341 research outputs found

    'Extremotaxis': Computing with a bacterial-inspired algorithm

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    We present a general-purpose optimization algorithm inspired by “run-and-tumble”, the biased random walk chemotactic swimming strategy used by the bacterium Escherichia coli to locate regions of high nutrient concentration The method uses particles (corresponding to bacteria) that swim through the variable space (corresponding to the attractant concentration profile). By constantly performing temporal comparisons, the particles drift towards the minimum or maximum of the function of interest. We illustrate the use of our method with four examples. We also present a discrete version of the algorithm. The new algorithm is expected to be useful in combinatorial optimization problems involving many variables, where the functional landscape is apparently stochastic and has local minima, but preserves some derivative structure at intermediate scales

    Quantum Inspired Chaotic Salp Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Optimization

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    Many real-world problems are dynamic optimization problems that are unknown beforehand. In practice, unpredictable events such as the arrival of new jobs, due date changes, and reservation cancellations, changes in parameters or constraints make the search environment dynamic. Many algorithms are designed to deal with stationary optimization problems, but these algorithms do not face dynamic optimization problems or manage them correctly. Although some optimization algorithms are proposed to deal with the changes in dynamic environments differently, there are still areas of improvement in existing algorithms due to limitations or drawbacks, especially in terms of locating and following the previously identified optima. With this in mind, we studied a variant of SSA known as QSSO, which integrates the principles of quantum computing. An attempt is made to improve the overall performance of standard SSA to deal with the dynamic environment effectively by locating and tracking the global optima for DOPs. This work is an extension of the proposed new algorithm QSSO, known as the Quantum-inspired Chaotic Salp Swarm Optimization (QCSSO) Algorithm, which details the various approaches considered while solving DOPs. A chaotic operator is employed with quantum computing to respond to change and guarantee to increase individual searchability by improving population diversity and the speed at which the algorithm converges. We experimented by evaluating QCSSO on a well-known generalized dynamic benchmark problem (GDBG) provided for CEC 2009, followed by a comparative numerical study with well-regarded algorithms. As promised, the introduced QCSSO is discovered as the rival algorithm for DOPs.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 1 algorith

    Reactive scheduling to treat disruptive events in the MRCPSP

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    Esta tesis se centra en diseñar y desarrollar una metodología para abordar el MRCPSP con diversas funciones objetivo y diferentes tipos de interrupciones. En esta tesis se exploran el MRCPSP con dos funciones objetivo, a saber: (1) minimizar la duración del proyecto y (2) maximizar el valor presente neto del proyecto. Luego, se tiene en cuenta dos tipos diferentes de interrupciones, (a) interrupción de duración, e (b) interrupción de recurso renovable. Para resolver el MRCPSP, en esta tesis se proponen tres estrategias metaheurísticas: (1) algoritmo memético para minimizar la duración del proyecto, (2) algoritmo adaptativo de forrajeo bacteriano para maximizar el valor presente neto del proyecto y (3) algoritmo de optimización multiobjetivo de forrajeo bacteriano (MBFO) para resolver el MRCPSP con eventos de interrupción. Para juzgar el rendimiento del algoritmo memético y de forrajeo bacteriano propuestos, se ha llevado a cabo un extenso análisis basado en diseño factorial y diseño Taguchi para controlar y optimizar los parámetros del algoritmo. Además se han puesto a prueba resolviendo las instancias de los conjuntos más importantes en la literatura: PSPLIB (10,12,14,16,18,20 y 30 actividades) y MMLIB (50 y 100 actividades). También se ha demostrado la superioridad de los algoritmos metaheurísticos propuestos sobre otros enfoques heurísticos y metaheurísticos del estado del arte. A partir de los estudios experimentales se ha ajustado la MBFO, utilizando un caso de estudio.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Industria

    A MOPSO Algorithm Based Exclusively on Pareto Dominance Concepts

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    Copyright © 2005 Springer Verlag. The final publication is available at link.springer.com3rd International Conference, EMO 2005, Guanajuato, Mexico, March 9-11, 2005. ProceedingsBook title: Evolutionary Multi-Criterion OptimizationIn extending the Particle Swarm Optimisation methodology to multi-objective problems it is unclear how global guides for particles should be selected. Previous work has relied on metric information in objective space, although this is at variance with the notion of dominance which is used to assess the quality of solutions. Here we propose methods based exclusively on dominance for selecting guides from a non-dominated archive. The methods are evaluated on standard test problems and we find that probabilistic selection favouring archival particles that dominate few particles provides good convergence towards and coverage of the Pareto front. We demonstrate that the scheme is robust to changes in objective scaling. We propose and evaluate methods for confining particles to the feasible region, and find that allowing particles to explore regions close to the constraint boundaries is important to ensure convergence to the Pareto front

    Evolutionary design optimization of traffic signals applied to Quito city

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    This work applies evolutionary computation and machine learning methods to study the transportation system of Quito from a design optimization perspective. It couples an evolutionary algorithm with a microscopic transport simulator and uses the outcome of the optimization process to deepen our understanding of the problem and gain knowledge about the system. The work focuses on the optimization of a large number of traffic lights deployed on a wide area of the city and studies their impact on travel time, emissions and fuel consumption. An evolutionary algorithm with specialized mutation operators is proposed to search effectively in large decision spaces, evolving small populations for a short number of generations. The effects of the operators combined with a varying mutation schedule are studied, and an analysis of the parameters of the algorithm is also included. In addition, hierarchical clustering is performed on the best solutions found in several runs of the algorithm. An analysis of signal clusters and their geolocation, estimation of fuel consumption, spatial analysis of emissions, and an analysis of signal coordination provide an overall picture of the systemic effects of the optimization process

    Optimisation par essaim particulaire (adaptation de tribes à l'optimisation multiobjectif)

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    Dans le cadre de l'optimisation multiobjectif, les métaheuristiques sont reconnues pour être des méthodes performantes mais elles ne rencontrent qu'un succès modéré dans le monde de l'industrie. Dans un milieu où seule la performance compte, l'aspect stochastique des métaheuristiques semble encore être un obstacle difficile à franchir pour les décisionnaires. Il est donc important que les chercheurs de la communauté portent un effort tout particulier sur la facilité de prise en main des algorithmes. Plus les algorithmes seront faciles d'accès pour les utilisateurs novices, plus l'utilisation de ceux-ci pourra se répandre. Parmi les améliorations possibles, la réduction du nombre de paramètres des algorithmes apparaît comme un enjeu majeur. En effet, les métaheuristiques sont fortement dépendantes de leur jeu de paramètres. Dans ce cadre se situe l'apport majeur de TRIBES, un algorithme mono-objectif d'Optimisation par Essaim Particulaire (OEP) qui fonctionne automatiquement,sans paramètres. Il a été mis au point par Maurice Clerc. En fait, le fonctionnement de l'OEP nécessite la manipulation de plusieurs paramètres. De ce fait, TRIBES évite l'effort de les régler (taille de l'essaim, vitesse maximale, facteur d'inertie, etc.).Nous proposons dans cette thèse une adaptation de TRIBES à l'optimisation multiobjectif. L'objectif est d'obtenir un algorithme d'optimisation par essaim particulaire multiobjectif sans paramètres de contrôle. Nous reprenons les principaux mécanismes de TRIBES auxquels sont ajoutés de nouveaux mécanismes destinés à traiter des problèmes multiobjectif. Après les expérimentations, nous avons constaté, que TRIBES-Multiobjectif est moins compétitif par rapport aux algorithmes de référence dans la littérature. Ceci peut être expliqué par la stagnation prématurée de l'essaim. Pour remédier à ces problèmes, nous avons proposé l'hybridation entre TRIBES-Multiobjectif et un algorithme de recherche locale, à savoir le recuit simulé et la recherche tabou. L'idée était d'améliorer la capacité d'exploitation deTRIBES-Multiobjectif. Nos algorithmes ont été finalement appliqués sur des problèmes de dimensionnement des transistors dans les circuits analogiquesMeta-heuristics are recognized to be successful to deal with multiobjective optimization problems but still with limited success in engineering fields. In an environment where only the performance counts, the stochastic aspect of meta-heuristics again seems to be a difficult obstacle to cross for the decision-makers. It is, thus, important that the researchers of the community concern a quite particular effort to ease the handling of those algorithms. The more the algorithms will be easily accessible for the novices, the more the use of these algorithms can spread. Among the possible improvements, reducing the number of parameters is considered as the most challenging one. In fact, the performance of meta-heuristics is strongly dependent on their parameters values. TRIBES presents an attempt to remedy this problem. In fact, it is a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm that works in an autonomous way. It was proposed by Maurice Clerc. Indeed, like every other meta-heuristic, PSO requires many parameters to be fitted every time a new problem is considered. The major contribution of TRIBES is to avoid the effort of fitting them. We propose, in this thesis, an adaptation of TRIBES to the multiobjective optimization. Our aim is to conceive a competitive PSO algorithm free of parameters. We consider the main mechanisms of TRIBES to which are added new mechanisms intended to handle multiobjective problems. After the experimentations, we noticed that Multiobjective-TRIBESis not competitive compared to other multiobjective algorithms representative of the state of art. It can be explained by the premature stagnation of the swarm. To remedy these problems, we proposed the hybridization between Multiobjective-TRIBES and local search algorithms such as simulated annealing and tabu search. The idea behind the hybridization was to improve the capacity of exploitation of Multiobjective-TRIBES. Our algorithms were finally applied to sizing analogical circuits' problemsPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An ADRC-Incorporated Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for Latent Factor Analysis

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    High-dimensional and incomplete (HDI) matrix contains many complex interactions between numerous nodes. A stochastic gradient descent (SGD)-based latent factor analysis (LFA) model is remarkably effective in extracting valuable information from an HDI matrix. However, such a model commonly encounters the problem of slow convergence because a standard SGD algorithm only considers the current learning error to compute the stochastic gradient without considering the historical and future state of the learning error. To address this critical issue, this paper innovatively proposes an ADRC-incorporated SGD (ADS) algorithm by refining the instance learning error by considering the historical and future state by following the principle of an ADRC controller. With it, an ADS-based LFA model is further achieved for fast and accurate latent factor analysis on an HDI matrix. Empirical studies on two HDI datasets demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art LFA models in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy for predicting the missing data of an HDI matrix