11 research outputs found

    An approach on 3D digital design: free hand form generation

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    To sketch is to translate a concept from mind to its first representation. Conventionally, sketching of a three dimensional idea is drawn on paper, or by building a physical model, and then adjusting it into digital translation. The thesis hypothesizes that architects employ tangible interactions to assist design-thinking tasks in early design phases. This thesis suggests another approach on 3D digital design, as a complementary resource for expressing a concept, hence enriching the creative process. A proposal for a new CAD paradigm, based on freehand form generation is detailed here, as well as the development and testing completed during the course of the research. This work describes the required characteristics of this kind of system and discusses the possibilities afforded by this new medium of expression, pointing its strengths and current limitations. The fundamental guidelines to this research were: (1) non-intrusiveness of the input and visualization devices, (2) wireless free hand drawing in 3D space, (3) instinctive interface and (4) exporting capabilities to other CAD systems. In conclusion this work argues that 3D design, based on free hand form generation, allows for an enhancement of the traditional creative process through spontaneous and immediate translation of a concept into 3D digital form

    A Systematic Survey of Skin Detection Algorithms, Applications and Issues

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    ABSTRACT In the current era of World Wide Web, human skin detection is a critical parameter in computer vision and image processing applications. With diverse range of applications in forensic sciences, medical imaging, pornography filtering, image retrieval, video surveillance etc., skin detection algorithms are to face many challenges. The major problems in detection of human skin color are varying shades of human skin, color spaces, skin color daily life objects, and illumination conditions. This paper is a systematic study of human skin color detection methods and their classification. Moreover different domains of application are also discussed. The work presented in this paper is a survey of algorithmic techniques proposed so far, their implementation, numerical evaluation results, comparative analysis and discussion on complications

    Haar like and LBP based features for face, head and people detection in video sequences

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    International audienceActual computer vision algorithms cannot extract semantic information of people activity coming from the large and increasing amount of surveillance cameras installed around the world. Algorithms need to analyse video content at real time frame rate and with a false alarm detection rate as small as possible. Such algorithms can be dedicated and specifically parameterised in certain applications and restrained environment. To make algorithms as useful as possible, they need to tackle many challenging issues in order to correctly analyse human activties. For instance, people are rarely entirely seen in a video because of static (contextual object or they are partly seen by the camera field of view) and dynamic occlusion (e.g. person in front of another). We here present a novel people, head and face detection algorithm using Local Binary Pattern based features and Haar like features which we refer to as couple cell features. An Adaboost training scheme is adopted to train object features. During detection, integral images are used to speed up the process which can reach several frames per second in surveillance videos

    Real Time Image Segmentation for Face Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    The segmentation of objects whose colorcomposition is not trivial represents a difficult task. In this work we propose a fuzzy algorithm application for the segmentation of such objects. It is chosen; by the characteristics that it represents the face segmentation. A priori knowledge about spectral information for certain face skin region classes is used in order to classify image in fuzzy logic classification procedure. The basic idea was to perform the classification procedure first in the supervised and then in fuzzy logic manner. Some information, needed for membership function definition, was taken from supervised maximum likelihood classification. The system uses three membership functions which are taken as Gaussian distribution curve. For real time needs, the system is implemented on an FPGA

    Vision based interactive toys environment

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    MakeUP Stylist

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    Este proyecto, es una aplicación de escritorio que simula los efectos que se producen al aplicar un determinado maquillaje, o un complemento como podrían ser unas gafas, sobre un rostro. Por eso hemos llamado a este proyecto, MakeUP Stylist, algo así como estilista de maquillaje. Sobre las características técnicas , hemos de decir que está programado en C#, con un diseño de interfaces, basado en la tecnología WPF. Para detectar las caras a maquillar o sus elementos, ojos y boca, hemos empleado una potente librería de visión por computador llamada OpenCv, en su versión .Net: Emgu. Utiliza un estilo de programación basado en el modelo 3 capas y un patrón de diseño llamado Model-View-ViewModel. A groso modo, este programa funciona de la siguiente forma, realiza una captura de de imágenes empleando una cámara web o una imagen cargada del sistema, procesa la información obtenida buscando los elementos de la cara y muestra una serie de respuestas y/o soluciones basadas en el maquillaje.Sahuquillo Falaguera, S.; Fortuny Elvira, O.; Sabic, N. (2012). MakeUP Stylist. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/17032.Archivo delegad

    Abordagens multiescala para descrição de textura

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    Orientadores: Hélio Pedrini, William Robson SchwartzDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Visão computacional e processamento de imagens desempenham um papel importante em diversas áreas, incluindo detecção de objetos e classificação de imagens, tarefas muito importantes para aplicações em imagens médicas, sensoriamento remoto, análise forense, detecção de pele, entre outras. Estas tarefas dependem fortemente de informação visual extraída de imagens que possa ser utilizada para descrevê-las eficientemente. Textura é uma das principais propriedades usadas para descrever informação tal como distribuição espacial, brilho e arranjos estruturais de superfícies. Para reconhecimento e classificação de imagens, um grande grupo de descritores de textura foi investigado neste trabalho, sendo que apenas parte deles é realmente multiescala. Matrizes de coocorrência em níveis de cinza (GLCM) são amplamente utilizadas na literatura e bem conhecidas como um descritor de textura efetivo. No entanto, este descritor apenas discrimina informação em uma única escala, isto é, a imagem original. Escalas podem oferecer informações importantes em análise de imagens, pois textura pode ser percebida por meio de diferentes padrões em diferentes escalas. Dessa forma, duas estratégias diferentes para estender a matriz de coocorrência para múltiplas escalas são apresentadas: (i) uma representação de escala-espaço Gaussiana, construída pela suavização da imagem por um filtro passa-baixa e (ii) uma pirâmide de imagens, que é definida pelo amostragem de imagens em espaço e escala. Este descritor de textura é comparado com outros descritores em diferentes bases de dados. O descritor de textura proposto e então aplicado em um contexto de detecção de pele, como forma de melhorar a acurácia do processo de detecção. Resultados experimentais demonstram que a extensão multiescala da matriz de coocorrência exibe melhora considerável nas bases de dados testadas, exibindo resultados superiores em relação a diversos outros descritores, incluindo a versão original da matriz de coocorrência em escala únicaAbstract: Computer vision and image processing techniques play an important role in several fields, including object detection and image classification, which are very important tasks with applications in medical imagery, remote sensing, forensic analysis, skin detection, among others. These tasks strongly depend on visual information extracted from images that can be used to describe them efficiently. Texture is one of the main used characteristics that describes information such as spatial distribution, brightness and surface structural arrangements. For image recognition and classification, a large set of texture descriptors was investigated in this work, such that only a small fraction is actually multi-scale. Gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) have been widely used in the literature and are known to be an effective texture descriptor. However, such descriptor only discriminates information on a unique scale, that is, the original image. Scales can offer important information in image analysis, since texture can be perceived as different patterns at distinct scales. For that matter, two different strategies for extending the GLCM to multiple scales are presented: (i) a Gaussian scale-space representation, constructed by smoothing the image with a low-pass filter and (ii) an image pyramid, which is defined by sampling the image both in space and scale. This texture descriptor is evaluated against others in different data sets. Then, the proposed texture descriptor is applied in skin detection context, as a mean of improving the accuracy of the detection process. Experimental results demonstrated that the GLCM multi-scale extension has remarkable improvements on tested data sets, outperforming many other feature descriptors, including the original GLCMMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Iskanje obrazov na osnovi barv s pomočjo statističnih metod razpoznavanja vzorcev

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    V zadnjem času postaja video nadzor vse pomembnejši in s tem tudi sistemi za iskanje in prepoznavo človeških obrazov na slikah. Zato se v magistrskem delu ukvarjam s problemom iskanja obrazov na slikah. Pri metodah za iskanje obrazov na podlagi barve smo velikokrat omejeni na človeške obraze samo določene polti, same metode pa so tudi zelo odvisne od osvetlitve. V magistrskem delu zato poskušam s pomočjo kromatičnega barvnega prostora odvisnost od osvetlitve zmanjšati. Preizkusil bom različne metode za barvno segmentacijo na osnovi parametričnega in neparametričnega modela. S pomočjo teh modelov bom poskušal modelirati kožno barvo pri različnih osvetlitvah in različnih kožnih polteh. Uspešnost metod bom primerjal z metodo, ki deluje v barvnem prostoru RGB na osnovi eksplicitno določenih mej. Za potrjevanje označenih kožnih regij bom uporabil metodo na osnovi videza, ki nam med vsemi metodami obljublja najboljše rezultate. Izdelal in preizkusil bom metodo BDF, ki na osnovi naučenega vzorca obraza in neobraza s pomočjo Bayesovega klasifikatorja najde frontalne obraze na sivinskih slikah. Glavna slabost metod na osnovi videza je njihova časovna zahtevnost, zato bom poskušal izdelati metodo, ki bo kombinirala pristop na osnovi barv in pristop na osnovi videza. S pomočjo tako izdelane metode bom poskušal doseči hitro in učinkovito iskanje frontalnih obrazov na barvnih slikah

    Modelo de processamento de imagem, com múltiplas fontes de aquisição, para manipulação aplicada à domótica

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    Este trabalho foca-se em modelos de processamento de imagem para utilização na visão por computador. Modelos de processamento de imagem com multi-aquisição e/ou em multi-perspectiva, para um conhecimento do meio circundante, com possibilidade de comando e controlo na área da domótica e/ou robótica móvel. Os algoritmos desenvolvidos têm a capacidade de serem implementados em blocos de software ou hardware, de forma independente (autónomos), ou integrados como componentes de um sistema mais complexo. O desenvolvimento dos algoritmos privilegiou o seu elevado desempenho, constrangido pela minimização da carga computacional. Nos modelos de processamento de imagem desenvolvidos foram focados 4 tópicos fundamentais de investigação: a) detecção de movimento de objectos e seres humano em ambiente não controlado; b) detecção da face humana, a ser usada como variável de controlo (entre outras aplicações); c) capacidade de utilização de multi-fontes de aquisição e processamento de imagem, com diferentes condições de iluminação não controladas, integradas num sistema complexo com diversas topologias; d) capacidade de funcionamento de forma autónoma ou em rede distribuída, apenas comunicando resultados finais, ou integrados modularmente na solução final de sistemas complexos de aquisição de imagem. A implementação laboratorial, com teste em protótipos, foi ferramenta decisiva no melhoramento de todos os algoritmos desenvolvidos neste trabalho; IMAGE PROCESSING MODELS, WITH MULTIPLE ACQUISITION SOURCES, FOR MANIPULATION IN DOMOTICS Abstract: This work focuses on image processing models for computer vision. Image processing models with multi-acquisition and/or multi-perspective models were developed to acquire knowledge over the surrounding environment, allowing system control in the field of domotics and/or mobile robotics. The developed algorithms have the capacity to be implemented in software or hardware blocks, independently (autonomous), or integrated as a component in more complex systems. The development of the algorithms was focused on high performance constrained by the computational burden minimization. In the developed image processing models it were addressed 4 main research topics: a) movement detection of objects and human beings in an uncontrolled environment; b) detection of the human face to be used as a control variable (among other applications); c) possibility of using multi-sources of acquisition and image processing, with different uncontrolled lighting conditions, integrated into a complex system with different topologies; d) ability to work as an autonomous entity or as a node integrated on a distributed network, only transmitting final results, or integrated as a link in a complex image processing system. The laboratorial implementation, with prototype tests, was the main tool for the improvement of all developed algorithms, discussed in the present wor