7,892 research outputs found

    A Historical Perspective on Runtime Assertion Checking in Software Development

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    This report presents initial results in the area of software testing and analysis produced as part of the Software Engineering Impact Project. The report describes the historical development of runtime assertion checking, including a description of the origins of and significant features associated with assertion checking mechanisms, and initial findings about current industrial use. A future report will provide a more comprehensive assessment of development practice, for which we invite readers of this report to contribute information

    Performance Measures to Assess Resiliency and Efficiency of Transit Systems

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    Transit agencies are interested in assessing the short-, mid-, and long-term performance of infrastructure with the objective of enhancing resiliency and efficiency. This report addresses three distinct aspects of New Jersey’s Transit System: 1) resiliency of bridge infrastructure, 2) resiliency of public transit systems, and 3) efficiency of transit systems with an emphasis on paratransit service. This project proposed a conceptual framework to assess the performance and resiliency for bridge structures in a transit network before and after disasters utilizing structural health monitoring (SHM), finite element (FE) modeling and remote sensing using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). The public transit systems in NY/NJ were analyzed based on their vulnerability, resiliency, and efficiency in recovery following a major natural disaster

    Reasoning About the Reliability of Multi-version, Diverse Real-Time Systems

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    This paper is concerned with the development of reliable real-time systems for use in high integrity applications. It advocates the use of diverse replicated channels, but does not require the dependencies between the channels to be evaluated. Rather it develops and extends the approach of Little wood and Rush by (for general systems) by investigating a two channel system in which one channel, A, is produced to a high level of reliability (i.e. has a very low failure rate), while the other, B, employs various forms of static analysis to sustain an argument that it is perfect (i.e. it will never miss a deadline). The first channel is fully functional, the second contains a more restricted computational model and contains only the critical computations. Potential dependencies between the channels (and their verification) are evaluated in terms of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. At the aleatory level the events ''A fails" and ''B is imperfect" are independent. Moreover, unlike the general case, independence at the epistemic level is also proposed for common forms of implementation and analysis for real-time systems and their temporal requirements (deadlines). As a result, a systematic approach is advocated that can be applied in a real engineering context to produce highly reliable real-time systems, and to support numerical claims about the level of reliability achieved

    The development and deployment of formal methods in the UK

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    UK researchers have made major contributions to the technical ideas underpinning formal approaches to the specification and development of computer systems. Perhaps as a consequence of this, some of the significant attempts to deploy theoretical ideas into practical environments have taken place in the UK. The authors of this paper have been involved in formal methods for many years and both have tracked a significant proportion of the whole story. This paper both lists key ideas and indicates where attempts were made to use the ideas in practice. Not all of these deployment stories have been a complete success and an attempt is made to tease out lessons that influence the probability of long-term impact.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Perhitungan Perkiraan Sisa Umur Pipa Gas pada LPG Station Amurang dengan Perangkat Lunak Caesar II

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    PT Elnusa Petrofin merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produk dan jasa migas. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi bahan bakar dan gas LPG, PT Elnusa Petrofin mengoperasikan Terminal LPG dengan pipa penyalur yang berada di Amurang, Sulawesi Utara. TLPG tersebut akan dikaji terkait sisa umur dari pipa tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tegangan yang terjadi pada pipa penyalur gas LPG. Selain itu, penelitian ini dilakukan agar dapat mengetahui sisa umur dari pipa penyalur tersebut dan menjamin keamanan serta operasi berkelanjutan dari peralatan tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan secara numerik menggunakan perangkat lunak CAESAR II untuk menganalisis tegangan yang terjadi pada pipa penyalur tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan jenis beban data desain dan data operasional. Nilai tegangan yang didapatkan hasil dari simulasi dibandingkan dengan nilai tegangan hasil perhitungan teoretis menggunakan rumus. Lalu, dari perhitungan tersebut dapat ditentukan jika pipa dalam kondisi aman sesuai dengan standar. Kemudian, untuk menghitung sisa umur dari pipa tersebut harus didapatkan data aktual dari pipa penyalur. Data tersebut nantinya akan digunakan untuk perhitungan sisa umur dari pipa penyalur yang akan dianalisis

    Linkage between knowledge management practices towards library user’s satisfaction at Malaysian University Libraries

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    Academic library services have begun to apply various knowledge management (KM) practices in the provision of library services. KM has been developed to enhance the use of organizational knowledge through practices and organizational learning. KM practices include the creation, capture and/or acquisition of knowledge, its retention and organization, its dissemination and re-use, and general responsiveness to the new knowledge. The focus of this research is the assessment of KM practices, particularly creation, acquisition, capture, sharing, recording and preservation, and their effects on Library User’s Satisfaction (LUS) in Malaysian university libraries. The objective of this research is the development of a model to enhance KM processes (i.e. Creation, acquisition, capturing, sharing, recording, and preserving) and to improve library users’ satisfaction. A quantitative approach in research methodology is employed (e.g. Questionnaire) for the purpose of generating new knowledge and understanding of library concerns. The findings of this research show that the overall KM practice at six Malaysian university libraries is at a high level. The findings from the structural model indicated that two KM processes, namely knowledge creation and acquisition, are not supported in terms of KM practices at Malaysian university libraries. Other KM processes, namely capturing, sharing, recording, and preserving are fully supported towards KM practices in the library. Hence, the major contribution of this research is a model, namely KM Practice-Library User’s Satisfaction (KMP-LUS) highlighting six KM processes based on strong Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) fit indices
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