstepping techniques with the aid of adaptive control, neural network control, and a second-order sliding mode estimator. Rigorous proving procedures are provided,which show that uniform ultimate boundedness of all the tracking errors can be achieved in a networked multiagent system. Finally, a numerical simulation is carried out to evaluate the theoretical results

    Lifelong Learning-Based Multilayer Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Strict-Feedback Systems

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    In This Paper, We Investigate Lifelong Learning (LL)-Based Tracking Control for Partially Uncertain Strict Feedback Nonlinear Systems with State Constraints, employing a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Multilayer Neural Networks (MNNs) Activation Function based Weight Tuning Scheme. the Novel SVD-Based Approach Extends the MNN Weight Tuning to (Formula Presented.) Layers. a Unique Online LL Method, based on Tracking Error, is Integrated into the MNN Weight Update Laws to Counteract Catastrophic Forgetting. to Adeptly Address Constraints for Safety Assurances, Taking into Account the Effects Caused by Disturbances, We Utilize a Time-Varying Barrier Lyapunov Function (TBLF) that Ensures a Uniformly Ultimately Bounded Closed-Loop System. the Effectiveness of the Proposed Safe LL MNN Approach is Demonstrated through a Leader-Follower Formation Scenario Involving Unknown Kinematics and Dynamics. Supporting Simulation Results of Mobile Robot Formation Control Are Provided, Confirming the Theoretical Findings

    Fixed-time safe tracking control of uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback systems via unified transformation functions

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    summary:In this paper, a fixed-time safe control problem is investigated for an uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback system with state constraints. A new nonlinear transformation function is firstly proposed to handle both the constrained and unconstrained cases in a unified way. Further, a radial basis function neural network is constructed to approximate the unknown dynamics in the system and a fixed-time dynamic surface control (FDSC) technique is developed to facilitate the fixed-time control design for the uncertain high-order pure-feedback system. Combined with the proposed unified transformation function and the FDSC technique, an adaptive fixed-time control strategy is proposed to guarantee the fixed-time tracking. The novel original results of the paper allow to design the independent unified flexible fixed-time control strategy taking into account the actual possible constraints, either present or missing. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed fixed-time tracking control strategy

    Nonlinear Model-Based Control for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

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    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a technology where skeletal muscles are externally stimulated by electrodes to help restore functionality to human limbs with motor neuron disorder. This dissertation is concerned with the model-based feedback control of the NMES quadriceps muscle group-knee joint dynamics. A class of nonlinear controllers is presented based on various levels of model structures and uncertainties. The two main control techniques used throughout this work are backstepping control and Lyapunov stability theory. In the first control strategy, we design a model-based nonlinear control law for the system with the exactly known passive mechanical that ensures asymptotical tracking. This first design is used as a stepping stone for the other control strategies in which we consider that uncertainties exist. In the next four control strategies, techniques for adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems are applied to handle the unknown physical constant parameters that appear nonlinearly in the model. By exploiting the Lipschitzian nature or the concavity/convexity of the nonlinearly parameterized functions in the model, we design two adaptive controllers and two robust adaptive controllers that ensure practical tracking. The next set of controllers are based on a NMES model that includes the uncertain muscle contractile mechanics. In this case, neural network-based controllers are designed to deal with this uncertainty. We consider here voltage inputs without and with saturation. For the latter, the Nussbaum gain is applied to handle the input saturation. The last two control strategies are based on a more refined NMES model that accounts for the muscle activation dynamics. The main challenge here is that the activation state is unmeasurable. In the first design, we design a model-based observer that directly estimates the unmeasured state for a certain activation model. The second design introduces a nonlinear filter with an adaptive control law to handle parametric uncertainty in the activation dynamics. Both the observer- and filter-based, partial-state feedback controllers ensure asymptotical tracking. Throughout this dissertation, the performance of the proposed control schemes are illustrated via computer simulations

    Nonlinear control and its application to active tilting-pad bearings

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    The drawbacks of active magnetic bearings are arousing interest in the adaptation of mechanical bearings for active use. A promising mechanical bearing candidate for active operation is the tilting-pad bearing. In this research, we introduce an active tilting-pad bearing with linear actuators that translate each pad. The use of feedback in determining the actuator forces allows for the automatic, continuous adjustment of the pad position during the machine operation. In this work, we develop the dynamic model of the active bearing system such that the actuator forces are the control inputs. The hydrodynamic force is modeled as a spring/damper-like force with unknown damping and stiffness coefficients. Whereas in the literature, the damping and stiffness effects are normally considered linear, here, motivated by a numerical study based on the Reynolds equation, we use a nonlinear model for the stiffness force. An adaptive controller is designed to asymptotically regulate the rotor to the bearing center. The proposed control design is applicable to both the linear and nonlinear stiffness models. Simulations and experiments show that the active strategy improves the bearing performance in comparison to its traditional passive operation. Further, the experiments indicate the nonlinear stiffness-based controller slightly improves the active bearing regulation performance relative to the linear-based one. To the best of our knowledge, this dissertation is the first to report the experimental demonstration of an active tilting-pad bearing using feedback control. Since the model of the active tilting-pad bearing has a parametric strict-feedback-like form, the second part of this dissertation is dedicated to constructing new nonlinear control tools for this class of systems. Specifically, we consider the regulation and tracking control problems for multi-input/multi-output parametric strict-feedback systems in the presence of additive, exogenous disturbances and parametric uncertainties. For such systems, robust adaptive controllers usually cannot ensure asymptotic tracking or even regulation. In this work, under the assumption the disturbances are C2 with bounded time derivatives; we present a new C0 robust adaptive control construction that guarantees the output/tracking error is asymptotically driven to zero. Numerical examples illustrate the main results, including cases where the disturbances do not satisfy the aforementioned assumptions

    Adaptive Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller with Neural Network Compensator for an Ultrasonic Motor

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    Ultrasonic motors (USMs) are commonly used in aerospace, robotics, and medical devices, where fast and precise motion is needed. Remarkably, sliding mode controller (SMC) is an effective controller to achieve precision motion control of the USMs. To improve the tracking accuracy and lower the chattering in the SMC, the fractional-order calculus is introduced in the design of an adaptive SMC in this paper, namely, adaptive fractional-order SMC (AFOSMC), in which the bound of the uncertainty existing in the USMs is estimated by a designed adaptive law. Additionally, a short memory principle is employed to overcome the difficulty of implementing the fractional-order calculus on a practical system in real-time. Here, the short memory principle may increase the tracking errors because some information is lost during its operation. Thus, a compensator according to the framework of Bellman's optimal control theory is proposed so that the residual errors caused by the short memory principle can be attenuated. Lastly, experiments on a USM are conducted, which comparative results verify the performance of the designed controller.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure