103 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Self- Efficacy on HIV/AIDS among Undergraduate Students of Madda Walabu University, Southeast Ethiopia

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    Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HIV AIDS has become increasingly public health problem worldwide Particularly in developing countries higher institutions like Ethiopia The victims are youngsters productive age of the population The primary prevention and control of the spread of HIV AIDS infection is through awareness and changing behavior remains at the highest priority However few studies have been conducted among university students of Ethiopia on their self-efficacy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome prevention and control Hence this research was intended to investigate the Knowledge and self-efficacy of Madda Walabu University Undergraduate Students on HIV AIDS Methods An institutional-based cross-sectional the study design was conducted among 605 under graduate students of MaddaWalabu University students were selected using random sampling and data were collected using by structured self-administered questionnaire Descriptive independent sample t-test and ANOVA were computed to analyze the data Result This study result shows that among the total study participants majority of the students 81 3 has ever experienced sexual relationship Nearly half 52 4 of the students use condom during sexual intercourse consistently About half 49 37 of them had moderate level of knowledge regarding Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome infection and of which only 28 4 of them had regular sexual partner Students level of knowledge regarding Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome significantly predictor of their level of self-efficacy and condom use R 0 445 and R2 0 198 Conclusion The knowledge students have on human immunodeficiency virus acquired immune deficiency syndrome significantly predicts self-efficacy of protecting oneself from HIV AIDS Most students at the age of adolescence habit sexual intercour

    Prenatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing and Patient Management by Obstetricians in a High Seroprevalence Community

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    Objective: In order to determine the practice habits of obstetricians concerning frequency of prenatal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing and management strategies for HIV-seropositive obstetric patients, we conducted a telephone survey of practicing obstetricians over a 3-month period

    Physicians and AIDS care: does knowledge influence their attitude and comfort in rendering care?

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    Adequate knowledge, positive attitude, and feeling of comfort are important factors in providing compassionate care to patients. The purpose of this study was to assess physicians' knowledge, attitude and global comfort in caring for patients with AIDS (PWA), to determine the sociodemographic variables that could influence physicians' attitude and global comfort, and to identify any relationship between their knowledge, attitude and comfort. Consultants and residents (N=211) in two Nigerian teaching hospitals were surveyed using a two-part questionnaire. Part I elicited sociodemographic and previous AIDS encounter information, and Part II assessed knowledge, attitude and global comfort with AIDS patients care. Nigerian physicians showed satisfactory knowledge, but they harbored negative attitude and low level of comfort in caring for PWA. Previous AIDS care experience, age and being a consultant or a senior resident influenced attitude, while male gender and knowing someone with AIDS influenced global comfort. Knowledge is weakly but positively associated with attitude, while attitude is modestly associated with comfort. The study reinforced the need for an ongoing education focused on experiential learning, and professional socialization in order to influence physicians' attitude and enhance their feeling of comfort when caring for PWA. African Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 14 (1-2) 2007: pp. 37-4

    Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among HIV patients in Benin City, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to determine the presence of intestinal parasites and their correlation with CD4+ T-cell counts and demographics among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients in Benin City, Nigeria. Stool specimens from 2,000 HIV-positive patients and 500 controls (HIV-negative individuals) were examined for ova, cysts, or parasites, using standard procedures. In addition, patient’s blood samples were analyzed for CD4 counts by flow cytometry. An overall prevalence rate of 15.3% was observed among HIVpositive patients while 6.2% was noted among non-HIV subjects. HIV status was a significant (PB0.0001) risk factor for acquiring intestinal parasitic infections. Male gender, CD4 count B200 cell/ml, and diarrhea were significantly associated with an increased prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among HIVpositive patients. The level of education, occupation, and source of water among HIV patients significantly (PB0.0001) affected the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections. Ascaris lumbricoides was the most predominant parasite in both HIV-positive patients and controls. A CD4 count B200 cells/ml was significantly associated with only Isospora belli and Cryptosporidium infections. The presence of pathogenic intestinal parasites such as A. lumbricoides, hookworm, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Trichuris trichiura, and Taenia species among HIV-infected persons should not be neglected. Cryptosporidium species and I. belli were the opportunistic parasites observed in this study. Routine screening for intestinal parasites in HIV-positive patients is advocated.Keywords: intestinal parasites; HIV; CD4 count; Demographics; Benin Cit

    The Prevalence of Intestinal Coccidian Parasites Burden in HIV/AIDS Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Centers in Mubi, Nigeria

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    Background: Intestinal coccidia are group of protozoa which parasitize the epithelial cells of the intestinal tract of their hosts. Most infections usually produce mild, self-limiting infections in man, but they now constitute a serious public health problem, especially in developing countries with inadequate sanitary conditions coupled with widespread HIV/AIDS infection.Objective: To determine the Prevalence of intestinal coccidian parasites burden in HIV/AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy in HIV Centers in Mubi, NigeriaMaterials and Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study in which stool specimens from  IV-positive patients on ART were examined for the presence ofoocysts of intestinal coccidian parasitesusing Modified Acid Fast Stain technique. In addition, patients’ blood samples were analyzed for CD4 count by flow cytometry and packed cell volume (PCV) through microhaematocrit centrifugation.Results A total of 305 specimens examined, 236(77.4%) were positive for Cryptosporidium parvum, Isospora belli and Microsporidium species. Patients within the age group of 21 – 30 were the most infected. Generally, the  duration of ART influenced the prevalence of the intestinal coccidian parasites. There was a highly significant  association between the CD4 count and prevalence coccidian parasites (p ˂ 0.05). There was a significant  negative correlation (r = -0.95) between the duration of the ART and the prevalence of coccidian presence.Conclusion: Routine screening of HIV-positive patients for intestinal parasites is advocated as standard operative procedure (SOP) before antiretroviral therapy (ART) is given. Construction of public health facilities, toilets and boreholes as well as public enlightenment campaign is recommended for more effective management of these patients.Keywords: intestinal coccidian parasites, antiretroviral therapy, Mubi Contexte: Les coccidies intestinales sont un groupe de protozoaires qui parasitent les cellules épithéliales du tube digestif de leurs hôtes. La plupart des infections humaines sont d'habitude peu sévères et autolimitées, mais elles constituent de nos jours un véritable problème de santé publique, particulièrement dans des pays en voie de développement où les conditions sanitaires sont inadéquates, et couplées à l'infection répanduedu VIH/SIDA.Objectif: Déterminer la fréquence de coccidies intestinales chezles patients atteints de VIH/SIDA sous traitement antirétroviral dans les Centres de contrôle de VIH de Mubi au Nigeria.Matérielset Méthodes: Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale dans laquelle les spécimens de selles des patients séropositifs au VIH et sous traitement antirétroviralétaient examinés en vue d’en dépister là la présence  d’oocystes de coccidies intestinales grâce à la technique de de coloration acido-résistante modifiée. De plus, les  prélèvements de sang des patients étaient analysés pour en déterminer le taux de CD4 et le taux demicro-hématocrite par les techniques de flux cytométrique et de centrifugation respectivement.Résultats: Untotal de 305 spécimens ont été examinés, 236 (77.4 %) étaient positifs pour le Cryptosporidiumparvum,le Isospora belli et les espèces de Microsporidie. Les patients dans la tranche d'âge de 21 – 30 ans étaient les plus infectés. Généralement, la durée du traitement antirétroviralinfluençait la fréquence des coccidies intestinales. Il y avait une association fortement significative entre le taux de CD4 et les infections(p< 0.05). Il existait une corrélation négative significative (r =-0.95) entre la durée detraitement antirétroviralet la fréquence de coccidies intestinales.Conclusion: Le dépistage de routine des patients séropositifs pour des parasites intestinaux est préconisé dans la procédure opératoire standard avant toute administration de thérapie antirétrovirale. La construction d'installations de santé publique, des toilettes et des puits de forage ainsi que des campagnes  d'éducationsanitaire sontfortement recommandées en vue d’une prise en charge effectivedes patients atteints de VIH.Mots-clés : coccidies intestinales, thérapie antirétrovirale, MubiArticle in English

    International response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: planning for success.

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    More assertive political leadership in the global response to AIDS in both poor and rich countries culminated in June 2001 at the UN General Assembly Special Session on AIDS. Delegates made important commitments there, and endorsed a global strategy framework for shifting the dynamics of the epidemic by simultaneously reducing risk, vulnerability and impact. This points the way to achievable progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Evidence of success in tackling the spread of AIDS comes from diverse programme areas, including work with sex workers and clients, injecting drug users, and young people. It also comes from diverse countries, including India, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Thailand, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia. Their common feature is the combination of focused approaches with attention to the societywide context within which risk occurs. Similarly, building synergies between prevention and care has underpinned success in Brazil and holds great potential for sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% reductions have been achieved in the prices at which antiretroviral drugs are available. Success also involves overcoming stigma, which undermines community action and blocks access to services. Work against stigma and discrimination has been effectively carried out in both health sector and occupational settings. Accompanying attention to the conditions for success against HIV/AIDS is global consensus on the need for additional resources. The detailed estimate of required AIDS spending in low- and middle-income countries is US9.2billionannually,comparedtothe 9.2 billion annually, compared to the 2 billion currently spent. Additional spending should be mobilized by the new global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, but needs to be joined by additional government and private efforts within countries, including from debt relief. Commitment and capacity to scale up HIV prevention and care have never been stronger. The moment must be seized to prevent a global catastrophe

    Prevenção de HIV-Aids na concepção de jovens soropositivos

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a concepção de jovens soropositivos sobre como prevenir a infecção pelo HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com jovens soropositivos cujo diagnóstico foi feito na adolescência havia no máximo 5 anos. Seguimos roteiro semiestruturado contendo dados sociodemográficos e pergunta aberta sobre prevenção de HIV-Aids. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra, sendo analisadas com apoio do software webQDA. Utilizamos as categorias que compõem o conceito de vulnerabilidade como base teórica para a análise dos dados. RESULTADOS: Entrevistamos 39 jovens, 23 do sexo feminino e 16 do masculino. Alguns percebem a prevenção da infecção pelo HIV apenas como uma questão individual, resumindo-a ao uso do preservativo e ao autocuidado. A maior parte dos interlocutores aponta estratégias educativas como as mais relevantes para a prevenção, mas utilizadas de forma permanente e não pontual. Nas escolas, acreditam ser necessário incluir alunos mais novos e a família. As orientações devem ser ministradas por pessoas que utilizam a linguagem dos jovens e de preferência por soropositivos, para mostrar a realidade da vida de quem tem Aids. No campo programático, indicam intensificação das campanhas na mídia, distribuição de camisinha em larga escala, produção de vacinas e medicamentos que curem. Não houve menção ao preservativo feminino, ao teste rápido, à disponibilidade de atendimento em saúde sexual e reprodutiva. CONCLUSÕES: A qualificação e ampliação das estratégias de comunicação sobre sexualidade nas escolas é urgente e essencial na prevenção de HIV e Aids na adolescência, ao contrário da tendência que hoje se verifica de restrição da discussão sobre esses temas nas políticas de educação.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the conception of seropositive young people on how to prevent HIV infection. METHODS: This is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with HIV-positive young people whose diagnosis was made in adolescence 5 years ago or less. We followed a semi-structured script containing sociodemographic data and an open question on HIV/AIDS prevention. The interviews were recorded and fully transcribed, then analyzed with the support of the webQDA software. We used the categories that compose the concept of vulnerability as a theoretical basis for data analysis. RESULTS: We interviewed 39 young people, 23 girls and 16 boys. Some perceive the prevention of HIV infection only as an individual issue, summarizing it to the use of condoms and self-care. Most of the interlocutors point out educational strategies as the most relevant for prevention but used in a permanent and non-punctual way. In schools, they believe it is necessary to include younger students and their family. Guidelines should be given by people who can use the language of young people and preferably by HIV-positive people, to show the reality of those who have AIDS. In the programmatic field, they suggest intensifying campaigns in the media, distributing condoms in large scale, producing vaccines and medicines that cure. No one mentioned the female condom, the rapid test, nor the availability of sexual and reproductive health care. CONCLUSIONS: The qualification and expansion of communication strategies on sexuality in schools is urgent and essential in HIV and AIDS prevention in adolescence, contrary to the current trend of restricting the discussion of these topics in education policies

    Conhecimento de HIV/Aids entre homens que fazem sexo com homens: teoria de resposta ao item

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge among men who have sex with men in Brazil using the latent trait model estimated by Item Response Theory. METHODS Multicenter, cross-sectional study, carried out in ten Brazilian cities between 2008 and 2009. Adult men who have sex with men were recruited (n = 3,746) through Respondent Driven Sampling. HIV/AIDS knowledge was ascertained through ten statements by face-to-face interview and latent scores were obtained through two-parameter logistic modeling (difficulty and discrimination) using Item Response Theory. Differential item functioning was used to examine each item characteristic curve by age and schooling. RESULTS Overall, the HIV/AIDS knowledge scores using Item Response Theory did not exceed 6.0 (scale 0-10), with mean and median values of 5.0 (SD = 0.9) and 5.3, respectively, with 40.7% of the sample with knowledge levels below the average. Some beliefs still exist in this population regarding the transmission of the virus by insect bites, by using public restrooms, and by sharing utensils during meals. With regard to the difficulty and discrimination parameters, eight items were located below the mean of the scale and were considered very easy, and four items presented very low discrimination parameter (< 0.34). The absence of difficult items contributed to the inaccuracy of the measurement of knowledge among those with median level and above. CONCLUSIONS Item Response Theory analysis, which focuses on the individual properties of each item, allows measures to be obtained that do not vary or depend on the questionnaire, which provides better ascertainment and accuracy of knowledge scores. Valid and reliable scales are essential for monitoring HIV/AIDS knowledge among the men who have sex with men population over time and in different geographic regions, and this psychometric model brings this advantage.OBJETIVO Avaliar o nível de conhecimento de HIV/Aids entre homens que fazem sexo com homens no Brasil, utilizando o modelo de traço latente da Teoria de Resposta ao Item. MÉTODOS Estudo multicêntrico, transversal, que ocorreu entre 2008 e 2009 em 10 cidades brasileiras. Foram recrutados 3.746 homens que fazem sexo com homens pela técnica amostral Respondent Driven Sampling. O conhecimento em HIV/Aids foi apurado a partir de dez afirmativas da entrevista realizada face a face e os escores foram obtidos utilizando o modelo logístico de dois parâmetros (discriminação e dificuldade) da Teoria de Resposta ao Item. O funcionamento diferencial dos itens foi verificado, analisando as curvas características dos itens pela idade e escolaridade. RESULTADOS Os escores de conhecimento estimados pela Teoria de Resposta ao Item não ultrapassaram o valor 6,0 (escala de 0-10), com média e mediana de 5,0 (DP = 0,9) e 5,3, respectivamente, e com 40,7% da amostra com níveis de conhecimento abaixo da média. Algumas crenças ainda existem nessa população sobre a transmissão do vírus por picadas de insetos, pelo uso de banheiros públicos e pelo compartilhamento de utensílios durante as refeições. Com relação aos parâmetros dificuldade e discriminação, oito itens ficaram abaixo da média da escala de conhecimento e considerados muito fáceis, e quatro itens apresentaram parâmetros de discriminação muito baixos (< 0,34). A ausência de itens difíceis contribuiu para a imprecisão da medida do conhecimento entre aqueles com nível médio e superior. CONCLUSÕES A análise da Teoria de Resposta ao Item, centrada nas propriedades individuais de cada item, permite a obtenção de medidas que não variam ou dependem do questionário utilizado, o que proporciona uma melhor apuração e precisão dos escores de conhecimento. Escalas válidas e confiáveis são fundamentais para monitorar o conhecimento em HIV/Aids nessa população ao longo do tempo e em diferentes regiões geográficas, vantagem que esse modelo psicométrico traz
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