58 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review of fruit and vegetable classification techniques

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    Recent advancements in computer vision have enabled wide-ranging applications in every field of life. One such application area is fresh produce classification, but the classification of fruit and vegetable has proven to be a complex problem and needs to be further developed. Fruit and vegetable classification presents significant challenges due to interclass similarities and irregular intraclass characteristics. Selection of appropriate data acquisition sensors and feature representation approach is also crucial due to the huge diversity of the field. Fruit and vegetable classification methods have been developed for quality assessment and robotic harvesting but the current state-of-the-art has been developed for limited classes and small datasets. The problem is of a multi-dimensional nature and offers significantly hyperdimensional features, which is one of the major challenges with current machine learning approaches. Substantial research has been conducted for the design and analysis of classifiers for hyperdimensional features which require significant computational power to optimise with such features. In recent years numerous machine learning techniques for example, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been exploited with many different feature description methods for fruit and vegetable classification in many real-life applications. This paper presents a critical comparison of different state-of-the-art computer vision methods proposed by researchers for classifying fruit and vegetable

    Learning-based robotic manipulation for dynamic object handling : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechatronic Engineering at the School of Food and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Turitea Campus, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Figures are re-used in this thesis with permission of their respective publishers or under a Creative Commons licence.Recent trends have shown that the lifecycles and production volumes of modern products are shortening. Consequently, many manufacturers subject to frequent change prefer flexible and reconfigurable production systems. Such schemes are often achieved by means of manual assembly, as conventional automated systems are perceived as lacking flexibility. Production lines that incorporate human workers are particularly common within consumer electronics and small appliances. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a possible avenue to achieve smart robotic automation in this context. In this research it is argued that a robust, autonomous object handling process plays a crucial role in future manufacturing systems that incorporate robotics—key to further closing the gap between manual and fully automated production. Novel object grasping is a difficult task, confounded by many factors including object geometry, weight distribution, friction coefficients and deformation characteristics. Sensing and actuation accuracy can also significantly impact manipulation quality. Another challenge is understanding the relationship between these factors, a specific grasping strategy, the robotic arm and the employed end-effector. Manipulation has been a central research topic within robotics for many years. Some works focus on design, i.e. specifying a gripper-object interface such that the effects of imprecise gripper placement and other confounding control-related factors are mitigated. Many universal robotic gripper designs have been considered, including 3-fingered gripper designs, anthropomorphic grippers, granular jamming end-effectors and underactuated mechanisms. While such approaches have maintained some interest, contemporary works predominantly utilise machine learning in conjunction with imaging technologies and generic force-closure end-effectors. Neural networks that utilise supervised and unsupervised learning schemes with an RGB or RGB-D input make up the bulk of publications within this field. Though many solutions have been studied, automatically generating a robust grasp configuration for objects not known a priori, remains an open-ended problem. An element of this issue relates to a lack of objective performance metrics to quantify the effectiveness of a solution—which has traditionally driven the direction of community focus by highlighting gaps in the state-of-the-art. This research employs monocular vision and deep learning to generate—and select from—a set of hypothesis grasps. A significant portion of this research relates to the process by which a final grasp is selected. Grasp synthesis is achieved by sampling the workspace using convolutional neural networks trained to recognise prospective grasp areas. Each potential pose is evaluated by the proposed method in conjunction with other input modalities—such as load-cells and an alternate perspective. To overcome human bias and build upon traditional metrics, scores are established to objectively quantify the quality of an executed grasp trial. Learning frameworks that aim to maximise for these scores are employed in the selection process to improve performance. The proposed methodology and associated metrics are empirically evaluated. A physical prototype system was constructed, employing a Dobot Magician robotic manipulator, vision enclosure, imaging system, conveyor, sensing unit and control system. Over 4,000 trials were conducted utilising 100 objects. Experimentation showed that robotic manipulation quality could be improved by 10.3% when selecting to optimise for the proposed metrics—quantified by a metric related to translational error. Trials further demonstrated a grasp success rate of 99.3% for known objects and 98.9% for objects for which a priori information is unavailable. For unknown objects, this equated to an improvement of approximately 10% relative to other similar methodologies in literature. A 5.3% reduction in grasp rate was observed when removing the metrics as selection criteria for the prototype system. The system operated at approximately 1 Hz when contemporary hardware was employed. Experimentation demonstrated that selecting a grasp pose based on the proposed metrics improved grasp rates by up to 4.6% for known objects and 2.5% for unknown objects—compared to selecting for grasp rate alone. This project was sponsored by the Richard and Mary Earle Technology Trust, the Ken and Elizabeth Powell Bursary and the Massey University Foundation. Without the financial support provided by these entities, it would not have been possible to construct the physical robotic system used for testing and experimentation. This research adds to the field of robotic manipulation, contributing to topics on grasp-induced error analysis, post-grasp error minimisation, grasp synthesis framework design and general grasp synthesis. Three journal publications and one IEEE Xplore paper have been published as a result of this research

    Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Era

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    This book reprints articles from the Special Issue "Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Age" published online in the open-access journal Machines (ISSN 2075-1702). This book consists of twelve published articles. This special edition belongs to the "Mechatronic and Intelligent Machines" section

    Computer vision based classification of fruits and vegetables for self-checkout at supermarkets

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    The field of machine learning, and, in particular, methods to improve the capability of machines to perform a wider variety of generalised tasks are among the most rapidly growing research areas in today’s world. The current applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence can be divided into many significant fields namely computer vision, data sciences, real time analytics and Natural Language Processing (NLP). All these applications are being used to help computer based systems to operate more usefully in everyday contexts. Computer vision research is currently active in a wide range of areas such as the development of autonomous vehicles, object recognition, Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), image segmentation and terrestrial analysis from space (i.e. crop estimation). Despite significant prior research, the area of object recognition still has many topics to be explored. This PhD thesis focuses on using advanced machine learning approaches to enable the automated recognition of fresh produce (i.e. fruits and vegetables) at supermarket self-checkouts. This type of complex classification task is one of the most recently emerging applications of advanced computer vision approaches and is a productive research topic in this field due to the limited means of representing the features and machine learning techniques for classification. Fruits and vegetables offer significant inter and intra class variance in weight, shape, size, colour and texture which makes the classification challenging. The applications of effective fruit and vegetable classification have significant importance in daily life e.g. crop estimation, fruit classification, robotic harvesting, fruit quality assessment, etc. One potential application for this fruit and vegetable classification capability is for supermarket self-checkouts. Increasingly, supermarkets are introducing self-checkouts in stores to make the checkout process easier and faster. However, there are a number of challenges with this as all goods cannot readily be sold with packaging and barcodes, for instance loose fresh items (e.g. fruits and vegetables). Adding barcodes to these types of items individually is impractical and pre-packaging limits the freedom of choice when selecting fruits and vegetables and creates additional waste, hence reducing customer satisfaction. The current situation, which relies on customers correctly identifying produce themselves leaves open the potential for incorrect billing either due to inadvertent error, or due to intentional fraudulent misclassification resulting in financial losses for the store. To address this identified problem, the main goals of this PhD work are: (a) exploring the types of visual and non-visual sensors that could be incorporated into a self-checkout system for classification of fruits and vegetables, (b) determining a suitable feature representation method for fresh produce items available at supermarkets, (c) identifying optimal machine learning techniques for classification within this context and (d) evaluating our work relative to the state-of-the-art object classification results presented in the literature. An in-depth analysis of related computer vision literature and techniques is performed to identify and implement the possible solutions. A progressive process distribution approach is used for this project where the task of computer vision based fruit and vegetables classification is divided into pre-processing and classification techniques. Different classification techniques have been implemented and evaluated as possible solution for this problem. Both visual and non-visual features of fruit and vegetables are exploited to perform the classification. Novel classification techniques have been carefully developed to deal with the complex and highly variant physical features of fruit and vegetables while taking advantages of both visual and non-visual features. The capability of classification techniques is tested in individual and ensemble manner to achieved the higher effectiveness. Significant results have been obtained where it can be concluded that the fruit and vegetables classification is complex task with many challenges involved. It is also observed that a larger dataset can better comprehend the complex variant features of fruit and vegetables. Complex multidimensional features can be extracted from the larger datasets to generalise on higher number of classes. However, development of a larger multiclass dataset is an expensive and time consuming process. The effectiveness of classification techniques can be significantly improved by subtracting the background occlusions and complexities. It is also worth mentioning that ensemble of simple and less complicated classification techniques can achieve effective results even if applied to less number of features for smaller number of classes. The combination of visual and nonvisual features can reduce the struggle of a classification technique to deal with higher number of classes with similar physical features. Classification of fruit and vegetables with similar physical features (i.e. colour and texture) needs careful estimation and hyper-dimensional embedding of visual features. Implementing rigorous classification penalties as loss function can achieve this goal at the cost of time and computational requirements. There is a significant need to develop larger datasets for different fruit and vegetables related computer vision applications. Considering more sophisticated loss function penalties and discriminative hyper-dimensional features embedding techniques can significantly improve the effectiveness of the classification techniques for the fruit and vegetables applications

    3D Sensor Placement and Embedded Processing for People Detection in an Industrial Environment

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    Papers I, II and III are extracted from the dissertation and uploaded as separate documents to meet post-publication requirements for self-arciving of IEEE conference papers.At a time when autonomy is being introduced in more and more areas, computer vision plays a very important role. In an industrial environment, the ability to create a real-time virtual version of a volume of interest provides a broad range of possibilities, including safety-related systems such as vision based anti-collision and personnel tracking. In an offshore environment, where such systems are not common, the task is challenging due to rough weather and environmental conditions, but the result of introducing such safety systems could potentially be lifesaving, as personnel work close to heavy, huge, and often poorly instrumented moving machinery and equipment. This thesis presents research on important topics related to enabling computer vision systems in industrial and offshore environments, including a review of the most important technologies and methods. A prototype 3D sensor package is developed, consisting of different sensors and a powerful embedded computer. This, together with a novel, highly scalable point cloud compression and sensor fusion scheme allows to create a real-time 3D map of an industrial area. The question of where to place the sensor packages in an environment where occlusions are present is also investigated. The result is algorithms for automatic sensor placement optimisation, where the goal is to place sensors in such a way that maximises the volume of interest that is covered, with as few occluded zones as possible. The method also includes redundancy constraints where important sub-volumes can be defined to be viewed by more than one sensor. Lastly, a people detection scheme using a merged point cloud from six different sensor packages as input is developed. Using a combination of point cloud clustering, flattening and convolutional neural networks, the system successfully detects multiple people in an outdoor industrial environment, providing real-time 3D positions. The sensor packages and methods are tested and verified at the Industrial Robotics Lab at the University of Agder, and the people detection method is also tested in a relevant outdoor, industrial testing facility. The experiments and results are presented in the papers attached to this thesis.publishedVersio

    Teolliset älykamerat ja tuotantolinjan laaduntarkastussovelluksen rakentaminen

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    The technologies for continuous monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics, and control of assets have been developing tremendously in recent years. The new technologies provide tools to achieve greater predictability of plant behaviour and visibility, reduced safety risks, enhanced security and cost efficiency. eSonia project is researching a possibility to create an asset-aware and self recovery plant. In this thesis is implemented quality inspection part of eSonia project. The implementation includes choosing the camera and the components, building the inspection and the user interfaces, and also creating robust communication between the camera and the plant by using mixture of old industrial standards (like Modbus) and new technologies (like web services). The roadmap for building a machine vision application was tailored to suit smart cameras, and all the steps for building the inspection has been presented in detail. The implementation was done by using National Instrument’s NI1774C smart camera, and National Instruments Vision Builder AI software, and the web service was build on Inico’s remote terminal unit S1000. The hardware and software composition proved to be suitable to perform all the tasks, and to be well suited to the asset-aware factory environment. In this thesis is also presented the state of arts of smart cameras, for off-the-shelf solutions as well as for research projects. The market for smart cameras is increasing rapidly, and the market situation is presented together with the direction for future technological development

    Computational Multimedia for Video Self Modeling

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    Video self modeling (VSM) is a behavioral intervention technique in which a learner models a target behavior by watching a video of oneself. This is the idea behind the psychological theory of self-efficacy - you can learn or model to perform certain tasks because you see yourself doing it, which provides the most ideal form of behavior modeling. The effectiveness of VSM has been demonstrated for many different types of disabilities and behavioral problems ranging from stuttering, inappropriate social behaviors, autism, selective mutism to sports training. However, there is an inherent difficulty associated with the production of VSM material. Prolonged and persistent video recording is required to capture the rare, if not existed at all, snippets that can be used to string together in forming novel video sequences of the target skill. To solve this problem, in this dissertation, we use computational multimedia techniques to facilitate the creation of synthetic visual content for self-modeling that can be used by a learner and his/her therapist with a minimum amount of training data. There are three major technical contributions in my research. First, I developed an Adaptive Video Re-sampling algorithm to synthesize realistic lip-synchronized video with minimal motion jitter. Second, to denoise and complete the depth map captured by structure-light sensing systems, I introduced a layer based probabilistic model to account for various types of uncertainties in the depth measurement. Third, I developed a simple and robust bundle-adjustment based framework for calibrating a network of multiple wide baseline RGB and depth cameras

    Learning the surroundings: 3D scene understanding from omnidirectional images

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    Las redes neuronales se han extendido por todo el mundo, siendo utilizadas en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Estos métodos son capaces de reconocer música y audio, generar textos completos a partir de ideas simples u obtener información detallada y relevante de imágenes y videos. Las posibilidades que ofrecen las redes neuronales y métodos de aprendizaje profundo son incontables, convirtiéndose en la principal herramienta de investigación y nuevas aplicaciones en nuestra vida diaria. Al mismo tiempo, las imágenes omnidireccionales se están extendiendo dentro de la industria y nuestra sociedad, causando que la visión omnidireccional gane atención. A partir de imágenes 360 capturamos toda la información que rodea a la cámara en una sola toma.La combinación del aprendizaje profundo y la visión omnidireccional ha atraído a muchos investigadores. A partir de una única imagen omnidireccional se obtiene suficiente información del entorno para que una red neuronal comprenda sus alrededores y pueda interactuar con el entorno. Para aplicaciones como navegación y conducción autónoma, el uso de cámaras omnidireccionales proporciona información en torno del robot, person o vehículo, mientras que las cámaras convencionales carecen de esta información contextual debido a su reducido campo de visión. Aunque algunas aplicaciones pueden incluir varias cámaras convencionales para aumentar el campo de visión del sistema, tareas en las que el peso es importante (P.ej. guiado de personas con discapacidad visual o navegación de drones autónomos), un número reducido de dispositivos es altamente deseable.En esta tesis nos centramos en el uso conjunto de cámaras omnidireccionales, aprendizaje profundo, geometría y fotometría. Evaluamos diferentes enfoques para tratar con imágenes omnidireccionales, adaptando métodos a los modelos de proyección omnidireccionales y proponiendo nuevas soluciones para afrontar los retos de este tipo de imágenes. Para la comprensión de entornos interiores, proponemos una nueva red neuronal que obtiene segmentación semántica y mapas de profundidad de forma conjunta a partir de un único panoramaequirectangular. Nuestra red logra, con un nuevo enfoque convolucional, aprovechar la información del entorno proporcionada por la imagen panorámica y explotar la información combinada de semántica y profundidad. En el mismo tema, combinamos aprendizaje profundo y soluciones geométricas para recuperar el diseño estructural, junto con su escala, de entornos de interior a partir de un único panorama no central. Esta combinación de métodos proporciona una implementación rápida, debido a la red neuronal, y resultados precisos, gracias a lassoluciones geométricas. Además, también proponemos varios enfoques para la adaptación de redes neuronales a la distorsión de modelos de proyección omnidireccionales para la navegación y la adaptación del dominio soluciones previas. En términos generales, esta tesis busca encontrar soluciones novedosas e innovadoras para aprovechar las ventajas de las cámaras omnidireccionales y superar los desafíos que plantean.Neural networks have become widespread all around the world and are used for many different applications. These new methods are able to recognize music and audio, generate full texts from simple ideas and obtain detailed and relevant information from images and videos. The possibilities of neural networks and deep learning methods are uncountable, becoming the main tool for research and new applications in our daily-life. At the same time, omnidirectional and 360 images are also becoming widespread in industry and in consumer society, causing omnidirectional computer vision to gain attention. From 360 images, we capture all the information surrounding the camera in a single shot. The combination of deep learning methods and omnidirectional computer vision have attracted many researchers to this new field. From a single omnidirectional image, we obtain enough information of the environment to make a neural network understand its surroundings and interact with the environment. For applications such as navigation and autonomous driving, the use of omnidirectional cameras provide information all around the robot, person or vehicle, while conventional perspective cameras lack this context information due to their narrow field of view. Even if some applications can include several conventional cameras to increase the system's field of view, tasks where weight is more important (i.e. guidance of visually impaired people or navigation of autonomous drones), the less cameras we need to include, the better. In this thesis, we focus in the joint use of omnidirectional cameras, deep learning, geometry and photometric methods. We evaluate different approaches to handle omnidirectional images, adapting previous methods to the distortion of omnidirectional projection models and also proposing new solutions to tackle the challenges of this kind of images. For indoor scene understanding, we propose a novel neural network that jointly obtains semantic segmentation and depth maps from single equirectangular panoramas. Our network manages, with a new convolutional approach, to leverage the context information provided by the panoramic image and exploit the combined information of semantics and depth. In the same topic, we combine deep learning and geometric solvers to recover the scaled structural layout of indoor environments from single non-central panoramas. This combination provides a fast implementation, thanks to the learning approach, and accurate result, due to the geometric solvers. Additionally, we also propose several approaches of network adaptation to the distortion of omnidirectional projection models for outdoor navigation and domain adaptation of previous solutions. All in all, this thesis looks for finding novel and innovative solutions to take advantage of omnidirectional cameras while overcoming the challenges they pose.<br /
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