1,259 research outputs found

    Estimating Outdoor Illumination Conditions Based on Detection of Dynamic Shadows

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    Joint Material and Illumination Estimation from Photo Sets in the Wild

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    Faithful manipulation of shape, material, and illumination in 2D Internet images would greatly benefit from a reliable factorization of appearance into material (i.e., diffuse and specular) and illumination (i.e., environment maps). On the one hand, current methods that produce very high fidelity results, typically require controlled settings, expensive devices, or significant manual effort. To the other hand, methods that are automatic and work on 'in the wild' Internet images, often extract only low-frequency lighting or diffuse materials. In this work, we propose to make use of a set of photographs in order to jointly estimate the non-diffuse materials and sharp lighting in an uncontrolled setting. Our key observation is that seeing multiple instances of the same material under different illumination (i.e., environment), and different materials under the same illumination provide valuable constraints that can be exploited to yield a high-quality solution (i.e., specular materials and environment illumination) for all the observed materials and environments. Similar constraints also arise when observing multiple materials in a single environment, or a single material across multiple environments. The core of this approach is an optimization procedure that uses two neural networks that are trained on synthetic images to predict good gradients in parametric space given observation of reflected light. We evaluate our method on a range of synthetic and real examples to generate high-quality estimates, qualitatively compare our results against state-of-the-art alternatives via a user study, and demonstrate photo-consistent image manipulation that is otherwise very challenging to achieve

    Outdoor Illumination Estimation in Image Sequences for Augmented Reality

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    Innovative Techniques for Digitizing and Restoring Deteriorated Historical Documents

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    Recent large-scale document digitization initiatives have created new modes of access to modern library collections with the development of new hardware and software technologies. Most commonly, these digitization projects focus on accurately scanning bound texts, some reaching an efficiency of more than one million volumes per year. While vast digital collections are changing the way users access texts, current scanning paradigms can not handle many non-standard materials. Documentation forms such as manuscripts, scrolls, codices, deteriorated film, epigraphy, and rock art all hold a wealth of human knowledge in physical forms not accessible by standard book scanning technologies. This great omission motivates the development of new technology, presented by this thesis, that is not-only effective with deteriorated bound works, damaged manuscripts, and disintegrating photonegatives but also easily utilized by non-technical staff. First, a novel point light source calibration technique is presented that can be performed by library staff. Then, a photometric correction technique which uses known illumination and surface properties to remove shading distortions in deteriorated document images can be automatically applied. To complete the restoration process, a geometric correction is applied. Also unique to this work is the development of an image-based uncalibrated document scanner that utilizes the transmissivity of document substrates. This scanner extracts intrinsic document color information from one or both sides of a document. Simultaneously, the document shape is estimated to obtain distortion information. Lastly, this thesis provides a restoration framework for damaged photographic negatives that corrects photometric and geometric distortions. Current restoration techniques for the discussed form of negatives require physical manipulation to the photograph. The novel acquisition and restoration system presented here provides the first known solution to digitize and restore deteriorated photographic negatives without damaging the original negative in any way. This thesis work develops new methods of document scanning and restoration suitable for wide-scale deployment. By creating easy to access technologies, library staff can implement their own scanning initiatives and large-scale scanning projects can expand their current document-sets

    Surface Reflectance Estimation and Natural Illumination Statistics

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    Humans recognize optical reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper from a single image without knowledge of illumination. We develop a machine vision system to perform similar recognition tasks automatically. Reflectance estimation under unknown, arbitrary illumination proves highly underconstrained due to the variety of potential illumination distributions and surface reflectance properties. We have found that the spatial structure of real-world illumination possesses some of the statistical regularities observed in the natural image statistics literature. A human or computer vision system may be able to exploit this prior information to determine the most likely surface reflectance given an observed image. We develop an algorithm for reflectance classification under unknown real-world illumination, which learns relationships between surface reflectance and certain features (statistics) computed from a single observed image. We also develop an automatic feature selection method

    On Practical Sampling of Bidirectional Reflectance

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    Real-Time View-Dependent Visualization of Real World Glossy Surfaces

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    Neural 3D Video Synthesis

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    We propose a novel approach for 3D video synthesis that is able to represent multi-view video recordings of a dynamic real-world scene in a compact, yet expressive representation that enables high-quality view synthesis and motion interpolation. Our approach takes the high quality and compactness of static neural radiance fields in a new direction: to a model-free, dynamic setting. At the core of our approach is a novel time-conditioned neural radiance fields that represents scene dynamics using a set of compact latent codes. To exploit the fact that changes between adjacent frames of a video are typically small and locally consistent, we propose two novel strategies for efficient training of our neural network: 1) An efficient hierarchical training scheme, and 2) an importance sampling strategy that selects the next rays for training based on the temporal variation of the input videos. In combination, these two strategies significantly boost the training speed, lead to fast convergence of the training process, and enable high quality results. Our learned representation is highly compact and able to represent a 10 second 30 FPS multi-view video recording by 18 cameras with a model size of just 28MB. We demonstrate that our method can render high-fidelity wide-angle novel views at over 1K resolution, even for highly complex and dynamic scenes. We perform an extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation that shows that our approach outperforms the current state of the art. We include additional video and information at: https://neural-3d-video.github.io/Comment: Project website: https://neural-3d-video.github.io

    Improving SLI Performance in Optically Challenging Environments

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    The construction of 3D models of real-world scenes using non-contact methods is an important problem in computer vision. Some of the more successful methods belong to a class of techniques called structured light illumination (SLI). While SLI methods are generally very successful, there are cases where their performance is poor. Examples include scenes with a high dynamic range in albedo or scenes with strong interreflections. These scenes are referred to as optically challenging environments. The work in this dissertation is aimed at improving SLI performance in optically challenging environments. A new method of high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) based on pixel-by-pixel Kalman filtering is developed. Using objective metrics, it is show to achieve as much as a 9.4 dB improvement in signal-to-noise ratio and as much as a 29% improvement in radiometric accuracy over a classic method. Quality checks are developed to detect and quantify multipath interference and other quality defects using phase measuring profilometry (PMP). Techniques are established to improve SLI performance in the presence of strong interreflections. Approaches in compressed sensing are applied to SLI, and interreflections in a scene are modeled using SLI. Several different applications of this research are also discussed

    Capturing and Reconstructing the Appearance of Complex {3D} Scenes

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    In this thesis, we present our research on new acquisition methods for reflectance properties of real-world objects. Specifically, we first show a method for acquiring spatially varying densities in volumes of translucent, gaseous material with just a single image. This makes the method applicable to constantly changing phenomena like smoke without the use of high-speed camera equipment. Furthermore, we investigated how two well known techniques -- synthetic aperture confocal imaging and algorithmic descattering -- can be combined to help looking through a translucent medium like fog or murky water. We show that the depth at which we can still see an object embedded in the scattering medium is increased. In a related publication, we show how polarization and descattering based on phase-shifting can be combined for efficient 3D~scanning of translucent objects. Normally, subsurface scattering hinders the range estimation by offsetting the peak intensity beneath the surface away from the point of incidence. With our method, the subsurface scattering is reduced to a minimum and therefore reliable 3D~scanning is made possible. Finally, we present a system which recovers surface geometry, reflectance properties of opaque objects, and prevailing lighting conditions at the time of image capture from just a small number of input photographs. While there exist previous approaches to recover reflectance properties, our system is the first to work on images taken under almost arbitrary, changing lighting conditions. This enables us to use images we took from a community photo collection website